Search warrant: court, with probable cause, may authorize re OWI violations - Act 183
Income tax reciprocity agreements reached with other states: JCF approval required [Sec. 2117e, 2226e, em] [vetoed] - Act 55
``Internal Revenue Code" definition modified and outdated references eliminated; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 2107-2111, 2228-2237, 2249-2253, 2347-2351, 2357-2361] - Act 55
Support accounts for individuals with disabilities (ABLE accounts): provisions authorizing creation repealed; tax benefit contributions to accounts in other states continues; excluded from income re long-term care program eligibility; Internal Revenue Code provisions - Act 312
Tax administration technical changes - Act 216
Tax law administration revisions re factors to determine if a transaction has economic substance for income and franchise purposes and taxpayer penalties for failure to comply with a summons seeking certain records and documents - Act 218
Taxpayer does not have right to, or interest in, refundable tax credits or overpayments until setoff is completed [Sec. 2455-2458, 2462, 2464, 2525, 9337 (3)] - Act 55
income tax _ creditIncome tax -- Credit
Federal historic rehabilitation tax credit supplement: WEDC certification requirements created, City of Green Bay provision [Sec. 2210d, 2337d, 2445d] - Act 55
Jobs tax credit appropriation changed to sum sufficient [Sec. 848] - Act 55
TANF block grants and Child Care Development Funds allocations modified; EITC provision [Sec. 1741, 1745-1749, 1750, 1751-1758, 1759-1960] - Act 55
income tax _ deductionIncome tax -- Deduction, see also Corporation -- Taxation
Alternative minimum tax to use federal exemption amounts [Sec. 2213d, 9337 (4d), 9437 (2d)] - Act 55
College savings program: income tax subtraction modified and account balance maximum set [Sec. 316d, de, 2118d, dd, 2123g-gg, 9337 (5j)] - Act 55
Expenses of elementary and secondary school teachers: adopting federal income tax deduction provisions [Sec. 2464e] - Act 55
Income computation for income tax purposes: exclusion for job creation sunsetted [Sec. 2124d, 2246d, 2366d] - Act 55
Income tax standard deduction for married tax filers revised [Sec. 2124s-se] - Act 55
State of emergency declared by the Governor: exemptions from certain taxes, fees, and licensing or permit requirements for work performed by non-Wisconsin residents or businesses; JSCTE appendix report - Act 84
Support accounts for individuals with disabilities (ABLE accounts): provisions authorizing creation repealed; tax benefit contributions to accounts in other states continues; excluded from income re long-term care program eligibility; Internal Revenue Code provisions - Act 312
Support accounts for individuals with disabilities created, based on the federal ABLE program [Sec. 316e, 2118e, f, 2124e, 2186s, 9337 (2j)] - Act 55
income tax _ delinquentIncome tax -- Delinquent
Property of a delinquent taxpayer: sale and auction provisions revised [Sec. 2459, 2460, 4622, 9337 (1)] - Act 55
income tax _ refundIncome tax -- Refund
Ambulance services: county or municipality may certify to DOR for collection of debts from tax refunds - Act 59
income tax _ returnIncome tax -- Return
Income tax checkoff limitations: threshold revised [Sec. 2226b] - Act 55
indian gaming and compactsIndian gaming and compacts
Aquaculture specialist funding from Indian gaming receipts [Sec. 806g, r, 9448 (5j)] [vetoed] - Act 55
Tribal college payments from Indian gaming receipts created; certain veteran tuition reimbursement program repealed [Sec. 559m, 768t, 808m, 1370m, 1447m, 4316m] - Act 55
indians and tribal issuesIndians and tribal issues
Alzheimer’s Family and Caregiver Support Program: DHS funding for respite care, financial eligibility, and participation by tribes or bands - Act 273
Child or family support income withholding orders; deferred prosecution agreements re domestic abuse surcharge and GPS surcharge; certain DCF and DHS appropriations modified; home visitation program grants; references to Milwaukee County by population - Act 172
Corr.Dept to charge a fee to probationers, parolees, and persons on extended supervision who are placed with the county or tribal governing body pending disposition of revocation proceedings; reimbursement to counties and tribal governing bodies provisions modified - Act 164
DVA grants to counties and tribes for improvement of services revisions and expenses eligible for reimbursement specified [Sec. 1465, 1465m-o] - Act 55
Local roads improvement program: reimbursement provisions modified re use of tribal government funds [Sec. 2595m, n] - Act 55
Pupil records pertinent to pupil’s educational needs: disclosure to DCF and certain county departments or tribal organization legally responsible for the pupil permitted; conditions and memorandum of understanding provisions - Act 161
Tribal college-county joint library allowed to participate in a public library system - Act 306
Tribal college payments from Indian gaming receipts created; certain veteran tuition reimbursement program repealed [Sec. 559m, 768t, 808m, 1370m, 1447m, 4316m] - Act 55
WC coverage for students at institutions of higher education who are part of a school work training or work study program [Sec. 2746-2751, 2878] - Act 55
indians, menomineeIndians, Menominee
Educational Opportunity, Office of, created in the UW System; additional charter school authorizers permitted; reports required; charter school contracts provisions [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``University of Wisconsin”] - Act 55
Broadband infrastructure: PSC duties imposed re expansion grant program, underserved areas, promotion of economic development, model ordinance, and certification as a Broadband Forward! community - Act 278
Business development tax credit created; sunset provisions [Sec. 849, 2118, 2183, 2213, 2222, 2227, 2316, 2346, 2352, 2367, 2432, 2454, 3991n, o, 3996, 4006, 4010b, 9450 (2b)] - Act 55
Development zone tax credits that expired repealed; research credit calculation modified [Sec. 850-853, 2119, 2124, 2125-2150, 2184-2186g, 2214-2221, 2247, 2248, 2254-2285, 2317-2322, 2340-2345, 2368-2399, 2433-2437, 2448-2453, 2467b, 2497-2504b, 3971b, 3998b-4001c, 4025b] - Act 55
DWD appropriations for various workforce training programs consolidated into a single appropriation for workforce training grants (Fast Forward); annual report modified - Act 348
Fabrication laboratories: WEDC grants created; conditions and definition provisions [Sec. 3979n] - Act 55
Manufacturing and agriculture credit and community development finance credit: percentage revised and interest provision [Sec. 2206d, 2213f, 2333d, 2339d] - Act 55
Manufacturing and agriculture tax credit: technical changes [Sec. 2204-2206, 2331-2333, 9337(2), 9437(1)] - Act 55
Municipal liquor license quota system revisions, fee provision - Act 286
Personal care product containing microbeads: manufacture and sale prohibitions created; over-the-counter drug and ordinance provisions - Act 43
St. Croix Valley Business Incubator: WEDC grant to the River Valley Economic Development Corporation, federal moneys provision [Sec. 3977m] - Act 55
TID revisions re maintenance of industrial zoning, planning commission notice for amendments, removing obsolete references, timing penalty, joint review board review period, and levy limit exception calculation - Act 256
TID revisions re political subdivisions required to convene a standing joint review board and annual report filed with DOR, duties specified; DOR review process re industry-specific town TID repealed - Act 257
WEDC unassigned balance policy established and submitted to JCF and JLAC; economic development grants awarded [Sec. 3960g, 9150 (5d), (5dc)] [9150 (5dc) -- vetoed] - Act 55
information system or technologyInformation system or technology, see Data processing
Chiropractic treatment: OCI rule-making authority re independent dispute resolution process, emergency rules provision [Sec. 4590r, 9122 (1v)] [vetoed] - Act 55
Insurance statutes: miscellaneous changes - Act 90
Qualified financial contracts and certain agreements: staying or prevention of a person from exercising certain rights prohibited - Act 326
Structured settlement transfer procedure created - Act 94
insurance _ agentInsurance -- Agent
Insurance statutes: miscellaneous changes - Act 90
insurance _ commissioner, office ofInsurance -- Commissioner, Office of
Care management organizations: DHS may contract with a county or long-term care district to operate outside their geographic area; disposition of property and assets upon dissolution of a long-term care district; creation of nonstock, nonprofit corporation or service insurance corporation provisions; OCI duties - Act 215
Chiropractic treatment: OCI rule-making authority re independent dispute resolution process, emergency rules provision [Sec. 4590r, 9122 (1v)] [vetoed] - Act 55
Health insurance mandate statute: definition modified and social and financial impact report by OCI requirements - Act 288
HIRSP appropriations repealed in 2015 WisAct 55: date of repeal extended - Act 85
Insurance statutes: miscellaneous changes - Act 90
Out-of-state risk retention groups authorized to provide health care liability insurance [Sec. 4583m, 4594g, m] - Act 55
BadgerCare Plus: three months of ineligibility for certain individuals eliminated [Sec. 1810-1813] - Act 55
Chiropractic treatment: OCI rule-making authority re independent dispute resolution process, emergency rules provision [Sec. 4590r, 9122 (1v)] [vetoed] - Act 55
Health insurance mandate statute: definition modified and social and financial impact report by OCI requirements - Act 288
Insurance statutes: miscellaneous changes - Act 90
MA demonstration project re health care coverage for low-income, childless adults under age 65: DHS to request amendment to DHHS wavier; quarterly report to JCF required [Sec. 1796, 1797, 9118 (6)] [1797 -- partial veto] - Act 55
Out-of-state risk retention groups authorized to provide health care liability insurance [Sec. 4583m, 4594g, m] - Act 55
Pharmacy benefit manager pricing transparency requirements created, definition provisions [Sec. 4590p, 9422 (2j)] - Act 55
School-based health services to MA-eligible children: excess of certain amounts deposited in MA trust fund for children's long-term care services and other children's services [Sec. 690, 1030, 1800] - Act 55
Technical college districts may jointly provide health care benefits on a self-insured basis; stop loss insurance provision, school districts, and local governmental units provisions [Sec. 1912v, 1950-1952, 3389n-r, 3391d, 4046, 4591] - Act 55
insurance _ life and accidentInsurance -- Life and accident