Charge-back of property taxes rescinded or refunded by a taxation district: DOR duties; TID and equalized value determination provisions -
Act 317CPR, CCR, and AED instruction required in grades 7 to 12 -
Act 390Election law revisions re write-in candidate registration, reconvening of board of canvassers to count absentee and provisional ballots, caucus used to nominate certain candidates, date an ordinance or resolution must be submitted to electors at the next election, affixing a sticker to a ballot, and a school board referendum -
Act 37Environmental remediation project on school district-owned property: funding provisions [Sec. 1006t, 2010e-2012m, 3395m, 3421r, t] -
Act 55High school graduation standards: school board authority expanded [Sec. 3266b, c, f] -
Act 55Interscholastic athletics and extracurricular activities: school boards to permit pupils enrolled in home-based educational programs to participate, fee provision [Sec. 3245t] [partial veto] -
Act 55Local government property insurance fund: rate regulations, assessment levies, and paying dividend requirements created -
Act 325Pupil records pertinent to pupil’s educational needs: disclosure to DCF and certain county departments or tribal organization legally responsible for the pupil permitted; conditions and memorandum of understanding provisions -
Act 161Reading readiness assessments: school boards and charter school operators to select, DPI duties [Sec. 3245c-h, k, L] -
Act 55Representation and apportionment plans for election of members of certain unified school districts [Sec. 3391e-s, 9134 (5f)] -
Act 55School board given authority to sell excess school district property [Sec. 3387p] -
Act 55School board member compatible positions: exception for volunteer coach or supervisor of an extracurricular activity -
Act 92Teacher and principal effectiveness evaluation may not include pupil assessment in evaluation score; DPI prohibited from issuing school accountability report for 2014-15 school year -
Act 20Vacancies on a school board of a common, union high, or unified school district: appointment provisions revised; primary for election in certain election districts required; adoption of apportionment plan after decennial census required -
Act 63Whole grade sharing agreement: school boards of two or more districts authorized to enter; conditions specified and DPI duties [Sec. 2009, 2010, 3186, 3220, 3221-3224, 3225-3228, 3229, 3243-3245, 3246, 3303, 3306, 3393, 3394, 3397, 3404, 3411] -
Act 55Firearm possession in a school zone: exemption for qualified law enforcement and former law enforcement officers; trespass provision -
Act 23Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program for first class cities created; commissioner, advisory council, and county executive duties specified; transfer of schools to the program; surplus property and sale of school buildings provisions [Sec. 63m, 64m, 66d-67r, 567m, 1389f, 1907p, 1923m, 1948f, p, 1966m, 3184p, r, 3229r, s, 3245s, 3248h, 3266h, m, o, 3358b-w, 3384c-3386t, 3387n, 3391dm, 3483g, r, 4702r, 9334 (3j)] [3387n -- partial veto] -
Act 55Private schools participating in school choice program revisions re occupancy permit and retaining documents in electronic form [Sec. 3355s, t, 3382t] -
Act 55Student safety incident tracking pilot program re crime and other incidents on school property, transportation, or sanctioned events: DPI to develop, voluntary participation of 3 school districts, and personally identifiable information provision; report required -
Act 228Consolidated school districts: revenue limit revised [Sec. 3395t, v, 3396p, 3421k] -
Act 55High cost transportation aid eligibility revised [Sec. 3407-3410] -
Act 55Pupil transportation aid amount per pupil increased and independent charter school is eligible under certain conditions [Sec. 3280, 3400-3403, 3405, 3406] -
Act 55Pupils attending a school out-of-state: tuition and transportation payments revised [Sec. 3411e-n, 9334 (3c), (3d)] -
Act 55Special Transfer Program (Chapter 220), closed to new pupils; exceptions modified and intradistrict and interdistrict transfer funding provisions [Sec. 3412-3419] -
Act 55Student safety incident tracking pilot program re crime and other incidents on school property, transportation, or sanctioned events: DPI to develop, voluntary participation of 3 school districts, and personally identifiable information provision; report required -
Act 228Career and technical education incentive grants transferred to DWD; DPI provision [Sec. 564, 727b-730, 1421, 3081d-3090, 3193b-bi] -
Act 55Civics exam as condition for high school diploma, independent audit of private schools participating in a parental choice program, and school and school district accountability reports: requirements created in 2015 WisAct 55 modified -
Act 212Civics test requirement for high school diploma [Sec. 3187m, 3266b, e, g, n, p-v, 3391b, c] -
Act 55High school graduation standards: school board authority expanded [Sec. 3266b, c, f] -
Act 55Interscholastic athletics and extracurricular activities: school boards to permit pupils enrolled in home-based educational programs to participate, fee provision [Sec. 3245t] [partial veto] -
Act 55Literacy improvement and literacy development grants revised and authority transferred to DCF from the Governor; Read to Lead Development Council transferred to DCF from the Office of the Governor, membership revised, fund sunsetted [Sec. 65, 65b, 78-86, 88-93, 568, 568b, 720d, 723d, 811, 812, 1007, 1007b, 1031, 1031b, 1678m-s, 9406 (1q)] [65b, 568b, 720d, 723d, 1007b, 1031b, 1678m, r, s, 9406 (1q) -- vetoed] -
Act 55Public school pupil taking courses at another educational institution: program revisions and tuition provision [Sec. 3309i-x, 3310g, r] -
Act 55Remedial courses in English and math: UW System required to report on high schools with graduates who, based on placement tests, are required to take; Superintendent of Public Instruction duties -
Act 28Robotics competition participation: DPI to award grants to teams of pupils in grades 9 to 12; sunset and matching funds provisions -
Act 280School accountability report performance categories replaced with letter grades and other revisions; Superintendent of Public Instruction duties revised; UW--Madison Value-Added Research Center to approve alternative examinations a school may consider; waiver requirement and JCF duties [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under “School – Evaluation and testing”] -
Act 55School board member compatible positions: exception for volunteer coach or supervisor of an extracurricular activity -
Act 92Technical college admissions: age restriction does not apply to individual enrolled in a home-based private educational program [Sec. 1334m, 9343 (3f)] -
Act 55Vocational education subjects: experience-based method to obtain a license to teach a technical education subject expanded to include; definition provision -
Act 259Whole grade sharing agreement: school boards of two or more districts authorized to enter; conditions specified and DPI duties [Sec. 2009, 2010, 3186, 3220, 3221-3224, 3225-3228, 3229, 3243-3245, 3246, 3303, 3306, 3393, 3394, 3397, 3404, 3411] -
Act 55Student safety incident tracking pilot program re crime and other incidents on school property, transportation, or sanctioned events: DPI to develop, voluntary participation of 3 school districts, and personally identifiable information provision; report required -
Act 228Teacher's aide qualifications re private schools participating in parental choice program [Sec. 3355r, 3382r] -
Act 55Civics exam as condition for high school diploma, independent audit of private schools participating in a parental choice program, and school and school district accountability reports: requirements created in 2015 WisAct 55 modified -
Act 212Pupil assessment: ninth grade examination in fall session requirement eliminated [Sec. 3249, 3251, 3254, 3257] -
Act 55School accountability report performance categories replaced with letter grades and other revisions; Superintendent of Public Instruction duties revised; UW--Madison Value-Added Research Center to approve alternative examinations a school may consider; waiver requirement and JCF duties [Sec. 561, 3184m, 3185, 3189, 3194-3211, 3247, 3248b, c, 3250, 3252, 3253, 3255, 3256, 3258, 3259-3266, 3267, 3268, 3269, 3270, 3279, 3312, 3356, 3383, 3388] [3248c -- vetoed; 3248b -- partial veto] -
Act 55School accountability report published by DPI: schools included in the report required to include a link on their Internet page -
Act 338Teacher and principal effectiveness evaluation may not include pupil assessment in evaluation score; DPI prohibited from issuing school accountability report for 2014-15 school year -
Act 20Consolidated school districts: revenue limit revised [Sec. 3395t, v, 3396p, 3421k] -
Act 55Environmental remediation project on school district-owned property: funding provisions [Sec. 1006t, 2010e-2012m, 3395m, 3421r, t] -
Act 55Public school pupil taking courses at another educational institution: program revisions and tuition provision [Sec. 3309i-x, 3310g, r] -
Act 55Pupils attending a school out-of-state: tuition and transportation payments revised [Sec. 3411e-n, 9334 (3c), (3d)] -
Act 55School district membership defined for state aid and revenue limit purposes; charter schools and parental choice program provisions [Sec. 3215d, 3393s, 3395d, 3396n, 3398d, f, 3411s, 3421d, p, t] -
Act 55Special Needs Scholarship Program and revenue limit adjustment for school districts with incoming choice pupils revisions -
Act 289CPR, CCR, and AED instruction required in grades 7 to 12 -
Act 390Interscholastic athletics and extracurricular activities: school boards to permit pupils enrolled in home-based educational programs to participate, fee provision [Sec. 3245t] [partial veto] -
Act 55Mental health services in schools: DHS cannot require mental health clinic or licensed treatment professional from designating a school site as a clinic in order to provide services; MA reimbursement for licensed treatment professionals -
Act 294School-based health services to MA-eligible children: excess of certain amounts deposited in MA trust fund for children's long-term care services and other children's services [Sec. 690, 1030, 1800] -
Act 55School board member compatible positions: exception for volunteer coach or supervisor of an extracurricular activity -
Act 92Food protection practices certificate issued by DHS required to operate a school lunchroom in schools participating in the National School Lunch Program -
Act 46School district sparsity aid criteria revised and alternate data collection method re income eligibility re free or reduced-price lunch program [Sec. 3188, 3192, 3212-3215, 3302, 3307, 3310, 3311, 3387, 3389, 3391, 3398, 3420] -
Act 55Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program created re low-income students; DPI duties and SAGE provisions -
Act 53Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program: various changes re 2015 WisAct 53; definition provision -
Act 71Open enrollment for pupils receiving special education services revisions [Sec. 563p, 3306e-t, 3307p-3309h, 3411r, 3421q, 9334 (2d)] -
Act 55Per pupil aid modified [Sec. 3216d, f] -
Act 55Racine Parental Choice Program and statewide parental choice program changes re cap, payments, equalization aid formula, and new choice pupils [Sec. 3313, 3319, 3323m, 3324-3330, 3340g, 3352, 3358] -
Act 55School district membership defined for state aid and revenue limit purposes; charter schools and parental choice program provisions [Sec. 3215d, 3393s, 3395d, 3396n, 3398d, f, 3411s, 3421d, p, t] -
Act 55School district sparsity aid criteria revised and alternate data collection method re income eligibility re free or reduced-price lunch program [Sec. 3188, 3192, 3212-3215, 3302, 3307, 3310, 3311, 3387, 3389, 3391, 3398, 3420] -
Act 55Sparsity aid: DPI to pay unexpended amount to certain school districts; school district membership cap increased -
Act 305Special education: formula revised for additional aid for costs over set amount [Sec. 3229h] -
Act 55Special education transition grants created [Sec. 563m, 3229p] -
Act 55Special Transfer Program (Chapter 220), closed to new pupils; exceptions modified and intradistrict and interdistrict transfer funding provisions [Sec. 3412-3419] -
Act 55Supplemental special education aid for school district with special circumstances created [Sec. 3229j-n] -
Act 55Expenses of elementary and secondary school teachers: adopting federal income tax deduction provisions [Sec. 2464e] -
Act 55