Special prosecutor to assist DA: court may appoint in certain counties, DOA certification of backlog provision [Sec. 2261qm, rm, rt] - Act 59
attorney _ feeAttorney -- Fee
Indigency determination not required before SPD appoints an attorney to represent a parent re proceedings under Children’s Code or Juvenile Justice Code; attorney fees and recusal provisions (remedial legislation) - Act 359
attorney generalAttorney General, see also Justice, Department of
Administrative subpoenas issued in the investigation of Internet crimes against children expanded to include human trafficking crimes and hotels and possible recipients - Act 173
AG and deputy AG: posting bond when taking office requirement eliminated [Sec. 177, 1672] - Act 59
AG power to appoint solicitor general and deputy solicitors general eliminated; approval to compromise or discontinue an action DOJ is prosecuting changed to JCF instead of Governor, intervenor provision - Act 369
Discretionary settlement funds: AG to submit plan for expenditure of certain funds to JCF [Sec. 1672g] - Act 59
Party alleging a statute is unconstitutional or preempted by federal law, or challenge to construction or validity of a statute, required to serve a copy of the proceedings to Assembly speaker, Senate president, and Senate majority leader; right of Assembly, Senate, and JCLO to intervene, participate, and retain legal counsel - Act 369
School Safety, Office of, created in DOJ; school safety plan provisions including on-site assessment by law enforcement and annual drills; mandatory reporting of threats of violence; DOJ grants for school safety; open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated; reports and penalty provisions - Act 143
atv _all_terrain vehicle_ATV (All-terrain vehicle), see Recreation vehicle
Sale of foreclosed property: county ordinance requiring sheriff or referee to use an Internet-based auction authorized; priority lien provisions - Act 208
State or political subdivision general sales prohibition: exceptions created; online auction provision - Act 65
Technical college scholarships funded through participation in an auction of digital broadcast spectrum; trust and investment provisions [Sec. 632m, 985h, k] - Act 59
auctioneerAuctioneer, see Auction
audiovisual worksAudiovisual works, see Data processing
automated teller machine _atm_Automated teller machine (ATM), see Bank
Airport and spaceport approach protection: ordinance cannot prohibit use of physical barrier in lieu of certain drainage requirement re storm retention pond [Sec. 1460m] [vetoed] - Act 59
Airport improvement project funding to Alexander Field airport and Appleton International airport [Sec. 359nq, 9145 (3i)] - Act 59
Drone definition modified; political subdivision ordinance governing certain aircraft or aeronautics restricted but may enact ordinance limiting use of drones by the political subdivision - Act 322
Credit card reencoders and scanners and identity theft crimes created; civil liability immunity for ATM operators and motor vehicle fuel sellers - Act 54
Financial institution information disclosed to a Federal Home Loan Bank; injunctions against a Federal Home Loan Bank; periodic examinations of financial institutions by Division of Banking and Office of Credit Unions; limit on savings bank loans to one borrower; interest on residential mortgage loan escrow accounts; security of public deposits; capital reduction by state banks; insurance company liquidation proceedings; and exemption from overtime pay requirements for outside salespersons [Admin.Code DWD 274.04] - Act 340
bank _ deposit _ publicBank -- Deposit -- Public
Financial institution information disclosed to a Federal Home Loan Bank; injunctions against a Federal Home Loan Bank; periodic examinations of financial institutions by Division of Banking and Office of Credit Unions; limit on savings bank loans to one borrower; interest on residential mortgage loan escrow accounts; security of public deposits; capital reduction by state banks; insurance company liquidation proceedings; and exemption from overtime pay requirements for outside salespersons [Admin.Code DWD 274.04] - Act 340
banking, division ofBanking, Division of
Financial institution information disclosed to a Federal Home Loan Bank; injunctions against a Federal Home Loan Bank; periodic examinations of financial institutions by Division of Banking and Office of Credit Unions; limit on savings bank loans to one borrower; interest on residential mortgage loan escrow accounts; security of public deposits; capital reduction by state banks; insurance company liquidation proceedings; and exemption from overtime pay requirements for outside salespersons [Admin.Code DWD 274.04] - Act 340
Continuing education requirements for cosmetologists, aestheticians, manicurists, electrologists, and barbers changed; digest and one-hour course on statute and rule changes required - Act 81
Cosmetology, aesthetics, manicuring, and barbering: practicing outside of a licensed establishment permitted under set conditions; separate licensure for managers and instructor certificate eliminated, use of certified instructor title restrictions - Act 82
bayfield countyBayfield County
Cable, Town of, allowed to create a TID in the same manner as a city or village, limits specified - Act 292
bear hunting or pursuitBear hunting or pursuit, see Hunting
Beekeeping: sales and use tax exemptions for farming businesses extended to include [Sec. 1171r, 1177d, 1185p-w, 1187j-n, 9438 (4i)] - Act 59
Soda water beverage sellers: local authority to issue licenses repealed [Sec. 984j-jd, 1643d-t] - Act 59
State veterans organizations: sales and use tax exemption created for sales to and consumption of products by; exception for food and beverages sold by - Act 190
Bicycles and motor bicycles operated on state trails during hours of darkness: DNR rules revised re lighting requirements [Admin.Code NR 45.05] - Act 301
Condemnation authority cannot be used for establishing or extending a recreational trail, pedestrian way, or bikeway or lane [Sec. 510m, 554g, 565g-w, 585g, r, 981m, 982p-pt, qs, r, 1224t, 2262y, 9352 (5t)] [981m -- partial veto] - Act 59
Nonconforming outdoor advertising signs: conditions for removal of nonconforming off-property signs revised - Act 320
Electrical wiring code for certain housing review by DSPS; legal description for easements re sewer lines or facilities; development-related permits from more than one political subdivision; exemption from highway weight limits for vehicles delivering propane; review or report on bills and proposed administrative rules that affect housing modified; property owner rights regarding assessment; and maintenance and construction activities on certain structures under a county shoreland zoning ordinance - Act 68
Physical medicine pilot program: DHS to study and implement if authorized by legislature [Sec. 9120 (4g)] - Act 59
Prosecutor Board established; State Prosecutors Office created and attached to DOA; automated justice information system and administrative rules and bills affecting the State Prosecutors Office provisions [Sec. 1e, L, 31n, 68g, 171b, c, 460r, 507g, 508f, 1712h, 1740g, 1758g, 1762s, 2261g-q, r, s, 2262c-g, 9101 (7p), 9401 (1p)] [vetoed] - Act 59
Railroad corporation acquisition of property by condemnation: in certain cases, legislation required that the acquisition serves the public interest [Sec. 585i, k] [vetoed] - Act 59
Required general fund structural balance does not apply to legislation adopted in the 2017-18 legislative session [Sec. 9152 (1i)] - Act 59
Social and financial impact report requirements for bills and amendments containing health insurance mandates clarified; OCI and LRB duties - Act 239
UW--Oshkosh Foundation, Inc.: transferring funds to prohibited without legislative enactment [Sec. 602r] - Act 59
Bingo and raffle law changes (remedial legislation) - Act 361
Bergstrom Waterfowl Complex: DOT to erect direction signs along STH 54, contributions from interested parties provision [Sec. 1227d, dm, p, t] - Act 59
Canada goose hunting: reporting requirements revised [Sec. 572ng, nj] - Act 59
Deer and wild turkey carcass tag requirements eliminated; wild turkey hunting authorization and car-kill deer or wild turkey provisions [Sec. 572b-n, o-q, 576g, r, 578b-y, 579e-581r, 582r] - Act 59
Elk damage abatement: crops or grasses grown for bird hunting preserve made eligible, fencing provision [Sec. 582m, p] - Act 59
Pheasant hunting on DNR managed land, fee provision [Sec. 242, 512m] - Act 59
Pole trap or elevated perch used to capture or kill any bird: maximum height increased; valid migratory bird depredation permit required - Act 169
Uniform end date for open hunting and trapping seasons for specified animals required; conditions for closing the season or changing the end date set - Act 63
Wild turkey hunting license and tag cumulative preference system: exemption for residents who are recipients of the Purple Heart Medal and disabled veterans - Act 14
birth certificateBirth certificate, see Vital statistics
DHS Office of Inspector General audit of family planning service reimbursements paid to covered entities under MA; percentage of overpayment recoveries budgeted in the 2019-21 biennium for specified appropriations [Sec. 379ar, as, 9120 (6p), (6t), 9220 (5p)-(5s), 9420 (4b)] - Act 59
blastingBlasting, see Explosive
blue bookBlue Book
Cheese designated as the state dairy product; Blue Book provision - Act 8
Ginseng designated as the state herb; Blue Book provision - Act 86
board of healthBoard of health, see Public health
boatBoat, see also Harbor
Boat shelter definition revised [Sec. 584g-m] - Act 59