Electric energy derived from renewable resources: appropriation created for DOA, DOC, DHS, DPI, DVA, and the UW System [Sec. 205, 206, 221, 222, 365, 366, 375, 376, 413, 414, 447, 448] -
Act 59Landlord and tenant regulations revised; political subdivision authority modified re historic properties, municipal dwelling inspection, levy limit reduction and garbage collection exception, and certain fees; public utility service to rental dwelling units; municipal utility arrearage collection; eviction action procedural changes; removing case management information from CCAP; open housing law re service, assistance, or emotional support animals; municipal administrative review; enforcement of rental unit energy efficiency program; local government rental property inspection program -
Act 317PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system re natural gas and other hazardous materials created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances; appropriation and advertising provisions -
Act 136Renewable resource credits: heat that is a byproduct of manufacturing processes and used as thermal energy is eligible -
Act 53Rental unit energy efficiency standards and certification requirements eliminated; DSPS and register of deeds provisions [Sec. 1170, 1171, 1306-1312, 2221, 2226-2228, 2235-2238, 9339 (1)-(5), 9439 (1)] -
Act 59Revenue limit adjustment for school districts for energy efficiency projects: resolution cannot be adopted in 2018 calendar year [Sec. 1641m] [partial veto] -
Act 59Building Commission authority re thresholds for building trust fund, certain aspects of projects enumerated in the state building program, and approval of contracts for construction of or addition to certain building projects, State Fair Park Board provision; single prime contracting exception and project threshold, DOA duties; selection of project architects and engineers -
Act 237``Engineer” in title in classified service prohibited unless certain criteria are met; state civil service provision -
Act 111UW--Green Bay authorized to create a school of engineering [Sec. 610p] -
Act 59Brownfields: remediating contaminated land; pilot program for manufacturing facilities re stationary source air pollution controls; tax deeds; ERTID changes; property assessed clean energy loans for revitalization projects; neighborhood improvement districts (NID) and business improvement districts (BID) provisions; state trust fund loans to municipalities -
Act 70Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone and tax credits: WEDC authorized to create; provisions re TIDs, sales tax exemption, environmental impact statements, wetlands and waterways permits, PSC certificates and market-based rates, grants to local governments, county bonding, town incorporation as city or village, and DNR oversight; highway bonding authorization; design-build system for public works projects; enterprise zone tax credit revisions; economic development liaison appointed by DOA; electronics manufacturing small business development director in WEDC; worker training and employment program and annual report; appeal of decisions relating specifically to the zone; job creation threshold; LAB audit required [partial veto] -
Act 58Environmental improvement fund: purpose for which DNR can use moneys expanded [Sec. 330, 357, 537] -
Act 59Nonferrous metallic mineral prospecting and mining: sulfide ore moratorium repealed; locations where groundwater standards apply changed; repeal of DNR rule to minimize impact on wetlands; bulk sampling plan and approvals; changes to application, review, and permitting process; exemption from certain solid waste disposal fees; bond or other security requirements; proof of financial responsibility re closure of mining waste site; DNR duties [Admin.Code NR 132.06, 132.17, 132.18, 182.07, 182.08] -
Act 134Producer led watershed protection grants funding increased; DATCP soil and water resource management program funding increased; debt service payments increased for certain nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects -
Act 196PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system re natural gas and other hazardous materials created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances; appropriation and advertising provisions -
Act 136Regional emergency response grants: DEM to award for replacing equipment used in responding to release of hazardous substances [Sec. 410c, 1893s] -
Act 59Deceased prison inmate: procedures relating to burial or cremation, unclaimed corpse, notification to relative, prohibition on cremation re homicide, and charges to prisoner’s estate -
Act 246Nonprobate transfers of real property on death; transfer by affidavit procedure for small estates; mortgage payoff statements -
Act 332Transfer by affidavit procedure for small estates to include personal representatives, real property exception -
Act 90Conduit revenue bonds changes and public finance authority; code of ethics and LAB audit provisions [Sec. 8s, 177s, 179e-s, 585h, 984g-hg] [vetoed] -
Act 59Local public official allowed to receive anything of value from WEDC or Tour.Dept that a state public official may receive -
Act 112Ethics Commission and Elections Commission members: per diem set [Sec. 17] -
Act 59Recount petition by aggrieved party and referendum elector permitted, conditions set; costs and Elections Commission provisions; per diem for members of Ethics Commission and Elections Commission revised -
Act 120Tax administration changes; interest on unclaimed U.S. savings bonds; ticket courier prohibited from selling lottery tickets; background investigation of lottery employees; reporting lottery winnings re child support; police and fire protection fee; ``restaurant” definition for license and regulation of alcohol beverage establishment purposes -
Act 17Quarry operations: limiting authority of political subdivisions to place limits or conditions on; definitions, permit, noise, and ordinance provisions [Sec. 982i-mf, q-qe, s, t, 984ig, ij, 1305p, 9431 (1i), (2i)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Discovery procedure changes in court proceedings; class action procedural requirements; certain civil action statute of limitations revised; DOR and third-party audits re unclaimed property; interest rates for overdue insurance claims -
Act 235Juvenile correctional facilities: DOC to establish one or more Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities; closure of Lincoln Hills School and Copper Lake School and conversion of facilities to an adult correctional facility; counties authorized to establish secured residential care center for children and youth; supervision of certain juveniles transferred from DOC to county departments; Juvenile Corrections Study Committee created; Juvenile Corrections Grant Committee created re costs of establishing secured residential care centers, JCF provision; youth aids funding revisions; expand Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center; DOC employees, reports, and sunset provisions -
Act 185Local government ordinance authority re wage claims and collections, employee hours and overtime, required employee benefits, and soliciting salary history of prospective employees preempted; political subdivision minimum wage exemptions eliminated and imposing occupational license requirements prohibited; state and local governments prohibited from requiring any person to accept certain collective bargaining provisions or waive rights under federal or state labor laws, penalty provision -
Act 327Qualified child sales and use tax rebate and August sales tax holiday on eligible property for 2018 created [partial veto] -
Act 367School Safety, Office of, created in DOJ; school safety plan provisions including on-site assessment by law enforcement and annual drills; mandatory reporting of threats of violence; DOJ grants for school safety; open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated; reports and penalty provisions -
Act 143Highway projects funded with federal money and transfers of state and federal funding between highway programs, competitive bidding provision; collection of sales and use taxes from out-of-state retailers and determination of individual income tax rates after South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc.; election of pass-through entities to be taxed at the entity level for state income and franchise tax purposes -
Act 368Legislative oversight of requests from DHS for federal approval and state agency requirements; DHS to implement the Badger Care Reform waiver re childless adults and submit amendment to state's MA plan, rate change, or certain provider payments to JCF for approval; incorporates into statutes rules on controlled substance screening, testing, and treatment policy for FSET; OCI to administer WIHSP in accordance to DHHS terms and conditions; DCF reallocation or reduction of moneys in TANF schedules requires JCF approval; DWD rules on UI work search and registration waivers codified and DWD authority to establish waivers eliminated; DWD Fast Forward program appropriation split among its specific programs -
Act 370Legislative powers and duties, state agency and authority composition and operations, and administrative rule-making processes revisions -
Act 369Ozaukee County fairgrounds: Class ``B” and ``Class B” licensees and permittees may sell alcohol beverages under set circumstances -
Act 95Emergency outpatient mental health treatment for minors without informed consent allowed under certain conditions -
Act 204Family treatment court and juvenile treatment court grant programs created; DCF report required -
Act 202Minor employed in business, trade, or profession of parent or guardian without permit allowed, direct supervision required -
Act 168Offender reentry demonstration project focused on noncustodial fathers in first class city established; TANF block grant moneys [Sec. 916, 924] -
Act 59Parental choice program: family income does not need to be verified under certain condition [Sec. 1580g, 1598at, 1602d, 9335 (4d)] -
Act 59Qualified child sales and use tax rebate and August sales tax holiday on eligible property for 2018 created [partial veto] -
Act 367Compliance with child support determinations and obligations required for MA eligibility, notification provision -
Act 268FoodShare eligibility denial for noncompliance with child support orders or refusal to cooperate with paternity determination [Sec. 958, 959, 961-963b, 9120 (2p)] -
Act 59Relocating with a child who is subject to a legal custody or physical placement order: procedure changes -
Act 203Tax administration changes; interest on unclaimed U.S. savings bonds; ticket courier prohibited from selling lottery tickets; background investigation of lottery employees; reporting lottery winnings re child support; police and fire protection fee; ``restaurant” definition for license and regulation of alcohol beverage establishment purposes -
Act 17Register of deeds: information assigned to a document submitted for filing or recording modified; penalties eliminated re registration of farm names; condominium plat provision -
Act 102Implements of husbandry and agricultural CMV (commercial motor vehicle): weight allowances and permitting sunset provisions repealed [Sec. 1900j-L, m-o, p-r] -
Act 59Agricultural Producer Security Program revisions re small vegetable processor exemption, milk deferred payment contracts, grain dealer and grain warehouse keeper fund balances, grain dealer deferred payment purchases, payments to producers due to a default; DATCP duties -
Act 155Late blight of potatoes: abatement time period revised; antisporulant provision -
Act 45Seed potato certification requirements created; DATCP duties and forfeiture provisions -
Act 46Farmer assistance program: confidentiality revision re aggregate data compiled by DATCP on countywide level [Sec. 1241d] -
Act 59Veteran farmer assistance and outreach program created; family member provision; logotype required -
Act 121Farmland preservation planning grants: sunset repealed [Sec. 188m] -
Act 59Drug trafficking, evidence-based substance abuse prevention, family and juvenile treatment courts, and drug treatment for inmates of county and tribal jails: grant programs established; DOJ, DHS, DCF duties; search warrant based on sworn affidavit or complaint provision -
Act 261