Frozen foods manufactured at a retailer's off-site facility: sales and use tax exemption created, conditions specified [Sec. 1187] - Act 59
Retail food establishment that is a micro market: licensing, definition, and emergency rule provisions - Act 225
State veterans organizations: sales and use tax exemption created for sales to and consumption of products by; exception for food and beverages sold by - Act 190
food stamp planFood stamp plan
Asset revisions re financial eligibility requirements for W-2, Wisconsin Shares, and FoodShare; DCF and DHS required to perform periodic review of public benefit database and compare to national databases that contain death records - Act 269
FoodShare accounts: expunging unused balances and treatment of inactive accounts [Sec. 968g] - Act 59
FoodShare asset eligibility limitation; federal waiver provision; use of financial record matching program required [Sec. 960, 960c, 1703p-t, 9320 (2p), 9420 (2)] - Act 59
FoodShare eligibility denial for noncompliance with child support orders or refusal to cooperate with paternity determination [Sec. 958, 959, 961-963b, 9120 (2p)] - Act 59
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): all able-bodied adults required to participate, exceptions noted; Wisconsin Shares, LAB audit, and USDA provisions - Act 264
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): pilot program with implementation plan and statewide expansion proposal; outcomes report with proposed modifications required [Sec. 954-957, 964-968, 9120 (2), (2s)] [9120 (2) -- partial veto; 964d, 9120 (2s) -- vetoed] - Act 59
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): required hours of participation - Act 263
Legislative oversight of requests from DHS for federal approval and state agency requirements; DHS to implement the Badger Care Reform waiver re childless adults and submit amendment to state's MA plan, rate change, or certain provider payments to JCF for approval; incorporates into statutes rules on controlled substance screening, testing, and treatment policy for FSET; OCI to administer WIHSP in accordance to DHHS terms and conditions; DCF reallocation or reduction of moneys in TANF schedules requires JCF approval; DWD rules on UI work search and registration waivers codified and DWD authority to establish waivers eliminated; DWD Fast Forward program appropriation split among its specific programs - Act 370
W-2 and FoodShare employment and training (FSET) programs: performance-based payment system for contractors; healthy eating incentive pilot program for FoodShare eligible households, sunset provision - Act 266
foreclosure of mortgageForeclosure of mortgage, see Mortgage
foreign corporationForeign corporation, see Corporation
Chief state forester: relocation of headquarters and Division of Forestry employees; report to JCF required [Sec. 9133 (2)] - Act 59
Fences on closed MFL: prohibition exemption if used for dog training by licensed nonprofit organization - Act 43
Forestry account expenditures: Governor's Council on Forestry to determine priorities and report along with 2019-21 biennial budget recommendations [Sec. 9133 (6r)] [vetoed] - Act 59
Forestry activities: JLAC to request audit of moneys received by DNR [Sec. 9133 (6q)] - Act 59
Forestry emergency reserve created, expenditures require JCF approval [Sec. 264n] - Act 59
MFL closed acreage fee payments to municipalities and counties; DNR duties and severance tax provision [Sec. 334m, 1205m-p, 9133 (6p)] - Act 59
Raw forest products and lumber transported on specified routes in Ashland and Vilas counties: maximum gross weight limit of vehicle or vehicle combination having 11 axels operating on a highway without a permit set [Sec. 1900 Lm, 9345 (4w)] - Act 59
Special vehicle weight limit for vehicles transporting raw forest products and lumber on certain highways in Ashland and Vilas counties eliminated; Michigan border permit for oversize or overweight vehicles expanded to include - Act 299
State parks and recreation areas: vehicle admission and overnight camping fees revised; DNR and DOT to develop plan for a recreational passport when renewing vehicle registration, special license plate provision; cap on electric receptacles increased; FTE positions decrease re forestry and parks report [Sec. 340m, 557-565d, f, 9101 (11u), 9133 (6u), 9333 (2), 9433 (1), (2)] [9101 (11u) -- partial veto] - Act 59
forestry _ fireForestry -- Fire, see Fire
forestry _ taxationForestry -- Taxation
Forestation state property tax eliminated; conservation fund provision [Sec. 162, 180, 482, 483, 530-533, 726, 727, 998-1002, 9138 (1)] - Act 59
Alcohol beverage licenses and permits and cigarette and tobacco products retailer licenses: application form signature and notarized requirements modified; corporate agent and false information penalty provisions - Act 289
Dextromethorphan in drugs: sales to minors without a prescription prohibited; ID and penalty provisions - Act 160
Expanding list of traffic violations for which operating privilege is suspended and attendance at a vehicle right-of-way course is required; great bodily harm or death of another, failure to complete course, and forfeiture provisions - Act 105
Forfeiture of property seized in relation to a crime: procedures revised; conviction, proceeds from sales, and federal authorities provisions - Act 211
Habitual parking violator: authority of county or municipality to enact an ordinance to immobilize, remove, impound, and dispose of motor vehicle - Act 286
Industrial hemp: DATCP to regulate activities; criminal history search, pilot program, controlled substances laws, testing, fees, seed, penalty, and rules provisions - Act 100
Intentional taking of a motor vehicle without owner's consent by force or threat of force (carjacking): criminal penalties created - Act 311
PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system re natural gas and other hazardous materials created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances; appropriation and advertising provisions - Act 136
Seed potato certification requirements created; DATCP duties and forfeiture provisions - Act 46
foster homeFoster home, see Children
franchise _ taxationFranchise -- Taxation
Apportionment for broadcasters re income and franchise taxes, definition provision, DOR duties [Sec. 1002m, 1013d-i, 1057d, 1076d-k] - Act 59
Due dates changed for certain entities re filing income and franchise tax returns, paying estimated income and franchise tax installment payments, and filing withholding tax returns - Act 2
Electronic filing of income and franchise tax information re wage statements, nonwage payments, royalties, and rents; deadlines and extension provisions [Sec. 1127-1136, 1151, 9338 (13), (14), (15)] - Act 59
Employer contributions to employee’s college savings account: individual and corporate income and franchise tax credits created - Act 197
Highway projects funded with federal money and transfers of state and federal funding between highway programs, competitive bidding provision; collection of sales and use taxes from out-of-state retailers and determination of individual income tax rates after South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc.; election of pass-through entities to be taxed at the entity level for state income and franchise tax purposes - Act 368
Low-income housing project: state income and franchise tax credit program administered by WHEDA created, report required - Act 176
Research income and franchise tax credits made partially refundable [Sec. 481p, 1038s, t, 1052w, y, 1086i, 1090j, k, 1111k, 1114j, k] - Act 59
Sourcing rules clarification re income and franchise tax [Sec. 1012, 1013, 1075, 1076, 9338 (7)] - Act 59
Tax law changes re evidentiary standard to prove transaction has economic substance, reliance by taxpayer on past audits, IRS code updates, College Savings Program Board duties clarified, sales and use tax exemption for title holding entities for certain tax-exempt charitable organizations, and computing depletion for income and franchise tax purposes - Act 231
Alcohol beverage licenses and permits and cigarette and tobacco products retailer licenses: application form signature and notarized requirements modified; corporate agent and false information penalty provisions - Act 289
Credit card reencoders and scanners and identity theft crimes created; civil liability immunity for ATM operators and motor vehicle fuel sellers - Act 54
Sale of foreclosed property: eligible bidders, purchaser to submit affidavit affirming eligibility, and penalty for false representation - Act 339
UI fraud: penalties for knowingly making a false statement revised - Act 147
freight transportationFreight transportation, see Railroad
fte _full_time equivalent position_FTE (Full-time equivalent position), see Public employee
DSPS regulation of professions and building and safety laws revisions re notice of request to inspect or copy building plans, list of licensed retail supplies of LPG, review of local construction site erosion control program, membership of certain boards and credentialing boards, nursing practice law, physician assistant renewal date, Cemetery Board filings, and DSPS employed mining inspector; local ordinance regulating tattooing and body piercing prohibited - Act 329
Dyed diesel fuel for use in recreational motorboats: sale of permitted, taxes and general fund transfer provisions [Sec. 147d, 1208m, 9438 (3m)] [vetoed] - Act 59
Electrical wiring code for certain housing review by DSPS; legal description for easements re sewer lines or facilities; development-related permits from more than one political subdivision; exemption from highway weight limits for vehicles delivering propane; review or report on bills and proposed administrative rules that affect housing modified; property owner rights regarding assessment; and maintenance and construction activities on certain structures under a county shoreland zoning ordinance - Act 68
Weight limits on highways: heavy-duty vehicles equipped with idle reduction technology or natural gas fuel system may exceed under certain conditions; DOT report not required - Act 85
full_time equivalent position _fte_Full-time equivalent position (FTE), see Public employee
funeral and funeral directorFuneral and funeral director
Deceased prison inmate: procedures relating to burial or cremation, unclaimed corpse, notification to relative, prohibition on cremation re homicide, and charges to prisoner’s estate - Act 246
Funeral director apprenticeship changes - Act 304
furbearing animalFurbearing animal, see Hunting
Bingo and raffle law changes (remedial legislation) - Act 361
School levy, lottery and gaming, and first dollar property tax credits: allowing a municipal ordinance having DOA distribute amounts directly to the municipality rather than the county [Sec. 1211] - Act 59
game animalGame animal, see Hunting
Self-service storage facility law revisions re disposal of property, liens, and towing vehicles - Act 325
Vehicle or vehicle part ID number removal or alteration prohibition: exception when repair requires replacement of the part - Act 55
garbage and refuse disposalGarbage and refuse disposal, see Solid waste management
Credit card reencoders and scanners and identity theft crimes created; civil liability immunity for ATM operators and motor vehicle fuel sellers - Act 54
Gasoline-ethanol fuel blend standards [Sec. 1680m] - Act 59
Motor fuel prices: certain sellers may advertise prices by the half-gallon - Act 22
gasoline _ taxationGasoline -- Taxation
Dyed diesel fuel for use in recreational motorboats: sale of permitted, taxes and general fund transfer provisions [Sec. 147d, 1208m, 9438 (3m)] [vetoed] - Act 59
geeseGeese, see Bird
general fundGeneral fund, see Appropriation
general purpose revenue _gpr_General purpose revenue (GPR), see Appropriation; specific subject