populous countyPopulous county, see Milwaukee County
pornographyPornography, see Obscenity
portage countyPortage County
High capacity well regulations revised re activities exempt from approval; DNR duties re designated study area - Act 10
Little Plover River: grant to Village of Plover for solution to increase flow, sunset provision [Sec. 338g, m, 9133 (7w), 9433 (4w)] - Act 59
postage and postal servicePostage and postal service
Postage costs for state agencies [Sec. 419] - Act 59
potatoPotato, see Farm produce
pr _program revenue_PR (Program revenue), see Appropriation
prescriptionPrescription, see Drugs
prevailing wagePrevailing wage, see Wage -- Payment
pricesPrices, see Gasoline
Deceased prison inmate: procedures relating to burial or cremation, unclaimed corpse, notification to relative, prohibition on cremation re homicide, and charges to prisoner’s estate - Act 246
Fast Forward Program funding for mobile classrooms for job skills training in underserved areas; grants to DOC [Sec. 1403, 1405] - Act 59
Juvenile correctional facilities: DOC to establish one or more Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities; closure of Lincoln Hills School and Copper Lake School and conversion of facilities to an adult correctional facility; counties authorized to establish secured residential care center for children and youth; supervision of certain juveniles transferred from DOC to county departments; Juvenile Corrections Study Committee created; Juvenile Corrections Grant Committee created re costs of establishing secured residential care centers, JCF provision; youth aids funding revisions; expand Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center; DOC employees, reports, and sunset provisions - Act 185
Longevity awards for DOC and DHS correctional officers and youth counselors: DPM to include in the 2017-19 state employee compensation plan [Sec. 1761p, 9101 (11w)] [vetoed] - Act 59
Maximum age a minor, sentenced to state prison, may be placed in a juvenile detention facility or secured residential care center for children and youth; DOC duties [Sec. 2255] - Act 59
Offender reentry demonstration project focused on noncustodial fathers in first class city established; TANF block grant moneys [Sec. 916, 924] - Act 59
Serious mental illness among DOC inmates: DOC report required [Sec. 9108 (22t)] [vetoed] - Act 59
Tribal judges and elected tribal officials added as persons who may make special visits to correctional institutions [Admin.Code DOC 309.10] [Sec. 2265u] - Act 59
Wisconsin Results First Initiative Report: DOC to submit on biennial basis [Sec. 1849m] [vetoed] - Act 59
Wisconsin substance abuse program renamed Wisconsin rehabilitation program and revised, DHS conditions removed, and earned release provision [Sec. 1856c-1857h] [vetoed] - Act 59
prisoner _ work programPrisoner -- Work program
Huber release permitted for probationers confined in tribal jail, county jail, or county house of correction on probation violation, conditions set - Act 199
Inmate work opportunities, including work release programs: DOC report required [Sec. 9108 (31t)] [vetoed] - Act 59
Work release for county jail, county houses of correction, and certain tribal jail inmates permitted - Act 89
privacyPrivacy, see also Search warrant
Address confidentiality program for victims of abuse: confidentiality provisions expanded, misdemeanor provision, and DOJ duties revised - Act 144
Farmer assistance program: confidentiality revision re aggregate data compiled by DATCP on countywide level [Sec. 1241d] - Act 59
School Safety, Office of, created in DOJ; school safety plan provisions including on-site assessment by law enforcement and annual drills; mandatory reporting of threats of violence; DOJ grants for school safety; open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated; reports and penalty provisions - Act 143
probate code and court procedureProbate code and court procedure
Nonprobate transfers of real property on death; transfer by affidavit procedure for small estates; mortgage payoff statements - Act 332
Transfer by affidavit procedure for small estates to include personal representatives, real property exception - Act 90
professional employer group _peg_Professional employer group (PEG), see Employment bureau
professional employer organization _peo_Professional employer organization (PEO), see Employment bureau
program revenue _pr_Program revenue (PR), see Appropriation
propane gasPropane gas, see Fuel
property taxProperty tax
Brownfields: remediating contaminated land; pilot program for manufacturing facilities re stationary source air pollution controls; tax deeds; ERTID changes; property assessed clean energy loans for revitalization projects; neighborhood improvement districts (NID) and business improvement districts (BID) provisions; state trust fund loans to municipalities - Act 70
Cable, Town of, allowed to create a TID in the same manner as a city or village, limits specified - Act 292
Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone and tax credits: WEDC authorized to create; provisions re TIDs, sales tax exemption, environmental impact statements, wetlands and waterways permits, PSC certificates and market-based rates, grants to local governments, county bonding, town incorporation as city or village, and DNR oversight; highway bonding authorization; design-build system for public works projects; enterprise zone tax credit revisions; economic development liaison appointed by DOA; electronics manufacturing small business development director in WEDC; worker training and employment program and annual report; appeal of decisions relating specifically to the zone; job creation threshold; LAB audit required [partial veto] - Act 58
Forestation state property tax eliminated; conservation fund provision [Sec. 162, 180, 482, 483, 530-533, 726, 727, 998-1002, 9138 (1)] - Act 59
Levy limit of political subdivision may be increased if DOR recertifies a TID tax incremental base after territory is subtracted; attribution of state aid for personal property taxes to TIDs - Act 223
Municipal treasurer to execute surety bond for payment of property taxes to county treasurer unless ordinance obligating payment is enacted - Act 52
Rail fixed guideway system in the City of Milwaukee: authority to incur expenses limited, TID exclusion; project removed as a major transit capital improvement project [Sec. 996h, 1224m-r, 1225g, 9331 (3t)] - Act 59
School levy, lottery and gaming, and first dollar property tax credits: allowing a municipal ordinance having DOA distribute amounts directly to the municipality rather than the county [Sec. 1211] - Act 59
School levy property tax credit appropriation increased [Sec. 1212] - Act 59
TID number 3 in Village of Oostburg: 12 percent rule changed to 15 percent - Act 1
TID number 6 in Village of Kimberly: adopt resolution requesting DOR to redetermine the tax incremental base [Sec. 996j] - Act 59
TID numbers 1 and 4 in the Village of Caledonia: maximum life, expenditure period, and allocation period increased - Act 349
TIF statutes technical changes - Act 15
property tax _ assessmentProperty tax -- Assessment
Business improvement district (BID) in City of Milwaukee: special assessments apply to percentage that is not tax-exempt or residential [Sec. 996p, 9331 (4f)] - Act 59
Contaminated private well or failing private on-site wastewater treatment system: local government may remediate, seal, replace, abandon, or provide a loan to the owner, special charge or assessment permitted; well compensation grant program limit increased - Act 69
DOR responsibility revisions re penalty for sales tax collected on nontaxable products after notification, property assessor certification, SSN on tax documents from employer to employee, and DOR notices delivered electronically option - Act 324
Drainage district revisions re jurisdiction, board membership, regulation of district access corridors, land in newly organized or annexed to districts, discharge of dredged material into wetland permit exemption, floodplain zoning ordinances, storm water discharge permit exceptions, and property tax assessment - Act 115
Electrical wiring code for certain housing review by DSPS; legal description for easements re sewer lines or facilities; development-related permits from more than one political subdivision; exemption from highway weight limits for vehicles delivering propane; review or report on bills and proposed administrative rules that affect housing modified; property owner rights regarding assessment; and maintenance and construction activities on certain structures under a county shoreland zoning ordinance - Act 68
Property tax assessment: board of review proceedings for hearing objections and freeze applicable to certain replacement property eliminated (remedial legislation) - Act 358
property tax _ exemptionProperty tax -- Exemption
Bible camps: property tax exemption created [Sec. 997g, 9338 (1f)] - Act 59
Grounds of college or university meeting specific criteria: property tax exemption created [Sec. 997d, e, 9338 (2e)] - Act 59
Housing authority: tax-exempt property expanded in a first class city - Act 316
Personal property tax exemption for machinery, tools, and patterns; state aid payments to taxing jurisdictions, DOA and DOR duties [Sec. 480d, 632p, 984pg, q, 997j, 1210p, 1630d, 1635h, 1640d] - Act 59
Property tax exemption for churches and religious associations revised [Sec. 997em, f] - Act 59
Tax-exempt computers: state aid payment revisions; DOR and sunset provisions [Sec. 997h, i, L-n, 1165d, 1210e-h, 1635d] - Act 59
prostitutionProstitution, see also Sex crimes
Patronizing a child at a place of prostitution: felony crime created - Act 128
Patronizing a prostitute: penalty revised - Act 131
protective service systemProtective service system, see Guardian and ward
psychiatristPsychiatrist, see Physician
Dual employment with a state agency or authority: restriction clarified and exemption for licensed health care providers created [Sec. 137-139] - Act 59
Asset revisions re financial eligibility requirements for W-2, Wisconsin Shares, and FoodShare; DCF and DHS required to perform periodic review of public benefit database and compare to national databases that contain death records - Act 269
Case management services for W-2 recipient transitioning to unsubsidized employment: TANF moneys for incentive payments; DCF to report on performance on work participation rates, compliance programs with DHHS, and appeals process for certain penalties [Sec. 898, 921, 9106 (3w)] [9106 (3w) -- partial veto] - Act 59
Child abuse and neglect prevention services: DCF to allocate certain TANF funding for grants to counties, nonprofit organizations, and tribes - Act 254
Chronic absenteeism in schools and public benefits: DCF, DPI, DHS, and DWD to collaborate on a report [Sec. 9152 (1)] - Act 59
Civil legal services for persons eligible for TANF: annual grants to Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation established [Sec. 895g, m, 903m] - Act 59
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities and counties, preference provision [Sec. 133, 452] - Act 59