Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program creation in an eligible unified school district provisions, Superintendent of Public Instruction duties, report required, and village board procedures; DPI to contract for a reorganization of low performing school district study [Sec. 207f, g, 996w, 1463f, h, 1504k-r, w-y, 9135 (4w), 9435 (1x)] -
Act 59Recovery charter school: pilot program and director of Office of Educational Opportunity in the UW System authorized to contract for operation of, conditions specified; high school graduation and insurance coverage requirements; DHS, DPI, and Superintendent of Public Instruction duties -
Act 30School-based mental health services grants established re collaborating with community mental health agencies; Superintendent of Public Instruction to establish an advisory committee; emergency rules provision [Sec. 215k, 1470g, 9135 (4f)] [1470g, 9135 (4f) -- partial veto] -
Act 59Substitute teacher permit issued to person with associate degree [Sec. 1512c] -
Act 59Superintendent of Public Instruction may revoke a license for immoral conduct, definition revised re pornographic material; governing bodies of schools (public, private, charter) prohibited from aiding an employee, contractor, or agent in obtaining a new job in a school or educational agency if there is reason to believe child sexual abuse has been committed -
Act 130State agencies required to include statutory or administrative rule citation for any statement or interpretation of law in informational materials; exception for UW System, TCS Board, and DETF -
Act 369Bingo and raffle law changes (remedial legislation) -
Act 361Indigency determination not required before SPD appoints an attorney to represent a parent re proceedings under Children’s Code or Juvenile Justice Code; attorney fees and recusal provisions (remedial legislation) -
Act 359Municipal boundary information reconciled and compiled by LTSB clarified (remedial legislation) -
Act 360Property tax assessment: board of review proceedings for hearing objections and freeze applicable to certain replacement property eliminated (remedial legislation) -
Act 358School Safety, Office of, created in DOJ; school safety plan provisions including on-site assessment by law enforcement and annual drills; mandatory reporting of threats of violence; DOJ grants for school safety; open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated; reports and penalty provisions -
Act 143Transportation revisions re planning for certain federal highway money distribution transfers, drunk driving penalty cross-reference correction, penalties for violation of motor vehicle mileage disclosure requirement, and obsolete federal motor carrier law references (remedial legislation) -
Act 363WRS revisions re participating employee status, retirement annuity applications, and certain protective occupation participants waiving participation; form to cancel coverage under Wisconsin Public Employers Group Life Insurance Program; income continuation insurance coverage for UW System teachers (remedial legislation) -
Act 362Condemnation authority cannot be used for establishing or extending a recreational trail, pedestrian way, or bikeway or lane [Sec. 510m, 554g, 565g-w, 585g, r, 981m, 982p-pt, qs, r, 1224t, 2262y, 9352 (5t)] [981m -- partial veto] -
Act 59Local Roads Improvement Program: allocation revisions [Sec. 1231-1233] -
Act 59Milwaukee County high-wide route designated, permit provision -
Act 114Personal delivery devices (PDD): operation on sidewalks and crosswalks authorized; regulations created; defined as a type of vehicle -
Act 13Chronic absenteeism in schools and public benefits: DCF, DPI, DHS, and DWD to collaborate on a report [Sec. 9152 (1)] -
Act 59Crime lab equipment and supplies: DOJ study on sale or transfer of required [Sec. 9128 (2p)] -
Act 59DHA administrative proceedings and WC hearing testimony: DHA study of the audio and video needs of WC hearings required [Sec. 1754, 1755, 9101 (11i), 9301 (2)] [9101 (11i) -- vetoed] -
Act 59DOT study and report on consolidating state moneys for surface transportation program and replacing the funds with federal money from state highway program; request for transfer under s. 13.10 of the statutes [Sec. 359p, 9145 (4w)] [partial veto] -
Act 59Information technology study on services provided by Division of Enterprise Technology to OCI [Sec. 9101 (11c)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Needs of women veterans: DVA to study [Sec. 9149 (2f)] -
Act 59Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program creation in an eligible unified school district provisions, Superintendent of Public Instruction duties, report required, and village board procedures; DPI to contract for a reorganization of low performing school district study [Sec. 207f, g, 996w, 1463f, h, 1504k-r, w-y, 9135 (4w), 9435 (1x)] -
Act 59Physical medicine pilot program: DHS to study and implement if authorized by legislature [Sec. 9120 (4g)] -
Act 59River and stream monitoring and study by DNR re introduction of nutrients from point and nonpoint sources, waterways specified, sunset provision [Sec. 314d, 1799y] -
Act 59Snowmobile trail aids and supplemental trail aids increased; trail use sticker fees increased and made permanent; Snowmobile Recreational Council to study options to ensure adequate funding for development and maintenance of trails [Sec. 1900sg-x, 9133 (6f)] -
Act 59Storm water management study for City of Burlington: DNR grant to Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission [Sec. 338d, 9133(8t)] -
Act 59Traffic control signals in City of Greenfield: DOT to study need a specified intersection, report required [Sec. 9145 (8m)] -
Act 59Virtual charter school funding study: DPI to conduct and report to JCF [Sec. 9135 (1t)] [vetoed] -
Act 59Youth wellness center: allocation from Indian gaming receipts to American Indian tribes for feasibility study and business plan [Sec. 454, 455, 9101 (10), 9401 (5)] -
Act 59Administrative subpoenas issued in the investigation of Internet crimes against children expanded to include human trafficking crimes and hotels and possible recipients -
Act 173sunsetSunset, see also specific subject
Aiding a person suffering from an overdose or adverse reaction and immunity from controlled substance prosecution: revisions to 2017 WisAct 33 re initial applicability clause, bail jumping immunity, and sunset the bail jumping changes [Sec. 2251xg-xs, 2265r, 9452 (2x)] -
Act 59Broadband grants for infrastructure in underserved areas revised; TEACH program eligibility and sunset modified; DNR, DOT, and universal service fund provisions [Sec. 175, 198, 199, 199m, 208, 218-220, 223, 441-446, 526g-527, 1226-1227, 1532, 1691d-1699r, 9237 (1), (2), 9333 (1), 9401 (2)] -
Act 59Brownfields: remediating contaminated land; pilot program for manufacturing facilities re stationary source air pollution controls; tax deeds; ERTID changes; property assessed clean energy loans for revitalization projects; neighborhood improvement districts (NID) and business improvement districts (BID) provisions; state trust fund loans to municipalities -
Act 70CHIPS proceeding: prohibition on appointing counsel to parent eliminated; pilot program creating parent’s right to counsel in certain counties created and SPD to run; DCF, report, and sunset provisions -
Act 253Clean Water Fund Program: loan interest rate revisions and financial hardship assistance program extended [Sec. 1808-1816m] -
Act 59Community institution security cost reimbursement grants created; definition and sunset provisions [Sec. 1680b, c, 9428 (1q)] -
Act 59Domestic partnership registrations sunsetted; authority for state or local governmental unit to provide certain benefits to an employee's domestic partner eliminated [Sec. 983e, 984p, 225d-r, 9331 (3f), 9452 (2f)] -
Act 59Dual enrollment programs in high schools: HEAB to award grants to high school teachers in meeting minimal qualifications; sunset provision; DPI issuance of lifetime licenses revised -
Act 206Farmland preservation planning grants: sunset repealed [Sec. 188m] -
Act 59Forestation state property tax eliminated; conservation fund provision [Sec. 162, 180, 482, 483, 530-533, 726, 727, 998-1002, 9138 (1)] -
Act 59Implements of husbandry and agricultural CMV (commercial motor vehicle): weight allowances and permitting sunset provisions repealed [Sec. 1900j-L, m-o, p-r] -
Act 59Intelligent transportation systems and traffic control signals: funding sunset modified [Sec. 360-362] -
Act 59Juvenile correctional facilities: DOC to establish one or more Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities; closure of Lincoln Hills School and Copper Lake School and conversion of facilities to an adult correctional facility; counties authorized to establish secured residential care center for children and youth; supervision of certain juveniles transferred from DOC to county departments; Juvenile Corrections Study Committee created; Juvenile Corrections Grant Committee created re costs of establishing secured residential care centers, JCF provision; youth aids funding revisions; expand Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center; DOC employees, reports, and sunset provisions -
Act 185Little Plover River: grant to Village of Plover for solution to increase flow, sunset provision [Sec. 338g, m, 9133 (7w), 9433 (4w)] -
Act 59Local government property insurance fund sunsetted [Sec. 2213-2218] -
Act 59MA reimbursement for mental health consultation, conditions and sunset provisions [Sec. 928h] [partial veto] -
Act 59Personal electronic computing devices grant program created for schools to provide devices for pupil use, sunset provision [Sec. 208e, 1482f] -
Act 59Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: grant program sunset and loans to governmental units repealed [Sec. 202e, g, 228p, 996u, 1646t-y, 1655g-k, 1806f, 1816t, 9439 (4t)] -
Act 59Public utility aid distributions to certain municipalities: exception to limitation, sunset provision [Sec. 1210b, c, 9238 (1b)] -
Act 59River and stream monitoring and study by DNR re introduction of nutrients from point and nonpoint sources, waterways specified, sunset provision [Sec. 314d, 1799y] -
Act 59Robotics league participation grants: sunset removed, annual appropriation and private schools may apply [Sec. 215g, 1482m] -
Act 59Tax-exempt computers: state aid payment revisions; DOR and sunset provisions [Sec. 997h, i, L-n, 1165d, 1210e-h, 1635d] -
Act 59Veterans outreach and recovery pilot program re substance abuse and mental health disorders: DVA to administer, report and sunset provisions -
Act 295Volkswagen settlement fund distributions: competitive transit capital assistance grants for replacement of public transit vehicles [Sec. 111, 484, 1210] [111 -- partial veto] -
Act 59W-2 and FoodShare employment and training (FSET) programs: performance-based payment system for contractors; healthy eating incentive pilot program for FoodShare eligible households, sunset provision -
Act 266Wisconsin CASA Association: funding for DOJ grants increased, sunset eliminated, and report required -
Act 255Wisconsin Court Appointed Special Advocate Association grants: sunset extended [Sec. 409f, g, 2265p, 9228 (19p), 9428 (1r)] -
Act 59Wisconsin Merit scholarships: UW Board of Regents to award, conditions set; UW—Stevens Point environmental programs and sunset provisions; BCPL may transfer certain trust fund lands -
Act 314Wisconsin Reading Corps grant, matching funds and sunset provisions [Sec. 217m, 1468m] -
Act 59Workforce training grants (Fast Forward Program): use expanded for collaborative projects, teacher training, nursing training program, internship placement, and improved workforce retention; grant to support the Building Occupational Skills for Success (BOSS) program; report, sunset, and DWD duties [Sec. 398-399, 1397-1402, 1404, 1406, 9151 (1), (2), (5q), 9451 (2q)] -
Act 59Working families tax credit sunset [Sec. 1041e] [vetoed] -
Act 59