292,63 Section 63 . 48.205 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.205 (2) The criteria for holding a child or the expectant mother of an unborn child in custody specified in this section shall govern the decision of all persons responsible for determining whether the action is appropriate.
292,64 Section 64 . 48.207 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.207 (title) Places where a child or expectant mother may be held in nonsecure custody.
292,65 Section 65 . 48.207 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.207 (1) (intro.)  A child held in physical custody under s. 48.205 (1) may be held in any of the following places:
292,66 Section 66 . 48.207 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.207 (1) (g) A hospital as defined in s. 50.33 (2) (a) and (c) or physician's office if the child is held under s. 48.20 (4) or (4m).
292,67 Section 67 . 48.207 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
48.207 (1m) An adult expectant mother of an unborn child held in physical custody under s. 48.205 (1m) may be held in any of the following places:
(a) The home of an adult relative or friend of the adult expectant mother.
(b) A licensed community-based residential facility, as defined in s. 50.01 (1g), if the placement does not violate the conditions of the license.
(c) A hospital, as defined in s. 50.33 (2) (a) and (c), or a physician's office if the adult expectant mother is held under s. 48.203 (3).
(d) A place listed in s. 51.15 (2) if the adult expectant mother is held under s. 48.203 (4).
(e) An approved public treatment facility for emergency treatment if the adult expectant mother is held under s. 48.203 (5).
292,68m Section 68m. 48.207 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, is renumbered 48.207 (2) (a) and amended to read:
48.207 (2) (a) If a facility listed in sub. (1) (b) to (k) is used to hold children a child in custody, or if supervisory services of a home detention program are provided to children a child held under sub. (1) (a), its the authorized rate of the facility for the care of the child or the authorized rate for those supervisory services shall be paid by the county in a county having a population of less than 500,000 or by the department in a county having a population of 500,000 or more. If no authorized rate has been established, a reasonable sum to be fixed by the court shall be paid by the county in a county having a population of less than 500,000 or by the department in a county having a population of 500,000 or more for the supervision or care of the child.
292,69m Section 69m. 48.207 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
48.207 (2) (b) If a facility listed in sub. (1m) (b) to (e) is used to hold an expectant mother of an unborn child in custody, or if supervisory services of a home detention program are provided to an expectant mother held under sub. (1m) (a), the authorized rate of the facility for the care of the expectant mother or the authorized rate for those supervisory services shall be paid by the county in a county having a population of less than 500,000 or by the department in a county having a population of 500,000 or more. If no authorized rate has been established, a reasonable sum to be fixed by the court shall be paid by the county in a county having a population of less than 500,000 or by the department in a county having a population of 500,000 or more for the supervision or care of the expectant mother.
292,70 Section 70 . 48.208 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.208 (4) Probable cause exists to believe that the child, having been placed in nonsecure custody by an intake worker under s. 48.207 (1) or by the judge or juvenile court commissioner under s. 48.21 (4), has run away or committed a delinquent act and no other suitable alternative exists.
292,71 Section 71 . 48.21 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.21 (1) (b) If no petition has been filed by the time of the hearing, a child may be held in custody with approval of the judge or juvenile court commissioner for an additional 72 hours from the time of the hearing, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, only if, as a result of the facts brought forth at the hearing, the judge or juvenile court commissioner determines that probable cause exists to believe that the child is an imminent danger to himself or herself or to others, or that probable cause exists to believe that the parent, guardian or legal custodian of the child or other responsible adult is neglecting, refusing, unable or unavailable to provide adequate supervision and care or, if the child is an expectant mother who was taken into custody under s. 48.19 (1) (cm) or (d) 8., that probable cause exists to believe that there is a substantial risk that if the child expectant mother is not held, the physical health of the unborn child, and of the child when born, will be seriously affected or endangered by the child expectant mother's habitual lack of self-control in the use of alcohol beverages, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs, exhibited to a severe degree, and to believe that the child expectant mother is refusing or has refused to accept any alcohol or other drug abuse services offered to her or is not making or has not made a good faith effort to participate in any alcohol or other drug abuse services offered to her. The extension may be granted only once for any petition. In the event of failure to file a petition within the extension period provided for in this paragraph, the judge or juvenile court commissioner shall order the child's immediate release from custody.
292,72g Section 72g. 48.21 (3) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.21 (3) (title) Proceedings concerning children in need of protection or services and unborn children in need of protection or services and their child expectant mothers.
292,72m Section 72m. 48.21 (3) (ag) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 35, is amended to read:
48.21 (3) (ag) Proceedings concerning a child who comes within the jurisdiction of the court under s. 48.13 or an unborn child and a child expectant mother of the unborn child who come within the jurisdiction of the court under s. 48.133 shall be conducted according to this subsection.
292,73 Section 73 . 48.21 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.21 (3) (b) If present at the hearing, a copy of the petition shall be given to the parent, guardian or legal custodian, and to the child if he or she is 12 years of age or older, before the hearing begins. If the child is an expectant mother who has been taken into custody under s. 48.19 (1) (cm) or (d) 8., a copy of the petition shall also be given to the unborn child, through the unborn child's guardian ad litem, before the hearing begins. Prior notice of the hearing shall be given to the child's parent, guardian and legal custodian and, to the child if he or she is 12 years of age or older and, if the child is an expectant mother who has been taken into custody under s. 48.19 (1) (cm) or (d) 8., to the unborn child, through the unborn child's guardian ad litem, in accordance with s. 48.20 (8).
292,74 Section 74 . 48.21 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.21 (6) Amendment of order. An order placing a child under sub. (4) (a) on conditions specified in this section may at any time be amended, with notice, so as to return place the child to in another form of custody for failure to conform to the conditions originally imposed. A child may be transferred to secure custody if he or she meets the criteria of s. 48.208.
292,75 Section 75 . 48.21 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.21 (7) Informal disposition. If the judge or juvenile court commissioner determines that the best interests of the child and the public are served or, in the case of a child expectant mother who has been taken into custody under s. 48.19 (1) (cm) or (d) 8., that the best interests of the unborn child and the public are served, he or she may enter a consent decree under s. 48.32 or order the petition dismissed and refer the matter to the intake worker for informal disposition in accordance with s. 48.245.
292,76 Section 76 . 48.213 of the statutes is created to read:
48.213 Hearing for adult expectant mother in custody. (1) Hearing; when held. (a) If an adult expectant mother of an unborn child who has been taken into custody is not released under s. 48.203, a hearing to determine whether the adult expectant mother shall continue to be held in custody under the criteria of s. 48.205 (1m) shall be conducted by the judge or juvenile court commissioner within 48 hours after the time that the decision to hold the adult expectant mother was made, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. By the time of the hearing a petition under s. 48.25 shall be filed, except that no petition need be filed when an adult expectant mother is taken into custody under s. 48.193 (1) (b) or (d) 1. or 3., in which case a written statement of the reasons for holding the adult expectant mother in custody shall be substituted if the petition is not filed. If no hearing has been held within those 48 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, or if no petition or statement has been filed at the time of the hearing, the adult expectant mother shall be released except as provided in par. (b).
(b) If no petition has been filed by the time of the hearing, an adult expectant mother of an unborn child may be held in custody with the approval of the judge or juvenile court commissioner for an additional 72 hours after the time of the hearing, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, only if, as a result of the facts brought forth at the hearing, the judge or juvenile court commissioner determines that probable cause exists to believe that there is a substantial risk that if the adult expectant mother is not held, the physical health of the unborn child, and of the child when born, will be seriously affected or endangered by the adult expectant mother's habitual lack of self-control in the use of alcohol beverages, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs, exhibited to a severe degree, and to believe that the adult expectant mother is refusing or has refused to accept any alcohol or other drug abuse services offered to her or is not making or has not made a good faith effort to participate in any alcohol or other drug abuse services offered to her. The extension may be granted only once for any petition. In the event of failure to file a petition within the extension period provided for in this paragraph, the judge or juvenile court commissioner shall order the adult expectant mother's immediate release from custody.
(2)Proceedings concerning unborn children in need of protection or services and their adult expectant mothers. (a) Proceedings concerning an unborn child and an adult expectant mother of the unborn child who come within the jurisdiction of the court under s. 48.133 shall be conducted according to this subsection.
(b) The adult expectant mother may waive the hearing under this section. After any waiver, a hearing shall be granted at the request of any interested party.
(c) A copy of the petition shall be given to the adult expectant mother, and to the unborn child, through the unborn child's guardian ad litem, before the hearing begins. Prior notice of the hearing shall be given to the adult expectant mother and unborn child in accordance with s. 48.203 (7).
(d) Prior to the commencement of the hearing, the adult expectant mother and the unborn child, through the unborn child's guardian ad litem, shall be informed by the court of the allegations that have been made or may be made, the nature and possible consequences of this hearing as compared to possible future hearings, the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses and the right to present witnesses.
(e) If the adult expectant mother is not represented by counsel at the hearing and the adult expectant mother is continued in custody as a result of the hearing, the adult expectant mother may request through counsel subsequently appointed or retained or through a guardian ad litem that the order to hold the adult expectant mother in custody be reheard. If the request is made, a rehearing shall take place as soon as possible. Any order to hold the adult expectant mother in custody shall be subject to rehearing for good cause, whether or not counsel was present.
(3) Continuation of custody. If the judge or juvenile court commissioner finds that the adult expectant mother should be continued in custody under the criteria of s. 48.205 (1m), the judge or juvenile court commissioner shall enter one of the following orders:
(a) Release the adult expectant mother and impose reasonable restrictions on the adult expectant mother's travel, association with other persons or places of abode during the period of the order, including a condition requiring the adult expectant mother to return to other custody as requested; or subject the adult expectant mother to the supervision of an agency agreeing to supervise the adult expectant mother. Reasonable restrictions may be placed upon the conduct of the adult expectant mother which may be necessary to ensure the safety of the unborn child and of the child when born.
(b) Order the adult expectant mother to be held in an appropriate manner under s. 48.207 (1m).
(4) Orders in writing. All orders to hold an adult expectant mother of an unborn child in custody shall be in writing, listing the reasons and criteria forming the basis for the decision.
(5) Amendment of order. An order under sub. (3) (a) imposing restrictions on an adult expectant mother of an unborn child may at any time be amended, with notice, so as to place the adult expectant mother in another form of custody for failure of the adult expectant mother to conform to the conditions originally imposed.
(6) Informal disposition. If the judge or juvenile court commissioner determines that the best interests of the unborn child and the public are served, the judge or juvenile court commissioner may enter a consent decree under s. 48.32 or order the petition dismissed and refer the matter to the intake worker for informal disposition in accordance with s. 48.245.
292,77 Section 77 . 48.227 (4) (e) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
48.227 (4) (e) 2. That, with the consent of the child and the runaway home, the child remain in the care of the runaway home for a period of not more than 20 days. Without further proceedings, the child shall be released whenever the child indicates, either by statement or conduct, that he or she wishes to leave the home or whenever the runaway home withdraws its consent. During this time period not to exceed 20 days ordered by the court, the child's parent, guardian or legal custodian may not remove the child from the home but may confer with the child or with the person operating the home. If, at the conclusion of the time period ordered by the court the child has not left the home, and no petition concerning the child has been filed under s. 48.13, 48.133, 938.12 or 938.13, the child shall be released from the home. If a petition concerning the child has been filed under s. 48.13, 48.133, 938.12 or 938.13, the child may be held in temporary physical custody under ss. 48.20 to 48.21 or 938.20 to 938.21.
292,78 Section 78 . 48.23 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
48.23 (2m) Right of expectant mother to counsel. (a) When an unborn child is alleged to be in need of protection or services under s. 48.133, the expectant mother of the unborn child, if the expectant mother is a child, shall be represented by counsel and may not waive counsel.
(b) If a petition under s. 48.133 is contested, no expectant mother may be placed outside of her home unless the expectant mother is represented by counsel at the fact-finding hearing and subsequent proceedings. If the petition is not contested, the expectant mother may not be placed outside of her home unless the expectant mother is represented by counsel at the hearing at which the placement is made. An adult expectant mother, however, may waive counsel if the court is satisfied that the waiver is knowingly and voluntarily made and the court may place the adult expectant mother outside of her home even though the adult expectant mother was not represented by counsel.
(c) For an expectant mother under 12 years of age, the judge may appoint a guardian ad litem instead of counsel.
292,79 Section 79 . 48.23 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.23 (4) Providing counsel. In any situation under this section in which a person has a right to be represented by counsel or is provided counsel at the discretion of the court and counsel is not knowingly and voluntarily waived, the court shall refer the person to the state public defender and counsel shall be appointed by the state public defender under s. 977.08 without a determination of indigency. If the referral is of a person who has filed a petition under s. 48.375 (7), the state public defender shall appoint counsel within 24 hours after that referral. Any counsel appointed in a petition filed under s. 48.375 (7) shall continue to represent the child in any appeal brought under s. 809.105 unless the child requests substitution of counsel or extenuating circumstances make it impossible for counsel to continue to represent the child. In any situation under sub. (2) or (2m) in which a parent 18 years of age or older over or an adult expectant mother is entitled to representation by counsel; counsel is not knowingly and voluntarily waived; and it appears that the parent or adult expectant mother is unable to afford counsel in full, or the parent or adult expectant mother so indicates; the court shall refer the parent or adult expectant mother to the authority for indigency determinations specified under s. 977.07 (1). In any other situation under this section in which a person has a right to be represented by counsel or is provided counsel at the discretion of the court, competent and independent counsel shall be provided and reimbursed in any manner suitable to the court regardless of the person's ability to pay, except that the court may not order a person who files a petition under s. 813.122 or 813.125 to reimburse counsel for the child who is named as the respondent in that petition.
292,80 Section 80. 48.235 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
48.235 (1) (f) The court shall appoint a guardian ad litem, or extend the appointment of a guardian ad litem previously appointed under par. (a), for any unborn child alleged or found to be in need of protection or services.
292,81 Section 81 . 48.235 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.235 (3) Duties and responsibilities. (a) The guardian ad litem shall be an advocate for the best interests of the person or unborn child for whom the appointment is made. The guardian ad litem shall function independently, in the same manner as an attorney for a party to the action, and shall consider, but shall not be bound by, the wishes of such that person or the positions of others as to the best interests of such that person or unborn child. If the guardian ad litem determines that the best interests of the person are substantially inconsistent with the wishes of such that person, the guardian ad litem shall so inform the court and the court may appoint counsel to represent that person. The guardian ad litem has none of the rights or duties of a general guardian.
(b) In addition to any other duties and responsibilities required of a guardian ad litem, a guardian ad litem appointed for a child who is the subject of a proceeding under s. 48.13 or for an unborn child who is the subject of a proceeding under s. 48.133 shall do all of the following:
1. Unless granted leave by the court not to do so, personally, or through a trained designee, meet with the child or expectant mother of the unborn child, assess the appropriateness and safety of the child's environment of the child or unborn child and, if the child is old enough to communicate, interview the child and determine the child's goals and concerns regarding his or her placement.
2. Make clear and specific recommendations to the court concerning the best interest of the child or unborn child at every stage of the proceeding.
292,82 Section 82 . 48.235 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
48.235 (4m) Matters involving unborn child in need of protection or services. (a) In any matter involving an unborn child found to be in need of protection or services, the guardian ad litem may, if reappointed or if the appointment is continued under sub. (7), do any of the following:
1. Participate in permanency planning under ss. 48.38 and 48.43 (5) after the child is born.
2. Petition for a change in placement under s. 48.357.
3. Petition for termination of parental rights or any other matter specified under s. 48.14 after the child is born.
3m. Petition for a commitment of the expectant mother of the unborn child under ch. 51 as specified in s. 48.14 (5).
4. Petition for revision of dispositional orders under s. 48.363.
5. Petition for extension of dispositional orders under s. 48.365.
6. Petition for a temporary restraining order and injunction under s. 813.122 or 813.125 after the child is born.
7. Petition for relief from a judgment terminating parental rights under s. 48.46 after the child is born.
7g. Petition for the appointment of a guardian under s. 48.977 (2), the revision of a guardianship order under s. 48.977 (6) or the removal of a guardian under s. 48.977 (7) after the child is born.
7m. Bring an action or motion for the determination of the child's paternity under s. 767.45 after the child is born.
8. Perform any other duties consistent with this chapter.
(b) The court shall order the agency identified under s. 48.355 (2) (b) 1. as primarily responsible for the provision of services to notify the guardian ad litem, if any, regarding actions to be taken under par. (a).
292,83 Section 83 . 48.235 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.235 (6) Communication to a jury. In jury trials under this chapter, the guardian ad litem or the court may tell the jury that the guardian ad litem represents the interests of the person or unborn child for whom the guardian ad litem was appointed.
292,84 Section 84 . 48.24 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.24 (1) Information indicating that a child or an unborn child should be referred to the court as in need of protection or services shall be referred to the intake worker, who shall conduct an intake inquiry on behalf of the court to determine whether the available facts establish prima facie jurisdiction and to determine the best interests of the child or unborn child and of the public with regard to any action to be taken.
292,85 Section 85 . 48.24 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.24 (1m) As part of the intake inquiry, the intake worker shall inform the child and the child's parent, guardian and legal custodian that they, or the adult expectant mother of an unborn child that she, may request counseling from a person designated by the court to provide dispositional services under s. 48.069.
292,86 Section 86 . 48.24 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.24 (2) (a) As part of the intake inquiry the intake worker may conduct multidisciplinary screens and intake conferences with notice to the child, parent, guardian and legal custodian or to the adult expectant mother of the unborn child. If sub. (2m) applies, the intake worker shall conduct a multidisciplinary screen under s. 48.547 if the child or expectant mother has not refused to participate under par. (b).
292,87 Section 87 . 48.24 (2m) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
48.24 (2m) (a) (intro.) In counties that have a pilot an alcohol and other drug abuse program under s. 48.547, a multidisciplinary screen shall be conducted for:
292,88 Section 88 . 48.24 (2m) (a) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
48.24 (2m) (a) 6. Any expectant mother 12 years of age or over who requests and consents to a multidisciplinary screen.
292,89 Section 89 . 48.24 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: