Section 2307m. 84.1040 of the statutes is created to read:
84.1040 Donald K. "Deke" Slayton Memorial Highway. (1) The department shall designate and, subject to sub. (2), mark STH 27 in Monroe County commencing at Sparta and proceeding southerly to Cashton as the "Donald K. `Deke' Slayton Memorial Highway" as a living memorial to and in honor of Donald K. "Deke" Slayton, who brought credit to this state and, in particular, Monroe County for his contribution to this country's space program as one of the 7 original astronauts and as a participant in the first joint United States-Soviet space mission.
(2) Upon receipt of sufficient contributions from interested parties, including any county, city, village, or town, to cover the cost of erecting and maintaining markers along the route specified in sub. (1) to clearly identify to motorists the designation of the route as the "Donald K. `Deke' Slayton Memorial Highway," the department shall erect and maintain the markers. No state funds, other than from the receipt of contributions under this subsection, may be expended for the erection or maintenance of the markers.
Section 2307r. 84.1041 of the statutes is created to read:
84.1041 Gateway to the North Bridge. Not later than June 30, 2003, the department shall designate and mark the bridge on USH 45 across the south branch of the Embarrass River in the village of Tigerton in Shawano County as the "Gateway to the North" to serve as a welcome to visitors to the northern part of this state.
Section 2308h. 84.185 (6m) of the statutes is amended to read:
84.185 (6m) Administration. From the appropriations under s. 20.395 (2) (iq), (iv), and (ix), upon the approval of the secretary under sub. (2), the department may make improvements to or provide other assistance for the improvement of a transportation facility under sub. (1) (d) 1. to 3. or provide other assistance for the improvement of a transportation facility under sub. (1) (d) 4. or 5. The department may not allocate more than 80% of the total funds appropriated under s. 20.395 (2) (iq) and (iw) in fiscal year 2002-03, and in any fiscal year thereafter, for grants under this section. The department may make loans from the appropriations under s. 20.395 (2) (iq) and (iw) for the improvement of a transportation facility. The state share of costs for the improvement of a transportation facility, including any loans made under this subsection for the improvement of the transportation facility, may not exceed 50% of the cost of the improvement. The department shall give priority to funding applications for which the applicant has indicated a willingness to accept a loan made under this subsection for all or part of the state share of costs for the improvement of the transportation facility.
Section 2308m. 84.205 of the statutes is created to read:
84.205 Claims arising from repair and maintenance of state trunk highways. (1) In this section, "political subdivision" means a city, village, town, or county.
(2) From funds appropriated and available to the department under s. 20.395 (3), the department shall pay, in whole or in part, any claims submitted to the department by a political subdivision, on a form prescribed by the department, for damage to any gravel road maintained by the political subdivision that is determined by the department to be caused by reason of the road's use as a detour incident to the maintenance, repair, or construction by the department of any state trunk highway, if the gravel road is not part of a detour route designated by the department. The political subdivision shall include with the claim a description of the nature and cause of the alleged damage, the asserted value of the claim, and all known evidence in support of the claim. In making its determination after submittal of the claim, the department shall consider each of the following factors:
(a) The condition of the gravel road at the time the claim was submitted.
(b) The condition of the gravel road, if known, immediately prior to its use as a detour incident to the maintenance, repair, or construction by the department of the state trunk highway.
(c) The proximity and convenience of the gravel road to the state trunk highway and to any applicable detour route.
(d) The extent of motor truck traffic in the vicinity of the state trunk highway and the gravel road.
(e) Any other factors or evidence submitted by the political subdivision with its claim under this subsection.
(3) The department shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this section.
Section 2308p. 84.28 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
84.28 (1) Moneys from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (7) (mc) 20.375 (3) (b) may be expended for the renovation, marking and maintenance of a town or county highway located within the boundaries of any state park, state forest or other property under the jurisdiction of the department of natural resources, other than a southern state forest. Moneys from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (7) (mc) may be expended for the renovation, marking and maintenance of a town or county highway located within the boundaries of any state park or any southern state forest, in the lower Wisconsin state riverway, as defined in s. 30.40 (15), or on other property under the jurisdiction of the department of natural resources. Outside the lower Wisconsin state riverway, as defined in s. 30.40 (15), or outside the boundaries of these parks, forests or other property
under the jurisdiction of the department of natural resources, moneys from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (7) (mc) may be expended for the renovation, marking and maintenance of roads which the department of natural resources certifies are utilized by a substantial number of visitors to these state parks, state forests or other property under the jurisdiction of the department of natural resources. The department of natural resources shall authorize expenditures from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (7) (mc) under this subsection. The department of natural resources shall rank projects eligible for assistance funding from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (7) (mc) under a priority system and funding may be restricted to those projects with highest priority. Outside the boundaries of the state forests under the jurisdiction of the department of forestry, moneys from the appropriation under s. 20.375 (3) (b) may be expended for the renovation, marking, and maintenance of roads which the department of forestry certifies are utilized by a substantial number of visitors to these state forests. The department of forestry shall authorize expenditures from the appropriation under s. 20.375 (3) (b) under this subsection. The department of forestry shall rank projects eligible for funding from the appropriation under s. 20.375 (3) (b) under a priority system and funding may be restricted to those projects with the highest priority.
Section 2308sc. 84.28 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
84.28 (2) The department may administer a program for the construction, maintenance, and marking of roads, including fire roads, service areas, trailer, or vehicle parking stalls or parking areas and other facilities consistent with highway construction and for the marking of scenic routes in the state parks, state forests, the lower Wisconsin state riverway as defined under s. 30.40 (15), state fish hatcheries, other public used areas under the jurisdiction of the department of natural resources or the department of forestry, and other public lands as defined in ch. 24, for highways or fire roads leading from the most convenient state trunk highways to such lands, and for the relocation and construction of state trunk highways in or near state parks when required in the interests of public safety. Within the limitations and for the purposes of this section, work may be performed by or under the supervision or authority or with the approval of the department of transportation, upon the request for such work filed by the department of natural resources having jurisdiction as to the lower Wisconsin state riverway, as defined in s. 30.40 (15), or as to state park or forest lands, or by the board of commissioners of the public lands as to other classes of public lands. Outside the lower Wisconsin state riverway, as defined in s. 30.40 (15), and outside the limits of the park, state forest, and public land areas, direct connections to the most convenient state trunk highway may be built or maintained under this section. Roads in unincorporated areas within 5 miles of the boundaries of the Horicon national wildlife refuge or the Horicon marsh wildlife area may be built or maintained under this section upon request of the town board, if the department of transportation certifies that such roads are or will be used by a substantial number of visitors to such area. Costs incurred under this section shall be the responsibility of the department of natural resources, department of forestry, commissioners of public lands or town board, as appropriate.
Section 2308sr. 84.30 (10m) of the statutes is renumbered 84.30 (10m) (intro.) and amended to read:
84.30 (10m) Annual permit fee requirement. (intro.) The department may promulgate a rule requiring persons specified in the rule to pay annual permit fees for signs. If the department establishes an annual permit fee under this subsection, failure to pay the fee within 2 months after the date on which payment is due is evidence that the sign has been abandoned for the purposes of s. TRANS 201.10 (2) (f), Wis. Adm. Code. This subsection does not apply to any of the following:
Section 2308st. 84.30 (10m) (a) and (b) of the statutes are created to read:
84.30 (10m) (a) An off-premises advertising sign that is owned by a religious organization.
(b) A sign that has been permanently removed by the owner of the sign, even if the department was not notified of the sign's removal.
Section 2309. 84.59 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
84.59 (1) Transportation facilities under s. 84.01 (28) and major highway projects as defined under s. 84.013 (1) (a) for the purposes under ss. 84.06 and 84.09 may be funded with the proceeds of revenue obligations issued subject to and in accordance with subch. II of ch. 18, except that funding for major highway projects with such proceeds may not exceed 55% of the total funds encumbered in any period of 3 consecutive fiscal years, beginning with the 3-year period of 2002-03 to 2004-05, for major highway projects.
Section 2310. 84.59 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
84.59 (6) The building commission may contract revenue obligations when it reasonably appears to the building commission that all obligations incurred under this section can be fully paid from moneys received or anticipated and pledged to be received on a timely basis. Except as provided in this subsection, the principal amount of revenue obligations issued under this section may not exceed $1,447,085,500 and may $1,753,067,500 , excluding any obligations that have been defeased under a cash optimization program administered by the building commission, to be used for transportation facilities under s. 84.01 (28) and major highway projects for the purposes under ss. 84.06 and 84.09. In addition to the foregoing limit on principal amount, the building commission may contract revenue obligations under this section as the building commission determines is desirable to refund outstanding revenue obligations contracted under this section and to pay expenses associated with revenue obligations contracted under this section.
Section 2310m. 85.027 of the statutes is created to read:
85.027 Highway corridor planning grant program. (1) In this section:
(a) "Highway corridor" means the area up to 10 miles on either side of a state trunk highway that is expected by the department to need additional capacity for vehicular traffic or to have possible safety or operational problems resulting from pressure for development adjacent to the highway.
(b) "Local governmental unit" means a city, village, town, county, regional planning commission, or metropolitan planning organization, as defined in s. 85.243 (1) (c).
(2) The department shall administer a highway corridor planning grant program. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (3) (bq), the department shall award grants to local governmental units for highway corridor planning activities. In any fiscal year, the department may not expend more than $500,000 for grants under this subsection.
Section 2311g. 85.061 (3) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 85.061 (3) (b) 1. and amended to read:
85.061 (3) (b) 1. The department may not use any proceeds from the bond issue authorized under s. 20.866 (2) (up) unless the joint committee on finance approves the use of the proceeds and, with state funds are used for not more than 20% of the cost of the project. This subdivision does not apply to the use of any bond proceeds approved by the joint committee on finance before the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date].
2. With respect to a route under par. (a) 1. or 2., the department may not use any proceeds from the bond issue authorized under s. 20.866 (2) (up) unless the department submits evidence to the joint committee on finance that Amtrak or the applicable railroad has agreed to provide rail passenger service on that route.
(c) The department may contract with Amtrak, railroads or other persons to perform the activities under the program.
Section 2312. 85.107 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
85.107 (title) Minority civil engineer scholarship Scholarship and loan repayment incentive grant program.
Section 2313. 85.107 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
85.107 (1) Purpose. The minority civil engineer scholarship and loan repayment incentive grant program is created to assist in improving the representation of minorities among employees of targeted group members within job classifications in which targeted group members are underutilized in the department who are classified as civil engineers.
Section 2314. 85.107 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
Section 2315. 85.107 (2m) (intro.) of the statutes is created to read:
85.107 (2m) Definitions. (intro.) In this section:
Section 2316. 85.107 (2m) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
85.107 (2m) (am) "Person with a disability" means any person who has a physical or mental disability that constitutes or results in a substantial barrier to employment.
Section 2317. 85.107 (2m) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
85.107 (2m) (b) "Targeted group member" means a person with disabilities, or a person who belongs to a class of race, color, or sex, whose percent of the workforce within any job classification in the department is less than that class's percent of the statewide labor market for such job activities.
Section 2318. 85.107 (3) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
85.107 (3) (a) (intro.) Award scholarships to resident minority students targeted group members who are enrolled fulltime full time and registered as sophomores, juniors or seniors in a civil engineering bachelor
of science degree program offered by an accredited institution of higher education in this state. Scholarships under this paragraph shall not exceed the following amounts:
Section 2319. 85.107 (3) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
85.107 (3) (am) Award scholarships of not more than $2,000 each to any targeted group member who is registered in his or her 2nd year of full-time enrollment in an associate degree program, as defined in s. 38.01 (1), or vocational diploma program, as defined in s. 38.01 (11), at a technical college in this state.
Section 2320. 85.107 (3) (b) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
85.107 (3) (b) 1. (intro.) Make loan repayment grants to minority civil engineers targeted group members who are employed by the department and have education loans outstanding. Subject to subd. 2., loan repayment grants under this subdivision shall not exceed the following amounts:
Section 2321. 85.12 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
85.12 (3) The department may contract with any local governmental unit, as defined in s. 16.97 22.01 (7), to provide that local governmental unit with services under this section.
Section 2321m. 85.12 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
85.12 (4) Beginning with fiscal year 2001-02, if the department of transportation provides radio services under this section to the department of natural resources in any fiscal year, the department of natural resources shall make quarterly payments from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (8) (mu) of $111,450 to the department of transportation.
Section 2321p. 85.12 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
85.12 (5) Beginning with fiscal year 2001-02, from the appropriations under s. 20.395 (5) (dk) of moneys received by the department from the department and under s. 20.395 (5) (dq), the amount provided by the department in any fiscal year for the statewide public safety radio management program under this section may not exceed 50% of the costs of the statewide public safety radio management program or $138,000, whichever is less.
Section 2323. 85.20 (4m) (a) 6. a. and b. of the statutes are repealed.
Section 2324m. 85.20 (4m) (a) 6. cm. of the statutes is amended to read:
85.20 (4m) (a) 6. cm. Beginning with aid payable for calendar year 2000 For aid payable for calendar years 2000 and 2001, from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (ht), the department shall pay $53,555,600 to the eligible applicant that pays the local contribution required under par. (b) 1. for an urban mass transit system that has annual operating expenses in excess of $80,000,000. For aid payable for calendar year 2002, from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (ht), the department shall pay $55,697,800 to the eligible applicant that pays the local contribution required under par. (b) 1. for an urban mass transit system that has annual operating expenses in excess of $80,000,000. Beginning with aid payable for calendar year 2003 and for each calendar year thereafter, from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (ht), the department shall pay $56,811,800 to the eligible applicant that pays the local contribution required under par. (b) 1. for an urban mass transit system that has annual operating expenses in excess of $80,000,000. If the eligible applicant that receives aid under this subd. 6. cm. is served by more than one urban mass transit system, the eligible applicant may allocate the aid between the urban mass transit systems in any manner the eligible applicant considers desirable.
Section 2325m. 85.20 (4m) (a) 6. d. of the statutes is amended to read:
85.20 (4m) (a) 6. d. Beginning with aid payable for calendar year 2000 For aid payable for calendar years 2000 and 2001, from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (hu), the department shall pay $14,297,600 to the eligible applicant that pays the local contribution required under par. (b) 1. for an urban mass transit system that has annual operating expenses in excess of $20,000,000 but less than $80,000,000. For aid payable for calendar year 2002, from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (hu), the department shall pay $14,869,500 to the eligible applicant that pays the local contribution required under par. (b) 1. for an urban mass transit system that has annual operating expenses in excess of $20,000,000 but less than $80,000,000. Beginning with aid payable for calendar year 2003 and for each calendar year thereafter, from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (hu), the department shall pay $15,166,900 to the eligible applicant that pays the local contribution required under par. (b) 1. for an urban mass transit system that has annual operating expenses in excess of $20,000,000 but less than $80,000,000. If the eligible applicant that receives aid under this subd. 6. d. is served by more than one urban mass transit system, the eligible applicant may allocate the aid between the urban mass transit systems in any manner the eligible applicant considers desirable.
Section 2326m. 85.20 (4m) (a) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
85.20 (4m) (a) 7. a. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (hr), for aid payable for calendar year 2001, the uniform percentage for each eligible applicant served by an urban mass transit system operating within an urbanized area having a population as shown in the 1990 federal decennial census of at least 50,000 or receiving federal mass transit aid for such area, and not specified in subd. 6. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (hr), beginning with aid payable for calendar year 2002 and for each calendar year thereafter, the uniform percentage for each eligible applicant served by an urban mass transit system operating within an urbanized area having a population as shown in the 2000 federal decennial census of at least 50,000 or receiving federal mass transit aid for such area, and not specified in subd. 6.
b. For the purpose of making allocations under subd. 7. a., the amounts for aids are $18,422,500 in calendar year 1999 and $19,804,200 in calendar year 2000 and years 2000 and 2001, $20,596,400 in calendar year 2002, and $21,008,300 in calendar year 2003 and in each calendar year thereafter. These amounts, to the extent practicable, shall be used to determine the uniform percentage in the particular calendar year.
Section 2327m. 85.20 (4m) (a) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
85.20 (4m) (a) 8. a. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (hs), for aid payable for calendar year 2001, the uniform percentage for each eligible applicant served by an urban mass transit system operating within an area having a population as shown in the 1990 federal decennial census of less than 50,000 or receiving federal mass transit aid for such area. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (hs), beginning with aid payable for calendar year 2002 and for each calendar year thereafter, the uniform percentage for each eligible applicant served by an urban mass transit system operating within an area having a population as shown in the 2000 federal decennial census of less than 50,000 or receiving federal mass transit aid for such area.
b. For the purpose of making allocations under subd. 8. a., the amounts for aids are $4,975,900 in calendar year 1999 and $5,349,100 in calendar year 2000 and
years 2000 and 2001, $5,563,100 in calendar year 2002, and $5,674,400 in calendar year 2003 and in each calendar year thereafter. These amounts, to the extent practicable, shall be used to determine the uniform percentage in the particular calendar year.
Section 2330g. 85.205 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
85.205 (title) Prohibited expenditures
and construction for light rail.
Section 2330h. 85.205 of the statutes is renumbered 85.205 (1) and amended to read:
(1) Notwithstanding ss. 85.022, 85.062 and 85.063, the department may not encumber or expend any federal funds received under P.L.
102-240, section 1045, or P.L.
105-277, section 373, or state funds for any purpose related to a light rail mass transit system
. This section on or after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date]. This subsection does not apply to any light rail mass transit system that is being constructed on October 29, 1999. This
section subsection does not apply to any funds expended or activity related to a mass transit system that is done under the memorandum of agreement concerning USH 12 between Middleton and Lake Delton, Wisconsin, that was executed by the governor, the secretary of transportation, the secretary of natural resources, the county executive of Dane County, the administrative coordinator of Sauk County, and others, and that became effective on April 22, 1999. This
section subsection does not apply after June 30,
2001 2002.
Section 2330j. 85.205 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
85.205 (2) A light rail mass transit system may not be constructed in Milwaukee County after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], unless the Milwaukee County board authorizes construction of the light rail mass transit system by resolution and the resolution is ratified by the electors of Milwaukee County at a referendum held at the next general election.
Section 2331. 85.24 (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
85.24 (title) Transportation employment and mobility program.
Section 2332. 85.24 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
85.24 (1) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to promote the conservation of energy, reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality and, enhance the efficient use of existing transportation systems, and enhance the success of welfare-to-work programs by providing efficient and effective transportation services that link low-income workers with jobs, training centers, and child care facilities, by planning and promoting demand management and ride-sharing programs, and by providing technical and financial assistance to public and private organizations for job access and employment transportation assistance programs and for the development and implementation of demand management and ride-sharing programs.
Section 2333. 85.24 (2) (ag) of the statutes is created to read:
85.24 (2) (ag) "Job access and employment transportation assistance" means policies and programs that are directed at resolving the transportation needs of low-income workers and recipients of public assistance with respect to transportation to-and-from jobs, including welfare-to-work programs, and activities related to their employment.
Section 2334. 85.24 (2) (br) of the statutes is created to read:
85.24 (2) (br) "Transportation employment and mobility" means policies and programs that encompass demand management, ride sharing, and job access and employment transportation assistance.
Section 2335. 85.24 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
85.24 (3) (a) The department of transportation shall be the lead state agency in demand management and ride-sharing activities and shall collaborate with the department of workforce development in job access and employment transportation assistance programs. The department of transportation shall have all powers necessary to develop and implement a state demand management and ride-sharing assistance program which shall include transportation employment and mobility program that includes the coordination of demand management and, ride-sharing, and job access and employment transportation assistance activities in this state,
; the promotion and marketing of demand management and, ride-sharing, and job access and employment transportation assistance activities,; the dissemination of technical information,; the provision of technical and financial assistance to public and private organizations for the planning, development, and implementation of demand management and, ride-sharing, and job access and employment transportation assistance programs,; and the development and distribution of computer and manual ride-matching systems.
Section 2336. 85.24 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: