Single trip, Ch. Trans 254
Single trip, issued by telephone, Ch. Trans 275
Size and weight of vehicles and combinations, Ch. Trans 276
Trailer-train, Ch. Trans 230
Single trip, Ch. Trans 256
Telephone authorization for quarterly or monthly, Ch. Trans 133
Unified registration system, Ch. Trans 178
Safety regulations, Chs. Trans 325, 326, 327
School buses:
Endorsements, general standards, Ch. Trans 112
Oxidation catalyst grant program, Ch. Trans 135
Standards, Ch. Trans 300
Trip permits Ch. Trans 127
Trailer and semi-trailers, equipment, Ch. Trans 308
Vehicle registration and fuel trip permits, Ch. Trans 146
Weigh station stopping requirements, Ch. Trans 312
motor fuel tax MOTOR FUEL TAX
Assignment, use and reporting of tax number, Tax 4.50
Certificate of authorization, Tax 4.53
License ownership and name changes, Tax 4.55
Measuring withdrawals, Tax 4.51
Portable motor equipment, Tax 4.01
Public highways closed to travel, Tax 4.03
Reseller's personal claims, Tax 4.02
Separate schedules, Tax 4.52
Security requirements, Tax 4.54
Taxicabs, Tax 4.05
motor vehicles MOTOR VEHICLES
See also Transportation
Accident reporting, Ch. Trans 100
Airbags, installation, Trans 305.27
Alcohol and controlled substances, frequent testing program for probation, parole, extended supervision, Ch. Jus 19
Car rentals, customer notices, Ch. ATCP 118
Child restraint standards, Ch. Trans 310
Dealers, manufacturers and salespersons; licensing periods and fees, Ch. Trans 144
Disposition of deer killed by, NR 19.13
Driver schools and instructors, licensing, Ch. Trans 105
Emissions control, Ch. NR 485
Emissions inspection, Ch. Trans 131
Equipment, Subch. II of ch. Trans 305
Financing, DFI-Bkg 76.01 to 76.13
Fuel taxation, Ch. Tax 4
Human services vehicles, Ch. Trans 301
Ignition interlock devices, Ch. Trans 313
Inspection and maintenance program, Ch. Trans 131
Insurance, casualty, Ch. Ins 3
Mandatory, Trans 100.25
Manufacturers' informal dispute settlement procedures, standards for, Ch. Trans 143
Neighborhood electric vehicles, Ch. Trans 145
Odometer disclosure requirements, Ch. Trans 154
Operating privilege, administrative suspension for prohibitive blood alcohol concentration, Ch. Trans 113
Operation on property controlled by department of administration, Ch. Adm 1
Protection product warranties, Ch. Ins 14
Rental companies, Ch. Trans 175
Repair trade practices, Ch. ATCP 132
Safety belt usage, exemption, Ch. Trans 315
Salvage, repaired, inspection of, Ch. Trans 149
School children, transportation, Ch. PI 7
Snowmobile, operation on DNR lands, NR 45.05
Studded tires, use, Ch. Trans 306
Tampering with pollution control equipment, random inspection, NR 485.07
Titles, held by trusts, Ch. Trans 157
Trade practices and marketing, Ch. Trans 139
Conservation areas, NR 45.05
Parking, state office buildings, Ch. Adm 1
Vehicular travel in parks, forests, NR 45.05
Wisconsin Veterans Home, VA 6.03
Traffic citation form, Ch. Trans 114
See also Motor Carriers
Hazardous materials, Ch. Trans 326
Loads exceeding established limits, movement overstate trunk highways, permit applications and requirements, Ch. Trans 230
Of carcasses, NR 10.105
Wisconsin automobile insurance plan, Ins 3.49
motor vehicle division MOTOR VEHICLE DIVISION
motorcycles MOTORCYCLES
See also Transportation
Equipment, Subch. III of ch. Trans 305
Instruction permits, Trans 129.05
Off-highway motorcycle program, Ch. NR 65
Rider course requirements, Ch. Trans 129
Approved by another jurisdiction, Trans 129.07
Basic rider course, Trans 129.09
Exemptions, Trans 129.04
Riding course grants, Trans 129.15