Authority and definitions, Ch. Psy 1
Continuing education, Ch. Psy 4
Examination and licensure requirements, Ch. Psy 2
License renewal, Ch. Psy 4
Professional conduct, Ch. Psy 5
School psychologists, license requirements, PI 34.061
Temporary practice, Psy 2.14
public assistance PUBLIC ASSISTANCE
County relief programs, Ch. DHS 251
Fair hearings, Ch. HA 3
Food stamps, electronic benefit transfer, Ch. DHS 252
Nutrition program for women, infants and children (WIC), Ch. DHS 149
Tribal medical relief programs, Ch. DHS 250
Wisconsin works, see Wisconsin Works (W-2)
public defender board PUBLIC DEFENDER BOARD
Adversary representation, Ch. PD 5
Assignment procedure, Ch. PD 2
Certification, attorney, Ch. PD 1
Discovery payments, Ch. PD 8
Emergency assignment, PD 2.02
Indigency, criteria, Ch. PD 3
Legal fees, reimbursement, Ch. PD 6
Private attorney:
Annual hours, PD 4.06
Payment, Ch. PD 4
Retained counsel, cost, PD 3.02
public employees PUBLIC EMPLOYEES
public instruction department PUBLIC INSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT
Administrator licensing: PI 34.035, PI 34.066, 34.067
Aid, achievement guarantee contracts (SAGE), Ch. PI 24
Aid, school mental health programs, Ch. PI 31
Bilingual-bicultural educational programs, Ch. PI 13
Blind and visually impaired, Wisconsin Center, Ch. PI 12
Children at risk plan and program requirements, Ch. PI 25
Children with disabilities, Ch. PI 11
Community programs and services, Ch. PI 80
Complaint resolutions, petitions and appeals, Ch. PI 1
Deaf and hard of hearing, services program, Ch. PI 12
Driver education programs, Ch. PI 21
Early college credit program, Ch. PI 40
Education for employment programs, Ch. PI 26
Education reform, Ch. PI 43
Educator practice evaluation, alternative model approval, Ch. PI 47
Educator standards, Subch. II of ch. PI 34
ESEA intradistrict safe school transfer options, Ch. PI 23
Exceptional educational needs, Ch. PI 11
Funds, student activities, disposition, Ch. PI 20
Generally, Ch. PI 38
Alcohol and other drug abuse programs, Subch. IV of ch. PI 38
Four-year-old kindergarten, Subch. V of ch. PI 38
National teacher certification, grants for, Ch. PI 37
Peer review and mentoring, Subch. III of ch. PI 38
Tribal language revitalization grants, Subch. VI of ch. PI 38
High school equivalency diplomas, Ch. PI 5
High school graduation standards, Ch. PI 18
Inter-district open enrollment, PI 36
Limited-English speaking pupils, assessment, Ch. PI 13
Mental health professional license, PI 34.0375
Parental school choice program:
Milwaukee, Ch. PI 35
Outside Milwaukee, Ch. PI 48
Parent contract for transportation, Subch. II of ch. PI 7
Peer review and mentoring, grants, Subch. III of ch. PI 38
Precollege scholarships, Ch. PI 22
Procedure, hearings before state superintendent, Ch. PI 1
Public libraries, Ch. PI 6
Librarian certification, PI 6.03
Pupil nondiscrimination, Ch. PI 9
Pupil services licensing:
License revocation and reinstatement, Subch. XI of ch. PI 34
Standards, PI 34.098
Pupil transportation, Ch. PI 7
Race-based mascots, Ch. PI 45
Religious beliefs, accommodation of, Ch. PI 41
Revenue limit exemptions for energy savings, Ch. PI 15
School age parents, education, Ch. PI 19
School district boundary appeals, Ch. PI 2
School district standards, Ch. PI 8
Compliance audits, PI 8.02
Noncompliance hearings, PI 8.03
School finance, Ch. PI 14
School term, start date, Ch. PI 27
Special education aid, Ch. PI 30
Special needs scholarship program, Ch. PI 49
Substitute teachers, PI 34.032, 34.033, 34.109
Summer school programs, Ch. PI 17