(2) (am) A person on community supervision.".
16302.14 (title)
Property of deceased inmates, parolees or, probationers
17or persons on community supervision, disposition. When an inmate of a
18prison or a parolee of an institution or a person on probation
or community
19supervision to the department dies leaving an estate of $150 or less in the trust of
20the warden, superintendent or secretary, the warden, superintendent or secretary
21shall try to determine whether or not the estate is to be probated. If probate
22proceedings are not commenced within 90 days, the warden, superintendent or
23secretary shall turn over the money or securities to the nearest of kin as evidenced
24by the records of the institution and the department.".
5304.075 (title)
Probationer and parolee loan Loan fund for persons on
6probation, community supervision or parole. The department shall create a
7revolving fund out of any moneys in its hands belonging to probationers and parolees
8and persons on community supervision who absconded, or whose whereabouts are
9unknown. The fund shall be used to defray the expenses of clothing, transportation,
10maintenance and other necessities for probationers and parolees
and persons on
11community supervision who are without means to secure those necessities. All
12payments made from the fund shall be repaid by probationers or parolees
13persons on community supervision for whose benefit they are made whenever
14possible; and any moneys belonging to them so paid into the revolving fund shall be
15repaid to them in accordance with law, in case a claim therefor is filed with the
16department upon showing the legal right of the claimant to such money.".
(7m) "Commercial driver license" means a license issued to a person by
20this state or another jurisdiction which is in accordance with the requirements of the
21federal commercial motor vehicle safety act of 1986,
49 USC 2701 to
2716 31301 to
2231317, and which authorizes the licensee to operate certain commercial motor
(7r) "Commercial driver license information system" means the
2information system established pursuant to the federal commercial motor vehicle
3safety act of 1986,
49 USC 2701 to
2716 31301 to 31317, to serve as a clearinghouse
4for information related to the licensing and identification of commercial motor
5vehicle drivers.".
(2) (am) If the applicant is a natural person registering a farm truck
9under s. 341.26 (3) (a) 1., the applicant's social security number.
(2) (cm) If the applicant is registering a farm truck under s. 341.26 (3)
12(a) 1., certification that the applicant had at least $6,000 in gross farm profits, as
13defined in s. 71.58 (4), in at least one of the 2 previous taxable years, or that the
14applicant expects to have at least $6,000 in gross farm profits, as defined in s. 71.58
15(4), in the current taxable year.
(4) Applications for renewal of registration shall contain the
18information required in sub. (2) for original applications or such parts thereof as the
19department deems necessary to assure the proper registration of the vehicle
, except
20that all applications for renewal of registration of farm trucks under s. 341.26 (3) (a)
211. shall contain the information specified in sub. (2) (am) and (cm). The department
22may require that applications for renewal of registration be accompanied by the
23certificate of title issued for the vehicle only when the true ownership or proper
1registration of the vehicle is in doubt and cannot be resolved from records maintained
2by the department.
(8) The department may not disclose a social security number obtained
5from an applicant under sub. (2) (am) to any person except to the department of
6revenue for the sole purpose of determining the applicant's eligibility to register the
7farm truck under s. 341.26 (3) (a) 1.
(6r) (b) 2. An additional fee of
$10 $15 shall be charged for the issuance
10or reissuance of the plates for special groups specified under par. (f)
1. to 34., 48., 49.
11and 51.
(6r) (b) 4. An additional fee of $20 that is in addition to the fee under
15subd. 2.
or 3 shall be charged for the issuance or renewal of a plate issued on an
16annual basis for a special group specified under par. (f) 35. to 47. An additional fee
17of $40 that is in addition to the fee under subd. 2.
or 3. shall be charged for the
18issuance or renewal of a plate issued on a biennial basis for a special group specified
19under par. (f) 35. to 47 if the plate is issued or renewed during the first year of the
20biennial registration period or $20 for the issuance or renewal if the plate is issued
21or renewed during the 2nd year of the biennial registration period. The fee under
22this subdivision is deductible as a charitable contribution for purposes of the taxes
23under ch. 71.
(1) (a) For each automobile or station wagon, a fee of
$40 $45, except
2that an automobile registered in this state prior to September 1, 1947, at a fee of less
3than $18 shall be registered at such lesser fee plus an additional fee of $2.
(3) (a) 1. For each farm truck having a gross weight of 12,000 pounds
6or less, a biennial fee of $42.
Registration plates issued under this subdivision expire
7on the last day of February of even-numbered years.
(2) (a) A farm truck having a gross weight of 12,000 pounds or less, as
11specified in s. 341.26 (3) (a) 1.
The registration period for such a farm truck begins
12on March 1 of an even-numbered year and ends on the last day of February of the
13next even-numbered year All such farm trucks shall be registered by the department
14according to the monthly series of registration prescribed by par. (b).
(2) (b) There are established 24 registration periods, each to be
17designated by a calendar month and to start on the first day of such month and end
18on the last day of the 24th month from the date of commencing. The department shall
19so administer the monthly series system of registration as to distribute the work of
20registering farm trucks as uniformly as practicable throughout the calendar year.
22341.43 Audits. The department may conduct such audits as it deems
23necessary to determine the adequacy of fees paid under the international
24registration plan or other proportional registration law or agreement and taxes
25fees paid under s. 341.45. Audits shall be conducted during normal business hours.
1Credits shall be given for overpayments and deficiencies shall be assessed, with
2interest. Actual and necessary expenses incurred by an auditor, plus wages, may be
3assessed against the person audited.
5341.45 (title)
Importation in vehicle tanks regulated; taxes; fee;
(1g) (a)
Every Except as provided in subs. (3) and (4g), every person who
9purchases or obtains motor vehicle fuel or an alternate fuel outside of this state and
10operates any qualified motor vehicle into this state upon a highway and transports
11that fuel in an attached or unattached fuel supply tank for the sole purpose of
12operating the qualified motor vehicle shall pay the Wisconsin motor vehicle fuel or
13alternate fuels tax
and the oil inspection fee under s. 168.12 on the gallons consumed
14by the qualified motor vehicle while operated on the highways of this state. The
15person shall pay the tax
and fee by purchasing motor vehicle fuel or alternate fuels
16within this state in an amount that is equivalent to the gallonage consumed while
17operating the qualified motor vehicle on the highways of this state, or by remitting
18the tax
and fee directly to the department or to another jurisdiction that is a party
19to the international fuel tax agreement.
(1g) (b) The department may require any person required to pay under
22par. (a) to report on forms prescribed by it, to display evidence of compliance with par.
23(a) and to pay taxes
and fees in the manner specified by the department.
1(c) The department shall require any person convicted of evading the tax
or fee 2due under par. (a) to report on forms and in the manner prescribed by the
(2) Every person regularly or habitually operating qualified motor
6vehicles upon the highways of any other state and using in those qualified motor
7vehicles motor vehicle fuel or an alternate fuel purchased or obtained in this state
8shall be allowed a credit or refund equal to the
oil inspection fee and the tax on the
9motor vehicle fuel or alternate fuel actually paid to the state in which it is used, but
10not to exceed the tax
and fee imposed on motor vehicle fuel or alternate fuels by this
(3) The department may enter into reciprocal agreements with the
14appropriate officials of any other state under which it may waive all or any part of
15the requirements imposed by this section upon those who use motor vehicle fuel or
16alternate fuels upon which the tax
has and fee have been paid to another state if the
17officials of the other state grant equivalent privileges with respect to motor vehicle
18fuel or alternate fuels used in that state but upon which the tax
has and fee have been
19paid to Wisconsin.
(4g) The department may issue trip permits for 72-hour periods to
22persons who would otherwise be required to pay the Wisconsin motor vehicle fuel or
23alternate fuels tax and the oil inspection fee under sub. (1g). The department shall
24charge a fee of not less than $15 for each permit issued under this subsection. A
1person who has obtained a permit under this subsection is exempt from the
2purchasing requirement of sub. (1g) (a).
(4m) All oil inspection fees paid to the department of transportation
5under sub. (1g) (a) in excess of oil inspection fee credits or refunds under sub. (2) shall
6be deposited in the petroleum inspection fund. All oil inspection fees credited or
7refunded by the department of transportation under sub. (2) in excess of oil
8inspection fees paid to the department of transportation under sub. (1g) (a) shall be
9paid from the petroleum inspection fund.
(5) The department shall promulgate rules under ch. 227 necessary to
12administer this section.
The rules shall include provisions relating to the issuance
13and use of the permits authorized under sub. (4g). The rules may include provisions
14relating to the payment of interest on late payments of motor vehicle fuel and
15alternate fuels taxes
and oil inspection fees, and fees for the late payment or
16underpayment of motor vehicle fuel and alternate fuels taxes
and oil inspection fees.
(1) For filing an application for the first certificate of title,
$5 $7.50, by
19the owner of the vehicle.".
(3) For a certificate of title after a transfer,
$5 $7.50, by the owner of the
(1m) (a) No owner of a junk vehicle may transfer his or her interest in
2the junk vehicle except to a licensed motor vehicle salvage dealer.
(b) No person other than a licensed motor vehicle salvage dealer may acquire
4an interest in a junk vehicle from the owner of the junk vehicle.
(c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to the sale, disposition or acquisition of
6a junk vehicle following the procedure under s. 342.40 (3) (c) or 779.415 (2).
(5r) Any person who violates sub. (1m) may be required to forfeit not
9more than $1,000 for each violation.
(2) (cb) "Motorized construction equipment" means motor-driven
12construction equipment designed principally for off-road use, including a
13motorscraper, backhoe, motorgrader, compacter, excavator, tractor, trencher and
(2) (d) "Photograph" means an unretouched image recorded by a camera
17and reproduced on a photosensitive surface and includes a digitized image.
(1) The department shall administer and enforce this chapter and may
20promulgate for that purpose such rules as the secretary considers necessary. Rules
21promulgated under this chapter may not conflict with and shall be at least as
22stringent as standards set by the federal commercial motor vehicle safety act,
23USC 2701 to
2716 31301 to 31317 and the regulations adopted under that act.
(1) (title)
Compliance with federal standards.
(1) (a) The department shall institute a classified driver license system
4meeting all federal standards under
49 USC 2701 to
2716 31301 to 31317 and
49 CFR
(1) (b) The department shall
begin issuance of issue operator's licenses
8in conformity with the classified driver license system to each licensee upon renewal,
9reinstatement or initial application
by April 1, 1991.
(5) Inquiries before issuance. Before issuing a license under this
13chapter, the department shall obtain driver record information from the national
14driver registry and commercial driver license information system to determine
15whether the applicant holds a commercial driver license, or a license that is revoked,
16suspended or canceled, or is otherwise disqualified. If the applicant is currently
17licensed in another state, the department shall obtain information on the applicant's
18license status with the state of licensure before issuing a license.
(2) (a) 2. A nonresident who has in his or her immediate possession a
22valid commercial driver license issued to the person in
his or her home another 23jurisdiction
or Mexico bearing all endorsements required for the specific class and
24type of vehicle being operated. A license is not valid under this subdivision if the
25license is restricted to operation inside the person's home jurisdiction, or if the person
1is otherwise violating restrictions or exceeding operating authorization stated on the
2person's license. If the nonresident is operating a commercial motor vehicle in
3interstate commerce, he or she must be at least 21 years of age.
(2) (c) A tow truck operator holding a valid commercial driver license
6who is engaged in the removal of a disabled or wrecked vehicle from the highway or
7eliminating a hazard is not required to hold an endorsement to his or her commercial
8driver license regardless of the type of vehicle being towed. This exception to the
9requirement for an endorsement does not apply to any subsequent towing of the
10vehicle, including moving the vehicle from one repair facility to another, unless
the 11one of the following applies:
121. The tow truck operator
holds a commercial driver license and is accompanied
13by a driver who holds the required endorsements.
(2) (c) 2. The vehicle is a vehicle that requires a "P" endorsement for its