(7) (dm)
Wind erosion control aids. As".
17118. Page 346, line 14: delete lines 14 and 15 and substitute: "vided in
18carrying out the functions of the
office department, for the purposes for which the
19moneys were received or collected.".
(1) (bs)
Mexico trade office. The amounts in the schedule for contract
23costs for the trade office in Mexico.
AB150-ASA1-AA26, s. 507pm
1Section 507pm. 20.143 (1) (bs) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin
2Act .... (this act), is repealed.".
(1) (ie)
Wisconsin development fund, repayments. All moneys received
5in repayment of grants or loans under s. 560.085 (4) (b), 1985 stats., s. 560.16,
6560.165, 1993 stats., subch. V of ch. 560 except s. 560.65,
1989 Wisconsin Act 336,
3015 (1m),
1989 Wisconsin Act 336, section
3015 (2m) and
1989 Wisconsin
8Act 336, section
3015 (3gx), to be used for grants and loans under subch. V of ch. 560
9except s. 560.65, for loans under
ss. s. 560.16
and 560.165, for reimbursements under
10s. 560.167 and to transfer $100,000 in each of fiscal years 1995-96 and 1996-97 to
11the appropriation account under par. (km).".
14122. Page 352, line 19: after "operations" insert: "relating to the regulation
15of industry, buildings and safety under chs. 101, 107, 145 and 168 and ss. 32.19 to
1632.27, 167.10, 167.11 and 167.27".
Code development operations; petroleum inspection fund. From the
19petroleum inspection fund, the amounts in the schedule for the development and
20promulgation of rules relating to the regulation of industry, safety and buildings
21under chs. 101, 145 and 168 and ss. 236.12 (2) (a), 236.13 (1) (d) and (2m) and 236.335
22in anticipation of the transfer of industry, safety and buildings regulation to the
23department of development from the department of industry, labor and human
24relations under 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act). The unencumbered balance in this
1appropriation on June 30, 1996, shall be transferred to the appropriation under s.
220.445 (1) (r).".
(1) (g)
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for
7the general program operations of the department of financial institutions. Except
8as provided in pars. (a), (h), (i), (ka) and (u), all moneys received by the department,
9other than by the office of credit unions, the division of banking and the division of
10savings and loan, and 88% of all moneys received by the department's division of
11banking and the department's division of savings and loan shall be credited to this
12appropriation, but any balance at the close of a fiscal year exceeding 10% of the
13previous fiscal year's expenditures under this appropriation shall lapse to the
14general fund.".
(4) (i)
Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission; license revenue. All
2moneys received by the Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission from license fees, to
3be used for the general program operations of the commission under s. 44.25 upon
4approval of the director of the historical society.".
(1) (hg)
Personnel certification, teacher supply, information and analysis
12and teacher improvement. The amounts in the schedule to fund certification
13administrative costs under s. 115.28 (7) (d) and 118.19 (10), teacher supply,
14information and analysis costs under s. 115.29 (5) and teacher improvement under
15s. 115.41.
All Ninety percent of all moneys received from the certification of school
16and public library personnel under s. 115.28 (7) (d)
, and all moneys received under
17s. 115.41
, shall be credited to this appropriation.".
(2) (fg)
Aid for cooperative educational service agencies. The amounts
23in the schedule for a payment not to exceed $25,000 annually to each cooperative
24educational service agency, for the current operational expenses of these agencies
1and to match any federal funds received by these agencies for vocational education
The remainder of the amounts in the schedule shall be distributed
3by the department to cooperative educational service agencies for human growth and
4development programs under ss. 116.01 and 116.08 (3m).".
(1) (am)
Agricultural land reimbursement. A sum sufficient to make the
9payments under s. 38.04 (27).".
Section 656b. 20.370 (2) (hq) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin
14Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
(2) (hq)
Recycling; administration. From the recycling fund, the
16amounts in the schedule for the administration of subch. II of ch. 159, other than ss.
17159.17, 159.21, 159.23 and 159.25.".
(1) (bq) (title)
Transit Small communities transit operating aids, state
21funds. The amounts in the schedule for
the mass transit
aid program aids to small
22communities under s. 85.20 (4m) (a)
(1) (bs)
Medium-sized communities transit operating aids, state funds. 2The amounts in the schedule for mass transit aids to medium-sized communities
3under s. 85.20 (4m) (a) 2.
(1) (bu) (title)
Supplemental Large communities transit operating aids,
6state funds. The amounts in the schedule for
the mass transit
aid program aids to
7large communities under s. 85.20 (4m)
(am) (a) 3.
(1) (bw)
Employment transit aids, state funds. The amounts in the
10schedule for the employment transit assistance program under s. 85.26.
AB150-ASA1-AA26, s. 772im
11Section 772im. 20.395 (1) (bw) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin
12Act .... (this act), is renumbered 20.445 (1) (uy) and amended to read:
(1) (uy) (title)
Employment transit
aids, state funds assistance program. 14The From the transportation fund, the amounts in the schedule for the employment
15transit assistance program under s.
85.26 106.26.".
(2) (bq) (title)
Rail service assistance, state funds.
(2) (bu)
Freight rail infrastructure improvements, state funds. As a
2continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for loans under s. 85.08 (4m)
3(d) and (e) and to make payments under s. 85.085.
(3) (aq)
Environmental clean-up activities, state funds. As a continuing
6appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for environmental clean-up activities
7under s. 84.01 (30).
(3) (bq)
Major highway development, state funds. As a continuing
10appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for major development of state trunk and
11connecting highways and, before
July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, for the disadvantaged
12business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076.
(3) (bv)
Major highway development, local funds. All moneys received
15from any local unit of government or other source for major development of state
16trunk and connecting highways, including the railroad and utility alteration and
17relocation loan program under s. 84.065, and, before
July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997,
18the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076,
19for such purposes.
(3) (bx)
Major highway development, federal funds. All moneys received
22from the federal government for major development of state trunk and connecting
23highways and, before
July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, the disadvantaged business
24demonstration and training program under s. 84.076, for such purposes.
(3) (cq)
State highway rehabilitation, state funds. As a continuing
2appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for improvement of existing state trunk
3and connecting highways; for improvement of bridges on state trunk or connecting
4highways and other bridges for which improvement is a state responsibility, for
5necessary approach work for such bridges and for replacement of such bridges with
6at-grade crossing improvements; for the construction and rehabilitation of the
7national system of interstate and defense highways and bridges and related
8appurtenances; for special maintenance activities under s. 84.04 on roadside
9improvements; for bridges under s. 84.10; for payment to a local unit of government
10for a jurisdictional transfer under s. 84.02 (8); and, before
July 1, 1995 October 1,
111997, for the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program under s.
(3) (cv)
State highway rehabilitation, local funds. All moneys received
15from any local unit of government or other source for the specific information sign
16program under s. 86.195; for improvement of existing state trunk and connecting
17highways; for improvement of bridges on state trunk or connecting highways and
18other bridges for which improvement is a state responsibility, for necessary approach
19work for such bridges and for replacement of such bridges with at-grade crossing
20improvements; for the construction and rehabilitation of the national system of
21interstate and defense highways and bridges and related appurtenances; for special
22maintenance activities under s. 84.04 on roadside improvements; for the railroad
23and utility alteration and relocation loan program under s. 84.065 and, before
241, 1995 October 1, 1997, for the disadvantaged business demonstration and training
25program under s. 84.076, for such purposes.
(3) (cx)
State highway rehabilitation, federal funds. All moneys
3received from the federal government for improvement of existing state trunk and
4connecting highways; for improvement of bridges on state trunk or connecting
5highways and other bridges for which improvement is a state responsibility, for
6necessary approach work for such bridges and for replacement of such bridges with
7at-grade crossing improvements; for the construction and rehabilitation of the
8national system of interstate and defense highways and bridges and related
9appurtenances; for special maintenance activities under s. 84.04 on roadside
10improvements and, before
July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, for the disadvantaged
11business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076, for such purposes.
(3) (eq)
Highway maintenance, repair and traffic operations, state
14funds. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for the maintenance and repair of
15roadside improvements under s. 84.04, state trunk highways under s. 84.07 and
16bridges that are not on the state trunk highway system under s. 84.10; for highway
17operations such as permit issuance, pavement marking, highway signing, traffic
18signalization and highway lighting under ss. 84.04, 84.07, 84.10 and 348.25 to 348.27
19and ch. 349; and, before
July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, for the disadvantaged business
20demonstration and training program under s. 84.076. This paragraph does not apply
21to special maintenance activities under s. 84.04 on roadside improvements.
(3) (ev)
Highway maintenance, repair and traffic operations, local
24funds. All moneys received from any local unit of government or other sources for
25the maintenance and repair of roadside improvements under s. 84.04, state trunk
1highways under s. 84.07 and bridges that are not on the state trunk highway system
2under s. 84.10; for signing under s. 86.195; for highway operations such as permit
3issuance, pavement marking, highway signing, traffic signalization and highway
4lighting under ss. 84.04, 84.07, 84.10 and 348.25 to 348.27 and ch. 349; and, before
5July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, for the disadvantaged business demonstration and
6training program under s. 84.076; for such purposes. This paragraph does not apply
7to special maintenance activities under s. 84.04 on roadside improvements.