AB658-ASA1, s. 5 8Section 5. 154.01 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 154.02 (3).
AB658-ASA1, s. 6 9Section 6. 154.02 (intro.) of the statutes is created to read:
AB658-ASA1,2,10 10154.02 Definitions. (intro.) In this subchapter:
AB658-ASA1, s. 7 11Section 7. Subchapter II (title) of chapter 154 [precedes 154.02] of the statutes
12is created to read:
AB658-ASA1,2,1313 Chapter 154
AB658-ASA1,2,1514 Subchapter ii
15 Declaration to physicians
AB658-ASA1, s. 8 16Section 8. 154.07 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB658-ASA1,2,1817 154.07 (1) (a) 1. Participating in the withholding or withdrawal of
18life-sustaining procedures or feeding tubes under this chapter subchapter.
AB658-ASA1, s. 9 19Section 9. 154.07 (1) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB658-ASA1,2,2320 154.07 (1) (b) 1. No person who acts in good faith as a witness to a declaration
21under this chapter subchapter may be held civilly or criminally liable for
22participating in the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures or
23feeding tubes under this chapter subchapter.
AB658-ASA1, s. 10 24Section 10. 154.07 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1154.07 (2) Effect of declaration. The desires of a qualified patient who is
2competent supersede the effect of the declaration at all times. If a qualified patient
3is incompetent at the time of the decision to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining
4procedures or feeding tubes a declaration executed under this chapter subchapter is
5presumed to be valid. The declaration of a qualified patient who is diagnosed as
6pregnant by the attending physician has no effect during the course of the qualified
7patient's pregnancy. For the purposes of this chapter subchapter, a physician or
8inpatient health care facility may presume in the absence of actual notice to the
9contrary that a person who executed a declaration was of sound mind at the time.
AB658-ASA1, s. 11 10Section 11. 154.11 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB658-ASA1,3,1411 154.11 (1) Suicide. The withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining
12procedures or feeding tubes from a qualified patient under this chapter subchapter
13does not, for any purpose, constitute suicide. Execution of a declaration under this
14chapter subchapter does not, for any purpose, constitute attempted suicide.
AB658-ASA1, s. 12 15Section 12. 154.11 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB658-ASA1,3,1816 154.11 (4) Other rights. This chapter subchapter does not impair or supersede
17any person's legal right to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining procedures or
18feeding tubes.
AB658-ASA1, s. 13 19Section 13. 154.11 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB658-ASA1,3,2320 154.11 (5) Intent. Failure to execute a declaration under this chapter
21subchapter creates no presumption that the person consents to the use or
22withholding of life-sustaining procedures or feeding tubes in the event that the
23person suffers from a terminal condition or is in a persistent vegetative state.
AB658-ASA1, s. 14 24Section 14. 154.11 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
1154.11 (6) Construction. Nothing in this chapter subchapter condones,
2authorizes or permits any affirmative or deliberate act to end life other than to
3permit the natural process of dying.
AB658-ASA1, s. 15 4Section 15. Subchapter III of chapter 154 [precedes 154.17] of the statutes is
5created to read:
AB658-ASA1,4,66 Chapter 154
AB658-ASA1,4,87 Subchapter III
8 do-not-resuscitate orders
AB658-ASA1,4,9 9154.17 Definitions. In this subchapter:
AB658-ASA1,4,14 10(1) "Do-not-resuscitate bracelet" means a standardized identification bracelet
11of uniform size, color, and design, approved by the department, that bears the
12inscription "Do Not Resuscitate" and signifies that the wearer is a qualified patient
13who has obtained a do-not-resuscitate order and that the wearer has not revoked
14the request for the order.
AB658-ASA1,4,19 15(2) "Do-not-resuscitate order" means a written order issued under the
16requirements of this subchapter that directs emergency medical technicians, first
17responders and emergency health care facilities personnel not to attempt
18cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a person for whom the order is issued if that
19person suffers cardiac or respiratory arrest.
AB658-ASA1,4,21 20(3) "Emergency medical technician" has the meaning given under s. 146.50 (1)
AB658-ASA1,4,22 22(3m) "First responder" has the meaning given under s. 146.53 (1) (d).
AB658-ASA1,4,24 23(4) "Qualified patient" means a person who has attained the age of 18 and to
24whom any of the following conditions applies:
AB658-ASA1,4,2525 (a) The person has a terminal condition.
1(b) The person has a medical condition such that, were the person to suffer
2cardiac or pulmonary failure, resuscitation would be unsuccessful in restoring
3cardiac or respiratory function or the person would experience repeated cardiac or
4pulmonary failure within a short period before death occurs.
AB658-ASA1,5,85 (c) The person has a medical condition such that, were the person to suffer
6cardiac or pulmonary failure, resuscitation of that person would cause significant
7physical pain or harm that would outweigh the possibility that resuscitation would
8successfully restore cardiac or respiratory function for an indefinite period of time.
AB658-ASA1,5,14 9(5) "Resuscitation" means cardiopulmonary resuscitation or any component of
10cardiopulmonary resuscitation, including cardiac compression, endotracheal
11intubation and other advanced airway management, artificial ventilation,
12defibrillation, administration of cardiac resuscitation medications and related
13procedures. "Resuscitation" does not include the Heimlich maneuver or similar
14procedure used to expel an obstruction from the throat.
AB658-ASA1,5,17 15154.19 Do-not-resuscitate order. (1) No person except an attending
16physician may issue a do-not-resuscitate order. An attending physician may issue
17a do-not-resuscitate order to a patient only if all of the following apply:
AB658-ASA1,5,1818 (a) The patient is a qualified patient.
AB658-ASA1,5,1919 (b) The patient requests the order.
AB658-ASA1,5,2020 (c) The order is in writing.
AB658-ASA1,5,2121 (d) The patient signs the order.
AB658-ASA1,5,2222 (e) The physician does not know the patient to be pregnant.
AB658-ASA1,5,24 23(2) Upon issuing the do-not-resuscitate order, the attending physician, or a
24person directed by the attending physician, shall do all of the following:
1(a) Issue and affix to the wrist of the patient a do-not-resuscitate bracelet and
2document in the patient's medical record the medical condition that qualifies the
3patient for the do-not-resuscitate order.
AB658-ASA1,6,64 (b) Provide the patient with written information about the resuscitation
5procedures that the patient has chosen to forego and the methods by which the
6patient may revoke the do-not-resuscitate order.
AB658-ASA1,6,11 7(3) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), emergency medical technicians, first
8responders and emergency health care facilities personnel shall follow
9do-not-resuscitate orders. The procedures used in following a do-not-resuscitate
10order shall be in accordance with any procedures established by the department by
AB658-ASA1,6,1212 (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply under any of the following conditions:
AB658-ASA1,6,1313 1. The patient has revoked the order under s. 154.21.
AB658-ASA1,6,1514 2. The do-not-resuscitate bracelet appears to have been tampered with or
AB658-ASA1,6,1716 3. The emergency medical technician, first responder or member of the
17emergency health care facility knows that the patient is pregnant.
AB658-ASA1,6,20 18154.21 Revocation of do-not-resuscitate order. (1) Method of
A patient may revoke a do-not-resuscitate order at any time by any of
20the following methods:
AB658-ASA1,6,2521 (a) The patient expresses to an emergency medical technician, first responder
22or to a person who serves as a member of an emergency health care facility's
23personnel the desire to be resuscitated. The emergency medical technician, first
24responder or the member of the emergency health care facility shall promptly remove
25the do-not-resuscitate bracelet.
1(b) The patient defaces, burns, cuts or otherwise destroys the
2do-not-resuscitate bracelet.
AB658-ASA1,7,43 (c) The patient removes the do-not-resuscitate bracelet or another person, at
4the patient's request, removes the do-not-resuscitate bracelet.
AB658-ASA1,7,10 5(2) Recording the revocation. The attending physician shall be notified as
6soon as practicable of the patient's revocation and shall record in the patient's
7medical record the time, date and place of the revocation, if known, and the time, date
8and place, if different, that he or she was notified of the revocation. A revocation
9under sub. (1) is effective regardless of when the attending physician has been
10notified of that revocation.
AB658-ASA1,7,14 11154.23 Liability. No physician, emergency medical technician, first
12responder, health care professional or emergency health care facility acting under
13the directive of a do-not-resuscitate order may be held criminally or civilly liable,
14or charged with unprofessional conduct, for any of the following:
AB658-ASA1,7,16 15(1) Withholding or withdrawing, or causing to be withheld or withdrawn,
16resuscitation from a patient.
AB658-ASA1,7,18 17(2) Failing to act upon a revocation unless the person or facility had actual
18knowledge of the revocation.
AB658-ASA1,7,21 19(3) Failing to comply with a do-not-resuscitate order if the person or facility
20did not have actual knowledge of the do-not-resuscitate order or if the person or
21facility in good faith believed that the order had been revoked.
AB658-ASA1,8,2 22154.25 General provisions. (1) Suicide. Under this subchapter, the
23withholding or withdrawing of resuscitation from a patient wearing a valid
24do-not-resuscitate bracelet does not, for any purpose, constitute suicide.

1Requesting a do-not-resuscitate order under this subchapter does not, for any
2purpose, constitute attempted suicide.
AB658-ASA1,8,7 3(2) Life insurance. Requesting a do-not-resuscitate order under s. 154.19
4may not be used to impair in any manner the procurement of any policy of life
5insurance, and may not be used to modify the terms of an existing policy of life
6insurance. No policy of life insurance may be impaired in any manner by the
7withholding or withdrawal of resuscitation from a qualified patient.
AB658-ASA1,8,10 8(3) Health insurance. No person may be required to request a
9do-not-resuscitate order as a condition prior to being admitted to a health care
10facility or being insured for, or receiving, health care services.
AB658-ASA1,8,12 11(4) Other rights. This subchapter does not impair or supersede any person's
12legal right to withhold or withdraw resuscitation.
AB658-ASA1,8,16 13(5) Intent. Failure to request a do-not-resuscitate order creates no
14presumption that the person consents to the use or withholding of resuscitation in
15the event that the person suffers from a condition that renders the person a qualified
AB658-ASA1,8,20 17(6) Valid do-not-resuscitate bracelet. A do-not-resuscitate bracelet that has
18not been removed, altered or tampered with in any way shall be presumed valid,
19unless the patient expresses to the emergency medical technician, first responder or
20emergency health care facility personnel the desire to be resuscitated.
AB658-ASA1,8,22 21(6m) Desire of the patient. The desire of a patient to be resuscitated
22supersedes the effect of that patient's do-not-resuscitate order at all times.
AB658-ASA1,8,25 23(7) Construction. Nothing in this subchapter condones, authorizes or permits
24any affirmative or deliberate act to end life other than to permit the natural process
25of dying.
1154.27 Specifications and distribution of do-not-resuscitate bracelet.
2The department shall establish by rule a uniform standard for the size, color, and
3design of all do-not-resuscitate bracelets. The rules shall require that the
4do-not-resuscitate bracelets include the inscription "Do Not Resuscitate"; the name,
5address, date of birth and gender of the patient; and the name, business telephone
6number and signature of the attending physician issuing the order.
AB658-ASA1,9,9 7154.29 Penalties. (1) Any person who willfully conceals, defaces or damages
8the do-not-resuscitate bracelet of another person without that person's consent may
9be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both.
AB658-ASA1,9,15 10(2) Any person who, with the intent to cause the withholding or withdrawal of
11resuscitation contrary to the wishes of any patient, falsifies, forges or transfers a
12do-not-resuscitate bracelet to that patient or conceals the revocation under s. 154.21
13of a do-not-resuscitate order or any responsible person who withholds personal
14knowledge of a revocation under s. 154.21 shall be fined not more than $10,000 or
15imprisoned for not more than 10 years or both.
AB658-ASA1,9,18 16(3) Any person who directly or indirectly coerces, threatens or intimidates an
17individual so as to cause the individual to sign or issue a do-not-resuscitate order
18shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both.
AB658-ASA1, s. 16 19Section 16. 155.20 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB658-ASA1,9,2520 155.20 (5) The health care agent shall act in good faith consistently with the
21desires of the principal as expressed in the power of attorney for health care
22instrument or as otherwise specifically directed by the principal to the health care
23agent at any time. The health care agent shall act in good faith consistently with any
24valid declaration executed by the principal under subch. II of ch. 154, except that the
25provisions of a principal's valid power of attorney for health care instrument

1supersede any directly conflicting provisions of a valid declaration executed by the
2principal under subch. II of ch. 154. In the absence of a specific directive by the
3principal or if the principal's desires are unknown, the health care agent shall, in
4good faith, act in the best interests of the principal in exercising his or her authority.
AB658-ASA1, s. 17 5Section 17. 155.70 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB658-ASA1,10,106 155.70 (3) This chapter does not apply to the provisions of a valid declaration
7executed under subch. II of ch. 154, except that the provisions of a principal's valid
8power of attorney for health care instrument supersede any directly conflicting
9provisions of a valid declaration executed under subch. II of ch. 154 for a declarant
10who is that principal.