(d) If a purchaser negligently files a claim under this subsection that is
4inaccurate in whole or in part, the department of revenue shall:
1. If the department of revenue has not paid the claim but has allowed a portion
6of the claim, reduce the allowance by 25%.
2. If the department of revenue has paid the claim, require the purchaser to
8refund to the department of revenue that portion of the amount paid under par. (c)
9to which the purchaser is not entitled and impose a penalty on the purchaser equal
10to 25% of the allowance, plus interest on the sum of the unpaid penalty and the
11amount required to be refunded, accruing from the date that the penalty is imposed,
12at the rate of 12% per year.
(e) If a purchaser files a fraudulent claim under this subsection, the
14department of revenue shall:
1. If the claim has not been paid and the department of revenue allows no
16portion of the claim, impose a penalty on the purchaser equal to 50% of the amount
17claimed by the purchaser, plus interest on the unpaid penalty, accruing from the date
18that the penalty is imposed, at the rate of 12% per year.
2. If the claim has not been paid and the department of revenue allows a portion
20of the claim, reduce the allowance by 50%.
3. If the claim has been paid, require the purchaser to refund to the department
22of revenue that portion of the amount paid under par. (c) that the department of
23revenue determines was fraudulently obtained and impose a penalty on the
24purchaser equal to 50% of the amount claimed by the purchaser, plus interest on the
1sum of the unpaid penalty and the amount required to be refunded, accruing from
2the date that the penalty is imposed, at the rate of 12% per year.
(f) Any person who knowingly signs or verifies a fraudulent claim under par.
4(e) may be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both.
(g) Any person who knowingly aids, abets or assists another in making a
6fraudulent claim under par. (e) or in signing or verifying a fraudulent claim under
7par. (f) may be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or
(h) With respect to imposing a penalty and requiring a refund under par. (d),
10the department of revenue shall give notice to the purchaser within 4 years after the
11date that the claim was filed. The department of revenue may impose a penalty and
12require a refund under par. (e) when the department of revenue discovers the fraud
(1) (b) "Log" means a portion of the trunk of a felled tree which has not
16been further processed for any end use
, including any portion of a trunk of a tree
17previously used in substantially its natural state as part of a dock or crib but that
18is no longer part of a dock, a crib or any discernible structure, or is part of the debris
19field of a dock or crib.
(3) (title)
Application to remove sunken logs in Lake Michigan or
22Lake Superior. (intro.) A person wishing to raise and remove logs
in Lake Michigan
23or Lake Superior that are resting on submerged lands owned by the state shall make
24application to the board for a permit to do so.
Unless the applicant has received a
25permit under this section prior to the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor
1inserts date], the applicant shall include with the application a performance bond in
2the amount of at least $10,000. The application shall do all of the following:
(3) (d) Describe, in detail, the applicant's plans for the use and
5disposition of any logs raised
, including any information necessary for or related to
6sub. (5).
(3) (dm) If the applicant was not engaged in commercial log raising prior
9to the date of application, include a business plan approved by the department of
10commerce under s. 560.03 (23).
(3) (g) Be accompanied by a
$500 application fee.
AB100-ASA1, s. 2315
2315. 170.12 (5) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 170.12 (5) and
14amended to read:
(5) (title)
Reservation of value; offset. The state reserves to itself
30% 1620% of the appraised market value of any log raised pursuant to a permit issued
17under this section.
Any applicant may, as part of the application under sub. (3),
18propose projects for the use of logs raised, and for the use of proceeds from logs raised
19and sold, as an offset to the state's share of the value of any logs raised. Any project
20proposed as the basis for an offset shall have demonstrated potential to do 2 or more
21of the following:
(6) Permit. (intro.) Within 60 days after receipt of an application under
25sub. (3), the board shall either approve, modify and approve or deny the application
1for a permit. A permit issued under this subsection shall be effective for
a specified
2period, not to exceed one year, 5 years and shall specify all of the following:
(6) (a) The boundaries of the location where sunken logs may be raised
5pursuant to the permit.
The area covered by the permit shall be contiguous and may
6not exceed 160 acres. A permit may not cover submerged lands that are not
7contained within Lake Michigan or Lake Superior. No location may be covered by
8more than one permit under this section.
(6) (dm) That the applicant shall implement procedures to determine
12whether a raised log bears an American Indian tribal mark or brand, to identify the
13tribal mark or brand, and to track the value realized from the sale of logs separately
14for logs that bear a particular tribal mark or brand.
(6) (e) The procedure and times when the permit holder shall tender to
17the board, on behalf of the state,
any amounts due the state for its net share of the
18value of any logs raised.
The amounts due the state for its net share of the value of
19logs described under par. (dm) shall be separately identified by tribal mark or brand.
(6) (g) Any requirements
imposed recommended under s. 44.47 (5r) (b)
22that the board determines should be a condition of the permit.
(7) Permit renewal. If a permit holder wishes to renew a permit issued
25under this section, the permit holder shall submit a request for renewal, together
1with a $500 renewal fee, to the board at least 30 days before the expiration date of
2the permit. The board shall renew the permit for a 5-year period unless the board
3determines, after notice to the permit holder and an opportunity for the permit
4holder to be heard, that the permit holder has knowingly or wilfully violated the
5terms, conditions or requirements of the permit; this section; s. 44.47; or rules
6promulgated under this section or s. 44.47. If the board determines that there are
7environmental or archaeological facts affecting the location specified in the permit
8that were unknown at the time that the original permit was granted, the board may
9attach additional conditions or restrictions to the permit. If the board determines
10that the permit holder has knowingly or wilfully violated the terms, conditions or
11requirements of the permit or a provision under this section or s. 44.47, the board
12may deny the renewal or may attach conditions or restrictions to the renewal
13necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of the original permit.
(8m) Duties of permit holders. (a) A holder of a permit issued under
16this section shall do all of the following:
1. At the written request of the historical society, provide directly to the
18historical society a representative sample of company logging marks by sawing off
19the ends of the logs bearing the marks and by delivering them to the historical
2. Allow a historical society designee to observe log recovery activities under
22the permit.
(b) A person may not do any of the following while engaging in log recovery
24activities pursuant to a permit issued under this section:
1. Remove any object, as defined in s. 44.47 (1) (f).
12. Disturb any discernible archaeological site, as defined in s. 44.47 (1) (b).
3. Disturb any crib or dock.
(9) Transfer of title. At such times as a permit holder tenders to the
any the amounts due under the state's reservation of value, pursuant to the
6terms and conditions of the permit, title to any logs covered by such tender shall pass
7to the permit holder.
If the permit provides for an offset under sub. (6) (d), the board
8shall issue written findings at the conclusion of the term of the permit which describe
9the board's findings regarding compliance with the term of the permit and establish
10the proportion of the authorized offset to which the permit holder is entitled.
(9m) Use of revenue from program. (a) The board shall credit the
13amounts due the state for its net share of the value of logs described under sub. (6)
14(dm) to the appropriation account under s. 20.507 (1) (j). For each type of tribal mark
15or brand, the board shall identify the American Indian tribe or band which made the
16tribal mark or brand and shall distribute the moneys received for the state's net
17share of the value of those logs to that American Indian tribe or band.
(b) The application fee under sub. (3) (g), the renewal fee under sub. (7) and all
19amounts due the state for its net share of the value of logs not described under sub.
20(6) (dm) shall be deposited in the general fund as follows:
1. The first $100,000 in a fiscal year, as general purpose revenue — earned.
2. The next $300,000 in a fiscal year, as a credit to the appropriation account
23under s. 20.245 (4) (j).
3. Any remaining money in a fiscal year, as general purpose revenue — earned.
(10) (title)
Forfeiture Forfeitures and remedies.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3129m
2Section 3129m. 170.12 (10) of the statutes is renumbered 170.12 (10) (a) and
3amended to read:
(10) (a) Any logs subject to this section which are
raised removed in
5violation of this section, or in violation of a permit issued under this section, shall be
6returned to the lakebed as directed by the board or shall be confiscated by the board
7and forfeited to the state.
(10) (b) Any person who removes for commercial gain sunken logs on
10submerged state lands without a permit issued under this section may be required
11to forfeit $500 or an amount equal to 2 times the gross value of the removed logs,
12whichever is greater, plus the reasonably incurred costs of investigation and
(10) (c) Any person who intentionally interferes with a log recovery
16operation for which a permit has been issued under this section is liable to the permit
17holder for any actual losses resulting from the interference and may be required to
18forfeit not less than $100 nor more than $500.
(1) (r) Application for reinstatement following administrative
$10 $90.
(8) (b) Shall be solicited and appointed apart from the sale of or offer
24to purchase shares of the
issuing public resident domestic corporation, as defined in
180.1150 (1) (a) 180.1150 (1) (c).
(8) (c) May not be solicited sooner than 30 days before the meeting
3called under s. 180.1150 (5), unless otherwise agreed in writing by the person acting
4under s. 180.1150 and the directors of the
issuing public resident domestic 5corporation, as defined in s. 180.1150 (1)
(a) (c).
(1) (a) An organization, other than the
issuing public resident
8domestic corporation or a subsidiary of the i
ssuing public resident domestic 9corporation, of which the person is an officer, director, manager or partner or is,
10directly or indirectly, the beneficial owner of 10% or more of a class of voting
(1) (c) A relative or spouse of the person, or a relative of the spouse,
14who has the same principal residence as the person who is a director or officer of the
15issuing public resident domestic corporation or of an affiliate of the
issuing public 16resident domestic corporation.
(2) (b) The existence of an option from, or other arrangement with,
19an issuing public a resident domestic corporation to acquire securities of the
20public resident domestic corporation.
(3) (a) (intro.) Unless the merger or share exchange is subject to s.
23180.1104, does not alter the contract rights of the shares as set forth in the articles
24of incorporation or does not change or convert in whole or in part the outstanding
25shares of the
issuing public resident domestic corporation, a merger or share
1exchange of the
issuing public resident domestic corporation or a subsidiary of the
2issuing public resident domestic corporation with any of the following:
(3) (b) A sale, lease, exchange or other disposition, other than a
5mortgage or pledge if not made to avoid the requirements of ss. 180.1130 to 180.1134,
6to a significant shareholder, other than the
issuing public resident domestic 7corporation or a subsidiary of the
issuing public
resident domestic corporation, or to
8an affiliate of the significant shareholder, of all or substantially all of the property
9and assets, with or without goodwill, of
an issuing public a resident domestic 10corporation, if not made in the usual and regular course of its business.
(9) (a) 4. If no report or quote is available under subd. 1., 2. or 3., the
14fair market value as determined in good faith by the board of directors of the
15public resident domestic corporation.
(10m) "Resident domestic corporation" means a resident domestic
18corporation, as defined in s. 180.1140 (9), if that corporation does not have a class of
19voting stock that is registered or traded on a national securities exchange or that is
20registered under section 12 (g) of the Securities Exchange Act.
(11) "Significant shareholder", with respect to
an issuing public a
23resident domestic corporation, means a person that is the beneficial owner, directly
24or indirectly, of 10% or more of the voting power of the outstanding voting shares of
issuing public resident domestic corporation; or is an affiliate of the
1public resident domestic corporation and within the 2-year period immediately
2before the date in question was the beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, of 10% or
3more of the voting power of the then outstanding voting shares of the
issuing public 4resident domestic corporation. For the purpose of determining whether a person is
5a significant shareholder, the number of voting shares considered to be outstanding
6includes shares considered to be owned by the person as the beneficial owner but does
7not include any other voting shares which may be issuable under an agreement,
8arrangement or understanding, or upon exercise of conversion rights, warrants or
9options, or otherwise. In this paragraph, "person" includes 2 or more individuals or
10persons acting as a group for the purpose of acquiring, holding or voting securities
an issuing public a resident domestic corporation.
(13) (intro.) "Take-over offer" means the offer to acquire or the
14acquisition of any equity security, as defined in s. 552.01 (2), of
an issuing public a
15resident domestic corporation, pursuant to a tender offer or request or invitation for
16tenders, if after the acquisition thereof the offer or, as defined in s. 552.01 (3), would
17be directly or indirectly a beneficial owner of more than 5% of any class of the
18outstanding equity securities of the issuer. "Take-over offer" does not include an
19offer or acquisition of any equity security of
an issuing public a resident domestic 20corporation pursuant to:
(13) (d) An offer made to all the shareholders of the
issuing public 23resident domestic corporation, if the number of its shareholders does not exceed 100
24at the time of the offer.
(13) (f) An offer by the
issuing public resident domestic corporation
2to acquire its own equity securities.