(5) A person using a navigable lake that is completely landlocked to rear
5farm-raised fish is exempt from the requirement of a permit under this section.
829.521 Waters used in private fish hatcheries. Any area of water or water
9supply used as part of a private fish hatchery licensed under s. 29.52, 1995 stats., on
10the day before the effective date of this section .... [revisor inserts date], may continue
11to be used as part of a fish farm in the same manner and to the same extent that the
12area or supply was used on the day before the effective date of this section .... [revisor
13inserts date].
1529.53 Stocking of fish. (1) In this section:
(a) "Fish" includes fish eggs.
(b) "Waters of the state" does not include any of the following:
1. An artificial body of water.
2. A natural body of water that is used as part of a state or municipal fish
3. A natural body of water that is used as part of a fish farm, except as provided
22in par. (c).
(c) Notwithstanding par. (b) 3., "waters of the state" includes a fishing preserve.
24(2) (a) No person may introduce, stock or plant any fish in the waters of the
25state unless all of the following apply:
11. The person has a permit issued by the department.
2. The person is in compliance with the applicable requirements under s. 95.60
3(2) and (3) or the fish are acquired from a person who is in compliance with the
4applicable requirements.
(b) A person applying for a permit under this section shall submit a written
6application to the department.
(c) This subsection does not apply to introduction, stocking or planting of fish
8by the department.
9(3) (a) The department may not introduce, stock or plant any fish in the waters
10of the state unless the department is in compliance with the health certificate
11requirements under s. 95.60 (2) and (3) or the fish are acquired from a person who
12is in compliance with the applicable requirements under s. 95.60 (2) and (3).
13(4) For the purposes of issuing permits under this section and for introducing,
14stocking or planting of fish by the department, the department:
(a) Shall accept the certification performed under s. 95.60 (3) concerning the
16health of the fish and may not require that any additional testing, inspection or
17investigation be performed concerning the health of the fish.
(b) May regulate the species of fish, the number of fish and the sites where the
19fish will be introduced, planted or stocked.
2129.535 (title)
Introduction of wild animals
other than fish.
(1) (a) 1. Importing into the state any
fish, spawn or any other wild
other than fish or their eggs for the purpose of introducing, stocking or
25planting that
fish, spawn or wild animal.
(1) (a) 2. Introducing, stocking or planting any
fish, spawn or other wild
other than fish or their eggs.
(1) (c) Permits for introducing, stocking or planting under par. (a) 2.
6shall be issued by the department only after investigation and inspection of the
7spawn or other wild animals as the department determines necessary.
AB100-ASA1, s. 1124m
10Section 1124m. 29.535 (1) (f) of the statutes is renumbered 29.51 (3m) and
11amended to read:
(3m) (title)
Destruction of fish eggs or fish. The department may seize
13or destroy, or both, any fish or
spawn thereof fish eggs that are in the waters of the
14state and that are found to be infected with any disease organisms as are designated
15by the department.
(2) (a) Importing into the state any
fish, spawn or any other wild animal
18other than fish or their eggs for the purpose of introducing, stocking or planting that
19fish, spawn or wild animal.
(2) (b) Introducing, stocking or planting any
fish, spawn or other wild
other than fish or their eggs.
AB100-ASA1, s. 1124q
23Section 1124q. 29.535 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 29.53 (5) and amended
24to read:
(5) This The requirement of being issued a permit under this section shall
2not apply to civic organizations, organizations operating newspapers or television
3stations or promoters of sport shows when and in connection with
publicly showing
4or exhibiting or giving demonstrations with brook, brown or rainbow trout for
5periods of not to exceed 10 days. Brook, brown or rainbow trout used for such
6purposes shall be obtained only from
resident Class A or Class B private fish
7hatchery operators licensed under s. 29.52 (4). Such private fish hatchery operators
8persons who are in compliance with s. 95.60 (2) and (3). A person introducing,
9stocking or planting trout or their eggs under this subsection shall keep a record of
10all brook, brown or rainbow the number and type of all trout introduced
11or planted, or delivered for introduction
, stocking or planting, in any
public waters
12of the state and shall make a report
of such introduction or delivery for such
13introduction of these records to the department on or before December 31 of each year
14on forms furnished by the department.
(5) Any fish or fish eggs brought into this state that will be stocked in
17a municipal fish hatchery are subject to the permitting and certificate requirements
18under s. 95.60 (2) and (3).
(2m) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to farm-raised deer
21farm-raised fish.
(1) No person shall cause, authorize or permit any lands or waters to
24be posted with signs of any kind indicating that such lands or waters are licensed
s. 29.52 or ss. 29.573 to 29.578 unless such lands and waters are in fact so
(2) (a) In this section, "wild animal" means any mammal, fish or bird
5of a wild nature as distinguished from domestic animals under the common law or
6under the statutes whether or not the mammal, fish or bird was bred or reared in
7captivity, but does not include deer of the genus dama, cervus or rangifer
8farm-raised fish.
(1) (f) Notwithstanding s. 29.01 (14), "wild animal" means any
11undomesticated mammal or bird, but does not include farm-raised deer
12farm-raised fish.
(5) (a) The department may refuse to investigate under sub. (3) (a) if the
15person making the complaint refuses to
participate in any available accept or
16implement any wildlife damage abatement
program administered measures offered
17by the department under s. 29.598
(4) or refuses to follow
other reasonable
18abatement measures recommended by the department
or by the county in which the
19property is located if the county participates in a wildlife damage abatement
(5) (b) Before taking action under sub. (3) (b) or (4), the department may
23require the person making the complaint to
participate in accept or implement any
24available wildlife damage abatement
program administered measures offered by the
1department under s. 29.598
(4) or to follow
other reasonable abatement measures
2recommended by the department.
429.598 Wildlife damage claim and abatement program. (1) Definition. 5In this section, "wildlife damage" means damage caused to crops on agricultural
6land, including seedings, orchard trees and nursery stock, to apiaries or to livestock
7by any of the following noncaptive wild animals:
(e) Sandhill crane.
14(2) Department powers and duties. (a)
Administration. The department shall
15administer the wildlife damage claim and abatement program.
Rules. To maximize the cost-effectiveness of the wildlife damage claim and
17abatement program, the department shall promulgate rules to establish eligibility
18requirements and funding requirements. The department shall also promulgate
19rules to establish all of the following:
1. Authorized wildlife damage abatement measures and methods for
21implementing and paying for these abatement measures.
2. Claim and application forms and procedures.
3. Procedures and standards for damage estimates.
4. A methodology for proration of payments for wildlife damage claims.
5. Procedures for record keeping, audits and inspections.
Rules; certification of wildlife damage estimators. The department shall
2establish and maintain a system for certifying wildlife damage estimators. The
3department shall establish training requirements and qualifications for wildlife
4damage estimators and shall provide or certify educational programs for this
6(3) Wildlife damage claims. (a)
Persons eligible. An owner or lessee of land,
7a person who controls land or an owner of an apiary or livestock may submit a wildlife
8damage claim.
Claim requirements. A claimant under par. (a) shall do all of the following:
1. Submit the claim on a claim form approved by the department.
2. Obtain from a wildlife damage estimator certified under sub. (2) (c) an
12estimate of the wildlife damage and a certification as to whether the damaged crops,
13apiary or livestock were managed in accordance with normal agricultural practices
14and submit the certification and estimate with the claim form.
Eligibility requirements. The department shall approve a wildlife damage
16claim if it finds all of the following:
171. That the wildlife damage estimator certifies that the crops, apiary or
18livestock were managed in accordance with normal agricultural practices.
192. That the form, contents and timing of the claim comply with the
20requirements of this section and rules promulgated under this section.
3. That the claim was filed within 14 days after the time that the wildlife
22damage first occurred.
234. That the claimant agrees to accept any wildlife damage abatement measures
24offered by the department under sub. (4) (c).
Payment of claims. 1. The department shall pay wildlife damage claims
2based on the amount claimed if the claim meets all of the requirements of par. (c).
3The amount paid for a wildlife damage claim shall be 80% of the amount claimed and
4the maximum amount of any claim shall be $25,000.
52. The department shall pay wildlife damage claims no later than June 1 of the
6calendar year after the claim is submitted.
Proration. For a given fiscal year, if the total amount remaining under the
8appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (fq) after making the payments required under sub.
9(4) is insufficient to pay the total amount payable in wildlife damage claims under
10par. (d), the department shall prorate the payments for the damage claims.
11(4) Wildlife damage abatement. (a)
Persons eligible. An owner or lessee of
12land, a person who controls land or an apiary or livestock owner is eligible for wildlife
13damage abatement assistance under this subsection.
Abatement requests. A person who is eligible under par. (a) may request that
15the department approve wildlife damage abatement measures and may apply for
16funding for the approved measures.
Abatement for wildlife damage claims. 1. The department may offer wildlife
18damage abatement measures to any person who is eligible under par. (a) as a
19condition for receiving a claim payment under sub. (3).
2. If a person refuses to accept the wildlife damage abatement measures offered
21by the department under subd. 1., the person may not receive a claim payment under
22sub. (3) for the land, apiaries or livestock that would have been subject to the
23abatement measures.
Payment. The department may offer or approve only those wildlife damage
25abatement measures that are cost-effective in relation to the wildlife damage claim
1payments that would be paid if the wildlife damage abatement measures are not
2implemented. The department shall provide funding for the entire cost of any
3wildlife damage abatement measures implemented under this subsection.
4(5) Land required to be open to hunting; penalties. (a)
Requirements. A
5person who receives wildlife damage abatement assistance or wildlife damage claim
6payments and any other person who owns, leases or controls the land where the
7wildlife damage occurred shall permit hunting of the wild animals causing the
8wildlife damage on that land and on contiguous land under the same ownership,
9lease or control. In order to satisfy the requirement to permit hunting under this
10subsection, the land shall be open to hunting during the appropriate open season.
11The department, shall determine the acreage of land suitable for hunting. This
12subsection does not prohibit a person who owns, leases or occupies land on which
13wildlife damage occurs and who does not have the authority to control entry on the
14land for the purposes of hunting from receiving wildlife damage abatement
15assistance or wildlife damage claim payments.
Penalties. If any person who is required to permit hunting on land as
17required under par. (a) fails to do so, the person is liable for all of the following: