1(h) Schools accredited by accrediting agencies recognized by the department
3Section 926. 38.51 (10) of the statutes is renumbered 39.51 (10), and 39.51 (10)
4(a), (b) and (c) (intro.) and 1., as renumbered, are amended to read:
5 39.51 (10) (a) Authority. All proprietary schools shall be examined and
6approved by the department board before operating in this state. Approval shall be
7granted to schools meeting the criteria established by the department board for a
8period not to exceed one year. No school may advertise in this state unless approved
9by the department board. All approved schools shall submit quarterly reports,
10including information on enrollment, number of teachers and their qualifications,
11course offerings, number of graduates, number of graduates successfully employed
12and such other information as the department board deems necessary.
13 (b) Application. Application for initial approval of a school or a course of
14instruction, approval of a teaching location, change of ownership or control of a
15school, renewal of approval of a school or reinstatement of approval of a school or
16course of instruction which has been revoked shall be made on a form furnished by
17the department board and shall be accompanied by a fee set by the department board
18under par. (c), and such other information as the department board deems necessary
19to evaluate the school in carrying out the purpose of this section.
20 (c) Fees; rule making. (intro.) The department board shall promulgate rules
21to establish fees. In promulgating rules to establish fees, the department board shall:
22 1. Require that the amount of fees collected under this paragraph be sufficient
23to cover all costs that the department board incurs in examining and approving
24proprietary schools under this subsection.
25Section 927. 39.11 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:

139.11 (5) Work with the educational agencies and institutions of the state as
2reviewer, adviser and coordinator of their joint efforts to meet the educational needs
3of the state through radio and, television and other appropriate technologies.
4Section 928. 39.11 (20) of the statutes is repealed.
5Section 1213d. 39.11 (21) of the statutes is created to read:
6 39.11 (21) Operate an emergency weather warning system.
7Section 929. 39.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
8 39.13 (2) The executive director may employ a deputy director, the number of
9division administrators specified in s. 230.08 (2) (e) and 12 11 professional staff
10members outside the classified service. Subject to authorization under s. 16.505, the
11executive director may employ additional professional staff members for
12development and grant projects outside the classified service or for other purposes
13within the classified service.
14Section 930. 39.145 of the statutes is repealed.
15Section 931. 39.155 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 39.155 (1) Subject to sub. (3), all funds appropriated to the medical college of
17Wisconsin, inc., under s. 20.250 (1) (a) shall be based on a per capita formula for an
18amount for each Wisconsin resident enrolled at the college who is paying full tuition.
19A student's qualification as a resident of this state shall be determined by the
20department of education higher educational aids board in accordance with s. 36.27,
21so far as applicable.
22Section 932. 39.155 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
23 39.155 (2) On or before January 15 and September 15 of each year, the medical
24college of Wisconsin, inc., shall submit to the department of education higher
25educational aids board
for its approval a list of the Wisconsin residents enrolled at

1the college who are paying full tuition. The state shall make semiannual payments
2to the medical college of Wisconsin, inc., from the appropriation under s. 20.250 (1)
3(a), upon approval of the list. If the appropriation under s. 20.250 (1) (a) is
4insufficient to pay the amount specified to be disbursed under s. 20.250 (1) (a), the
5payments shall be disbursed on a prorated basis for each student entitled to such aid.
6No more than 8 such payments may be made to the medical college of Wisconsin, inc.,
7from the appropriation under s. 20.250 (1) (a), for any individual student.
8Section 933. Subchapter III (title) of chapter 39 [precedes 39.26] of the
9statutes is amended to read:
13Section 934. 39.26 of the statutes is amended to read:
1439.26 Definition. In this subchapter, "department" "board" means the
15department of education higher educational aids board.
16Section 935. 39.28 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
17 39.28 (1) The department board shall administer the programs under this
18subchapter and may promulgate such rules as are necessary to carry out its
19functions. The department board may accept and use any funds which it receives
20from participating institutions, lenders or agencies. The department board may
21enter into such contracts as are necessary to carry out its functions under this
23Section 936. 39.28 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
24 39.28 (2) The department board shall establish plans to be administered by the
25department board for participation by this state under any federal acts relating to

1higher education and submit them to the U.S. commissioner secretary of education
2for the commissioner's secretary's approval. The department board may utilize such
3criteria for determination of priorities, participation or purpose as are delineated in
4the federal acts.
5Section 937. 39.28 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
6 39.28 (3) (a) In its biennial report under s. 15.04 (1) (d), the board also shall
7include recommendations for improvement of the state's student financial aid
9 (b) On January 1 and July 1, the board shall report to the joint committee on
10finance and the joint legislative audit committee on the board's loan collection
11activities and efforts to develop collection policies to improve program performance
12through changes in data processing and program review.
13Section 938. 39.28 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 39.28 (4) The department board may assign, sell, convey or repurchase student
15loans made under s. 39.32 subject to prior approval by the joint committee on finance.
16Section 939. 39.285 of the statutes is amended to read:
1739.285 (title) Education commission Board review of proposed
(1) By May 1, 1996 1998, and annually thereafter, the education
board shall approve, modify or disapprove any proposed formula for the
20awarding of grants for the upcoming academic year submitted under sub. (2) or s.
2136.11 (6) (c) or 38.04 (7m).
22(2) By April 10, 1996 1998, and annually thereafter, the Wisconsin Association
23of Independent Colleges and Universities shall develop and submit to the education
board for its review under sub. (1) a proposed formula for the awarding

1of grants under s. 39.30 for the upcoming academic year to students enrolled at
2private institutions of higher education.
3Section 940. 39.29 of the statutes is created to read:
439.29 Executive secretary. An executive secretary shall be appointed by the
5governor to serve at his or her pleasure.
6Section 941. 39.30 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
7 39.30 (2) (e) The department board may not make a grant to a student if the
8department board receives a certification under s. 49.855 (7) that the student is
9delinquent in child support or maintenance payments or owes past support, medical
10expenses or birth expenses.
11Section 942. 39.30 (2) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
12 39.30 (2) (f) No grants may be awarded under this section unless the applicable
13formula submitted under s. 39.285 (2) is approved or modified by the education
board under s. 39.285 (1).
15Section 943. 39.30 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 39.30 (3) (e) The department board shall establish criteria for the treatment
17of financially independent students which are consistent with procedures in pars. (a)
18to (d).
19Section 944. 39.30 (3) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
20 39.30 (3) (f) The department board may not make initial awards of grants
21under this section for an academic year in an amount that exceeds 122% of the
22amount appropriated under s. 20.235 (1) (b) for the fiscal year in which the grant may
23be paid.
24Section 945. 39.30 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

139.30 (4) Forms. The department board shall prescribe, furnish and make
2available, at locations in the state convenient to the public, application forms for
3grants under this section. Upon request, the department board shall advise and
4assist applicants in making out such forms.
5Section 946. 39.31 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
639.31 Determination of student costs. (intro.) In determining a student's
7total cost of attending a postsecondary institution for the purpose of calculating the
8amount of a grant under s. 39.30, 39.38, 39.435 or 39.44, the department board shall
9include the following:
10Section 947. 39.31 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
11 39.31 (2) Miscellaneous expenses, as determined by the department board.
12Section 948. 39.31 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 39.31 (3) The cost of child care, as determined by the department board.
14Section 949. 39.32 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 39.32 (2) (intro.) The department board shall:
16Section 950. 39.32 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
17 39.32 (3) (intro.) The department board may make and authorize loans to be
18made to students if:
19Section 951. 39.32 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
20 39.32 (3) (b) The student's eligibility for a loan is certified to the department
21board by the institution of higher education in which the student is enrolled or has
22been accepted for enrollment.
23Section 952. 39.32 (3) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:

139.32 (3) (g) The student is not in default on any previous loan or the
2department board has determined that the student has made satisfactory
3arrangements to repay the defaulted loan.
4Section 953. 39.32 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
5 39.32 (5) The department board may collect any loans made or authorized to
6be made by the department board pursuant to this section or made prior to July 1,
71966, under s. 49.42, 1963 stats.
8Section 954. 39.32 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 39.32 (6) The department board shall satisfy the loan of any student who
10obtained a loan under this section or s. 39.023, 1965 stats., between July 1, 1966, and
11December 15, 1968, where such student died or dies after July 1, 1966, and before
12completing repayment thereof, and shall write off the balance of principal and
13interest owing on the loan on the date it received confirmation of such student's
14death. Obligation to repay such a loan shall terminate on the date of the student's
15death and any payments made thereon to the department board after such date shall
16be refunded to the payor or the payor's heirs, executor or administrator from the
17appropriation in s. 20.235 (2) (ba)
upon receipt by the department board of an
18application for refund.
19Section 955. 39.32 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
20 39.32 (7) The department board may write off defaulted student loans made
21pursuant to this section or made prior to July 1, 1966, under s. 49.42, 1963 stats.,
22from moneys other than advances from the investment board originally
23appropriated for student loans, and from moneys other than moneys resulting from
24assignment, sale or conveyance of student loans.
25Section 956. 39.32 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:

139.32 (8) The department board may use up to $150,000 annually of student
2revenue bond proceeds for the purpose of consolidating loans for needy students who
3have a state direct loan and one or more federally guaranteed student loans from one
4or more private lenders.
5Section 957. 39.32 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 39.32 (10) (a) The department board may enter into contractual agreements
7with lenders in this state and lenders in other states which grant loans to residents
8of this state, and with institutions and agencies wherein the department board may
9provide and furnish to such lenders, institutions and agencies administrative
10services related to the operation of any programs involving the granting of loans to
11students including but not limited to any and all services and functions related to the
12granting, administering and collecting of any loans made to students.
13 (b) The department board shall have all powers as that are reasonably
14appropriate to the provision of such services and the performance of such contracts
15and may include charges or fees to be paid by the lenders, institutions and agencies
16to the department board for the provision of such administrative services or any
17services or activities related to the collection of any student loans for which the
18department board may become responsible by operation of law or by contractual
19agreements under this paragraph, but such charges or fees, before being instituted
20by the department board, shall be approved by the secretary of administration.
21Section 958. 39.32 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 39.32 (11) (a) In lieu of the procedure under ch. 812, the department board, on
23behalf of the corporation under s. 39.33, or the corporation, on its own behalf, may
24certify the department of administration to deduct money from a state employe's
25earnings. The department board shall specify an amount, not to exceed 25% of the

1employe's disposable earnings, as defined in s. 812.30 (6), to be deducted on a
2continuing basis until the amount certified by the department board or corporation
3has been paid. The department of administration shall remit moneys deducted to
4the department board or the corporation.
5 (b) The procedure in this section may be used only if the amount owed to the
6department board or corporation is reduced to a judgment. At least 30 days prior to
7certification, the department board or corporation shall notify the debtor under s.
8879.05 (2) or (3) of the intent to certify the debt to the department of administration
9and of the debtor's right to a contested case hearing before the department board
10under s. 227.42. If the debtor requests a hearing within 20 days after receiving
11notice, the department board shall notify the department of administration which
12shall not make deductions under par. (a) until a decision is reached under s. 227.47
13or the case is otherwise concluded.
14 (c) The department of administration shall prescribe the manner and form for
15certification of debts by the department board or corporation under this subsection.
16Section 959. 39.325 of the statutes is amended to read:
1739.325 Wisconsin health education loan program. (1) There is
18established, to be administered by the department board, a Wisconsin health
19education loan program under P.L. 94-484, on July 29, 1979, in order to provide
20financial aid to medical and dentistry students enrolled in the university of
21Wisconsin medical school, the medical college of Wisconsin or Marquette university
22school of dentistry.
23(2) The department board shall lend to students who qualify under sub. (1) any
24moneys appropriated or authorized through the issuance of revenue obligations. The
25department board shall require a student borrowing moneys under this section to

1pay interest while in medical or dental school and during his or her residency
2training at the rate of at least 3% per year on the sum of the principal amount of the
3student's obligation and the accumulated interest, unless federal law provides
4otherwise as a condition of guaranteeing the loan. Principal and interest payable on
5maturing revenue obligations shall, when necessary, be paid from funded reserves,
6authorized under subch. II of ch. 18, or from moneys made available under chapter
720, laws of 1981
, section 2022 (1).
8(3) The department board shall promulgate rules and establish standards and
9methods of determining the amounts of loans, rates of interest and other
10administrative procedures consistent with P.L. 94-484, on July 29, 1979. The rates
11of interest shall be set as low as possible, but shall remain sufficient to cover all costs
12of the program under this section.
13Section 960. 39.33 of the statutes is amended to read:
1439.33 Guaranteed student loan program. (1) The department board may
15organize and maintain a nonstock corporation under ch. 181 to provide for a
16guaranteed student loan program in this state under P.L. 89-287 and P.L. 89-329
17as may from time to time be amended. The department board may make use of and
18pay for the use of the facilities and services of such corporation.
19(2) The department board may provide administrative services for the
20nonstock corporation with which the department board has entered into a
21contractual agreement for purposes of providing for a guaranteed student loan
22program in this state. Services provided under this section shall be in accordance
23with the decision of the department board as to the type and scope of services
24requested and the civil service range of any employe assigned to them.

1(3) The department board or the legislature or any person delegated by the
2legislature may inspect and examine or cause an inspection and examination of all
3records relating to all programs that are, or are to be, administered under
4contractual agreement between the department board and the corporation.
5Section 961. 39.34 of the statutes is amended to read:
639.34 Medical student loan program. Notwithstanding s. 39.34, 1991
7stats., the department board shall terminate on August 12, 1993, any obligation to
8repay a loan awarded under this section.
9Section 962. 39.35 of the statutes is amended to read:
1039.35 Repayment of scholarships for teachers in educationally
11disadvantaged areas.
Notwithstanding s. 39.35, 1969 stats., and s. 39.35, 1991
12stats., the department board shall terminate on August 12, 1993, any obligation to
13repay a student aid award made under this section.
14Section 963. 39.36 of the statutes is amended to read: