(2) Protested payment. If a personal check tendered to make any
5payment to the state is not paid by the bank on which it is drawn, or if a demand for
6payment under a debit or credit card transaction is not paid by the bank upon which
7demand is made, the person by whom the check has been tendered or the person
8entering into the debit or credit card transaction shall remain liable for the payment
9of the amount for which the check was tendered or the amount agreed to be paid by
10debit or credit card and for all legal penalties, additions and a charge set by the
11depository selection board state treasurer which is comparable to charges for unpaid
12drafts made by establishments in the private sector. In addition, the officer to whom
13the check was tendered or to whom the debit or credit card was presented may, if
14there is probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed, provide any
15information or evidence relating to the crime to the district attorney of the county
16having jurisdiction over the offense for prosecution as provided by law. If any license
17has been granted upon any such check or any such debit or credit card transaction,
18the license shall be subject to cancellation for the nonpayment of the check or failure
19of the bank to honor the demand for payment authorized by debit or credit card.
(6) Direct deposits. The governor or the state treasurer may require
22state agencies making deposits under this section to make direct deposits to any
23depository designated by the
depository selection board state treasurer, if such a
24requirement is advantageous or beneficial to this state.".
(2) (c) All moneys in a contingent fund, except petty cash accounts
4established under s. 16.52 (7), shall be deposited in a separate account in a public
5depository approved by the
depository selection board
state treasurer. The agency
6head of each state agency having a contingent fund is responsible for all
7disbursements from the fund, but the agency head may delegate the responsibility
8for administration of the fund to a custodian, who shall be an employe of the agency.
9State agency invoices which qualify for payment from a contingent fund may be paid
10by check, share draft or other draft drawn by the agency head or custodian against
11the account. No such invoice need be submitted for audit prior to disbursement.
12After making each disbursement, the agency head shall file with the secretary a
13claim for reimbursement of the contingent fund on a voucher which shall be
14accompanied by a copy of the invoice to be reimbursed. Upon audit and approval of
15the claim by the secretary, the department of administration shall reimburse the
16contingent fund with the total amount lawfully paid therefrom.".
(6) (o) Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission; staff.
This paragraph
21does not apply after June 30, 1999.".
(6) (m) University of Wisconsin system: deans, principals, professors,
2instructors, research assistants, librarians and other teachers, as defined in s. 40.02
, and the staff of the environmental education board.".
620.9275 Prohibitions on funding for abortion-related activities. (1) In
7this section:
(a) "Abortion" has the meaning given in s. 253.10 (2) (a).
(b) "Local governmental unit" means a city, village, town or county or an agency
10or subdivision of a city, village, town or county.
(c) "Organization" means a nonprofit corporation, as defined in s. 46.93 (1m)
12(c), or a public agency, as defined in s. 46.93 (1m) (e).
(e) "Pregnancy program, project or service" means a program or project of or
14services for pregnancy prevention, family planning, as defined in s. 253.07 (1) (a),
15pregnancy testing, pregnancy counseling, prenatal care, pregnancy services and
16reproductive health care services that are related to pregnancy.
(f) "Program funds" means all of the following funds distributed or attributable
18to an organization for operation of a pregnancy program, project or service:
1. Funds specified under sub. (2) (intro.).
2. Income derived from a grant, subsidy or other funding specified under sub.
21(2) (intro.) or from a pregnancy program, project or service funded by a grant, subsidy
22or other funding specified under sub. (2) (intro.).
3. Funds that are matching funds to a grant, subsidy or other funding specified
24under sub. (2) (intro.).
1(g) "State agency" means an office, department, agency, institution of higher
2education, association, society or other body in state government created or
3authorized to be created by the constitution or any law, which is entitled to expend
4moneys appropriated by law, including the legislature, the courts and an authority
5created in ch. 231 or 233.
6(2) No state agency or local governmental unit may authorize payment of funds
7of this state, of any local governmental unit or, subject to sub. (3m), of federal funds
8passing through the state treasury as a grant, subsidy or other funding that wholly
9or partially or directly or indirectly involves pregnancy programs, projects or
10services, including a grant, subsidy or other funding under s. 46.93, 46.995, 46.997,
11253.05, 253.07, 253.08 or 253.085, if any of the following applies:
(a) The pregnancy program, project or service does any of the following using
13the state, local or federal funds:
1. Provides abortion services.
2. Promotes, encourages or counsels in favor of abortion services.
3. Makes abortion referrals either directly or through an intermediary in any
17instance other than when an abortion is directly and medically necessary to save the
18life of the pregnant woman.
(b) The pregnancy program, project or service is funded from any other source
20that requires, as a condition for receipt of the funds, that the pregnancy program,
21project or service perform any of the activities specified in par. (a) 1. to 3.
22(2m) Nothing in sub. (2) prohibits the providing of nondirective information
23explaining any of the following:
(a) Prenatal care and delivery.
(b) Infant care, foster care or adoption.
1(c) Pregnancy termination.
2(3) Subject to sub. (3m), no organization that receives funds specified under
3sub. (2) (intro.) may use program funds for an activity that is specified under sub. (2)
4(a) 1. to 3.
5(3m) The restriction under subs. (2) and (3) on the authorization of payment
6and the use of federal funds passing through the state treasury shall apply only to
7the extent that the application of the restriction does not result in the loss of any
8federal funds.
9(4) If an organization that receives funds specified under sub. (2) (intro.)
10violates sub. (3), all of the following shall apply:
(a) The organization may not receive funds specified under sub. (2) (intro.) for
1224 months after the date on which the state agency or local governmental unit last
13authorized payment or the date on which the organization, under a pregnancy
14program, project or service, last violated sub. (3), whichever is later.
(b) The grant, subsidy or other funding under which an organization, under a
16pregnancy program, project or service, has used funds in violation of sub. (3), is
17terminated; and the organization shall return to the state agency or local
18governmental unit all funds that have been paid to the organization under the grant,
19subsidy or other funding.
20(5) If a state agency or local governmental unit authorizes payment in violation
21of sub. (2), the grant, subsidy or other funding under which the state agency or local
22governmental unit authorized payment in violation of sub. (2), is terminated; and the
23organization shall return to the state agency or local governmental unit funds that
24have been paid to the organization under the grant, subsidy or other funding.".
8474. Page 424, line 17: delete lines 17 and 18 and substitute "fiscal year
91999-2000, except as provided in pars.
(am), (kr), (L)
and, (Lg), (Lr), (m)
and (n):".
(1m) (c) The department may not expend moneys from the
15appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tz) for the acquisition by a city, village or town of
16land that is outside the boundaries of the city, village or town unless the city, village
17or town acquiring the land and the city, village or town in which the land is located
18approve the acquisition.".
(2s) Development of abandoned rail corridor. (a) From the
4appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tz), the department may expend up to $1,750,000
5to develop a state trail, to be designated the Badger Trail, that is located on the
6portion of an abandoned railroad corridor running between Madison and Freeport,
7Illinois, that is located in Dane and Green counties.
(b) For purposes of sub. (1), moneys expended under par. (a) may be treated as
9moneys expended for any of the purposes specified under sub. (1) (a) to (k) or any
10combination of those purposes. Notwithstanding s. 23.175 (3) (a), the abandoned
11railroad corridor need not be under the ownership or jurisdiction of the department.
12Notwithstanding s. 23.175 (3) (b) 1. and 2., no matching gift, grant, bequest or land
13need be donated for the trail.".
(1) The natural resources board may sell, at public or private sale
or as
21provided in sub. (2r), lands and structures owned by the state under the jurisdiction
22of the department of natural resources when the natural resources board determines
23that said lands are no longer necessary for the state's use for conservation purposes
1and, if real property, the real property is not the subject of a petition under s. 16.375
(2m) (a) (intro.) Notwithstanding sub. (1), the natural resources board
5shall sell, at fair market value
or as provided in sub. (2r), land in the lower Wisconsin
6state riverway, as defined in s. 30.40 (15), that is not exempt under s. 30.48 (2) and
7that is acquired by the department after August 9, 1989, if all of the following
8conditions are met:
(2r) (a) In this subsection:
1. "Immediate family member" means a spouse, brother, sister, parent or child.
2. "Land" includes any structures on the land.
(b) If the department offers land for sale, the department shall offer the first
14right to purchase the land to all of the owners from whom the department acquired
15the land. In order to exercise this right, an owner shall make a bona fide offer to
16purchase the land. If no owner exercises this right, the department shall next offer
17the right to purchase to the immediate family members of all of the owners. This
18paragraph applies without regard to when the land was acquired.".
(3) (b)
For long-term loans by unified school districts. Every application
24for a loan, the required repayment of which exceeds 10 years, shall be approved and
1authorized for a unified school district by a majority vote of the members of the school
2board at a regular or special meeting of the school board. Every vote so required shall
3be by ayes and noes duly recorded. In addition, the application shall be approved for
4a unified school district by a majority vote of the electors of the school district at a
5special election referendum as provided under sub. (4).
(4) Popular vote, when required. If any municipality is not empowered
8by law to incur indebtedness for a particular purpose without first submitting the
9question to its electors, the application for a state trust fund loan for that purpose
10must be approved and authorized by a majority vote of the electors at a
11election referendum called
in accordance with s. 8.065, and noticed and held in the
12manner provided for other
special elections referenda. The notice of the
election 13referendum shall state the amount of the proposed loan and the purpose for which
14it will be used.".
(3) The state treasurer shall
, at the direction of the depository selection
21board under s. 34.045 (1) (b), allocate bank service costs to the funds incurring those