(1) (k) (title)
Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission; supplementing
11gifts and, grants and transfers. All moneys transferred from the appropriation under
12s. 20.865 (4) (c)
and all moneys transferred from the appropriation under s. 20.395
13(5) (qt) for the general program operations of the Wisconsin sesquicentennial
14commission under s. 14.26.
AB768-ASA1, s. 48s
15Section 48s. 20.525 (1) (k) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
16.... (this act), is repealed.
(1) (hq)
Delinquent tax collection fees. All moneys received from the fees
19collected under s. 73.03 (33m)
and under 1997 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section
209142 (1) (h
), to pay costs incurred by the department of revenue in collecting
21delinquent taxes.
(3) (b)
Integrated tax system technology. The amounts in the schedule
24for technology expenses necessary to create an integrated tax system.
(3) (em) (title)
Integrated legislative information system staff Legislative
4technology services bureau. For the
integrated legislative
information system staff 5technology services bureau, biennially, the amounts in the schedule for general
6program operations under s. 13.96.
(1) (e)
State aid; computers. Beginning in 2000, a sum sufficient to make
9the state aid payments under s. 79.095.
(1) (c)
Compensation and related adjustments. A sum sufficient to
12supplement the appropriations to state agencies for the cost of compensation and
13related adjustments approved by the legislature under s. 111.92 for represented
14employes and by the joint committee on employment relations under s. 230.12 and
15by the legislature, when required, for nonrepresented employes in the classified
16service and comparable adjustments for nonrepresented employes in the
17unclassified service, except those nonrepresented employes specified in ss. 20.923
18(4g), (5) and (6) (c) and (m) and 230.08 (2) (d) and (f), as determined under s. 20.928,
19other than adjustments funded under par. (cj). Unclassified employes included under
20s. 20.923 (2) need not be paid comparable adjustments.
(1) (ci)
Nonrepresented university system senior executive, faculty and
23academic pay adjustments. A sum sufficient to pay the cost of pay and related
24adjustments approved by the joint committee on employment relations under s.
25230.12 (3) (e) for
university University of Wisconsin
system System employes under
1ss. 20.923
(4g), (5) and (6) (m) and 230.08 (2) (d) who are not included within a
2collective bargaining unit for which a representative is certified under subch. V of ch.
3111, as determined under s. 20.928, other than adjustments funded under par. (cj).
(1) (i)
Compensation and related adjustments; program revenues. From
6the appropriate program revenue and program revenue-service accounts, a sum
7sufficient to supplement the appropriations to state agencies for the cost of
8compensation and related adjustments approved by the legislature under s. 111.92
9for represented employes and by the joint committee on employment relations under
10s. 230.12 and the legislature, when required for nonrepresented employes in the
11classified service and comparable adjustments for nonrepresented employes in the
12unclassified service, except those nonrepresented employes specified in ss. 20.923
13(4g), (5) and (6) (c) and (m) and 230.08 (2) (d) and (f), as determined under s. 20.928,
14other than adjustments funded under par. (cj). Unclassified employes included under
15s. 20.923 (2) need not be paid comparable adjustments.
(1) (ic)
Nonrepresented university system senior executive, faculty and
18academic pay adjustments. From the appropriate program revenue and program
19revenue-service accounts, a sum sufficient to supplement the appropriations to the
20university University of Wisconsin
system System to pay the cost of pay and related
21adjustments approved by the joint committee on employment relations under s.
22230.12 (3) (e) for
university University of Wisconsin
system System employes under
23ss. 20.923
(4g), (5) and (6) (m) and 230.08 (2) (d) who are not included within a
24collective bargaining unit for which a representative is certified under subch. V of ch.
25111, as determined under s. 20.928, other than adjustments funded under par. (cj).
(1) (s)
Compensation and related adjustments; segregated revenues. 3From the appropriate segregated funds, a sum sufficient to supplement the
4appropriations to state agencies for the cost of compensation and related
5adjustments approved by the legislature under s. 111.92 for represented employes
6and by the joint committee on employment relations under s. 230.12 and the
7legislature, when required for nonrepresented employes in the classified service and
8comparable adjustments for nonrepresented employes in the unclassified service,
9except those nonrepresented employes specified in ss. 20.923
(4g), (5) and (6) (c) and
10(m) and 230.08 (2) (d) and (f), as determined under s. 20.928. Unclassified employes
11under s. 20.923 (2) need not be paid comparable adjustments.
(1) (si)
Nonrepresented university system senior executive, faculty and
14academic pay adjustments. From the appropriate segregated funds, a sum sufficient
15to supplement the appropriations to the
University of Wisconsin
system 16System to pay the cost of pay and related adjustments approved by the joint
17committee on employment relations under s. 230.12 (3) (e) for
university University 18of Wisconsin
system System employes under ss. 20.923
(4g), (5) and (6) (m) and
19230.08 (2) (d) who are not included within a collective bargaining unit for which a
20representative is certified under subch. V of ch. 111, as determined under s. 20.928.
(2) (ze)
Historical society; self-amortizing facilities. From the capital
23improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the historical society to acquire, construct,
24develop, enlarge or improve facilities at historic sites. The state may contract public
25debt in an amount not to exceed
$3,073,600 $3,173,600 for this purpose.
(2) (zf)
Historical society; historic sites. From the capital improvement
4fund, a sum sufficient for the historical society to acquire, construct, develop, enlarge
5or improve historic sites and facilities. The state may contract public debt in an
6amount not to exceed
$1,939,000 $1,839,000 for this purpose.
(2) (a) Whenever it becomes necessary in pursuance of any federal or
9state law or court-ordered assignment of income under s. 46.10 (14) (e),
301.12 (14)
10(e), 767.23 (1) (L), 767.25 (4m) (c), 767.265 or 767.51 (3m) (c) to make deductions from
11the salaries of state officers or employes or employes of the University of Wisconsin
12Hospitals and Clinics Authority, the state agency or authority by which the officers
13or employes are employed is responsible for making such deductions and paying over
14the total thereof for the purposes provided by the laws or orders under which they
15were made.
(4) State agency positions. (intro.) State agency heads, the
19administrator of the division of merit recruitment and selection in the department
20of employment relations
, and commission chairpersons and members
and higher
21education administrative positions shall be identified and limited in number in
22accordance with the standardized nomenclature contained in this subsection, and
23shall be assigned to the executive salary groups listed in pars. (a) to
(j) (i). Except
24for positions specified in par. (c) 3m. and sub. (12), all unclassified division
25administrator positions enumerated under s. 230.08 (2) (e) shall be assigned, when
1approved by the joint committee on employment relations, by the secretary of
2employment relations to one of
the 10 executive salary groups
listed in pars. (a) to
3(j). The joint committee on employment relations, by majority vote of the full
4committee, may amend recommendations for initial position assignments and
5changes in assignments to the executive salary groups submitted by the secretary
6of employment relations. All division administrator assignments and amendments
7to assignments of administrator positions approved by the committee shall become
8part of the compensation plan. Whenever a new unclassified division administrator
9position is created, the appointing authority may set the salary for the position until
10the joint committee on employment relations approves assignment of the position to
11an executive salary group. If the committee approves assignment of the position to
12an executive salary group having a salary range minimum or maximum inconsistent
13with the salary paid to the incumbent at the time of such approval, the incumbent's
14salary shall be adjusted by the appointing authority to conform with the committee's
15action, effective on the date of that action. Positions are assigned as follows:
(4) (e) 5m. Legislature,
integrated legislative
information system staff 19technology services bureau: director.
(4g) University of Wisconsin System senior executive positions. A
23compensation plan consisting of 6 university senior executive salary groups is
24established for certain administrative positions at the University of Wisconsin
25System. The salary ranges for the university senior executive salary groups shall be
1contained in the recommendations of the secretary of employment relations under
2s. 230.12 (3) (e). The board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System shall
3set the salaries for these positions within the ranges to which the positions are
4assigned to reflect the hierarchical structure of the system, to recognize merit, to
5permit orderly salary progression and to recognize competitive factors. The salary
6of any incumbent in the positions identified in pars. (a) to (f) may not exceed the
7maximum of the salary range for the group to which the position is assigned. The
8positions are assigned as follows:
(a) The positions assigned to university senior executive group 1 are the
10chancellors at the University of Wisconsin System campuses at Eau Claire, Green
11Bay, La Crosse, Oshkosh, Parkside, Platteville, River Falls, Stevens Point, Stout,
12Superior and Whitewater and the chancellors of the University of Wisconsin Colleges
13and the University of Wisconsin-extension.
(b) The position assigned to university senior executive group 2 is the vice
15chancellor who is serving as deputy at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
(c) The position assigned to university senior executive group 3 is the vice
17chancellor who is serving as deputy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
(d) The position assigned to university senior executive group 4 is the
19chancellor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
(e) The position assigned to university senior executive group 5 is the
21chancellor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
(f) The position assigned to university senior executive group 6 is the president
23of the University of Wisconsin system.
(4m) (title)
University of Wisconsin system System executive
2positions. The board of regents of the
University of Wisconsin
system 3System shall set the salaries
of the president of the university of Wisconsin system
4at a point no higher than 15% above the maximum dollar value of the salary range
5for executive salary group 10, based on the competitive market for comparable
6positions at comparable institutions of higher education. The board shall set the
7salaries of the vice presidents,
the chancellors of the university of Wisconsin system
8campuses at Eau Claire, Green Bay, La Crosse, Oshkosh, Parkside, Platteville, River
9Falls, Stevens Point, Stout, Superior and Whitewater, the chancellors of the
10university of Wisconsin-center system and the university of Wisconsin-extension,
11the vice chancellor for health sciences of the university of Wisconsin-Madison and 12the vice chancellor who is serving as a deputy at each
university University of
13Wisconsin campus
, other than the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the
14University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and the
university vice chancellors at the
15University of
Wisconsin-center system Wisconsin Colleges and the
university 16University of Wisconsin-extension to reflect the hierarchical structure of the system,
17to recognize merit, to permit orderly salary progression and to recognize competitive
18factors. No salary for a position
other than president may be set at a point lower than
19the minimum dollar value of the salary range for executive salary group 7 nor at a
20point equal to or higher than the maximum dollar value of the salary range for
21executive salary group 10.
(5) (title)
Other University of Wisconsin system System
24administrative positions. The board of regents of the
university University of
system System shall assign the positions of associate and assistant vice
1presidents, vice chancellors not identified in sub.
(4g) or (4m), assistant chancellors,
2associate and assistant vice chancellors and administrative directors and associate
3directors of physical plant, general operations and services and auxiliary enterprises
4activities or their equivalent, of each
University of Wisconsin
system 5campus, the university of Wisconsin-center system
institution, the
university 6University of Wisconsin-extension and the
university University of Wisconsin
7system System administration to salary ranges. The salary for each such position is
8limited only by the maximum dollar value of the salary range to which the position
9is assigned. No position specified in this subsection may be assigned to a salary range
10having a maximum dollar value higher than the maximum dollar value of the salary
11range for executive salary group 6. The board of regents shall annually review the
12assignment of the positions specified in this subsection and report any changes
13therein to the governor and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for
14distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3).
(6) (bp)
Integrated legislative information system staff Legislative
18technology services bureau: staff employes.
(6) (gm) Legislative reference bureau: all positions other than the chief.
AB768-ASA1, s. 57L
21Section 57L. 20.923 (14) of the statutes is renumbered 20.923 (14) (a).
(14) (b) Except as provided in s. 36.09 (1) (j), any adjustment of salary
24for an incumbent specified in sub. (4g) is governed by the provisions of the proposal
1concerning senior university executives, faculty and academic staff as approved by
2the joint committee on employment relations under s. 230.12 (3) (e).
(15) (a) An incumbent of a position that has been assigned to an
5executive salary group of the compensation plan
or to a university senior executive
6salary group under this section, whose current salary exceeds the maximum of the
7salary range to which his or her position's group is assigned, shall remain at his or
8her current rate of pay while he or she remains employed in that position until the
9maximum of the salary range to which his or her executive salary group
or university
10senior executive salary group is assigned equals or exceeds his or her current rate
11of pay.
(15) (b) Except for the positions identified in subs.
(4) (j) (4g) and (4m),
14the pay of any incumbent whose salary is subject to a limitation under this section
15may not equal or exceed that amount paid the governor.
The pay of any incumbent
16in the position of president of the university of Wisconsin system, chancellor of the
17university of Wisconsin-Madison or chancellor of the university of
18Wisconsin-Milwaukee may not exceed the maximum dollar value of the salary range
19for the group to which the incumbent's position is assigned.
(16) Overtime and compensatory time exclusion. The salary paid to
22any person whose position is included under subs. (2), (4),
(4g), (4m), (5) and (8) to
23(12) is deemed to compensate that person for all work hours. No overtime
24compensation may be paid, and no compensatory time under s. 103.025 may be
1provided, to any such person for hours worked in any workweek in excess of the
2standard basis of employment as specified in s. 230.35 (5) (a).
(2) (intro.) No state agency or local governmental unit may authorize
6payment of funds of this state, of any local governmental unit or, subject to sub. (3m),
7of federal funds passing through the state treasury as a grant, subsidy or other
8funding that wholly or partially or directly or indirectly involves pregnancy
9programs, projects or services,
including that is a grant, subsidy or other funding
10under s. 46.93, 46.995, 46.997, 253.05, 253.07, 253.08 or 253.085
or 42 USC 701 to
11710, if any of the following applies:
(2) (a) (intro.) The pregnancy program, project or service
using the
15state, local or federal funds does any of the following
using the state, local or federal
1821.25 Badger Challenge program. (1) The department of military affairs
19shall administer the Badger Challenge program for disadvantaged youth. The
20department of military affairs shall promulgate rules for administering the Badger
21Challenge program.
22(2) The department of military affairs may assess and collect a reasonable fee
23from persons participating in the Badger Challenge program. Fees collected under
24this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.465 (4) (g).
121.26 Youth Challenge program. The department of military affairs shall
2administer the Youth Challenge program for disadvantaged youth under
32 USC
(1) (b) 1. The extension division and any
center or campus of the
6university of Wisconsin system.
825.32 Computer escrow fund. There is established a separate nonlapsible
9fund, denominated the computer escrow fund, consisting of moneys transferred
10under 1997 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9242 (12).
AB768-ASA1, s. 59m
11Section 59m. 25.32 of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act .... (this
12act), is repealed.
(1) (ij) All moneys forwarded by county treasurers from railroad crossing
16improvement assessments required under ss.
346.177, 346.495 and 346.65 (4r), as
17provided in s. 59.25 (3) (f) 2.
(1) (ae) All grants for clean water fund program federal financial
20hardship assistance provided by the federal government under P.L.
104-134, Title
(2) (ae) There is established in the environmental improvement fund a
24clean water fund program federal financial hardship assistance account consisting
25of the grants under sub. (1) (ae).
(2) (c) The department of administration may establish and change
4accounts in the environmental improvement fund other than those under pars. (a),
5(ae), (am) and (b). The department of administration shall consult the department
6of natural resources before establishing or changing an account that is needed to
7administer the programs under ss. 281.58, 281.59 or 281.61.
(3) Except for the purpose of investment as provided in s. 25.17 (2) (d),
11the environmental improvement fund may be used only for the purposes authorized
12under ss. 20.320 (1) (r), (s), (sm), (t)
and, (x)
and (y) and (2) (s) and (x), 20.370 (4) (mt),
13(mx) and (nz), (8) (mr) and (9) (mt), (mx) and (ny), 20.505 (1) (v), (x) and (y), 281.58,
14281.59, 281.60, 281.61 and 281.62.
AB768-ASA1, s. 63g
15Section 63g. 28.11 (5m) of the statutes is renumbered 28.11 (5m) (a) (intro.)
16and amended to read:
(5m) (a) (intro.) The department may make grants, from the
18appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (bw), to counties having lands entered under sub.
19(4) to fund
up to 50% of the salary of all of the following for one professional forester
20in the position of county forest administrator or assistant county forest
22(b) The department may not make a grant under this subsection for a year for
23which the department has not approved the annual work plan that was approved by
24the county board under sub. (5) (b).
The department may not base the amount of a
25county's grant on the acreage of the county's forest land.
AB768-ASA1, s. 63r
1Section 63r. 28.11 (5m) (a) 1. and 2. of the statutes are created to read:
(5m) (a) 1. Up to 50% of the forester's salary.
2. Up to 50% of the forester's fringe benefits, except that the fringe benefits may
4not exceed 40% of the forester's salary.