18" Section 1824fm. 84.31 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
19 84.31 (8) (b) The department and another state agency may enter into
20agreements for the purpose of assigning to the other state agency the responsibility
21for the administration of this section and rules adopted under this section. To the
22extent responsibility for administration is assigned to the other agency under such
23agreements, the other state agency shall have the same powers and duties conferred
24on the department under this section. The department shall reimburse the other

1state agency from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (3) (cq) and (cx) for all expenses,
2including administrative expenses, incurred by the other state agency in connection
3with the screening, relocation, removal or disposal of junkyards under the authority
4assigned to the other state agency, except that no moneys may be reimbursed for the
5acquisition of land or interests in land contrary to s. 86.255
6659. Page 964, line 5: delete "$1,440,665,900" and substitute
8660. Page 964, line 10: after that line insert:
9" Section 1826m. 85.017 of the statutes is created to read:
1085.017 Contracts conditioned on use of labor organizations
11prohibited. (1)
In this section, "labor organization" has the meaning given in s.
125.02 (8m).
13(2) The secretary shall ensure that the specifications for bids, contracts for
14construction or maintenance projects entered into by the secretary or the
15department do not do any of the following:
16 (a) Require any bidder, contractor or subcontractor to enter into or to adhere
17to an agreement with any labor organization concerning services to be performed in
18relation to the project or a related project.
19 (b) Discriminate against any bidder, contractor or subcontractor for refusing
20to enter into or continue to adhere to an agreement with any labor organization
21concerning services to be performed in relation to the project or a related project.
22 (c) Require any bidder, contractor or subcontractor to enter into, continue to
23adhere to or enforce any agreement that requires its employes, as a condition of
24employment, to do any of the following:

11. Become members of or become affiliated with a labor organization.
2 2. Make payments to a labor organization, without the authorization of the
3employes, exceeding the employes' proportionate share of the cost of collective
4bargaining, contract administration and grievance adjustment.
5(3) Any taxpayer of this state or any other person who enters into contracts or
6subcontracts for construction services subject to sub. (2) may bring an action against
7the secretary to require compliance with this section. If that person prevails in his
8or her action, the court shall award to that person reasonable actual attorney fees
9in addition to other costs allowed to prevailing parties under ch. 814.".
10661. Page 964, line 11: delete the material beginning with that line and
11ending with page 965, line 3.
12662. Page 965, line 19: after that line insert:
13" Section 1830gb. 85.026 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
14 85.026 (3) Procedure. The department may not approve a grant under sub.
15(2) until after enactment of the biennial budget act for the biennium during which
16the grant will be awarded. The total amount of grants awarded under sub. (2) may
17not exceed the amounts appropriated under s. 20.395 (2) (nv) and (nx) for the
18purposes of transportation enhancement activities for the biennium during which
19the grants are awarded. If the department determines that a grant was awarded
20under sub. (2) for a project on which construction will not be completed within a
21reasonable time after the grant is awarded, the department may withdraw that
22grant and the amount of the grant so withdrawn may not be counted under this
24663. Page 965, line 19: after that line insert:

1" Section 1830gm. 85.037 of the statutes is amended to read:
285.037 Certification of fees collected. Annually, no later than October 1,
3the secretary of transportation shall certify to the secretary of administration the
4amount of fees collected under s. ss. 101.9208 (1) (dm) and 342.14 (3m) during the
5previous fiscal year, for the purpose of determining the amounts to be transferred
6under s. 20.855 (4) (f) during the current fiscal year.".
7664. Page 967, line 7: after that line insert:
8" Section 1832m. 85.197 of the statutes is created to read:
985.197 Baraboo land acquisition. (1) Definitions. In this section:
10 (a) "Ice Age Trail" means the state scenic trail as designated under s. 23.17 (2)
11and includes corridors for the trail that have been approved by the department.
12 (b) "Land" means land in fee simple, easements in land and development rights
13in land.
14 (c) "Northwestern Dane county" means the area that is located in the towns of
15Berry, Black Earth, Dane, Mazomanie, Roxbury, Springfield and Westport.
16(2) Land acquisitions authorized. From the appropriations under s. 20.395 (3)
17(bq), (br) and (bx), the department may expend moneys as provided in subs. (3) to (6).
18(3) Forest land acquisitions. The department may annually encumber or
19expend not more than $1,000,000, beginning with fiscal year 1999-2000 and ending
20with fiscal year 2003-04, to acquire land that will protect the forest resources that
21are located within the boundaries of the Baraboo Range National Natural
23(4) Scenic, conservation and agricultural acquisition; Dane County. (a) The
24department may annually encumber or expend not more than $1,000,000, beginning

1with fiscal year 1999-2000 and ending with fiscal year 2003-04, to purchase land
2that is located in northwestern Dane County for scenic, conservation or agricultural
4(5) Scenic, conservation and agricultural acquisition; Sauk County. The
5department may encumber or expend not more than $250,000 during the period
6beginning with fiscal year 1999-2000 and ending with fiscal year 2003-04, to
7purchase land that is located in Sauk County and that is located outside the
8boundaries of the Baraboo Range National Natural Landmark for scenic,
9conservation or agricultural purposes.
10(6) Ice Age Trail. (a) During the period beginning with fiscal year 1999-2000
11and ending with fiscal year 2003-04, the department may encumber or expend
12moneys for the development or improvement of the portion of the Ice Age Trail that
13is located in Sauk County or Dane County and that is in the vicinity of USH 12. The
14amount expended may not exceed $2,000,000 or an amount equal to the amount
15allocated by the federal government for that portion of the Ice Age Trail during that
16period of time, whichever is less.
17 (b) For purposes of par. (a), the department of transportation shall by rule
18specify what constitutes the vicinity of USH 12.
19(7) Certification of expenditures. No later than August 1, 2000, and no later
20than August 1 of each of the subsequent 4 years, the secretary of transportation shall
21certify to the secretary of natural resources and to the secretary of administration
22the amount encumbered or expended under s. 85.197 during the preceding fiscal
24(8) Sunset. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), this section does not apply after
25June 30, 2004.

1(b) Subsection (7) does not apply after August 1, 2004.".
2665. Page 967, line 12: delete "(a) 7." and substitute "(a) 6. d., 7.".
3666. Page 967, line 12: after that line insert ""Operating expenses" do not
4include costs accruing to an urban mass transit system from services provided by a
5publicly owned urban mass transit system under a contract awarded on the basis of
6competitive bids unless the urban mass transit system's bid used the fully allocated
7cost methodology described in sub. (8).
8667. Page 967, line 24: after that line insert:
9" Section 1834m. 85.20 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
10 85.20 (1) (h) "Operating revenues" mean income accruing to an urban mass
11transit system by virtue of its operations, but do not include income accruing from
12operations under a contract awarded on the basis of competitive bids to a publicly
13owned urban mass transit system that did not use the fully allocated cost
14methodology described in sub. (8)
15668. Page 967, line 24: after that line insert:
16" Section 1835b. 85.20 (3) (cr) of the statutes is amended to read:
17 85.20 (3) (cr) To conduct a management performance audit of all urban mass
18transit systems participating in the program at least once every 5 years. If a
19management performance audit is required of all urban mass transit systems
20participating in the program, an eligible applicant served exclusively by a
21shared-ride taxicab system may be exempted from an audit if the eligible applicant
22voluntarily complies with sub. (4m) (b).
23669. Page 967, line 25: delete the material beginning with that line and
24ending with page 968, line 15, and substitute:

1" Section 1836mr. 85.20 (4m) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is repealed and
2recreated to read:
3 85.20 (4m) (a) (intro.) The department shall pay annually to the eligible
4applicant described in subd. 6. cm. the amount of aid specified in subd. 6. cm. The
5department shall pay annually to the eligible applicant described in subd. 6. d. the
6amount of aid determined under subd. 6. d. The department shall allocate to each
7eligible applicant described in subd. 7. or 8. an amount equal to a uniform
8percentage, established by the department, of the operating expenses of each eligible
9applicant's mass transit system for the calendar year. For calendar year 1999, the
10operating expenses used to establish the uniform percentage shall be the projected
11operating expenses of an urban mass transit system. Subject to sub. (4r), for
12calendar year 2000 and thereafter the operating expenses used to establish the
13uniform percentage shall be the operating expenses incurred during the 2nd
14calendar year preceding the calendar year for which aid is paid under this section.
15The department shall make allocations as follows:".
16670. Page 969, line 6: delete "$53,555,600" and substitute "$51,313,800".
17671. Page 969, line 14: delete "Beginning" and substitute "Subject to the
18limitation in this subd. 6. d. on the sum of state and federal aids, beginning".
19672. Page 969, line 15: delete "$14,297,600" and substitute "$13,699,100".
20673. Page 969, line 18: after "$80,000,000." insert "Notwithstanding par. (a)
21(intro.), the sum of state aids paid under this section and federal mass transit aids
22provided for the operating expenses of an urban mass transit system that has annual
23operating expenses in excess of $20,000,000 but less than $80,000,000 may not
24exceed 50% of the sum of the operating expenses of the urban mass transit system.

1Only federal mass transit aid that the federal government provides directly to the
2eligible applicant or to the urbanized area served by the mass transit system or that
3the department pays under this section may be counted under this subd. 6. d.".
4674. Page 969, line 25: delete "$19,804,200" and substitute "$18,975,200".
5675. Page 970, line 2: after "year." insert "For calendar years 2000 and 2001,
6the sum of state aid and federal aid allocated under this subdivision for each of those
7years may not exceed 60% of the eligible applicant's operating expenses, except that
8for an eligible applicant described in subd. 7. a. served by a mass transit system that
9operates partly in areas other than urbanized areas, and that is eligible for federal
10mass transit aid for providing service to those other areas, the sum of state aid and
11federal aid allocated under this subdivision for those other areas for each of calendar
12years 2000 and 2001 may not exceed 65% of the operating expenses of that service.
13Beginning with calendar year 2002, the sum of state aid and federal aid allocated
14under this subdivision to an eligible applicant may not exceed 65% of the eligible
15applicant's operating expenses.
16676. Page 970, line 6: delete "$5,349,100" and substitute "$5,125,200".
17677. Page 970, line 8: after "year." insert Beginning with calendar year 2000,
18the sum of state aid and federal aid allocated under this subdivision to an eligible
19applicant may not exceed 65% of the eligible applicant's operating expenses.
20678. Page 970, line 8: after that line insert:
21" Section 1845b. 85.20 (4m) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
22 85.20 (4m) (b) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., each eligible applicant shall
23provide a local contribution, exclusive of user fees, toward operating expenses in an

1amount equal to at least 20% of state aid allocations to that eligible applicant under
2this section
10% of the eligible applicant's operating expenses.
3Section 1846b. 85.20 (4m) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
4 85.20 (4m) (b) 2. Subdivision 1. does not apply to an Except as provided in this
5subdivision, an
eligible applicant that is served exclusively by a shared-ride taxicab
6system is not required to meet the requirements of subd. 1. For calendar year 2000,
7the department may not increase the amount of state aid allocated under this
8subsection to an eligible applicant that is served exclusively by a shared-ride taxicab
9system beyond the amount allocated to that eligible applicant for calendar year 1999,
10unless the eligible applicant provides a local contribution, exclusive of user fees,
11toward operating expenses in an amount equal to at least 5% of the eligible
12applicant's operating expenses. Beginning with calendar year 2001, the department
13may not increase the amount of state aid allocated under this subsection to an
14eligible applicant that is served exclusively by a shared-ride taxicab system beyond
15the amount allocated to that eligible applicant during the preceding calendar year,
16unless the eligible applicant complies with the requirements of subd. 1. This
17subdivision does not prohibit the department from allocating aid under this
18subsection to an eligible applicant served exclusively by a shared-ride taxicab
19system in its first year of service
20Section 1847b. 85.20 (4m) (em) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
21 85.20 (4m) (em) 3. Five times the amount of an eligible applicant's required
22local contribution under par. (b) 1. This subdivision does not apply after December
2331, 1999.
24679. Page 970, line 8: after that line insert:

1" Section 3845m. 85.20 (4m) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
2 85.20 (4m) (g) An eligible applicant may not use aids paid under this section
3to support transportation services by rail unless the services are eligible for aid
4under s. 85.205. This paragraph does not apply to Amtrak, as defined in s. 85.06 (1)
6680. Page 971, line 9: delete the material beginning with "This" and ending
7with "or 8." on line 10.
8681. Page 971, line 10: after that line insert:
9" Section 1849d. 85.20 (6m) of the statutes is created to read:
10 85.20 (6m) Local segregated fund required. (a) Notwithstanding sub. (4m),
11the department may not pay state aid under this section to an eligible applicant
12unless the eligible applicant does all of the following:
13 1. Establishes and administers a separate segregated fund from which moneys
14may be used only for purposes related to a mass transit system.
15 2. Deposits in the fund established under subd. 1. all of the following:
16 a. All moneys received from this state and from the federal government for a
17mass transit system.
18 b. All local moneys required by this state, or by the federal government, to
19match moneys described under subd. 2. a. as a condition of receiving or expending
20those state or federal moneys.
21 c. All local moneys allocated for a mass transit system by the eligible applicant.
22 d. All moneys received from a local revenue source that is dedicated to a mass
23transit system.

13. Achieves in the fund established under subd. 1., during the year for which
2aid is payable under this section, a balance of moneys that is at least equal to the
3quotient determined under subd. 3. c. as follows:
4 a. Determine, for each of the preceding 5 years, the annual sum of deposits,
5made by the eligible applicant, of moneys described in subd. 2. c.
6 b. Add the 3 lowest annual totals determined under subd. 3. a.
7 c. Divide the sum determined under subd. 3. b. by 3.
8 (b) If an eligible applicant does not meet the requirements under par. (a) at the
9time that aid should be paid under this section, the department shall withhold the
10aid payment until the eligible applicant meets the requirements under par. (a).
11When the eligible applicant meets the requirements under par. (a), the department
12shall pay the aid withheld under this paragraph, without interest, except that, if the
13eligible applicant fails to meet the requirements under par. (a) within 180 days after
14the time that the aid should be paid, that aid is forfeited and may not be paid to that
15eligible applicant. Aid that is forfeited under this paragraph shall be counted under
16this section as if the aid had been paid.
17 (c) The department shall promulgate rules implementing this subsection.".
18682. Page 971, line 16: after that line insert:
19" Section 1849gm. 85.20 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
20 85.20 (8) Fully allocated cost bidding. (intro.) If a local public body solicits
21bids to contract for services, the bids of a publicly owned urban mass transit system
22shall use a fully allocated cost methodology established by the department by rule.
23The fully allocated cost methodology shall do all of the following:
24 (a) Be based on generally accepted accounting principles.

1(b) Consider all shared costs and direct costs of the mass transit system that
2are related to and support the service being considered. A publicly owned urban
3mass transit system's costs include all subsidies provided to the system, including
4operating subsidies, capital grants and the use of public facilities.
5 (c) Assign each cost of a publicly owned urban mass transit system to one of the
6following categories:
7 1. Costs that depend on the number of vehicle hours operated, including
8operators' salaries and fringe benefits.
9 2. Costs that depend on the number of vehicle miles traveled, including fuel
10costs, maintenance costs and maintenance personnel salaries and fringe benefits.
11 3. Costs that depend on the maximum number of vehicles that are in service
12during the day, including administrative and capital costs.".