18143. Page 198, line 8: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
19$22,500 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $25,500 to
20increase the authorized FTE positions for the department of health and family
1services by 0.5 GPR project position, for the period ending on June 30, 2001, for the
2purpose of developing a managed care pilot program that integrates the social,
3behavioral and physical health needs of children placed in out-of-home care in
4Milwaukee County who are medical assistance recipients.
5144. Page 198, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
6$91,900 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $100,100 for the
7purpose for which the appropriation is made.
11147. Page 199, line 9: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
12$60,000 to decrease funding for development of voluntarily provided health plan
13data collection.
14148. Page 200, line 16: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
15$61,300 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $61,300 to
16decrease funding for life care and early intervention services under section 252.12
17(2) (a) 8. of the statutes.
18149. Page 201, line 6: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
19$250,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $40,000 to
20increase funding for dental services for minors under section 250.10 of the statutes.
1151. Page 201, line 21: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
2$1,750,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $2,000,000 for
3the purpose of decreasing the funding for grants to federally qualified health centers.
4152. Page 202, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
5$2,092,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $1,500,000 for
6the purpose of delaying the implementation of the statewide tobacco control program
7by one year.
8153. Page 202, line 18: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
9$90,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $90,000 to
10decrease funding for 2 mental health and alcohol or other drug abuse managed care
11demonstration projects under
Section 9123 (3) of this act.
13155. Page 204, line 4: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
14$116,400 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $349,300 to
15increase funding for Alzheimer's family and caregiver support under section 46.40
16(8) of the statutes.
17156. Page 204, line 18: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
18$80,000 to provide funding for administrative staff and general office start-up costs
19for an independent living center under
Section 9123 (11w) of this act.
1157. Page 212, line 10: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by
2$568,800 for the purpose of providing increased funeral and burial expense
4158. Page 213, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
5$650,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $650,000 to
6reflect the elimination of the individual development account program.
7159. Page 213, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
8$300,000 to reflect the elimination of funding to the Campaign for a Sustainable
10160. Page 213, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
11$100,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $100,000 to
12reflect the elimination of funding for Milwaukee Jobs Initiative, Inc.
13161. Page 213, line 14: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by
14$56,300 for the purpose of providing increased funeral and burial expense payments.
18165. Page 219, line 17: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
19$22,500 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $22,500 for the
1purpose of reducing funding for travel expenses incurred in providing investigative
2services for Indian gaming under chapter 569 of the statutes.
3166. Page 221, line 5: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
4$226,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $226,700 to
5decrease the number of authorized FTE positions by 2.75 SEG positions and for the
6purpose of reducing funding for gaming enforcement.
7167. Page 224, line 5: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
8$110,000 to increase funding for the purpose of purchasing infrared optical
9equipment to search for individuals who are lost.
11169. Page 227, line 14: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
12$11,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $999,600 to
13increase the FTE positions by 1.0 PR position on January 1, 2000, and by 16.0 PR
14positions on March 1, 2000, for the purpose of operating a community-based
15residential facility for veterans at the Southern Wisconsin Veterans Retirement
17170. Page 229, line 21: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-2000
18by $88,500 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $74,500 to
19increase the FTE positions by 1.0 SEG project position for the purpose of overseeing
20and coordinating the renovation and construction projects at the facilities for
21veterans at the Southern Wisconsin Veterans Retirement Center.
1172. Page 236, line 15: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
2$749,280 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $765,437 to
3decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
8177. Page 243, line 8: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
9$140,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $140,000 to
10increase funding for operation fresh start replication projects.
2181. Page 254, line 7: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
3$43,300 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $33,500 for the
4purpose of reducing funding for lottery credit administration.
6183. Page 255, line 9: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
7$21,095,800 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $21,095,800
8to decrease the authorized FTE positions by 110.5 SEG positions and for the purpose
9of decreasing the funding for general program operations for the lottery.
10184. Page 260, line 7: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by
11$37,800 for computer equipment and maintenance for the new Waupaca circuit court
13185. Page 262, line 14: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
14$41,700 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $41,700 to
1increase the authorized FTE positions for the legislative audit bureau by 1.0 GPR
2auditor position.
4187. Page 275, line 5: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
5$1,100,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $1,100,000 to
6increase funding for the purpose of providing purchase of service funding to the
7department of corrections on a one-for-one matching basis.
8188. Page 275, line 5: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1999-00 by
9$232,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2000-01 by $232,000 to
10decrease funding for operation fresh start replication projects.
11189. Page 275, line 5: decrease the dollar amount by $750,000 for fiscal year
121999-2000 to delete funding for supplementation of the Wisconsin election campaign
(3) (c)
Export promotion program. The amounts in the schedule for
22promotion of exports of agricultural products.".
(4) (t) From the cigarette use resistance education fund, the amounts
4in the schedule to provide assistance under s. 93.46 to tobacco farmers.".
(7) (ud)
Pesticide data base study. Biennially, from the environmental
8fund, the amounts in the schedule for the pesticide data base study under 1999
9Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9104 (1g).
AB133-ASA1-AA2, s. 189fm
10Section 189fm. 20.115 (7) (ud) of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin
11Act .... (this act), is repealed.".
14198. Page 289, line 15: delete "and for the grants under s. 560.139." and
15substitute ", for the grants under s. 560.139 and for the grant under 1999 Wisconsin
16Act .... (this act), section 9110 (7h).".
(1) (L)
Recycling market development; repayments. All moneys received
20in repayment of loans awarded by the recycling market development board under s.
21287.46 (1)
and, received under s. 287.46 (3) in repayment of loans made by recipients
22of financial assistance awarded by the recycling market development board under
23s. 287.46 (1)
and received in repayment of loans under s. 560.835, to be used
24recycling market development board contracts under s. 287.42 (3) and (3m), for the
1grants awarded under s. 287.42 (4) and to provide financial assistance under subch.
2III of ch. 287.
(1) (L)
Recycling market development; repayments. All moneys received
6in repayment of loans awarded under s. 287.46 (1), 1995 stats., and s. 560.031,
7received under s. 287.46 (3), 1995 stats., and s. 560.031 in repayment of loans made
8by recipients of financial assistance awarded under s. 287.46 (1), 1995 stats., and s.
9560.031 and received in repayment of loans under s. 560.835, to be used to provide
10financial assistance under s. 560.031.".
(3) (sa)
Administration of mobile homes. From the transportation fund,
18the amounts in the schedule for administration of subch. V of ch. 101.".
1205. Page 293, line 4: delete "
and 9." and substitute "
, 9. and 10. Annually,
2$100,000 shall be transferred to the department of health and family services under
3the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (6) (kd). ".
(1) Public broadcasting. (a)
General program operations. As a continuing
12appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for general program operations for public
Public broadcasting services. The amounts in the schedule for distance
15education for elementary and secondary schools, transmission to remote and
16underserved areas of the state and an emergency weather warning system.".
(1) (ks)
Wisconsin higher education grants; University of Wisconsin
20System supplement. All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under
21s. 20.285 (1) (im) for Wisconsin higher education grants to University of Wisconsin
22System students under s. 39.435.".