131203. Page 1606, line 13: after that line insert:
14"(2f) Fee for commencement of divorce.
15(a) The creation of section 814.61 (1) (e) of the statutes takes effect on October
161, 1999, or on the first day of the 2nd month beginning after the effective date of this
17subsection, whichever is later.
18(b) The repeal of section 814.61 (1) (e) of the statutes takes effect on October
191, 2003.".
201204. Page 1607, line 21: after "9101 (3x)," insert "9110 (7n),".
211205. Page 1608, line 2: after that line insert:
22"(10m) Recycling market development board funding. The repeal of section
23287.46 (4) of the statutes and the repeal and recreation of section 20.143 (1) (L) of the
24statutes take effect on June 30, 2001.".

11206. Page 1608, line 8: after that line insert:
2"(6xt) Secured group homes.
3(a) The renumbering and amendment of section 48.66 (1) of the statutes, the
4amendment of sections 16.385 (7), 19.35 (1) (am) 2. c., 46.036 (4) (a), 48.02 (17), 48.48
5(9), 48.48 (9m), 48.48 (10), 48.66 (2m) (a), 48.66 (2m) (am), 48.66 (2m) (b), 48.66 (2m)
6(bm), 48.68 (1), 48.69, 48.715 (1), 48.715 (2) (a), 48.715 (2) (b), 48.715 (4) (intro.),
748.715 (5), 48.715 (6), 48.715 (7), 49.857 (1) (d) 3., 51.05 (2), 51.35 (3) (title), 51.35 (3)
8(a), 51.35 (3) (c), 51.35 (3) (e), 51.35 (3) (g), 73.0301 (1) (d) 2., 118.125 (4), 165.76 (1)
9(a) (by Section 2288g), 165.76 (2) (b) 2., 252.15 (1) (ab), 252.15 (2) (a) 7. a., 301.01 (2)
10(b), 301.01 (4), 301.027, 301.03 (10) (d), 301.03 (10) (e), 301.03 (10) (f), 301.08 (1) (b)
113., 301.205, 301.26 (4) (cm) 1., 301.26 (4) (cm) 2., 301.26 (4) (dt), 301.26 (7) (a) 3.,
12301.263 (3), 301.36 (1), 301.37 (1), 301.45 (1) (b), 301.45 (1) (bm), 301.45 (3) (a) 2.,
13301.45 (5) (a) 2., 938.02 (15g), 938.02 (15m), 938.02 (17), 938.069 (1) (dj), 938.08 (3)
14(a) (intro.), 938.08 (3) (a) 1., 938.08 (3) (a) 2., 938.08 (3) (b), 938.17 (1) (c), 938.183 (1)
15(a), 938.208 (2), 938.22 (title), 938.22 (1) (a), 938.22 (1) (b), 938.22 (1) (c), 938.22 (2)
16(a), 938.22 (3) (a), 938.22 (3) (b), 938.22 (7) (a), 938.22 (7) (b), 938.22 (7) (c), 938.23
17(1) (a), 938.33 (3) (intro.), 938.33 (3) (a), 938.33 (3r), 938.34 (4m) (intro.), 938.34 (4n)
18(intro.), 938.34 (4n) (b), 938.34 (8d) (c), 938.345 (1) (a), 938.355 (1), 938.357 (3),
19938.357 (4g) (a), 938.357 (4g) (b), 938.357 (4g) (d), 938.357 (5) (e), 938.357 (5) (f),
20938.38 (3) (a), 938.51 (1) (intro.), 938.51 (1m), 938.51 (4) (intro.), 938.57 (1) (c), 938.57
21(4), 938.78 (3), 939.635 (1), 939.635 (2) (b), 946.42 (1) (a), 946.44 (2) (c), 946.44 (2) (d),
22946.45 (2) (c), 946.45 (2) (d), 968.255 (7) (b), 980.015 (2) (b), 980.02 (1) (b) 2., 980.02
23(2) (ag), 980.02 (4) (am), 980.02 (4) (b) and 980.04 (1) of the statutes and the creation
24of sections 51.01 (14k), 51.01 (14m), 51.01 (14p), 301.01 (3k), 301.01 (3m), 301.01

1(3p), 301.08 (1) (b) 4. and 938.02 (15p) of the statutes and Section 9311 (5xt) of this
2act take effect on January 1, 2000.
3(b) The repeal and recreation of section 51.35 (3) (c) and (e) of the statutes takes
4effect on December 1, 2001.".
51207. Page 1608, line 15: after that line insert:
6"(1g) Private employer health care coverage. The repeal of sections 13.94 (1)
7(p), 15.07 (1) (b) 22., 15.165 (5) and 20.515 (2) (title), (a), (b) and (g) and subchapter
8X of chapter 40 of the statutes and the amendment of section 40.02 (26) (intro.) (by
9Section 930wm) and (28) (by Section 931c) of the statutes take effect on January 1,
111208. Page 1608, line 15: after that line insert:
12"(1m) Sex offender registration specialist. The treatment of sections 40.02
13(17) (n), (48) (am) (as it relates to sex offender registration specialists) and (c) and
14(53m) and 40.65 (4w) of the statutes take effect on January 1, 2000.".
151209. Page 1608, line 19: after that line insert:
16"(1g) Universal banking. The treatment of section 220.04 (9) (a) 2. and chapter
17222 of the statutes takes effect on the first day of the 3rd month beginning after
191210. Page 1608, line 19: after that line insert:
20"(2z) Rent-to-own agreements. The treatment of sections 409.104 (12m),
21421.202 (7m), 421.301 (9), (10) and (11) and 423.201 and chapter 435 of the statutes
22and Section 9319 (2zt) and (2zu) of this act take effect on the first day of the 6th
23month beginning after publication.".
241211. Page 1610, line 3: delete lines 3 to 5.

11212. Page 1610, line 16: delete "2003" and substitute "2002".
21213. Page 1610, line 16: after that line insert:
3"(12z) Alcohol and other drug testing of minors. The treatment of section
451.48 of the statutes and Section 9323 (13z) of this act take effect on the first day of
5the 2nd month beginning after publication.".
61214. Page 1610, line 16: after that line insert:
7"(14c) Community marriage policy project.
8(a) The creation of section 20.435 (3) (hm) of the statutes takes effect on October
91, 1999, or on the first day of the 2nd month beginning after the effective date of this
10subsection, whichever is later.
11(b) The repeal of section 20.435 (3) (hm) of the statutes takes effect on October
121, 2003.".
131215. Page 1610, line 16: after that line insert:
14"(12xx) Caregiver background checks. The treatment of sections 48.685 (2)
15(bg) (by Section 1170n), (4m) (b) (intro.) (by Section 1173j) and (5m) (by Section
161176g) and 50.065 (4m) (b) (intro.) (by Section 1521zi) of the statutes takes effect on
17February 1, 2000.".
181216. Page 1610, line 16: after that line insert:
19"(14d) Funeral and burial expenses.
20(a) The treatment of section 49.30 (1) (b) (by Section 1355w) of the statutes
21takes effect on January 1, 2001.
22(b) The treatment of section 49.30 (1) (b) (by Section 1355wb) of the statutes
23takes effect on July 1, 2001.".
241217. Page 1611, line 17: after that line insert:

1"(1zz) Recycling. The treatment of sections 16.15 (1) (ae), (ah) and (ar) and (3)
2(a) 3., 20.370 (2) (hq) and (3) (mr), 59.70 (2) (L), 66.35 (1) (a), 66.606, 74.01 (5), 101.126
3(1) (intro.), 101.578 (1), 227.01 (13) (ym) and (zi), 285.53 (1) (a), 285.55 (1) and (4)
4(intro.), 285.63 (10) (a) and (c) 4., 287.01 (2), (5), (6), (8) and (9), 287.07 (1m) (title)
5and (c), (2), (3), (4) and (7) (a), (b) 1. b., 2. and 3., (bg), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h), 287.09,
6287.095, 287.10, 287.11, 287.19 (1) (b) (intro.), 287.21 (intro.), 287.27 (1) and (2),
7287.91 (2), 287.95 (2) (a) and (b), (3) and (4), 299.51 (1) (a) and (b), 560.12 (1) (ae),
8560.835 (1) (c) and 895.517 (1) (d) and (2) of the statutes, the repeal of sections 20.370
9(6) (bq) and 287.23 of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment of section
10287.07 (8) (a) of the statutes and the creation of section 287.07 (8) (a) of the statutes
11take effect on July 1, 2001.".
121218. Page 1611, line 25: delete that line.
131219. Page 1612, line 1: delete lines 1 to 4 and substitute:
14"(5vw) Aquatic nuisance species. The repeal of section 30.1255 (4) of the
15statutes takes effect on July 1, 2001.
16(5vx) Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River commission and aquatic nuisances.
17The repeal and recreation of section 20.370 (5) (cq) of the statutes takes effect on July
181, 2001.".
191220. Page 1612, line 23: delete lines 23 to 25.
201221. Page 1613, line 3: after that line insert:
21"(10n) Group fishing license. The treatment of sections 29.024 (2g) (a) 1.,
2229.193 (5) and 29.563 (3) (a) 7m. of the statutes takes effect on the 1st day of the 7th
23month beginning after publication.".
241222. Page 1613, line 6: after that line insert:

1"(1g) School safety plans. The creation of section 120.12 (26) of the statutes
2takes effect on the first day of the 6th month beginning after publication.".
31223. Page 1613, line 19: after that line insert:
4"(1m) The treatment of sections 146.81 (1) (eq), 180.1901 (1m) (bs), 252.14 (1)
5(ar) 4q., 440.08 (2) (a) 14f., 450.10 (3) (a) 5q., 895.48 (1m) (intro.) and (b) of the
6statutes and of subchapter VI of chapter 448 of the statutes take effect on the first
7day of the 13th month beginning after publication.".
81224. Page 1613, line 19: after that line insert:
9"(2c) Irrevocable burial trusts.
10(a) The treatment of section 445.125 (1) (a) 2. (by Section 2923mm) of the
11statutes takes effect on January 1, 2001.
12(b) The treatment of section 445.125 (1) (a) 2. (by Section 2923mn) of the
13statutes takes effect on July 1, 2001.".
141225. Page 1613, line 24: after that line insert:
15"(3tx) Wine and liquor sales tax exemption. The renumbering and
16amendment of section 139.03 (5) (b) of the statutes and the creation of section 139.03
17(5) (b) 2. of the statutes take effect on the first day of the 2nd month beginning after
191226. Page 1613, line 24: after that line insert:
20"(4g) Time-share property. The treatment of sections 77.21 (1), 77.51 (4) (c) 6.,
2177.52 (2) (a) 1. and 2. and 707.46 (3) of the statutes takes effect on the first day of the
222nd month beginning after publication.".
231227. Page 1614, line 5: after that line insert:

1"(7i) Charter tour boats; commercial fishing equipment. The treatment of
2section 70.111 (3) of the statutes takes effect on the January 1 after publication.".
31228. Page 1614, line 5: after that line insert:
4"(7t) Sales tax on auctions. The treatment of section 77.51 (9) (e) of the
5statutes takes effect on the January 1 after publication.".
61229. Page 1614, line 5: after that line insert:
7"(7fg) Taxable sales. The treatment of section 77.54 (20) (c) 4m. of the statutes
8takes effect on the first day of the 2nd month beginning after publication.".
91230. Page 1614, line 5: after that line insert:
10"(7g) Vending machine sales. The treatment of section 77.54 (20) (c) 6. of the
11statutes takes effect on July 1, 2001.".
121231. Page 1614, line 7: after "(a)," insert "(am),".
131232. Page 1614, line 8: on lines 8 and 10, delete "(a) and (c)" and substitute
14"(a), (b) and (c)".
151233. Page 1614, line 9: delete "71.25 (6) (a)" and substitute "71.23 (2), 71.25
16(5) (a) (intro.), 9. and 10., (6) (a), (am)".
171234. Page 1614, line 14: after that line insert:
18"(8x) Hub terminal facility. The treatment of section 78.55 (1) of the statutes
19takes effect on January 1, 2000.".
201235. Page 1614, line 14: after that line insert:
21"(7w) Internet access services. The treatment of section 77.51 (21m) of the
22statutes takes effect on July 1, 2001.".
231236. Page 1615, line 14: after that line insert:

1"(4c) Salvage vehicle titles. The treatment of sections 342.07 (1) and (2) (a),
2342.15 (2), (3) and (6) and 342.16 (1) (a), (c) and (d) of the statutes and Section 9350
3(10d) of this act take effect on the first day of the first month beginning after
51237. Page 1617, line 11: delete lines 11 to 13.
61238. Page 1617, line 16: after that line insert:
7"(4p) Scheduling of referenda by local governments. The treatment of
8sections 7.15 (2) (d), 8.05 (3) (d) and (e), 8.06, 8.065, 9.20 (4), 24.66 (3) (b) and (4), 32.72
9(1), 59.08 (7) (b), 60.62 (2), 60.74 (5) (b), 61.187 (1), 61.46 (1), 62.09 (1) (a), 64.03 (1),
1064.39 (3), 66.01 (8), 66.059 (2m) (b), 66.061 (1) (c), 66.075 (5), 66.504 (2), 66.521 (10)
11(d), 66.77 (3) (a) 1., 66.94 (4), 67.05 (4), (5), (6a) (a) 2. a. and (6m) (b), 67.10 (5) (b), 67.12
12(12) (e) 5., 81.01 (3) (b), 86.21 (2) (a), 117.20, 119.48 (4) (b) and (c), 119.49 (1) (b) and
13(2), 121.91 (3) (a), 197.04 (1) (b) and (2), 197.10 (2) and 198.19 (1) of the statutes first
14applies with respect to referenda called on the effective date of this subsection.".
151239. Page 1617, line 16: after that line insert:
16"(5i) Impact fees, sewerage service charges, approval of plats. The treatment
17of sections 66.076 (5) (a) and (b) and (13), 66.55 (1) (a), (c), (d), (e), (f), (fs), (g) and (h),
18(2) (a), (am), (b) and (c), (3), (4) (a) (intro.) and 3. and (b), (5) (b), (6) (b), (d) and (g),
19(7), (8), (9) and (10), 236.13 (2s) and 236.45 (1) of the statutes takes effect on the first
20day of the 12th month beginning after publication.".