13(b) Budget request. Notwithstanding section 16.42 (1) of the statutes, in
14submitting the request under section 16.42 of the statutes for the 2001-03 biennial
15budget bill, the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall
16include funding for the full, ongoing operation of the pesticide sales and use reporting
17system under section 94.695 of the statutes, as created by this act.
18(c) Integration with statewide geographic systems. The department of
19agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall consult with the Wisconsin land
20council and the land information board to ensure that, no later than January 1, 2003,
21the pesticide sales and use reporting system under section 94.695 of the statutes, as
22created by this act, is integrated with statewide geographic information systems.
2(1c) Grant to performing arts foundation. From the appropriation under
3section 20.215 (1) (b) of the statutes, the arts board shall award a grant of $50,000
4in the 1999-2000 fiscal year to a nonprofit performing arts foundation located in a
5county with a population of less than 130,000 for use in improving handicapped
6accessibility in the foundation's facility if the foundation provides at least $150,000
7in matching funds.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9106
8Section 9106.
Nonstatutory provisions; boundary area commission,
10(1) 1999-2001
Authorized state building program. For the fiscal years
11beginning on July 1, 1999, and ending on June 30, 2001, the authorized state
12building program is as follows:
See PDF for table 
See PDF for table 
1(2) Programs previously authorized. In addition to the projects and financing
2authority enumerated under subsection (1), the building and financing authority
3enumerated under the previous authorized state building programs is continued in
4the 1999-2001 fiscal biennium.
5(3) Loans. During the 1999-2001 fiscal biennium, the building commission
6may make loans from general fund supported borrowing or the building trust fund
7to state agencies, as defined in section 20.001 (1) of the statutes, for projects which
8are to be utilized for programs not funded by general purpose revenue and which are
9authorized under subsection (1).
10(4) Project contingency funding reserve. During the 1999-2001 fiscal
11biennium, the building commission may allocate moneys from the appropriation
12under section 20.866 (2) (yg) of the statutes, as affected by this act, for contingency
13expenses in connection with any project in the authorized state building program.
14(5) Capital equipment funding allocation.
15(a) During the 1999-2001 fiscal biennium, the building commission may
16allocate moneys from the appropriation under section 20.866 (2) (ym) of the statutes,
17as affected by this act, for capital equipment acquisition in connection with any
18project in the authorized state building program.
1(b) During the 1999-2001 fiscal biennium, the building commission may
2allocate moneys from the appropriation under section 20.866 (2) (ym) of the statutes,
3as affected by this act, to acquire other priority capital equipment for state agencies,
4as defined in section 20.001 (1) of the statutes.
5(6) Marquette University School of Dentistry. Notwithstanding section
613.48 (32) of the statutes, as created by this act, the building commission shall not
7make a grant to Marquette University for the dental school project enumerated in
8subsection (1) (k) under section 13.48 (32) of the statutes, as created by this act,
9unless the department of administration has reviewed and approved the plans for
10the project. Notwithstanding sections 16.85 (1) and 16.855 (1) of the statutes, the
11department of administration shall not supervise any services or work or let any
12contract for the project. Section 16.87 of the statutes does not apply to the project.
13(7) Highview building vacation and conversion. The building commission
14shall, during the 1999-2001 fiscal biennium, coordinate the construction project
15related to vacation of the Highview building by the Northern Wisconsin Center for
16the Developmentally Disabled and conversion of the building to a medium security
17correctional institution under subsection (1) (b) 1. and related projects. Jurisdiction
18over the building and adjacent land is vested in the commission for the purpose of
19effecting the transfer. At such time as is appropriate, the commission shall transfer
20the building and adjacent land to the department of corrections under section 13.48
21(14) of the statutes.
22(7tu) State fair park racetrack seating project. Notwithstanding section
2318.04 (2) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the building commission shall not
24authorize public debt to be contracted for the racetrack seating project identified in
1subsection (1) (g) 2. unless the state fair park board first notifies the commission, in
2writing, that it has approved the design of the project.
3(7tv) State fair park racetrack improvements. Notwithstanding section 18.04
4(2) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the building commission shall not authorize
5public debt to be contracted for the racetrack improvements project identified in
6subsection (1) (g) 2. unless the commission is notified by the cochairpersons of the
7joint committee on finance that the committee has approved the plan for noise
8abatement at the racetrack submitted under
Section 9145 (1tv) of this act.
9(7x) Aquaculture demonstration facility. Notwithstanding section 18.04 (1)
10of the statutes and section 18.04 (2) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the
11building commission shall not authorize public debt to be contracted for the purpose
12of financing construction of the aquaculture demonstration facility enumerated
13under subsection (1) (i) 3. unless the joint committee on finance has first approved
14the report required to be submitted to the committee by the board of regents of the
15University of Wisconsin System under
Section 9154 (3x) of this act.
16(8m) Wausau state office facility study.
The building commission shall
17conduct a study of the feasibility of constructing a state office facility in the Wausau
18area to consolidate state employe staff. The building commission shall report the
19results of the study, together with its findings and recommendations, to the
20legislature in the manner provided in section 13.172 (2) of the statutes no later than
21July 1, 2000.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9108
22Section 9108.
Nonstatutory provisions; child abuse and neglect
prevention board.
Grants to Brown County. From the appropriation under section 20.143 (1)
2(kj) of the statutes, as created by this act, the department of commerce shall make
3grants to Brown County of $500,000 in fiscal year 1999-2000 and $1,000,000 in fiscal
4year 2000-01 for economic development.
5(3g) B
uilding permits for construction of certain one- and 2-family
6dwellings. Notwithstanding section 101.651 (2m) of the statutes, as created by this
7act, a person is not required to obtain a building permit for construction that begins
8before the effective date of this subsection if, at the time that the construction begins,
9the municipality where the construction is located is exempt under section 101.651
10(2), 1997 stats., the municipality has not enacted an ordinance requiring a building
11permit for the construction, the municipality does not jointly exercise jurisdiction
12with a political subdivision that requires a building permit for the construction and
13the municipality has not requested a county or the department of commerce to
14provide building permit services under section 101.651 (3) of the statutes.
15(3yt) Financial management of petroleum storage remedial action program.
16No later than the first day of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this
17subsection, the department of commerce shall do all of the following:
18(a) Update its financial data base for the program under section 101.143 of the
19statutes to ensure that complete cost information related to each occurrence and to
20the annual payment to each owner or operator is readily available.
21(b) Investigate any variances between the amount of total payments indicated
22by the department's financial data base for the program under section 101.143 of the
23statutes and the amount of total payments indicated by the accounts maintained by
24the department of administration under section 16.52 of the statutes to identify
25when the variances occurred and the reasons for the variances.
1(c) Make any changes in the department's financial data base needed to ensure
2that the data base is consistent with the accounts maintained by the department of
3administration under section 16.52 of the statutes.
4(3yu) Rule making for petroleum storage remedial action program.
5(a) The department of commerce and the department of natural resources shall
6submit in proposed form the rules required under section 101.143 (2) (h), (i) and (j)
7and (2e) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the legislature under section 227.19
8of the statutes no later than June 1, 2000.
9(b) Using the procedure under section 227.24 of the statutes, the department
10of commerce and the department of natural resources shall promulgate the rules
11required under section 101.143 (2) (h), (i) and (j) and (2e) of the statutes, as created
12by this act. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes, the
13emergency rules may remain in effect until September 1, 2000, or the date on which
14rules under paragraph (a) take effect, whichever is sooner. Notwithstanding section
15227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b) and (3) of the statutes, the departments are not required to
16provide evidence that promulgating rules under this paragraph is necessary for the
17preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare and is not required to
18provide a finding of emergency for rules promulgated under this paragraph. The
19departments shall promulgate rules under this paragraph no later than the 30th day
20after the effective date of this paragraph.
21(c) Using the procedure under section 227.24 of the statutes, the department
22of commerce shall promulgate rules to implement section 101.143 (4) (cm) 1. of the
23statutes, as affected by this act, for the period before the effective date of permanent
24rules, but not to exceed the period authorized under section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of
25the statutes. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b) and (3) of the statutes,
1the department is not required to provide evidence that promulgating rules under
2this paragraph is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety
3or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for rules promulgated
4under this paragraph. The department shall promulgate rules under this paragraph
5no later than November 1, 1999.
6(d) The department of commerce shall submit in proposed form any rules under
7section 101.143 (2) (h) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the legislature under
8section 227.19 of the statutes no later than June 1, 2000.
9(e) If the conditions under section 101.144 (3g) (a) of the statutes, as created
10by this act, apply on December 1, 1999, using the procedure under section 227.24 of
11the statutes, the department of commerce shall promulgate the rules required under
12section 101.144 (3g) (a) of the statutes, as created by this act, for the period before
13the effective date of permanent rules, but not to exceed the period authorized under
14section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a),
15(2) (b) and (3) of the statutes, the department is not required to provide a finding of
16emergency for rules promulgated under this paragraph. The department shall
17promulgate rules under this paragraph no later than December 31, 1999.
18(3yv) Transfer of sites. The department of natural resources and the
19department of commerce shall identify sites the classification of which is changed
20because of the changes made by this act in section 101.144 of the statutes and shall
21transfer authority over those sites no later than December 1, 1999.
22(3yw) Report concerning interest costs. No later than March 1, 2000, the
23department of commerce shall submit a report to the joint committee on finance and
24the joint committee for review of administrative rules containing recommendations
25for actions that the department could take to reduce interest costs incurred by
1claimants under the program under section 101.143 of the statutes, including a
2review of schedules for making progress payments to claimants.
3(3yx) Evaluation of usual and customary cost schedule. The department of
4commerce shall evaluate the operation of section 101.143 (4) (cm) 1. of the statutes,
5as affected by this act, and shall report the results of the evaluation to the joint
6legislative audit committee, to the joint committee on finance and to the appropriate
7standing committees of the legislature, in the manner provided in section 13.172 (3)
8of the statutes, no later than the first day of the 14th month beginning after the
9effective date of this subsection.
Loan for pedestrian bridge project.
(a) The department of commerce may make a loan of not more than $600,000
12from the appropriations under section 20.143 (1) (c) and (ie) of the statutes, as
13affected by this act, to a person for a project that includes a pedestrian bridge, if all
14of the following apply:
151. The person submits a plan to the department of commerce detailing the
16proposed use of the loan and the secretary of commerce approves the plan.
172. The person enters into a written agreement with the department of
18commerce that specifies the loan terms and the conditions for use of the loan
19proceeds, including reporting and auditing requirements.
203. The person agrees in writing to submit to the department of commerce,
21within 6 months after spending the full amount of the loan, a report detailing how
22the loan proceeds were used.
(b) The department of commerce shall deposit in the appropriation account
24under section 20.143 (1) (ie) of the statutes, as affected by this act, any moneys
25received in repayment of the loan.
1(c) The department of commerce may not pay loan proceeds under this
2subsection after June 30, 2000.
Grant for manufacturing technology training center.
(a) In this subsection:
51. "Consortium" means an association of business, governmental and
6educational entities.
72. "Department" means the department of commerce.
83. "Secretary" means the secretary of commerce.
(b) Subject to paragraph (d), the department may make a grant of not more
10than $1,000,000 from the appropriation under section 20.143 (1) (c) of the statutes,
11as affected by this act, to a consortium for a manufacturing technology training
12center if all of the following apply:
131. The consortium is located in the Racine-Kenosha area.
142. The consortium submits a plan to the department detailing the proposed use
15of the grant and the secretary approves the plan.
163. The consortium enters into a written agreement with the department that
17specifies the conditions for use of the grant proceeds, including reporting and
18auditing requirements.
194. The consortium agrees in writing to submit to the department the report
20required under paragraph (c) by the time required under paragraph (c
(c) If a consortium receives a grant under this subsection, it shall submit to the
22department, within 6 months after spending the full amount of the grant, a report
23detailing how the grant proceeds were used.
(d) 1. The department may not pay grant proceeds under this subsection after
25June 30, 2001.
12. The department may not disburse more than $500,000 in grant proceeds
2under this subsection in either fiscal year 1999-2000 or fiscal year 2000-01.
3(6c) Grant related to well replacement. From the appropriation under
4section 20.143 (1) (kj) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department of
5commerce shall make a grant of $299,800 in fiscal year 1999-2000 to a city that was
6required to replace its city well because of federal highway construction.
7(6e) Grant for pedestrian enhancements. In fiscal year 1999-2000, the
8department of commerce may make a grant, not exceeding $100,000, from the
9appropriation under section 20.143 (1) (c) of the statutes, as affected by this act, to
10the city of Menasha for pedestrian enhancements to its city square if the city of
11Menasha contributes funds for the project that at least equal the amount of the
14(2d) Profitability requirement.
15(a) In this subsection:
161. "Prison contract" has the meaning given in section 303.01 (11) (a) 2. of the
182. "Profitable" means earning a profit, as determined by the report described
19in paragraph (b), during at least three quarters of calendar year 2000.
20(b) The department of corrections and the department of administration shall
21submit a report to the joint committee on finance for each quarter of calendar year
222000 providing the department of corrections' cash balance summary under each
23prison contract. Each report shall be prepared within 30 days after the end of the
24quarter. The report for the 4th quarter shall state whether the department's
25operations under at least two-thirds of its prison contracts were profitable during
1calendar year 2000. If less than two-thirds of its prison contracts were profitable,
2the department of corrections shall terminate its program for contracting with
3private employers under section 303.01 (2) (em) of the statutes, as affected by this
5(c) If the report under paragraph (b) states that less than two-thirds of prison
6contracts were profitable during calendar year 2000, the cochairpersons of the joint
7committee on finance shall certify that fact to the revisor of statutes no later than
8March 1, 2001. Upon the certification, the revisor of statutes shall publish notice in
9the Wisconsin Administrative Register of the report and that, as of March 1, 2001,
10the treatment of sections 20.410 (1) (gi), (hm) and (km), 108.07 (8) (b), 303.01 (8) (b),
11(c), (d) and (e), 303.06 (3) and 303.21 (1) (b) of the statutes and the repeal of section
12303.01 (2) (em) and (11) of the statutes have taken effect.
13(3z) Report on out-of-state inmate transfers. The department of corrections
14shall submit a report to the joint committee on finance by July 1, 2000, regarding
15Wisconsin inmates transferred to and confined in other states under section 301.21
16(1m) and (2m) of the statutes. The report shall address all of the following:
17(a) The overall impact that transfers have on prison populations in Wisconsin
18and projections regarding future out-of-state transfers.
19(b) The total cost of out-of-state transfers to the department, including the cost
20of incarceration and transportation.
21(c) The types of inmates being transferred based on the crimes for which the
22inmates have been sentenced.
23(d) Department policies regarding how inmates are selected for out-of-state
25(e) The average length of an inmate's stay in an out-of-state prison.
1(f) The specific services, programs and treatment provided to inmates in
2out-of-state prisons compared to inmates confined in Wisconsin prisons.
3(g) Complaint procedures for inmates in out-of-state prisons, the number of
4complaints that have been received, the types of complaints that have been
5submitted and the ways in which the out-of-state prisons have addressed the
7(h) The rate of recidivism for inmates who have been confined in out-of-state
8prisons compared to those remaining in Wisconsin for the entire sentence, classified
9by the crimes for which the inmates have been sentenced.
10(i) The impact of transfers on inmates' families in Wisconsin, the information
11that inmates' families receive on the treatment of inmates and the ways in which the
12department has attempted to respond to concerns of the families.
13(j) The steps taken by the department to implement alternatives to prison
14transfers, the number of persons involved in enhanced community supervision
15programs, the success of those programs and the feasibility of reducing prison
16transfers through increasing the use of some combination of community supervision
18(k) The effects that the elimination of parole and probation would have on the
19number of prisoners who will be sentenced to a term of imprisonment by Wisconsin
20courts and on recidivism rates for all prisoners.
21(L) An evaluation of the health of inmates in out-of-state prisons and the
22health care provided to them.
23(4xt) Private correctional facilities.
Definition. In this subsection, "private correctional facility" means, along
2with the land on which it is situated, a building, structure or facility meeting all of
3the following requirements:
41. The building, structure or facility has been or is being constructed on the
5effective date of this subdivision.
62. The building, structure or facility has been or is being constructed for the
7confinement of one or more individuals who, as a result of a court order from any
8jurisdiction, are in custody for the commission or alleged commission of a crime and
9who would be classified as medium or maximum security under the department of
10corrections' security classification system.
113. The building, structure or facility has not been and is not being constructed
12under a contract with the department of administration, a county, a group of counties
13acting under section 302.44 of the statutes, the department of corrections and any
14county or group of counties acting under section 302.45 of the statutes, the United
15States or a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state.
16(b) Acquisition or lease of private correctional facilities. The department of
17administration shall, no later than the 30th day after the effective date of this
18paragraph, commence efforts to negotiate with the owner of each private correctional
19facility located in this state to purchase the facility or to lease the facility. If the
20department reaches an agreement to purchase or lease the facility, the purchase or
21lease is subject to approval of the building commission and the joint committee on
22finance. If the department is unable to reach an agreement with the owner, the
23building commission may, notwithstanding section 13.48 (16) of the statutes, acquire
24the private correctional facility by condemnation under section 32.06 of the statutes,
25except that this paragraph constitutes the determination of the necessity of taking
1for the purposes of section 32.06 (1) of the statutes. Section 13.48 (19) (b) of the
2statutes, as created by this act, does not apply to the lease or acquisition of a private
3correctional facility under this paragraph.
4(c) Returning prisoners from out-of-state facilities. The department of
5corrections shall use the increase in beds resulting from any lease or acquisition of
6private correctional facilities under paragraph (b) to reduce its reliance on contracts
7for the transfer and confinement of Wisconsin prisoners in other states under section
8301.21 of the statutes and to return to correctional facilities in Wisconsin prisoners
9who are confined in other states under those contracts.
10(d) Inapplicability to juvenile facilities. This subsection does not apply to a
11building, structure or facility that has been or is being constructed solely to confine
12juveniles alleged or found to be delinquent.