22(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply if the department of natural resources, the
23department of administration and the city of Kenosha do not enter into the financial
24assistance agreement before July 1, 2000.
Radio services.
Position increases. The authorized FTE positions for the department of
2natural resources are decreased by 7.0 SEG positions, funded from the appropriation
3under section 20.370 (8) (mu) of the statutes, for the performance of duties primarily
4related to radio services.
Employe transfers. There are transferred from the department of natural
6resources to the department of transportation 7.0 FTE incumbent employes holding
7positions in the department of natural resources performing duties primarily related
8to radio services.
Employe status. Employes transferred under paragraph (b
) have all the
10rights and the same status under subchapter V of chapter 111 and chapter 230 of the
11statutes in the department of transportation that they enjoyed in the department of
12natural resources immediately before the transfer. Notwithstanding section 230.28
13(4) of the statutes, no employe so transferred who has attained permanent status in
14class is required to serve a probationary period.
Payments to the department of transportation. If the department of
16transportation provides radio services to the department of natural resources under
17section 85.12 of the statutes in fiscal years 1999-2000 and 2000-01, the department
18of natural resources shall make payments to the department of transportation for
19these services from the appropriations under section 20.370 (8) (mt) of the statutes,
20as affected by this act, and section 20.370 (8) (mu) of the statutes on the first day of
21each quarter of fiscal years 1999-2000 and 2000-01, except that the department of
22natural resources shall make its first payment in fiscal year 1999-2000 on July 31,
231999, or 10 days after the effective date of this paragraph, whichever occurs later.
Database of properties on which groundwater standards are exceeded.
25Using the procedure under section 227.24 of the statutes, the department of natural
1resources may promulgate a rule under section 292.57 (2) of the statutes, as created
2by this act, for the period before the effective date of the rule promulgated under
3section 292.57 (2) of the statutes, as created by this act, but not to exceed the period
4authorized under section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes. Notwithstanding
5section 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b) and (3) of the statutes, the department is not required
6to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency
7rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare
8and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under
9this subsection.
10(6g) Local governmental unit negotiation and cost recovery process. No
11later than January 1, 2001, the department of natural resources shall submit to the
12legislature, in the manner provided under section 13.172 (2) of the statutes, proposed
13legislation to make the process for local governmental unit negotiation and cost
14recovery under section 292.35 of the statutes more efficient and clear. The
15department shall propose legislation that includes provisions that do all of the
17(a) Provide a more efficient method of providing notice to all parties.
18(b) Clarify the liability provisions.
19(c) Clarify the provisions related to the identification of responsible parties.
20(d) Provide local governmental units with a clear method of dealing with
21information discovered late in the negotiation and cost recovery process.
22(e) Require responsible parties to state the basis for their objection to a local
23governmental unit's offer to settle before seeking designation of an umpire.
24(f) Require potential umpires to be environmental experts.
1(g) Require an umpire to submit a proposed recommendation under section
2292.35 (6) (a) of the statutes and give the parties a period for making comments
3before the umpire finalizes the recommendation.
4(6h) Bibliography of groundwater information. During the 1999-2001 fiscal
5biennium, the department of natural resources shall create a bibliography of
6information, on a geographic basis, that identifies all sources of general and
7site-specific information about groundwater.
Study of land application of septage. The department of natural resources
9shall study this state's program for regulating the application of septage to land. No
10later than September 1, 2000, the department shall submit a report presenting the
11results of the study, including relevant data, identification of problems and
12recommendations to improve the program, to the legislature in the manner provided
13in section 13.172 (2) of the statutes, to the governor and to the department of
15(7g) Rules for urban storm water loan program. The department of natural
16resources shall submit in proposed form the rules required under section 281.595
17(12) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the legislative council staff under section
18227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than February 1, 2000, and shall promulgate the
19rules no later than December 31, 2000, unless action by the legislature under chapter
20227 of the statutes prevents the department from meeting this deadline.
21(8tt) Air emission fee rules. The department of natural resources shall submit
22in proposed form the rules required under section 285.69 (2) (a) 7. to 11. of the
23statutes, as created by this act, to the legislative council staff under section 227.15
24(1) of the statutes no later than July 1, 2001, and shall promulgate the rules no later
1than March 1, 2002, unless action by the legislature under chapter 227 of the
2statutes prevents the department from meeting this deadline.
3(8tu) Air emission fee statutory changes. Notwithstanding section 16.42 (1)
4of the statutes, in submitting information under section 16.42 of the statutes for
5purposes of the 2001-03 biennial budget act, the department of natural resources
6shall include any proposed statutory changes that the department determines are
7necessary to implement the proposed rules under section 285.69 (2) (a) 7. to 11. of the
8statutes, as created by this act.
9(8tv) Advisory committee for air management performance standards. The
10natural resources board shall establish a committee under section 15.04 (1) (c) of the
11statutes to advise the department of natural resources in the development of the
12performance measurements under section 285.11 (18) of the statutes, as created by
13this act. The board shall include on the committee industry representatives who are
14knowledgeable about performance and productivity assessment in the area of
15environmental management, as well as other interested persons.
Grants for Wheelchair Recycling Project. From the appropriation under
17section 20.370 (6) (br) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department of
18natural resources shall award the following grants to the Wheelchair Recycling
19Project, a part of the Madison chapter of the National Spinal Cord Injury Association,
20for the purpose of refurbishing used wheelchairs and other mobility devices and
21returning them to use by persons who otherwise would not have access to needed or
22appropriate equipment:
(a) On September 1, 1999, $75,000.
(b) On July 1, 2000, $50,000.
1(9c) Oconto County boat landing project. From the appropriation under
2section 20.370 (5) (cq) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department of
3natural resources shall provide to Oconto County funding for a boat landing and
4breakwall in Park 2 in Oconto County. Oconto County and the department shall
5contribute funding for the project. The department's contribution shall equal 80%
6of the project's costs or $727,200, whichever is less. Oconto County's contribution
7may be in matching funds or may be in-kind contributions or both. The amount
8expended under this subsection shall be considered an expenditure for a Great Lakes
9project as provided in section 30.92 (4) (b) 6. of the statutes. This project need not
10be placed on the priority list under section 30.92 (3) (a) of the statutes. This
11subsection does not apply after June 30, 2001.
12(9d) McDill Lake dredging project. From the appropriation under section
1320.370 (5) (cq) of the statutes, as affected by this act, and before applying the
14percentages under section 30.92 (4) (b) 6. of the statutes, the department of natural
15resources shall provide to the McDill Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation
16District the amount that is necessary for the dredging of McDill Lake in Portage
17County but the amount may not exceed $250,000. The McDill Inland Lake
18Protection and Rehabilitation District shall contribute funding for the project equal
19to 50% of the project's cost. The McDill Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation
20District's contribution may be in matching funds or may be in-kind contributions or
21both. Notwithstanding section 30.92 (4) (b) 7. or 8. a. of the statutes, the dredging
22project specified under this subsection qualifies as a recreational boating project for
23the purpose of expending moneys under this subsection. This project need not be
24placed on the priority list under section 30.92 (3) (a) of the statutes. This subsection
25does not apply after June 30, 2001.
Urban forestry grant for Milwaukee. From the appropriation under
2section 20.370 (5) (bw) of the statutes, the department of natural resources shall
3provide $50,000 in fiscal year 1999-2000 and $50,000 in fiscal year 2000-01 to the
4city of Milwaukee for a tree planting demonstration project.
5(10g) Stewardship programs. The department of natural resources may
6promulgate emergency rules under section 227.24 of the statutes implementing
7sections 23.09 (20m) and 30.24 of the statutes, as created by this act. The department
8may also promulgate emergency rules under section 227.24 of the statutes
9implementing any provisions of section 23.0915 of the statutes, as affected by this
10act, or section 23.0917 of the statutes, as created by this act, if the rules are necessary
11for the department to act as authorized or required under section 23.0915 of the
12statutes, as affected by this act, or section 23.0917 of the statutes, as created by this
13act. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes, the emergency
14rules promulgated under this subsection may remain in effect until June 30, 2001,
15or until the date on which the permanent rules take effect, whichever is sooner.
16Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a) and (3) of the statutes, the department is not
17required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an
18emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of public peace, health, safety or
19welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated
20under this subsection.
21(10m) Study on wild cranes. From the appropriation under section 20.370 (1)
22(Lk) of the statutes, as created by this act, the department of natural resources shall
23provide in fiscal year 1999-2000 a total of $55,000 and in fiscal year 2000-01 a total
24of $60,000 to the University of Wisconsin and the International Crane Foundation
1jointly for a study of crop damage caused in this state by cranes. The study shall be
2completed before July 1, 2001.
3(10x) Boat registration surcharges. Notwithstanding section 13.101 (3) of the
4statutes, the department of natural resources shall request that the joint committee
5on finance supplement the appropriation under section 20.370 (3) (ar) of the statutes,
6as affected by this act, for boating safety education during the 1999-2001 fiscal
7biennium, and shall make the request no later than the 2nd quarterly meeting of the
8joint committee on finance, under section 13.10 of the statutes, to be held in 2000.
9Notwithstanding section 13.101 (3) (a) of the statutes, the committee is not required
10to find that an emergency exists before acting upon any such request.
14(1d) Newsline. In consultation with the Wisconsin Regional Library for the
15Blind and Physically Handicapped in the city of Milwaukee, the department of public
16instruction shall enter into a 2-year extension of the contract specified in
17Wisconsin Act 27, section
9140 (5m), with the National Federation of the Blind to
18provide the Newsline electronic information service. The department of public
19instruction shall use the moneys transferred to the appropriation account under
20section 20.255 (1) (ke) of the statutes under
Section 9241
(1d) of this act to pay the
21costs incurred under this subsection.
22(1e) Definition of state school aids. Notwithstanding section 121.15 (3m) (a)
232. of the statutes, as affected by this act, the definition of state school aids under
24section 121.15 (3m) (a) 2. of the statutes, as affected by this act, includes all of the
1(a) In the 1999-2000 school year, $927,100.
2(b) In the 2000-01 school year, $1,695,700.
3(1f) National teacher certification. Notwithstanding section 115.42 (1) (b)
4of the statutes, as created by this act, if a person who is eligible for a grant under
5section 115.42 (1) (a) of the statutes became certified by the National Board for
6Professional Teaching Standards before the effective date of this subsection, the
7department of public instruction shall award the grant under section 115.42 (1) of the
8statutes in the 1999-2000 fiscal year.
9(1g) Software training. In coordination with Pyramid Media and with the
10appropriate staff of the cooperative educational service agencies, the department of
11public instruction shall offer free training through June 30, 2001, on the classroom
12use of the module of the Body Awareness Resource Network software that concerns
13smoking and tobacco use.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9140
14Section 9140.
Nonstatutory provisions; public lands, board of
commissioners of.
15(1d) Trust fund loans. No later than December 1, 1999, the board of
16commissioners of public lands shall submit a report to the cochairpersons of the joint
17committee on finance detailing the accounting and administrative actions taken by
18the board to permit the acceptance of advance payments of loans during any
19repayment period under section 24.63 (4) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
Transfer of educational telecommunications access program.
(a) In this subsection:
231. "Board" means the technology for educational achievement in Wisconsin
12. "Commission" means the public service commission.
23. "Secretary" means the secretary of administration.
(b) During the period beginning on the effective date of this paragraph and
4ending on the first day of the 3rd month beginning after the effective date of this
5paragraph, the commission shall cooperate with the board in providing orderly and
6efficient transfers under this subsection. On the first day of the 3rd month beginning
7after the effective date of this paragraph, all of the following apply:
81. All rules that have been promulgated by the commission under section
9196.218 (4r) (b), 1997 stats., and that are in effect shall become rules of the board and
10shall remain in effect until their specified expiration dates or until amended or
11repealed by the board. All determinations that have been made by the commission
12under section 196.218 (4r) (g), 1997 stats., regarding documentation of contracts
13shall become determinations of the board and shall remain in effect until modified
14or rescinded by the board.
152. Any matter relating to the administration of the educational
16telecommunications access program under section 196.218 (4r), 1997 stats., that is
17pending with the commission is transferred to the board, and all materials submitted
18to or actions taken by the commission with respect to the pending matter are
19considered to have been submitted to or taken by the board.
203. All tangible personal property, including records, of the commission
21pertaining to the administration of the educational telecommunications access
22program under section 196.218 (4r), 1997 stats., as determined by the secretary, is
23transferred to the board.
244. All contracts entered into by the commission in effect on the effective date
25of this subdivision pertaining to the administration of the educational
1telecommunications access program under section 196.218 (4r), 1997 stats., as
2determined by the secretary, remain in effect and are transferred to the board. The
3board shall carry out any obligations under such a contract until the contract is
4modified or rescinded by the board to the extent allowed under the contract.
55. The assets and liabilities of the commission pertaining to the administration
6of the educational telecommunications access program under section 196.218 (4r),
71997 stats., as determined by the secretary, shall become the assets and liabilities
8of the board.
Hearing instrument specialist licenses.
(a) The department of regulation and licensing shall pay a renewal fee refund
12of $150 to a person who holds a valid audiologist license if he or she has held a valid
13hearing instrument specialist license that was renewed on February 1, 1998, and he
14or she surrenders the hearing instrument specialist license to the department on or
15before the first day of the 3rd month beginning after the effective date of this
(b) Notwithstanding sections 440.08 (2) (a) 38. and 459.09 of the statutes, as
18affected by this act, a person that applies to renew a hearing instrument specialist
19license that expires on February 1, 2001, is required to pay a renewal fee of 50% of
20the amount specified in section 440.08 (2) (a) 38. of the statutes, as affected by this
23(1x) Integrated tax system. The department of revenue shall submit a report
24to the joint committee on finance, by January 1, 2002, that identifies any additional
1revenue that has been generated by the implementation of the integrated tax system,
2as created under
1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section
9143 (4z), and as affected by this act.
3(2t) Release of certain lottery retailer compensation appropriations.
4(a) The department of revenue may not encumber or expend moneys
5appropriated to it under section 20.566 (8) (r) of the statutes for the purpose of
6providing additional compensation to lottery retailers under the retailer
7performance program until the department of revenue submits a retailer
8performance program plan based upon administrative rules proposed under section
9565.02 (4) (g) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the joint committee on finance.
10(b) If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the department of
11revenue within 14 working days after the date of the department's submittal under
12paragraph (a) that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of
13reviewing the retailer performance program plan submitted under paragraph (a),
14the secretary of administration shall direct that the moneys may be encumbered or
15expended. If, within 14 working days after the date of the department's submittal,
16the cochairpersons of the committee notify the department that the committee has
17scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed plan, the moneys may
18be encumbered or expended only upon approval of the plan by the committee.
21(1tv) State fair park racetrack noise abatement plan. The state fair park
22board shall submit to the joint committee on finance a plan for noise abatement at
23the racetrack facility located in the state fair park. The plan shall be submitted
24jointly with any lessee of the racetrack facility at the time of submittal of the plan.
1If the committee approves the plan, the cochairpersons of the committee shall notify
2the chairperson of the building commission in writing of the committee's approval.
4(1w) Report to legislature regarding reserve judges. The director of state
5courts shall, by October 1, 2000, submit a report to the governor, to the members of
6the joint committee on finance, and to the appropriate standing committees of the
7legislature in the manner provided under section 13.172 (3) of the statutes, regarding
8the recruitment, retention and compensation of reserve judges.
10(2d) Incentive grants. Notwithstanding section 16.42 (1) (e) of the statutes,
11in submitting information under section 16.42 of the statutes for the purposes of the
122001-03 biennial budget bill, the technical college system board shall submit
13information concerning the appropriation under section 20.292 (1) (dc) of the
14statutes as though the amount that was appropriated in the 1998-99 fiscal year
15constitutes the base level for that appropriation.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9148
16Section 9148.
Nonstatutory provisions; technology for educational
achievement in Wisconsin board.
17(1g) Telecommunications access; preexisting contracts. The technology for
18educational achievement in Wisconsin board may not require, as a condition for
19receiving a grant in the 1999-2000 fiscal year under section 44.73 (6) of the statutes,
20as affected by this act, that a public or private school that is a member of the KSCADE
21network applies for the rate discounts specified under
47 USC 254.
22(1vt) Passive review. Notwithstanding sections 13.101 (3) (a) and 20.865 (4) (u)
23of the statutes, if the technology for educational achievement in Wisconsin board
24submits a request to the joint committee on finance to supplement the appropriation
1under section 20.275 (1) (s), (t) or (tm) of the statutes, as affected by this act, and
2submits information related to the board's estimated program demand and final,
3annualized costs to the committee, and if the cochairpersons of the joint committee
4on finance do not notify the board within 14 working days after the date of the board's
5request and submittal of information that the committee has scheduled a meeting
6to review the request and information, the request is considered approved. If, within
714 working days after the submission of the request and information, the
8cochairpersons of the committee notify the board that the committee has scheduled
9a meeting to review the request, the request may be granted only upon approval of
10the committee.
11(1w) Projections and funding for 2001-03 biennial budget. Notwithstanding
12section 16.42 (1) of the statutes, in submitting information under section 16.42 of the
13statutes for the purposes of the 2001-03 biennial budget, the technology for
14educational achievement in Wisconsin board shall include information concerning
15all of the following:
16(a) Projections concerning the ultimate size of the educational
17telecommunications access program.
18(b) How much of the funding required for the educational telecommunications
19access program should be drawn from universal service fund assessments.
20(c) Other funding sources if the recommended funding from the universal
21service fund is less than the total projected costs for the educational
22telecommunications access program.
23(d) How long entities participating in the educational telecommunications
24access program should continue to receive subsidies under the program and how best
25to phase out the program.
1(2x) Rules relating to educational technology training grants.
2(a) Subject to paragraph (b), the technology for educational achievement in
3Wisconsin board shall use the procedure under section 227.24 of the statutes to
4promulgate the rules required under section 44.72 (1) (d) of the statutes, as created
5by this act, for a period not to exceed the period authorized under section 227.24 (1)
6(c) and (2) of the statutes. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b) and (3) of
7the statutes, the board need not provide evidence of the necessity of preserving the
8public peace, health, safety or welfare in promulgating the rules under this
10(b) The board shall submit the proposed rules under paragraph (a) to the
11cochairpersons of the joint committee on information policy. If the cochairpersons of
12the committee do not notify the board that the committee has scheduled a meeting
13for the purpose of reviewing the proposed rules within 14 working days after the date
14of the board's submittal, the board may proceed to promulgate the rules. If, within
1514 working days after the date of the board's submittal, the cochairpersons of the
16committee notify the board that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the
17purpose of reviewing the proposed rules, the board shall not promulgate the rules
18until the committee approves the rules.
20(1to) Grant for upgrade of Aztalan State Park. From the appropriation under
21section 20.380 (1) (kg) of the statutes, as created by this act, the department of
22tourism shall make a grant of $75,000 in fiscal year 1999-2000 to the department
23of natural resources for the purpose of completing the upgrading of Aztalan State
24Park, including the development of an overall public education and research
25strategy, as well as a long-term interpretive and management plan that includes
1establishing an interpretive visitor's center, opening other portions of the site to the
2public and using visual effects to enhance the experience of visitors to the park. The
3state historical society shall work with management personnel of Aztalan State Park
4to facilitate timely completion of the upgrade. The department of natural resources
5shall deposit the grant proceeds in the appropriation account under section 20.370
6(1) (mk) of the statutes.
Richard I. Bong air museum. Of the amounts appropriated to the
9department of transportation under section 20.395 (2) (nx) of the statutes, the
10department shall award a grant of $1,000,000 in fiscal year 1999-2000 to the city of
11Superior for the purpose of constructing the Richard I. Bong air museum in Superior,
12except that the amount of the grant awarded under this subsection may not exceed
1380% of the costs of constructing the air museum.
14(2c) Entitlement to supplements for unbudgeted compensation adjustments. 15Notwithstanding section 20.928 of the statutes, the department of transportation is
16not entitled to any supplements for unbudgeted compensation adjustments under
17section 20.928 of the statutes for the 1999-2001 fiscal biennium for any position
18funded from the appropriation under section 20.395 (3) (bq) of the statutes, except
19for any supplement that exceeds an adjustment increase for that position above the
20level established for fiscal year 1998-99 of 5.8% in fiscal year 1999-2000 and 6.1%
21in fiscal year 2000-01, as determined by the secretary of administration, and for any
22position funded from the appropriation under section 20.395 (3) (cq) of the statutes,
23as affected by this act, except for any supplement that exceeds an adjustment
24increase for that position above the level established for fiscal year 1998-99 of 2.5%
1in fiscal year 1999-2000 and 3% in fiscal year 2000-01, as determined by the
2secretary of administration.
3(2g) Flambeau River Recreational Bridge project. Of the amounts
4appropriated to the department of transportation under section 20.395 (2) (nx) of the
5statutes, the department shall allocate $190,400 in the 1999-2001 fiscal biennium
6to the city of Park Falls for the Flambeau River Recreational Bridge project.
7(2h) Little Lake Butte des Morts Trestle Trail Causeway project. Of the
8amounts appropriated to the department of transportation under section 20.395 (2)
9(nx) of the statutes, the department shall allocate $80,000 in the 1999-2001 fiscal
10biennium to the city of Menasha for the Little Lake Butte des Morts Trestle Trail
11Causeway project, except that the amount allocated under this subsection may not
12exceed 50% of the costs of the project.
Milwaukee lakeshore bicycle and pedestrian facilities grants. The
14department of transportation shall award grants from the appropriation under
15section 20.395 (2) (ny) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the department of
16natural resources for the purpose of constructing pedestrian and bicycle facilities
17along Lake Michigan in the city of Milwaukee.
18(3g) Kinnickinnic River Bike Trail project. Notwithstanding section 85.245
19(1) of the statutes, before approving any other project to receive federal funds
20distributed under section 85.245 of the statutes, the secretary of transportation shall
21approve the Kinnickinnic River Bike Trail project in the city of Milwaukee to receive
22federal funds distributed under section 85.245 of the statutes if the project is
23consistent with the requirements of
23 USC 149 and regulations promulgated under
2423 USC 149.