19Section 2565i. 287.42 of the statutes is repealed.
20Section 2565j. 287.44 of the statutes is repealed.
21Section 2565k. 287.46 of the statutes is repealed.
22Section 2565L. 287.48 of the statutes is repealed.".
231030. Page 1280, line 7: after that line insert:
24" Section 2569k. 289.645 of the statutes is created to read:

1289.645 Recycling fee. (1) Imposition of recycling fee on generators.
2Except as provided under sub. (4), a generator of solid waste or hazardous waste shall
3pay a recycling fee for each ton or equivalent volume of solid waste or hazardous
4waste that is disposed of at a licensed solid waste or hazardous waste disposal
5facility. If a person arranges for collection or disposal services on behalf of one or
6more generators, that person shall pay the recycling fee to the licensed solid waste
7or hazardous waste disposal facility or to any intermediate hauler used to transfer
8wastes from collection points to a licensed facility. An intermediate hauler who
9receives the recycling fee under this subsection shall pay the fee to the licensed solid
10waste or hazardous waste disposal facility. Tonnage or equivalent volume shall be
11calculated in the same manner as the calculation made for tonnage fees under s.
12289.62 (1).
13(2) Collection. The owner or operator of a licensed solid waste or hazardous
14waste disposal facility shall collect the recycling fee from the generator, a person who
15arranges for disposal on behalf of one or more generators or an intermediate hauler
16and shall pay to the department the amount of the fee required to be collected
17according to the amount of solid waste or hazardous waste received and disposed of
18at the facility during the preceding reporting period.
19(3) Amount of recycling fee. The fee imposed under this section is as follows:
20 (a) For all solid waste other than high-volume industrial waste, $10 per ton.
21 (b) For all high-volume industrial waste, $2 per ton.
22(4) Exemptions from recycling fee. (a) Solid waste materials approved by the
23department for lining, daily cover or capping or for constructing berms, dikes or
24roads within a solid waste disposal facility are not subject to the recycling fee

1imposed under sub. (1), except that materials approved for use under s. 289.30 (5)
2or 289.31 (9) are subject to the fee.
3 (b) Except as provided in par. (c), the recycling fee does not apply to waste
4generated by an organization described in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue
5Code that is exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (a) of the Internal
6Revenue Code, that derives a portion of its income from the recycling and reuse
7programs and that does one of the following:
8 1. Provides services and programs for people with disabilities.
9 2. Primarily serves low-income persons.
10 (c) Waste generated by an organization described in par. (b) which is
11commingled with waste generated by a person other than an organization described
12in par. (b) is subject to the fee.
13(5) Reporting period. The reporting period under this section is the same as
14the reporting period under s. 289.62 (1). The owner or operator of any licensed solid
15waste or hazardous waste disposal facility shall pay the recycling fee required to be
16collected under sub. (2) at the same time as any tonnage fees under s. 289.62 (1) are
18(6) Use of recycling fees. The fees collected under sub. (2) shall be deposited
19in the recycling fund.
20(7) Failure to pay recycling fee. (a) If a person required under sub. (1) to pay
21the recycling fee to a licensed solid waste or hazardous waste disposal facility fails
22to pay the fee, the owner or operator of the licensed solid waste or hazardous waste
23disposal facility shall submit to the department with the payment required under
24sub. (2) an affidavit stating facts sufficient to show the person's failure to comply with
25sub. (1).

1(b) If the person named in the affidavit under par. (a) is a generator or a person
2who arranges for collection or disposal services on behalf of one or more generators
3and the person holds a license for the collection and transportation of solid waste or
4hazardous waste, the department shall immediately notify the person that the
5license will be suspended 30 days after the date the notice is mailed unless the person
6submits to the department an affidavit stating facts sufficient to show that it has
7paid the fee as required under sub. (1).
8 (c) If the person named in the affidavit under par. (a) is an intermediate hauler
9that holds a license for the collection and transportation of solid waste or hazardous
10waste, the department shall immediately notify the person that the license will be
11suspended 30 days after the date the notice is mailed unless the person submits to
12the department an affidavit stating facts sufficient to show that either of the
13following has occurred:
14 1. The person named in the affidavit under par. (a) received the required fee
15from a generator, from a person who arranges for collection or disposal services on
16behalf of one or more generators or from an earlier intermediate hauler, and paid the
17fee to the licensed solid waste or hazardous waste disposal facility or to a subsequent
18intermediate hauler.
19 2. A generator, a person who arranges for collection or disposal services on
20behalf of one or more generators or an earlier intermediate hauler failed to pay the
21required fee to the person named in the affidavit under par. (a).
22 (d) If the department does not receive an affidavit under par. (b) or (c) within
2330 days after the date the notice is mailed, the department shall suspend the license
24issued to the person for the collection and transportation of solid waste or hazardous

1waste. Notwithstanding s. 227.42, the department is not required to provide the
2licensee with a hearing before the suspension.
3 (e) When a person whose license is suspended under par. (d) provides the
4department with proof that the person has paid the owner or operator of the licensed
5solid waste or hazardous waste facility the amount of the unpaid fee, the department
6shall immediately reinstate the suspended license.
7Section 2569L. 289.67 (1) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
8 289.67 (1) (cm) Amount of environmental repair fee. Except as provided under
9par. (d), the environmental repair fee imposed under par. (a) is 15 cents per ton for
10solid or hazardous waste received by a licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal
11facility after December 31, 1985, but before July 1, 1989, and 20
21 cents per ton for
12solid or hazardous waste received by a licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal
13facility on or after July 1, 1989
14Section 2569m. 289.67 (1) (cp) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 289.67 (1) (cp) Amount of environmental repair fee. Notwithstanding par. (cm)
16and except as provided under par. (d), the environmental repair fee imposed under
17par. (a) is 30 69 cents per ton for solid or hazardous waste, other than high-volume
18industrial waste, disposed of on or after January 1, 1988, but before July 1, 1989,
19and 50 cents per ton disposed of on or after July 1, 1989
201031. Page 1306, line 16: before "Green" insert "Beloit, the city of".
211032. Page 1307, line 6: after that line insert:
22"(e) To the city of Beloit, $250,000.".
231033. Page 1308, line 19: delete the material beginning with that line and
24ending with page 1309, line 11.

11034. Page 1312, line 6: delete lines 6 to 8.
21035. Page 1312, line 10: delete "after fiscal year 1999-2000".
31036. Page 1314, line 22: after "social security number" insert "or any
4personal identifying information, as defined in s. 943.201 (1) (b), of an individual who
5is not a prisoner".
61037. Page 1317, line 8: delete lines 8 to 10.
71038. Page 1318, line 3: delete that line and substitute "conversion or has
8approved the construction or conversion of the building, structure or facility.".
91039. Page 1318, line 4: delete lines 4 and 5.
101040. Page 1320, line 16: delete "$42,091,800" and substitute "$42,343,200".
111041. Page 1320, line 17: delete that line and substitute "$82,741,700 1999,
for 1998 2000 and $41,091,900 $43,345,500 for the".
131042. Page 1320, line 19: delete that line and substitute "$1,251,400 for the
14last 6 months of 1999, $3,505,000 for 2000 and $2,253,600 for the
151043. Page 1324, line 15: delete the material beginning with that line and
16ending with page 1325, line 17 and substitute:
17" Section 2718ex. 303.01 (2) (em) of the statutes is repealed.".
181044. Page 1326, line 6: delete the material beginning with that line and
19ending with page 1327, line 12.
201045. Page 1327, line 16: after that line insert:
21" Section 2718wc. 303.08 (5) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 303.08 (5) (cg).
22Section 2718wg. 303.08 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
23 303.08 (5) (b) Necessary travel expense to and from work and other;

1(cr) Other incidental expenses of the prisoner;
2Section 2718wL. 303.08 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
3 303.08 (5) (c) Support Court-ordered support of the prisoner's dependents, if
5Section 2718wq. 303.08 (5m) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 303.08 (5m) A county may receive payments under sub. (5) (a) and (b), (cg) and
or seek reimbursement under s. 302.372, but may not collect for the same
8expenses twice.".
91046. Page 1334, line 13: delete that line and substitute "obtained and any
10licensing fees relating to the word or words or the symbol on special group plates
11under par. (f) 54. have been waived by the National Football League.
121047. Page 1335, line 15: delete "as follows:".
131048. Page 1335, line 16: delete lines 16 to 18.
141049. Page 1335, line 19: delete "shall be credited".
151050. Page 1335, line 19: after that line insert:
16" Section 2726v. 341.14 (6r) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
17 341.14 (6r) (bm) Upon receipt of an application for a special group plate under
18par. (f) 53., a person authorized to issue registration plates shall forward the
19application to the department's special license plate unit. The department may not
20charge a fee for forwarding an application under this paragraph.".
211051. Page 1337, line 25: delete that line.
221052. Page 1338, line 1: delete lines 1 to 3.
231053. Page 1339, line 3: after that line insert:

1" Section 2734c. 341.406 of the statutes is created to read:
2341.406 Uniform hazardous materials transportation plan and fees.
3(1) The department shall promulgate rules establishing criteria for the payment of
4fees by persons who may be required to file hazardous materials transportation
5registration statements with the federal department of transportation under 49 USC
or who may be required to register with the state under 49 USC 5119. The rules
7promulgated under this subsection shall be consistent with the procedures,
8limitations and recommendations under 49 USC 5119. The department shall design
9the rules so that revenue from the fees paid in fiscal year 2000-01 are approximately
111054. Page 1340, line 20: after that line insert:
12" Section 2734hdm. 342.07 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 342.07 (1) (intro.)
13and amended to read:
14 342.07 (1) Application for registration of and a new certificate of title for a
15repaired salvage vehicle must be accompanied by the all of the following:
16(a) The required fees, a.
17(b) A properly assigned salvage certificate of title or a properly assigned
18certificate of title by a dealer under s. 342.16 (1) (a)
for the vehicle and any.
19(c) Any other transfer document required by law, and by the.
20(d) The certificate of inspection under sub. (4).
21Section 2734hdp. 342.07 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 342.07 (2) (a) To determine whether the vehicle is the same vehicle for which
23the salvage title in submitted under sub. (1) was issued;".
241055. Page 1341, line 9: after that line insert:

1" Section 2734hgd. 342.15 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 342.15 (2) Except as provided in s. 342.16 with respect to a vehicle which is not
3a salvage vehicle
, the transferee shall, promptly after delivery to him or her of the
4vehicle, execute the application for a new certificate of title in the space provided
5therefor on the certificate or as the department prescribes, and cause deliver or mail
6the certificate and application to be mailed or delivered to the department. A salvage
7vehicle purchaser shall comply with s. 342.065 (1) (b) (a).
8Section 2734hgf. 342.15 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 342.15 (3) Except as provided in s. 342.16 with respect to a vehicle which is not
10a salvage vehicle
and as between the parties, a transfer by an owner is not effective
11until the provisions of this section have been complied with. An owner who has
12delivered possession of the vehicle to the transferee and has complied with the
13provisions of this section requiring action by him or her is not liable as owner for any
14damages thereafter resulting from operation of the vehicle.
15Section 2734hgh. 342.15 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 342.15 (6) (a) Except as provided in s. 342.16 with respect to a vehicle which
17is not a salvage vehicle
, any transferee of a vehicle who fails to make application for
18a new certificate of title immediately upon transfer to him or her of a vehicle may be
19required to forfeit not more than $200. A certificate is considered to have been
20applied for when the application accompanied by the required fee has been delivered
21to the department or deposited in the mail properly addressed with postage prepaid.
22 (b) Except as provided in s. 342.16 with respect to a vehicle which is not a
23salvage vehicle
, any transferee of a vehicle who with intent to defraud fails to make
24application for a new certificate of title immediately upon transfer to him or her of
25a vehicle may be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days

1or both. A certificate is considered to have been applied for when the application
2accompanied by the required fee has been delivered to the department or deposited
3in the mail properly addressed with postage prepaid.
4Section 2734hgj. 342.16 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
5 342.16 (1) (a) Except as provided in par. (c), if a dealer acquires a new or used
6vehicle that is not a salvage vehicle and holds it for resale, or acquires a salvage
7vehicle that is currently titled as a salvage vehicle and holds it for resale
or accepts
8a vehicle for sale on consignment, the dealer may not submit to the department the
9certificate of title or application for certificate of title naming the dealer as owner of
10the vehicle. Upon transferring the vehicle to another person, the dealer shall
11immediately give the transferee on a form prescribed by the department a receipt for
12all title, registration, security interest and sales tax moneys paid to the dealer for
13transmittal to the department when required. The dealer shall promptly execute the
14assignment and warranty of title, showing the name and address of the transferee
15and of any secured party holding a security interest created or reserved at the time
16of the resale or sale on consignment, in the spaces provided therefor on the certificate
17or as the department prescribes. Within 7 business days following the sale or
18transfer, the dealer shall mail or deliver the certificate or application for certificate
19to the department with the transferee's application for a new certificate. A
20nonresident who purchases a motor vehicle from a dealer in this state may not,
21unless otherwise authorized by rule of the department, apply for a certificate of title
22issued for the vehicle in this state unless the dealer determines that a title is
23necessary to protect the interests of a secured party. The dealer is responsible for
24determining whether a title and perfection of security interest is required. The
25dealer is liable for any damages incurred by the department or any secured party for

1the dealer's failure to perfect a security interest which the dealer had knowledge of
2at the time of sale.
3Section 2734hgm. 342.16 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
4 342.16 (1) (c) Except when all available spaces for a dealer's or wholesaler's
5reassignment on a certificate of title have been completed or as otherwise authorized
6by rules of the department, a dealer or wholesaler who acquires a new or used vehicle
7that is not a salvage vehicle and holds it for resale, or acquires a salvage vehicle that
8is currently titled as a salvage vehicle and holds it for resale
or accepts a vehicle for
9sale on consignment may not apply for a certificate of title naming the dealer or
10wholesaler as owner of the vehicle. The rules may regulate the frequency of
11application by a dealer or wholesaler for transfer of registration or credits for
12registration from a previously registered vehicle to another vehicle that the dealer
13or wholesaler intends to register in his or her own name.
14Section 2734hgo. 342.16 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 342.16 (1) (d) Unless exempted by rule of the department, a dealer or
16wholesaler who acquires a new or used vehicle that is not a salvage vehicle and holds
17it for resale or acquires a salvage vehicle currently titled as a salvage vehicle and
18holds it for resale
shall make application for a certificate of title naming the dealer
19or wholesaler as owner of the vehicle when all of the available spaces for a dealer's
20or wholesaler's reassignment on the certificate of title for such vehicle have been