21 767.24 (5) (bm) The right of the child to spend the same amount of time or
22substantial periods of time with each parent.
23Section 3054cx. 767.24 (5) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
24 767.24 (5) (cm) The amount and quality of time that each parent has spent with
25the child in the past, changes to the parents' custodial roles made necessary by the

1divorce and any reasonable life-style changes that a parent proposes to make to be
2able to spend time with the child in the future.
3Section 3054cy. 767.24 (5) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
4 767.24 (5) (dm) The age of the child and the child's developmental and
5educational needs at different ages.
6Section 3054cz. 767.24 (5) (em) of the statutes is created to read:
7 767.24 (5) (em) The need for regularly occurring and meaningful periods of
8physical placement to provide predictability and stability for the child.
9Section 3054d. 767.24 (5) (fm) of the statutes is created to read:
10 767.24 (5) (fm) The cooperation and communication between the parties and
11whether either party unreasonably refuses to cooperate or communicate with the
12other party.
13Section 3054dc. 767.24 (5) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 767.24 (5) (g) Whether each party can support the other party's relationship
15with the child, including encouraging and facilitating frequent and continuing
16contact with the child, or whether
one party is likely to unreasonably interfere with
17the child's continuing relationship with the other party.
18Section 3054dd. 767.24 (5) (jm) of the statutes is created to read:
19 767.24 (5) (jm) The reports of appropriate professionals if admitted into
21Section 3054de. 767.242 of the statutes is created to read:
22767.242 Enforcement of physical placement orders. (1) Definitions. In
23this section:

1(a) "Petitioner" means the parent filing a petition under this section, regardless
2of whether that parent was the petitioner in the action in which periods of physical
3placement were awarded under s. 767.24.
4 (b) "Respondent" means the parent upon whom a petition under this section is
5served, regardless of whether that parent was the respondent in the action in which
6periods of physical placement were awarded under s. 767.24.
7(2) Who may file. A parent who has been awarded periods of physical
8placement under s. 767.24 may file a petition under sub. (3) if any of the following
10 (a) The parent has had one or more periods of physical placement denied by the
11other parent.
12 (b) The parent has had one or more periods of physical placement substantially
13interfered with by the other parent.
14 (c) The parent has incurred a financial loss or expenses as a result of the other
15parent's intentional failure to exercise one or more periods of physical placement
16under an order allocating specific times for the exercise of periods of physical
18(3) Petition. (a) The petition shall allege facts sufficient to show the following:
19 1. The name of the petitioner and that the petitioner has been awarded periods
20of physical placement.
21 2. The name of the respondent.
22 3. That the criteria in sub. (2) apply.
23 (b) The petition shall request the imposition of a remedy or any combination
24of remedies under sub. (5) (b). This paragraph does not prohibit a judge or family

1court commissioner from imposing a remedy under sub. (5) (b) if the remedy was not
2requested in the petition.
3 (c) A judge or family court commissioner shall accept any legible petition for
4an order under this section.
5 (d) The petition shall be filed under the principal action under which the
6periods of physical placement were awarded.
7 (e) A petition under this section is a motion for remedial sanction for purposes
8of s. 785.03 (1) (a).
9(4) Service on respondent; response. Upon the filing of a petition under sub.
10(3), the petitioner shall serve a copy of the petition upon the respondent. The
11respondent may respond to the petition either in writing before or at the hearing
12under sub. (5) (a) or orally at that hearing.
13(5) Hearing; remedies. (a) A judge or family court commissioner shall hold a
14hearing on the petition no later than 30 days after the petition has been served,
15unless the time is extended by mutual agreement of the parties or upon the motion
16of a guardian ad litem and the approval of the judge or family court commissioner.
17The judge or family court commissioner may, on his or her own motion or the motion
18of any party, order that a guardian ad litem be appointed for the child prior to the
20 (b) At the conclusion of the hearing, the judge or family court commissioner
21may do any of the following:
22 1. If the judge or family court commissioner finds that the respondent has
23intentionally and unreasonably denied the petitioner one or more periods of physical
24placement or that the respondent has intentionally and unreasonably interfered

1with one or more of the petitioner's periods of physical placement, do one or more of
2the following:
3 a. Issue an order granting additional periods of physical placement to replace
4those denied or interfered with.
5 b. If the underlying order or judgment relating to periods of physical placement
6does not provide for specific times for the exercise of periods of physical placement,
7issue an order specifying the times for the exercise of periods of physical placement.
8 c. Find the respondent in contempt of court under ch. 785.
9 d. Grant an injunction ordering the respondent to strictly comply with the
10judgment or order relating to the award of physical placement. In determining
11whether to issue an injunction, the judge or family court commissioner shall consider
12whether alternative remedies requested by the petitioner would be as effective in
13obtaining compliance with the order or judgment relating to physical placement.
14 2. If the judge or family court commissioner finds that the petitioner has
15incurred a financial loss or expenses as a result of the respondent's failure,
16intentionally and unreasonably and without adequate notice to the petitioner, to
17exercise one or more periods of physical placement under an order allocating specific
18times for the exercise of periods of physical placement, issue an order requiring the
19respondent to pay to the petitioner a sum of money sufficient to compensate the
20petitioner for the financial loss or expenses.
21 (c) Except as provided in par. (b) 1. a. and b., the judge or family court
22commissioner may not modify an order of legal custody or physical placement in an
23action under this section.

1(d) The judge or family court commissioner shall award the prevailing party
2a reasonable amount for the cost of maintaining an action under this section and for
3attorney fees.
4 (e) An injunction issued under par. (b) 1. d. is effective according to its terms,
5for the period of time that the petitioner requests, but not more than 2 years.
6(6) Enforcement assistance. (a) If an injunction is issued under sub. (5) (b)
71. d., upon request by the petitioner the judge or family court commissioner shall
8order the sheriff to assist the petitioner in executing or serving the injunction.
9 (b) Within 24 hours after a request by the petitioner, the clerk of the circuit
10court shall send a copy of an injunction issued under sub. (5) (b) 1. d. to the sheriff
11or to any other local law enforcement agency that is the central repository for orders
12and that has jurisdiction over the respondent's residence. If the respondent does not
13reside in this state, the clerk shall send a copy of the injunction to the sheriff of the
14county in which the circuit court is located.
15 (c) The sheriff or other appropriate local law enforcement agency under par. (b)
16shall make available to other law enforcement agencies, through a verification
17system, information on the existence and status of any injunction issued under sub.
18(5) (b) 1. d. The information need not be maintained after the injunction is no longer
19in effect.
20(7) Arrest. A law enforcement officer may arrest and take a person into custody
21if all of the following apply:
22 (a) A petitioner under this section presents the law enforcement officer with a
23copy of an injunction issued under sub. (5) (b) 1. d. or the law enforcement officer
24determines that such an injunction exists through communication with appropriate

1(b) The law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that the person
2has violated the injunction issued under sub. (5) (b) 1. d.
3(8) Penalty. Whoever intentionally violates an injunction issued under sub.
4(5) (b) 1. d. may be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than 2
5years or both.
6Section 3054df. 767.25 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
7 767.25 (1) (intro.) Whenever the court approves a stipulation for child support
8under s. 767.10, enters a judgment of annulment, divorce or legal separation, or
9enters an order or a judgment in a paternity action or in an action under s. 767.02
10(1) (f) or (j) or, 767.08 or 767.62 (3), the court shall do all of the following:
11Section 3054dg. 767.25 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
12 767.25 (1m) (b) The financial resources of both parents as determined under
13s. 767.255
14Section 3054dh. 767.25 (1m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 767.25 (1m) (c) The If the parties were married, the standard of living the child
16would have enjoyed had the marriage not ended in annulment, divorce or legal
18Section 3054di. 767.25 (4m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
19 767.25 (4m) (b) In addition to ordering child support for a child under sub. (1),
20the court shall specifically assign responsibility for and direct the manner of
21payment of the child's health care expenses. In assigning responsibility for a child's
22health care expenses, the court shall consider whether a child is covered under a
23parent's health insurance policy or plan at the time the court approves a stipulation
24for child support under s. 767.10, enters a judgment of annulment, divorce or legal
25separation, or enters an order or a judgment in a paternity action or in an action

1under s. 767.02 (1) (f) or (j) or, 767.08 or 767.62 (3), the availability of health
2insurance to each parent through an employer or other organization, the extent of
3coverage available to a child and the costs to the parent for the coverage of the child.
4A parent may be required to initiate or continue health care insurance coverage for
5a child under this subsection. If a parent is required to do so, he or she shall provide
6copies of necessary program or policy identification to the custodial parent and is
7liable for any health care costs for which he or she receives direct payment from an
8insurer. This subsection shall not be construed to limit the authority of the court to
9enter or modify support orders containing provisions for payment of medical
10expenses, medical costs, or insurance premiums which are in addition to and not
11inconsistent with this subsection.
12Section 3054dj. 767.25 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 767.25 (5) Liability Subject to ss. 767.51 (4) and 767.62 (4m), liability for past
14support shall be limited to the period after the birth of the child.
15Section 3054dk. 767.25 (6) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1997
16Wisconsin Act 191
, section 398, is amended to read:
17 767.25 (6) (intro.) A party ordered to pay child support under this section shall
18pay simple interest at the rate of 1.5% 1% per month on any amount in arrears that
19is equal to or greater than the amount of child support due in one month. If the party
20no longer has a current obligation to pay child support, interest at the rate of 1.5%
211% per month shall accrue on the total amount of child support in arrears, if any.
22Interest under this subsection is in lieu of interest computed under s. 807.01 (4),
23814.04 (4) or 815.05 (8) and is paid to the department or its designee under s. 767.29.
24Except as provided in s. 767.29 (1m), the department or its designee, whichever is
25appropriate, shall apply all payments received for child support as follows:

1Section 3054dL. 767.253 of the statutes is amended to read:
2767.253 Seek-work orders. In an action for modification of a child support
3order under s. 767.32 or an action in which an order for child support is required
4under s. 767.25 (1), 767.51 (3) or 767.62 (4) (a), the court may order either or both
5parents of the child to seek employment or participate in an employment or training
7Section 3054dm. 767.254 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
8 767.254 (2) (intro.) In an action for revision of a judgment or order providing
9for child support under s. 767.32 or an action in which an order for child support is
10required under s. 767.25 (1), 767.51 (3) or 767.62 (4) (a), the court shall order an
11unemployed teenage parent to do one or more of the following:
12Section 3054dn. 767.261 (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin
13Act 191
, section 403, is amended to read:
14767.261 Family support. (intro.) The court may make a financial order
15designated "family support" as a substitute for child support orders under s. 767.25
16and maintenance payment orders under s. 767.26. A party ordered to pay family
17support under this section shall pay simple interest at the rate of 1.5% 1% per month
18on any amount in arrears that is equal to or greater than the amount of child support
19due in one month. If the party no longer has a current obligation to pay child support,
20interest at the rate of 1.5% 1% per month shall accrue on the total amount of child
21support in arrears, if any. Interest under this section is in lieu of interest computed
22under s. 807.01 (4), 814.04 (4) or 815.05 (8) and is paid to the department or its
23designee under s. 767.29. Except as provided in s. 767.29 (1m), the department or
24its designee, whichever is appropriate, shall apply all payments received for family
25support as follows:".

11083. Page 1410, line 5: after that line insert:
2" Section 3055c. 767.265 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, section 411, and 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
4 767.265 (1) Each order for child support under this chapter, for maintenance
5payments under s. 767.23 or 767.26, for family support under this chapter, for costs
6ordered under s. 767.51 (3) or 767.62 (4) (a), for support by a spouse under s. 767.02
7(1) (f), for maintenance payments under s. 767.02 (1) (g) or for the annual receiving
8and disbursing fee under s. 767.29 (1) (d), each order for a revision in a judgment or
9order with respect to child support, maintenance or family support payments under
10s. 767.32, each stipulation approved by the court or the family court commissioner
11for child support under this chapter and each order for child or spousal support
12entered under s. 948.22 (7) constitutes an assignment of all commissions, earnings,
13salaries, wages, pension benefits, benefits under ch. 102 or 108, lottery prizes that
14are payable in instalments and other money due or to be due in the future to the
15department or its designee. The assignment shall be for an amount sufficient to
16ensure payment under the order or stipulation and to pay any arrearages due at a
17periodic rate not to exceed 50% of the amount of support due under the order or
18stipulation so long as the addition of the amount toward arrearages does not leave
19the party at an income below the poverty line established under 42 USC 9902 (2).".
201084. Page 1413, line 24: after that line insert:
21" Section 3061c. 767.265 (3h) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, section 415, is amended to read:
23 767.265 (3h) A person who receives notice of assignment under this section or
24s. 767.23 (1) (L), or 767.25 (4m) (c), 767.51 (3m) (c) or 767.62 (4) (b) 3. or similar laws

1of another state shall withhold the amount specified in the notice from any money
2that person pays to the payer later than one week after receipt of notice of
3assignment. Within 5 days after the day the person pays money to the payer, the
4person shall send the amount withheld to the department or its designee, whichever
5is appropriate, or, in the case of an amount ordered withheld for health care
6expenses, to the appropriate health care insurer, provider or plan. With each
7payment sent to the department or its designee, the person from whom the payer
8receives money shall report to the department or its designee the payer's gross
9income or other gross amount from which the payment was withheld. Except as
10provided in sub. (3m), for each payment sent to the department or its designee, the
11person from whom the payer receives money shall receive an amount equal to the
12person's necessary disbursements, not to exceed $3, which shall be deducted from the
13money to be paid to the payer. Section 241.09 does not apply to assignments under
14this section.
15Section 3061cd. 767.265 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 767.265 (4) A withholding assignment or order under this section or s. 767.23
17(1) (L), or 767.25 (4m) (c), 767.51 (3m) (c) or 767.62 (4) (b) 3. has priority over any other
18assignment, garnishment or similar legal process under state law.
19Section 3061ce. 767.265 (6) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin
20Act 191
, section 420, is amended to read:
21 767.265 (6) (a) Except as provided in sub. (3m), if after receipt of notice of
22assignment the person from whom the payer receives money fails to withhold the
23money or send the money to the department or its designee or the appropriate health
24care insurer, provider or plan as provided in this section or s. 767.23 (1) (L), or 767.25
25(4m) (c), 767.51 (3m) (c) or 767.62 (4) (b) 3., the person may be proceeded against

1under the principal action under ch. 785 for contempt of court or may be proceeded
2against under ch. 778 and be required to forfeit not less than $50 nor more than an
3amount, if the amount exceeds $50, that is equal to 1% of the amount not withheld
4or sent.
5Section 3061cf. 767.265 (6) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin
6Act 191
, section 422, is amended to read:
7 767.265 (6) (b) If an employer who receives an assignment under this section
8or s. 767.23 (1) (L), or 767.25 (4m) (c), 767.51 (3m) (c) or 767.62 (4) (b) 3. fails to notify
9the department or its designee, whichever is appropriate, within 10 days after an
10employe is terminated or otherwise temporarily or permanently leaves employment,
11the employer may be proceeded against under the principal action under ch. 785 for
12contempt of court.
13Section 3061cg. 767.265 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 767.265 (6) (c) No employer may use an assignment under this section or s.
15767.23 (1) (L), or 767.25 (4m) (c) , 767.51 (3m) (c) or 767.62 (4) (b) 3. as a basis for the
16denial of employment to a person, the discharge of an employe or any disciplinary
17action against an employe. An employer who denies employment or discharges or
18disciplines an employe in violation of this paragraph may be fined not more than
19$500 and may be required to make full restitution to the aggrieved person, including
20reinstatement and back pay. Except as provided in this paragraph, restitution shall
21be in accordance with s. 973.20. An aggrieved person may apply to the district
22attorney or to the department for enforcement of this paragraph.
23Section 3061ch. 767.267 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:

1767.267 (1) If the court or the family court commissioner determines that
2income withholding under s. 767.265 is inapplicable, ineffective or insufficient to
3ensure payment under an order or stipulation specified in s. 767.265 (1), or that
4income withholding under s. 767.25 (4m) (c) or 767.51 (3m) (c) is inapplicable,
5ineffective or insufficient to ensure payment of a child's health care expenses,
6including payment of health insurance premiums, ordered under s. 767.25 (4m) or
7767.51 (3m), the court or family court commissioner may require the payer to identify
8or establish a deposit account, owned in whole or in part by the payer, that allows for
9periodic transfers of funds and to file with the financial institution at which the
10account is located an authorization for transfer from the account to the department
11or its designee, whichever is appropriate. The authorization shall be provided on a
12standard form approved by the court and shall specify the frequency and the amount
13of transfer, sufficient to meet the payer's obligation under the order or stipulation,
14as required by the court or family court commissioner. The authorization shall
15include the payer's consent for the financial institution or an officer, employe or agent
16of the financial institution to disclose information to the court, family court
17commissioner, county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5), department or
18department's designee regarding the account for which the payer has executed the
19authorization for transfer.".
201085. Page 1415, line 19: after that line insert:
21" Section 3064m. 767.325 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
22 767.325 (4m) Denial of physical placement for killing other parent. (a)
23Notwithstanding subs. (1) to (4), upon petition, motion or order to show cause by a
24party or on its own motion, a court shall modify a physical placement order by

1denying a parent physical placement with a child if the parent has been convicted
2under s. 940.01 of the first-degree intentional homicide, or under s. 940.05 of the
32nd-degree intentional homicide, of the child's other parent, and the conviction has
4not been reversed, set aside or vacated.
5 (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply if the court determines by clear and convincing
6evidence that physical placement with the parent would be in the best interests of
7the child. The court shall consider the wishes of the child in making the
91086. Page 1415, line 19: after that line insert:
10" Section 3065c. 767.29 (1m) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1997
11Wisconsin Act 191
, section 427, is amended to read:
12 767.29 (1m) (intro.) Notwithstanding ss. 767.25 (6) , and 767.261, 767.51 (5p)
13and 767.62 (4) (g)
, if the department or its designee receives support or maintenance
14money that exceeds the amount due in the month in which it is received and that the
15department or its designee determines is for support or maintenance due in a
16succeeding month, the department or its designee may hold the amount of
17overpayment that does not exceed the amount due in the next month for
18disbursement in the next month if any of the following applies: