AB806-ASA1,2,1714 254.11 (4g) "Certificate of lead-free status" means a certificate issued by a
15certified lead risk assessor or other person certified under s. 254.176 that documents
16a finding by the assessor that a premises, dwelling or unit of a dwelling is free of
17lead-bearing paint as of the date specified on the certificate.
AB806-ASA1, s. 3 18Section 3. 254.11 (4h) of the statutes is created to read:
AB806-ASA1,2,2219 254.11 (4h) "Certificate of lead-safe status" means a certificate issued by a
20certified lead risk assessor or other person certified under s. 254.176 that documents
21that the assessor detected no lead-bearing paint hazards affecting the premises,
22dwelling or unit of the dwelling on the date specified on the certificate.
AB806-ASA1, s. 4 23Section 4. 254.11 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
1254.11 (5m) "Elevated blood lead level" means a level of lead in blood that is
2any of the following:
AB806-ASA1,3,43 (a) Twenty or more micrograms per 100 milliliters of blood, as confirmed by one
4venous blood test.
AB806-ASA1,3,65 (b) Fifteen or more micrograms per 100 milliliters of blood, as confirmed by 2
6venous blood tests that are performed at least 90 days apart.
AB806-ASA1, s. 5 7Section 5. 254.11 (8d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB806-ASA1,3,98 254.11 (8d) "Lead-bearing paint hazard" has the meaning specified by rule by
9the department.
AB806-ASA1, s. 6 10Section 6. 254.11 (8s) of the statutes is created to read:
AB806-ASA1,3,1311 254.11 (8s) "Lead investigation" means a measure or set of measures designed
12to identify the presence of lead or lead hazards, including examination of painted or
13varnished surfaces, paint, dust, water and other environmental media.
AB806-ASA1, s. 7 14Section 7. 254.11 (9g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB806-ASA1,3,1615 254.11 (9g) "Lead risk assessor" has the meaning specified by rule by the
AB806-ASA1, s. 8 17Section 8. 254.15 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB806-ASA1,4,618 254.15 (1) Develop and implement a comprehensive statewide lead poisoning
19or lead exposure prevention and treatment program that includes lead poisoning or
20lead exposure prevention grants under s. 254.151; any childhood lead poisoning
21screening requirement under rules promulgated under ss. 254.158 and 254.162; any
22requirements regarding care coordination and follow-up for children with lead
23poisoning or lead exposure required under rules promulgated under s. 254.164;
24departmental responses to reports of lead poisoning or lead exposure under s.
25254.166; any lead inspection investigation requirements under rules promulgated

1under ss. 254.167, ; any lead inspection requirements under rules promulgated
254.168 and 254.17; any lead hazard reduction requirements under rules
3promulgated under s. 254.172; and certification, accreditation and approval
4requirements under ss. 254.176 and 254.178; any certification requirements and
5procedures under rules promulgated under s. 254.179; and any fees imposed under
6s. 254.181
AB806-ASA1, s. 9 7Section 9. 254.154 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB806-ASA1,4,178 254.154 This subchapter does not prohibit any city, village, town or other
9political subdivision from enacting and enforcing ordinances establishing a system
10of lead poisoning or lead exposure control that provides the same or higher standards
11than those set forth in this subchapter. Nothing in this subchapter other than s.
12254.173 (2) and (3)
may be interpreted or applied in any manner to impair the right
13of any person, or entity, municipality or other political subdivision to sue for damages
14or equitable relief or to restrain a violation of such an ordinance. Nothing in this
15subchapter may be interpreted or applied in any manner to impair the right of a
16municipality or other political subdivision to impose a penalty for or restrain the
17violation of an ordinance specified in this section
AB806-ASA1, s. 10 18Section 10. 254.166 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB806-ASA1,5,1719 254.166 (1) The department may, after being notified that an occupant of a
20dwelling or premises who is under 6 years of age has blood lead poisoning or lead
21exposure, present official credentials to the owner or occupant of the dwelling or
22premises, or to a representative of the owner, and request admission to conduct a lead
23inspection investigation of the dwelling or premises. If the department is notified
24that an occupant of a dwelling or premises who is a child under 6 years of age has
25an elevated blood lead level, the department shall conduct a lead investigation of the

1dwelling or premises or ensure that a lead investigation of the dwelling or premises
2is conducted, except that the department may waive this requirement in a city of the
3first class.
The lead inspection investigation shall be conducted during business
4hours, unless the owner or occupant of the dwelling or premises consents to an
5inspection investigation during nonbusiness hours or unless the department
6determines that the dwelling or premises presents an imminent lead hazard. The
7department shall use reasonable efforts to provide prior notice of the lead inspection
8investigation to the owner of the dwelling or premises. The department may remove
9samples or objects necessary for laboratory analysis to determine the presence of a
10lead hazard in the dwelling or premises. The department shall prepare and file
11written reports of all inspections lead investigations conducted under this section
12and shall make the contents of these reports available for inspection by the public,
13except for medical information, which may be disclosed only to the extent that
14patient health care records may be disclosed under ss. 146.82 to 146.835. If the owner
15or occupant refuses admission, the department may seek a warrant to inspect
16investigate the dwelling or premises. The warrant shall advise the owner or
17occupant of the scope of the inspection lead investigation.
AB806-ASA1, s. 11 18Section 11. 254.166 (2) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 254.166 (2) (c) (intro.)
19and amended to read:
AB806-ASA1,5,2120 254.166 (2) (c) (intro.) Notify the occupant of the dwelling or premises or that
the occupant's representative that of all of the following:
AB806-ASA1,5,23 221. That a lead hazard is present on or in the dwelling or premises and may
23constitute a health hazard
AB806-ASA1, s. 12 24Section 12. 254.166 (2) (c) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
1254.166 (2) (c) 2. The results of any lead investigations conducted on or in the
2dwelling or premises.
AB806-ASA1, s. 13 3Section 13. 254.166 (2) (c) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
AB806-ASA1,6,44 254.166 (2) (c) 3. Any actions taken to reduce or eliminate the lead hazard.
AB806-ASA1, s. 14 5Section 14. 254.166 (2) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
AB806-ASA1,6,96 254.166 (2) (e) If an order is issued under par. (d), conduct or require a certified
7lead risk assessor or other person certified under s. 254.176 to conduct a lead
8investigation, a check of work completed and dust tests for the presence of hazardous
9levels of lead to ensure compliance with the order.
AB806-ASA1, s. 15 10Section 15. 254.167 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB806-ASA1,6,18 11254.167 Conduct of lead inspection investigation. (intro.) Subject to the
12limitation under s. 254.174, the department may promulgate rules establishing
13procedures for conducting lead inspections investigations of dwellings and premises.
14Any rules promulgated under this section shall meet, but not exceed, any
15requirements under regulations promulgated by the administrator of the federal
16environmental protection agency under section 402 of the federal toxic substances
17control act, as created by section 1021 of P.L. 102-550.
The rules promulgated under
18this section may include the following:
AB806-ASA1, s. 16 19Section 16. 254.167 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB806-ASA1,6,2220 254.167 (1) Specific procedures for inspecting investigating, testing or
21sampling painted, varnished or other finished surfaces, drinking water, household
22dust, soil and other materials that may contain lead.
AB806-ASA1, s. 17 23Section 17. 254.167 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB806-ASA1,7,324 254.167 (2) Specific procedures for the notification of owners, operators,
25occupants or prospective occupants, mortgagees and lienholders of lead levels

1identified during an inspection a lead investigation and of any health risks that are
2associated with the lead level and condition of the lead found during the inspection
3lead investigation.
AB806-ASA1, s. 18 4Section 18. 254.167 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB806-ASA1,7,75 254.167 (3) The form of lead inspection investigation reports, the requirements
6for filing the reports with the department and the procedures by which members of
7the public may obtain copies of inspection lead investigation reports.
AB806-ASA1, s. 19 8Section 19. 254.17 of the statutes is repealed.
AB806-ASA1, s. 20 9Section 20. 254.171 of the statutes is created to read:
AB806-ASA1,7,22 10254.171 Dwellings and units of dwellings where child has elevated
11blood lead level.
If an owner of a dwelling or unit of a dwelling receives written
12notice from the department or a local health department that a child under 6 years
13of age, who resides in the owner's owner-occupied dwelling or unit or who resides in
14the owner's dwelling or unit under the terms of a rental agreement, has an elevated
15blood lead level, the owner shall obtain a certificate of lead-free status or certificate
16of lead-safe status for the affected dwelling or unit in a timely manner, based on the
17reasonable availability of lead risk assessors or other persons certified under s.
18254.176 to conduct any necessary lead investigation or lead hazard reduction
19activities and based on the time required for issuance of a certificate of lead-free
20status or a certificate of lead-safe status. Nothing in this section precludes the
21department or the department's agent from conducting a lead investigation or
22issuing an order under s. 254.166.
AB806-ASA1, s. 21 23Section 21. 254.172 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB806-ASA1,8,2 24254.172 Prevention and control of lead-bearing paint hazards in
25dwellings and premises.
(1) Subject to the limitation under s. 254.174, the

1department may promulgate rules governing lead hazard reduction that the
2department determines are consistent with federal law.
AB806-ASA1,8,9 3(2) If a certified lead risk assessor or other person certified under s. 254.176
4conducts a lead investigation of a dwelling or premises, he or she shall conduct the
5lead investigation and issue a report in accordance with any rules promulgated
6under s. 254.167. If the report indicates that the dwelling or premises meets criteria
7under s. 254.179 (1) (a) for issuance of a certificate of lead-free or of a certificate of
8lead-safe status, the lead risk assessor or other person shall issue the appropriate
9certificate, subject to s. 254.181.
AB806-ASA1, s. 22 10Section 22. 254.173 of the statutes is created to read:
AB806-ASA1,8,13 11254.173 Immunity from liability for lead poisoning or lead exposure;
(1) Legislative findings and purpose. (a) The legislature finds all
13of the following:
AB806-ASA1,8,2014 1. That a national task force appointed by the federal department of housing
15and urban development, the task force on lead-based paint hazard reduction and
16financing, found that 1,700,000 children under 6 years of age have blood lead levels
17at or above the federally established level of concern. The task force also found that
18the most common cause of childhood lead poisoning is ingestion of
19lead-contaminated dust and chips from lead-bearing paint. The other significant
20cause is dust from bare lead-contaminated soil.
AB806-ASA1,8,2521 2. That high levels of lead in a child's blood can cause permanent nervous
22system damage and even relatively low blood lead levels can cause significant
23nervous system effects. Of 58,797 children who were screened in this state in fiscal
24year 1995-96, 11,170, or 19%, were newly identified as having blood lead levels that
25constitute lead poisoning or lead exposure.
1(b) The legislature encourages property owners to address the problems
2associated with lead-bearing paint by bringing their property into compliance with
3the applicable state standards and finds that an appropriate method to so encourage
4property owners is to hold them not liable with respect to a person who develops lead
5poisoning or lead exposure in the property. The purpose of these standards and this
6restriction on liability is to reduce the exposure of children and others to
7lead-bearing paints, thereby substantially reducing the number of persons who
8develop lead poisoning or lead exposure. In addition, these standards and this
9restriction on liability will improve the quality of this state's housing stock and result
10in greater availability of insurance coverage for lead hazards.
AB806-ASA1,9,19 11(2) Immunity; conditions; restrictions. An owner of a dwelling or unit of a
12dwelling and his or her employes and agents are immune from civil and criminal
13liability and may not be subject to an agency proceeding under ch. 227, other than
14for the enforcement of rules promulgated by the department under this subchapter,
15for their acts or omissions related to lead poisoning or lead exposure of a person who
16resides in or has visited the dwelling or unit if, at the time that the lead poisoning
17or lead exposure occurred, a certificate of lead-free status or a certificate of lead-safe
18status was in effect for the dwelling or unit. This subsection does not apply if it is
19shown by clear and convincing evidence that one of the following has occurred:
AB806-ASA1,9,2020 (a) The owner or his or her employe or agent obtained the certificate by fraud.
AB806-ASA1,9,2221 (b) The owner or his or her employe or agent violated a condition of the
AB806-ASA1,9,2423 (c) During renovation, remodeling, maintenance or repair after receiving the
24certificate, the owner or his or her employe or agent created a lead-bearing paint

1hazard that was present in the dwelling or unit of the dwelling at the time that the
2lead poisoning or lead exposure occurred.
AB806-ASA1,10,53 (d) The owner or his or her employe or agent failed to respond in a timely
4manner to notification by a tenant, by the department or by a local health
5department that a lead-bearing paint hazard might be present.
AB806-ASA1,10,76 (e) The lead poisoning or lead exposure was caused by a source of lead in the
7dwelling or unit of the dwelling other than lead-bearing paint.
AB806-ASA1,10,18 8(3) Temporary immunity; exception. An owner of a dwelling or unit of a
9dwelling and his or her employes and agents are immune from civil and criminal
10liability and may not be subject to an agency proceeding under ch. 227, other than
11for the enforcement of rules promulgated by the department under this subchapter,
12for their acts or omissions related to lead poisoning or lead exposure that occur
13during the first 30 days after the owner acquires the dwelling or unit, except that this
14subsection does not apply to lead poisoning or lead exposure that results from a
15lead-bearing paint hazard created by the owner or his or her employe or agent.
16Immunity under this subsection is extended for an additional 60 days if the owner
17of the dwelling or unit of a dwelling or his or her employe or agent has done one of
18the following during that first 30-day period:
AB806-ASA1,10,2019 (a) Completed a lead investigation report or entered into a contract for a lead
20investigation with respect to the dwelling or unit.
AB806-ASA1,10,2221 (b) Entered into a contract for lead hazard reduction with respect to the
22dwelling or unit.
AB806-ASA1,10,2323 (c) Registered for a course under s. 254.179 (1) (e).
AB806-ASA1,10,2424 (d) Received certification under s. 254.176.
AB806-ASA1, s. 23 25Section 23. 254.174 of the statutes is amended to read:
1254.174 Technical advisory committees. Before the department may
2promulgate rules under s. 254.167, 254.168, 254.17 or 254.172 or 254.179, the
3department shall appoint a technical advisory committee under s. 227.13 and shall
4consult with the technical advisory committee on the proposed rules. Any technical
5advisory committee required under this section shall include representatives from
6local health departments that administer local lead programs, representatives from
7the housing industry, persons certified under s. 254.176 and , representatives from
8the medical or public health professions and advocates for persons at risk of lead
. Any technical advisory committee required under this section before
10promulgating rules under s. 254.168 shall also include representatives of facilities
11serving children under 6 years of age.
AB806-ASA1, s. 24 12Section 24. 254.176 (3) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
AB806-ASA1, s. 25 13Section 25. 254.178 (2) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
AB806-ASA1, s. 26 14Section 26. 254.179 of the statutes is created to read:
AB806-ASA1,11,18 15254.179 Rules for dwellings and premises. (1) Subject to s. 254.174 and
16after review of ordinances of cities, towns and villages in this state, the department
17shall, by use of a research-based methodology, promulgate as rules all of the
AB806-ASA1,11,2219 (a) Except as provided in s. 254.18, the standards for a premises, dwelling or
20unit of a dwelling that must be met for issuance of a certificate of lead-free status
21or a certificate of lead-safe status to the owner of the premises, dwelling or unit of
22a dwelling.
AB806-ASA1,11,2423 (b) The procedures by which a certificate of lead-free status or a certificate of
24lead-safe status may be issued or revoked.
1(c) The period of validity of a certificate of lead-free status or a certificate of
2lead-safe status, including all of the following:
AB806-ASA1,12,63 1. Authorization for the certificate of lead-free status to remain in effect unless
4revoked because of erroneous issuance or because the premises, dwelling or unit of
5the dwelling is not free of lead-bearing paint. The rules shall specify that the face
6of the certificate shall indicate that the certificate is valid unless revoked.
AB806-ASA1,12,137 2. The standards limiting the length of validity of a certificate of lead-safe
8status, including the condition of a premises, dwelling or unit of a dwelling, the type
9of lead hazard reduction activity that was performed, if any, and any other
10requirements that must be met to maintain certification, unless the certificate is
11earlier revoked because of erroneous issuance or because the premises, dwelling or
12unit of the dwelling is not safe from lead-bearing paint hazards. The rules shall
13specify that the face of the certificate shall indicate the certificate's length of validity.
AB806-ASA1,12,1614 (d) A mechanism for creating a registry of all premises, dwellings or units of
15dwellings for which a certificate of lead-free status or a certificate of lead-safe status
16is issued.
AB806-ASA1,12,2117 (e) The requirements for a course of up to 16 hours that a property owner or his
18or her employe or agent may complete in order to receive certification of completion
19and the scope of the lead investigation and lead hazard reduction activities that the
20owner or agent may perform following certification, to the extent consistent with
21federal law.
AB806-ASA1,12,24 22(2) By January 1, 2003, and every 2 years thereafter, the department shall
23review the rules under sub. (1) and shall promulgate changes to the rules if necessary
24in order to maintain consistency with federal law.
1(3) Subject to s. 254.174, the department may promulgate rules that set forth
2safe work practices that shall be followed in the demolition of a building constructed
3before January 1, 1978, to avoid exposure by persons to lead hazards in the area of
4the demolition.
AB806-ASA1, s. 27 5Section 27. 254.18 of the statutes is created to read:
AB806-ASA1,13,10 6254.18 Lead hazard reduction in dwellings and premise. Sampling or
7testing of dwellings, units of dwellings or premises for the presence of lead-bearing
8paint or a lead hazard is not required before lead hazard reduction activities are
9conducted if the presence of lead-bearing paint or a lead hazard is assumed and the
10lead hazard reduction activities are performed in a lead-safe manner.
AB806-ASA1, s. 28 11Section 28. 254.181 of the statutes is created to read:
AB806-ASA1,13,17 12254.181 Certificate of lead-free status and certificate of lead-safe
13status; fees.
The department may impose a fee of $50 for issuance of a certificate
14of lead-free status and a fee of $25 for issuance of a certificate of lead-safe status.
15Fees under this section may not exceed actual costs of issuance and of maintaining
16the registry under s. 254.179 (1) (d). The department shall review the fees every 2
17years and adjust the fees to reflect the actual costs.
AB806-ASA1, s. 29 18Section 29. Chapter 606 of the statutes is created to read:
AB806-ASA1,13,2119 chapter 606
20 state residential lead
21 liability fund
AB806-ASA1,13,22 22606.01 Definitions. In this chapter:
AB806-ASA1,13,23 23(1) "Certificate of lead-free status" has the meaning given in s. 254.11 (4g).
AB806-ASA1,13,24 24(2) "Certificate of lead-safe status" has the meaning given in s. 254.11 (4h).
1606.05 Issuance of policies. (1) If the manager makes a determination, as
2specified by rule, that insurance providing residential property owners with liability
3coverage for lead-bearing paint hazards is not either sufficiently affordable or
4sufficiently available in the private insurance market, the state residential lead
5liability fund shall offer policies that insure residential property in this state against
6liability resulting from lead-bearing paint hazards. Prior to making the
7determination, the manager shall work with insurers to encourage the offering of
8this coverage in the private market.
AB806-ASA1,14,11 9(2) A policy may be issued by the fund only for property for which a certificate
10of lead-free status or a certificate of lead-safe status is in effect. A policy may not
11cover periods during which a certificate is not in effect.
AB806-ASA1,14,18 12606.10 Rules and reports. (1) The manager shall promulgate rules
13specifying premiums, coverage limits and covered expenses for policies issued under
14s. 606.05 and may promulgate other rules necessary to administer the state
15residential lead liability fund. The manager shall specify premiums at a level that
16the manager determines will be sufficient to pay all costs of the fund. The fund may
17not pay damages to a claimant when it is found by a court by clear and convincing
18evidence that one or more of the conditions in s. 254.173 (2) (a) to (e) exist.
AB806-ASA1,14,25 19(2) The manager shall, on an ongoing basis, review the cost and availability of
20insurance in the private insurance market that provides residential property owners
21with liability coverage for lead-bearing paint hazards. No later than 12 months after
22the effective date of the rules promulgated by the department of health and family
23services under s. 254.179 (1), and every 2 years after the first report is submitted, the
24manager shall submit a report to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) on the cost and
25availability of this insurance in the private market.
1606.15 Termination of fund. If the manager has not made the determination
2under s. 606.05 (1) by a date that is 8 years after the effective date of this section ....
3[revisor inserts date], the manager shall publish a notice in the Wisconsin
4Administrative Register stating that the state residential lead liability fund
5terminates on the date specified in this section.
AB806-ASA1, s. 30 6Section 30. Chapter 606 of the statutes, as created by 1999 Wisconsin Act ....
7(this act), is repealed.
AB806-ASA1, s. 31 8Section 31. 901.055 of the statutes is created to read: