Incentive grants. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes
24for the appropriation to the technical college system under section 20.292 (1) (dc) of
25the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by
1$355,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the purpose for which the
2appropriation is made.
Farm training program tuition grants. In the schedule under section
420.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the technical college system under
5section 20.292 (1) (dd) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
6amount is decreased by $6,800 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the
7purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Services for handicapped students; local assistance. In the schedule
9under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the technical college
10system under section 20.292 (1) (de) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001,
11the dollar amount is decreased by $18,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding
12for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Aid for special collegiate transfer programs. In the schedule under
14section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the technical college system
15under section 20.292 (1) (dm) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
16amount is decreased by $50,600 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the
17purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Technical college instructor occupational competency program. In the
19schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the
20technical college system under section 20.292 (1) (e) of the statutes, as affected by the
21acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $3,200 for fiscal year 2002-03 to
22decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Faculty development grants. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of
24the statutes for the appropriation to the technical college system under section
2520.292 (1) (eg) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is
1decreased by $37,400 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the purpose for
2which the appropriation is made.
Apprenticeship curriculum development. In the schedule under section
420.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the technical college system under
5section 20.292 (1) (em) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
6amount is decreased by $3,400 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the
7purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Grants for additional course sections. In the schedule under section
920.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the technical college system under
10section 20.292 (1) (er) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
11amount is decreased by $110,300 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the
12purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Alcohol and other drug abuse prevention and intervention. In the
14schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the
15technical college system under section 20.292 (1) (f) of the statutes, as affected by the
16acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $23,600 for fiscal year 2002-03 to
17decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Driver education, local assistance. In the schedule under section 20.005
19(3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the technical college system under section
2020.292 (1) (fc) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is
21decreased by $14,500 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the purpose for
22which the appropriation is made.
Chauffeur training grants. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of
24the statutes for the appropriation to the technical college system under section
2520.292 (1) (fg) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is
1decreased by $9,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the purpose for
2which the appropriation is made.
Supplemental aid. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes
4for the appropriation to the technical college system under section 20.292 (1) (fm) of
5the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by
6$67,500 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the purpose for which the
7appropriation is made.
Agricultural education consultant. In the schedule under section 20.005
9(3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the technical college system under section
1020.292 (1) (q) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is
11decreased by $600 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the dollar amount is decreased by
12$2,700 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the purpose for which the
13appropriation is made.
AB1-ASA1, s. 9249
14Section 9249.
Appropriation changes; technology for educational
achievement in Wisconsin board.
General program operations. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of
16the statutes for the appropriation to the technology for educational achievement in
17Wisconsin board under section 20.275 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by the acts
18of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $23,200 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the
19dollar amount is decreased by $32,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding
20for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
21(2f) General program operations. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of
22the statutes for the appropriation to the technology for educational achievement in
23Wisconsin board under section 20.275 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by the acts
1of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $6,400 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease
2funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
State operations lapses. Notwithstanding section 20.001 (3) (a) and (b) of
6the statutes, the secretary of administration shall lapse to the general fund $147,200
7in the aggregate before June 30, 2002, and $210,200 in the aggregate in fiscal year
82002-03, from one or more of the appropriation accounts to the department of
9tourism under section 20.380 (1) (a), (b), and (bm) and (2) (c) of the statutes, as
10affected by the acts of 2001. Subject to the aggregate amount required to be lapsed,
11the amount lapsed from any of the specified appropriations shall be determined by
12the secretary of tourism.
13(1x) Tourism marketing. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the
14statutes for the appropriation to the department of tourism under section 20.380 (1)
15(b) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by
16$57,700 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the purposes for which the
17appropriation is made.
College tuition and expenses program. In the schedule under section
2120.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the office of state treasurer under
22section 20.585 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount
23is decreased by $1,900 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the dollar amount is decreased by
24$1,700 for fiscal year 2002-03 to reduce spending for the purpose for which the
25appropriation is made.
AB1-ASA1, s. 9254
1Section 9254.
Appropriation changes; University of Wisconsin
Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
AB1-ASA1, s. 9255
2Section 9255.
Appropriation changes; University of Wisconsin
Hospitals and Clinics Board.
AB1-ASA1, s. 9256
3Section 9256.
Appropriation changes; University of Wisconsin
4(1vo) Industrial and economic development research. In the schedule under
5section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the board of regents of the
6University of Wisconsin System under section 20.285 (1) (as) of the statutes, as
7affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $56,100 for fiscal year
82002-03 to decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
9(1vv) Area health education centers. In the schedule under section 20.005
10(3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the board of regents of the University of
11Wisconsin System under section 20.285 (1) (b) of the statutes, as affected by the acts
12of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $40,500 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease
13funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
14(1vw) Educational technology. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the
15statutes for the appropriation to the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin
16System under section 20.285 (1) (cm) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001,
17the dollar amount is decreased by $226,900 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease
18funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
19(1vx) Schools of business. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the
20statutes for the appropriation to the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin
21System under section 20.285 (1) (em) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001,
1the dollar amount is decreased by $54,500 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding
2for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
3(1vy) Family medicine and practice. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3)
4of the statutes for the appropriation to the board of regents of the University of
5Wisconsin System under section 20.285 (1) (fc) of the statutes, as affected by the acts
6of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $275,200 for fiscal year 2002-03 to
7decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
8(1vz) State laboratory of hygiene. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3)
9of the statutes for the appropriation to the board of regents of the University of
10Wisconsin System under section 20.285 (1) (fd) of the statutes, as affected by the acts
11of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $268,500 for fiscal year 2002-03 to
12decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
13(1vzo) Veterinary diagnostic laboratory. In the schedule under section
1420.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the board of regents of the
15University of Wisconsin System under section 20.285 (1) (fj) of the statutes, as
16affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $152,400 for fiscal year
172002-03 to decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
18(1vzv) Laboratories. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes
19for the appropriation to the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System
20under section 20.285 (1) (fm) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
21amount is decreased by $147,600 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the
22purpose for which the appropriation is made.
23(1w) Veterinary diagnostic laboratory lapse. Notwithstanding section
2420.001 (3) (c) of the statutes, on June 30, 2002, there is lapsed to the general fund
25$933,900 from the appropriation account of the board of regents of the University of
1Wisconsin System under section 20.285 (1) (je) of the statutes, as affected by the acts
2of 2001.
University education, research, and public service; general program
4operations. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the
5appropriation to the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System under
6section 20.285 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount
7is decreased by $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the dollar amount is
8decreased by $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the
9purposes for which the appropriation is made.
University of Wisconsin System. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3)
11of the statutes for the appropriation to the board of regents of the University of
12Wisconsin System under section 20.285 (3) (a) of the statutes, as affected by the acts
13of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $97,000 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the
14dollar amount is decreased by $436,400 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding
15for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
16(3c) Graduate student financial aid. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3)
17of the statutes for the appropriation to the board of regents of the University of
18Wisconsin System under section 20.285 (4) (b) of the statutes, as affected by the acts
19of 2001, the dollar amount is increased by $200,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to
20increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
21(3cb) Lawton grants. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes
22for the appropriation to the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System
23under section 20.285 (4) (dd) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
24amount is increased by $200,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to increase funding for the
25purpose for which the appropriation is made.
1(3q) Child-parent center demonstration project. In the schedule under
2section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the board of regents of the
3University of Wisconsin System under section 20.285 (1) (a) of the statutes, as
4affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is increased by $300,000 for fiscal year
52002-03 to increase funding for the child-parent center demonstration project at the
6University of Wisconsin-Madison Waisman Center.
Veterans museum. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes
9for the appropriation to the department of veterans affairs under section 20.485 (2)
10(c) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by
11$9,200 for fiscal year 2002-03 for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Workforce development general program operations. In the schedule
14under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the department of
15workforce development under section 20.445 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by the
16acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $255,100 for fiscal year 2001-02 and
17the dollar amount is decreased by $364,400 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease
18funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Wisconsin service corps member compensation and support. In the
20schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the
21department of workforce development under section 20.445 (1) (cm) of the statutes,
22as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $3,300 for fiscal year
232001-02 and the dollar amount is decreased by $4,700 for fiscal year 2002-03 to
24decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
Employment transit aids; state funds. In the schedule under section 20.005
2(3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the department of workforce development
3under section 20.445 (1) (fg) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
4amount is decreased by $20,300 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the dollar amount is
5decreased by $29,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the purpose for
6which the appropriation is made.
Labor and industry review commission general program operations. In
8the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the
9department of workforce development under section 20.445 (2) (a) of the statutes, as
10affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $7,000 for fiscal year
112001-02 and the dollar amount is decreased by $10,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to
12decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Economic support general program operations. In the schedule under
14section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the department of workforce
15development under section 20.445 (3) (a) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of
162001, the dollar amount is decreased by $420,400 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the
17dollar amount is decreased by $573,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding
18for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
State supplement to employment opportunity demonstration projects.
20In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the
21department of workforce development under section 20.445 (3) (cr) of the statutes,
22as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $8,800 for fiscal year
232001-02 and the dollar amount is decreased by $12,500 for fiscal year 2002-03 to
24decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Governor's work-based learning board general program operations. In
2the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the
3department of workforce development under section 20.445 (7) (a) of the statutes, as
4affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $105,500 for fiscal year
52001-02 and the dollar amount is decreased by $50,700 for fiscal year 2002-03 to
6decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Local youth apprenticeship grants. In the schedule under section 20.005
8(3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the department of workforce development
9under section 20.445 (7) (b) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
10amount is decreased by $100,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the
11purpose for which the appropriation is made.
School-to-work programs for children at risk. In the schedule under
13section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the department of workforce
14development under section 20.445 (7) (ef) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of
152001, the dollar amount is decreased by $10,500 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the
16dollar amount is decreased by $15,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding
17for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
State public assistance. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the
19statutes for the appropriation to the department of workforce development under
20section 20.445 (3) (dz) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
21amount is decreased by $133,200 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the dollar amount is
22decreased by $37,600 for fiscal year 2002-03 to decrease funding for the purposes for
23which the appropriation is made.
Federal public assistance. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the
25statutes for the appropriation to the department of workforce development under
1section 20.445 (3) (md) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
2amount is increased by $133,200 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the dollar amount is
3increased by $37,600 for fiscal year 2002-03 to increase funding for the purposes for
4which the appropriation is made.
Temporary assistance for needy families transfer for earned income
6tax credit. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the
7appropriation to the department of workforce development under section 20.445 (3)
8(md) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is increased
9by $2,960,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to increase funding for the transfer of moneys
10to the appropriation account under section 20.835 (2) (kf) of the statutes.
State agency appropriation lapses and transfers to the general fund.
Appropriation lapses and transfers to the general fund. Subject to
14paragraph (b), in the 2001-02 fiscal year and the 2002-03 fiscal year, from the
15following appropriation accounts, the secretary of administration shall lapse to the
16general fund or transfer to the general fund, whichever is appropriate, the amounts
17indicated for that fiscal year:
See PDF for table ![PDF](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/assets/image/file_acrobat.gif)
Prohibited appropriation lapses and transfers. The secretary of
2administration may not lapse or transfer moneys to the general fund from any
3appropriation account specified in paragraph (a) if the lapse or transfer would violate
4a condition imposed by the federal government on the expenditure of the moneys or
5if the lapse or transfer would violate the federal or state constitution.
6(1f) Compensation and related expenses. In the schedule under section 20.005
7(3) of the statutes for the appropriation to various state agencies under section
820.865 (1) (cc) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is
9decreased by $129,600 for fiscal year 2002-03 to reduce spending for the purpose for
10which the appropriation is made.
Financial services. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes
12for the appropriation to various state agencies under section 20.865 (1) (em) of the
13statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $6,000 for
14fiscal year 2001-02 and the dollar amount is decreased by $27,100 for fiscal year
152002-03 to reduce spending for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
16(2f) Physically handicapped supplements. In the schedule under section
1720.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to various state agencies under
18section 20.865 (1) (fn) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
19amount is decreased by $100 for fiscal year 2002-03 to reduce spending for the
20purpose for which the appropriation is made.
Private facility rental increases. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3)
2of the statutes for the appropriation to various state agencies under section 20.865
3(2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased
4by $42,700 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the dollar amount is decreased by $113,800
5for fiscal year 2002-03 to reduce spending for the purpose for which the
6appropriation is made.
State-owned office rent supplement. In the schedule under section 20.005
8(3) of the statutes for the appropriation to various state agencies under section
920.865 (2) (ag) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is
10decreased by $72,900 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the dollar amount is decreased by
11$173,800 for fiscal year 2002-03 to reduce spending for the purpose for which the
12appropriation is made.
13(4f) Space management and child care. In the schedule under section 20.005
14(3) of the statutes for the appropriation to various state agencies under section
1520.865 (2) (am) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is
16decreased by $65,300 for fiscal year 2002-03 to reduce spending for the purpose for
17which the appropriation is made.
Maintenance of capitol and executive residence. In the schedule under
19section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to various state agencies
20under section 20.865 (2) (e) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
21amount is decreased by $218,500 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the dollar amount is
22decreased by $380,500 for fiscal year 2002-03 to reduce spending for the purpose for
23which the appropriation is made.
24(5e) Permanent endowment fund transfer to general fund. In the schedule
25under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation under section 20.855
1(4) (rc) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is increased
2by $200,000,000 for fiscal year 2001-02 to increase spending for the purpose for
3which the appropriation is made.
Executive residence furnishings replacement. In the schedule under
5section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to various state agencies
6under section 20.865 (2) (eb) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar
7amount is decreased by $900 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the dollar amount is
8decreased by $1,600 for fiscal year 2002-03 to reduce spending for the purpose for
9which the appropriation is made.
Groundwater survey and analysis. In the schedule under section 20.005
11(3) of the statutes for the appropriation to various state agencies under section
1220.865 (2) (em) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2001, the dollar amount is
13decreased by $8,100 for fiscal year 2001-02 and the dollar amount is decreased by
14$13,900 for fiscal year 2002-03 to reduce spending for the purpose for which the
15appropriation is made.
16(7f) General purpose revenue funds general program supplements. In the
17schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the joint
18committee on finance under section 20.865 (4) (a) of the statutes, as affected by the
19acts of 2001, the dollar amount is decreased by $10,500 for fiscal year 2002-03 to
20reduce spending for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
State agency appropriations reductions.
Appropriations reductions. Except as provided in paragraph (b), in addition
23to any other reduction required by law, the largest sum certain appropriation for
24state operations made to the following state agencies from general purpose revenue
25in the 2002-03 fiscal year is reduced by the amount indicated:
See PDF for table ![PDF](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/assets/image/file_acrobat.gif)
Submission of requests to the joint committee on finance for reallocating
2appropriations reductions. Any state agency specified in paragraph (a) may submit
3a request to the joint committee on finance under section 13.10 of the statutes to
4reallocate any of the reductions under paragraph (a) to other sum certain
1appropriations for state operations made to the agency from general purpose
Sum sufficient appropriation expenditure estimate reductions. When
4amending the schedule under section 20.004 (2) of the statutes, in addition to making
5any other reduction required by law, the department of administration shall reduce
6the estimated expenditure amount that appears in the schedule under section 20.005
7(3) of the statutes in
2001 Wisconsin Act 16 for each of the following appropriation
8accounts by the amounts indicated for that fiscal year:
See PDF for table ![PDF](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/assets/image/file_acrobat.gif)
Compensation reserve reductions. When amending the schedule and
2summaries under section 20.004 (2) of the statutes, in addition to making any other
3reduction required by law, the department of administration shall reduce the
4amount that appears in the summary table entitled "Summary of Compensation
5Reserves -- All Funds" under section 20.005 (1) of the statutes in
2001 Wisconsin Act
616, and adjust all totals accordingly, for each of the following types of revenue by the
7amounts indicated for that fiscal year:
See PDF for table ![PDF](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/assets/image/file_acrobat.gif)
8 (8y)
Compensation reserve reductions. When amending the schedule and
9summaries under section 20.004 (2) of the statutes, in addition to making any other
10reduction required by law, the department of administration shall reduce the
11amount that appears in the summary table entitled "Summary of Compensation
12Reserves -- All Funds" under section 20.005 (1) of the statutes in
2001 Wisconsin Act
1316, and adjust all totals accordingly, for each of the following types of revenue by the
14amounts indicated for that fiscal year:
See PDF for table ![PDF](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/assets/image/file_acrobat.gif)
Earned income tax credit funding increase; temporary assistance for
2needy families. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the
3appropriation under section 20.835 (2) (kf) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of
42001, the dollar amount is increased by $2,960,000 for fiscal year 2002-03 to increase
5funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB1-ASA1, s. 9302
7Section 9302.
Initial applicability; adolescent pregnancy prevention
and pregnancy services board.
AB1-ASA1, s. 9303
8Section 9303.
Initial applicability; aging and long-term care board.
AB1-ASA1, s. 9304
9Section 9304.
Initial applicability; agriculture, trade and consumer
AB1-ASA1, s. 9306
11Section 9306.
Initial applicability; boundary area commission,
AB1-ASA1, s. 9308
13Section 9308.
Initial applicability; child abuse and neglect prevention
Court support services fee. The treatment of section 814.634 (1) (a), (b),
2and (c) of the statutes first applies to actions commenced on July 1, 2002.