1(6) Rule making. The department shall promulgate all rules necessary to
2administer this section.
AB1-ASA1-AA33,10,6 3(7) Conflicts of interest. No employee of the department and no member of
4the employee's immediate family, as defined in s. 19.42 (7), may, while that employee
5is employed by the department or for 2 years following the termination of
6employment, do any of the following:
AB1-ASA1-AA33,10,87 (a) Have any direct or indirect interest in any person who is registered or
8required to be registered under sub. (3) or (5).
AB1-ASA1-AA33,10,109 (b) Accept or agree to accept money or any thing of value from any person who
10is registered or required to be registered under sub. (3) or (5).
AB1-ASA1-AA33,10,1211 (c) Directly or indirectly own or operate any amusement device licensed under
12sub. (3).
AB1-ASA1-AA33,10,17 13(8) Investigation and enforcement. (a) In response to a written complaint,
14the department shall conduct an investigation of any person registered under sub.
15(3) or (5). The department may, at any time, conduct an inspection of a person
16registered under sub. (3) or (5), of the amusement device licensed to the person, or
17of the premises on which the amusement device is played.
AB1-ASA1-AA33,10,2318 (b) The department may conduct an investigation to determine if a person
19markets, leases, services, repairs, warehouses, transports, or sets up for the
20purposes of play an amusement device or collects the proceeds of an amusement
21device which is set up for the purposes of play without being registered under sub.
22(3) or if a person sells, repairs, distributes, warehouses, displays, or markets an
23amusement device without being registered under sub. (5).
AB1-ASA1-AA33,11,224 (c) An action for violation of this section may be prosecuted in any circuit court
25of this state by the department in the name of the state and, in any such action, the

1department shall exercise all of the powers and perform all duties that the district
2attorney would otherwise be authorized to exercise or perform.
AB1-ASA1-AA33,11,6 3(9) Seizure and sale. The department may seize any amusement device owned
4by a person who is convicted under sub. (10) and may sell the amusement device in
5the name of the state. The department and its agents are exempt from all liability
6to the owner of the amusement device for the seizure or sale of the amusement device.
AB1-ASA1-AA33,11,10 7(10) Penalty. Any person who violates this section may be required to forfeit
8not less than $500 nor more than $5,000 for each offense. Each day of continued
9violation constitutes a separate offense. The period shall be measured by using the
10dates of the offenses that resulted in convictions.".
AB1-ASA1-AA33,11,11 115. Page 272, line 24: after that line insert:
AB1-ASA1-AA33,11,12 12" Section 821e. 945.01 (1) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-ASA1-AA33,11,1413 945.01 (1) (dm) Playing an amusement device, as defined in s. 564.03 (1) (a),
14that is licensed as described in s. 564.03 (3).
AB1-ASA1-AA33, s. 821i 15Section 821i. 945.01 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA1-AA33,11,1916 945.01 (3) (a) A Subject to par. (b), a gambling machine is a contrivance which
17that for a consideration affords the player an opportunity to obtain something of
18value, the award of which is determined by chance, even though accompanied by
19some skill and whether or not the prize is automatically paid by the machine.
AB1-ASA1-AA33, s. 821m 20Section 821m. 945.01 (3) (b) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-ASA1-AA33,11,2221 945.01 (3) (b) 1m. An amusement device, as defined in s. 564.03 (1) (a), that is
22licensed as described in s. 564.03 (3).
AB1-ASA1-AA33, s. 821r 23Section 821r. 945.01 (4) (am) of the statutes is renumbered 945.01 (4) (am)
24(intro.) and amended to read:
1945.01 (4) (am) (intro.) "Gambling place" does not include a any of the
AB1-ASA1-AA33,12,3 31. A place where bingo or a raffle is conducted under ch. 563,.
AB1-ASA1-AA33,12,4 42. A place where a lottery is conducted under ch. 565 or.
AB1-ASA1-AA33,12,5 53. A place where a race is conducted under ch. 562 and does not include a.
AB1-ASA1-AA33,12,7 64. A gambling vessel that is in the process of construction, delivery, conversion,
7or repair by a shipbuilding business that complies with s. 945.095.
AB1-ASA1-AA33, s. 821v 8Section 821v. 945.01 (4) (am) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-ASA1-AA33,12,109 945.01 (4) (am) 5. A premises on which is located an amusement device, as
10defined in s. 564.03 (1) (a), that is licensed as described in s. 564.03 (3).
AB1-ASA1-AA33, s. 821y 11Section 821y. 945.01 (5) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA1-AA33,12,1512 945.01 (5) (am) "Lottery" does not include bingo or a raffle conducted under ch.
13563,; the playing of an amusement device, as defined in s. 564.03 (1) (a), that is
14licensed as described in s. 564.03 (3);
pari-mutuel wagering conducted under ch. 562;
15or the state lottery or any multijurisdictional lottery conducted under ch. 565.".
AB1-ASA1-AA33,12,16 166. Page 273, line 3: after that line insert:
AB1-ASA1-AA33,12,17 17" Section 822g. 945.041 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA1-AA33,13,718 945.041 (1) A license or permit issued under ch. 125 to any person who
19knowingly permits any slot machine, roulette wheel, other similar mechanical
20gambling device, or number jar or other device designed for like form of gambling,
21or any amusement device, as defined in s. 564.03 (1) (a), that is not licensed as
22described under s. 564.03 (3),
or any horse race betting or other bookmaking as
23defined in s. 945.01, or solicitation of drinks from customers under s. 944.36 to be set
24up, kept, managed, used, or conducted upon the licensed premises or in connection

1therewith upon premises controlled directly or indirectly by the person, shall be
2revoked by the circuit courts by a special proceeding as provided in this section. If
3a license or permit has been revoked no other license or permit of any character
4provided for by ch. 125 may be issued to the person who held the license or permit,
5prior to the expiration of one year from the effective date of the revocation. If any
6appeal is taken from the revocation, any period during which the order is stayed shall
7be added to the one year.
AB1-ASA1-AA33, s. 822n 8Section 822n. 945.041 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA1-AA33,14,29 945.041 (2) Any sheriff, undersheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, or other
10municipal police officer or any person authorized to enforce the gambling laws under
11s. 165.60 shall within 10 days after acquiring such information report to the district
12attorney of the county the name and address of any licensee or permittee under ch.
13125 who to his or her knowledge has knowingly suffered or permitted any gambling
14device in sub. (1), any amusement device, as defined in s. 564.03 (1) (a), that is not
15licensed as described under s. 564.03 (3),
or any horse race betting to be set up, kept,
16managed, used, or conducted upon the licensed premises or in connection therewith
17upon premises controlled directly or indirectly by such licensee or permittee. Such
18The officer or person shall also report to the district attorney knowledge of the
19circumstances and the name of the municipality or officer by whom the license or
20permit has been issued. Any other person may in writing and signed by that person
21report any such name, address, and other information to the district attorney.
22Within 10 days after any report the district attorney shall institute a proceeding as
23hereinafter provided before the circuit court of the county or shall within such that
24time report to the attorney general the reasons why such a proceeding has not been

1instituted. The attorney general may direct the department of justice or the district
2attorney to institute such the proceeding within a reasonable time.
AB1-ASA1-AA33, s. 822r 3Section 822r. 945.041 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA1-AA33,15,104 945.041 (3) Such proceeding shall be in the name of the state and the issues
5may be determined by a jury. It shall be instituted by the filing of a petition and
6service of a notice as herein provided. The petition shall be directed to the circuit
7court and shall set forth a clear and concise statement of the grounds that are alleged
8to exist justifying a revocation of the license or permit under sub. (1), and shall
9request an order revoking such the license or permit. It shall also request an
10injunction restraining the defendant from thereafter knowingly suffering or
11permitting any such gambling devices, any amusement device, as defined in s.
12564.03 (1) (a), that is not licensed as described under s. 564.03 (3),
or any horse race
13betting to be set up, kept, managed, used, or conducted upon premises directly or
14indirectly controlled by the defendant. Upon the filing of such the petition the court
15shall fix a time for hearing not to exceed 30 days from the date of filing at a place
16within the judicial circuit, and a copy of the petition and a notice of the time and place
17of hearing shall be served upon the defendant not less than 20 days prior to the date
18of hearing. Such The service shall be made in the same manner as a summons is
19served in a civil action, except that it may also be made by leaving a copy of said
20petition and notice with any person charged with the operation of the licensed
21premises under s. 125.68 (2). The allegations of the petition shall be deemed
22considered controverted and shall be at issue without further pleading by the
23defendant. No hearing shall be adjourned except for cause. If upon such the hearing
24the court finds that the allegations of the petition are true, it shall issue a written
25order revoking the license or permit and shall likewise enjoin the defendant from

1thereafter knowingly suffering or permitting any gambling devices referred to in
2sub. (1), any amusement device, as defined in s. 564.03 (1) (a), that is not licensed as
3described under s. 564.03 (3),
or any horse race betting to be set up, kept, managed,
4used, or conducted upon premises directly or indirectly controlled by the defendant.
5The district attorney shall forthwith cause a copy of the order to be filed with the
6issuing authority of the license or permit and shall cause a copy to be served upon
7the defendant as above provided or the defendant's attorney. The revocation and
8injunction shall become effective upon such service. In cases where a license is issued
9by a town, city, or village, a copy of the order shall also be filed with the department
10of revenue as provided under s. 125.13.
AB1-ASA1-AA33, s. 822v 11Section 822v. 945.041 (11) of the statutes is repealed.".
AB1-ASA1-AA33,15,12 127. Page 352, line 12: after that line insert:
AB1-ASA1-AA33,15,14 13"(8zf) Advisory referendum. Section 565.015 of the statutes does not apply to
14the action of the legislature in enacting this act.
AB1-ASA1-AA33,15,1815 (8zg) Submission of amusement device rules to legislative council staff. The
16department of administration shall submit the proposed rules under section 564.03
17(6) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the legislative council staff under section
18227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than January 1, 2003.
AB1-ASA1-AA33,15,2219 (8zh) Regulation of amusement devices. The department of administration
20shall administer section 564.03 of the statutes, as created by this act, on a
21case-by-case basis prior to the effective date of the rules promulgated under section
22564.03 (6) of the statutes, as created by this act.".
AB1-ASA1-AA33,15,23 238. Page 445, line 1: before that line insert:
1"(4f) The treatment of sections 125.12 (1) (c), 945.01 (1) (dm), (3) (a) and (b), (4)
2(am), and (5) (am), 945.041 (1), (2), (3), and (11) of the statutes and the creation of
3section 945.01 (4) (am) 5. of the statutes takes effect on April 2, 2003.".