(1) When an absentee ballot arrives at the office of the municipal clerk,
11the clerk shall enclose it, unopened, in a carrier envelope which shall be securely
12sealed and endorsed with the name and official title of the clerk, and the words "This
13envelope contains the ballot of an absent elector and must be opened at the polls
14during polling hours on election day". If the ballot was received by
the elector by 15facsimile transmission or electronic mail and is accompanied by a separate
16certificate, the clerk shall enclose the ballot in a certificate envelope and securely
17append the completed certificate to the outside of the envelope before enclosing the
18ballot in the carrier envelope. The clerk shall keep the ballot in the clerk's office until
19delivered, as required in sub. (2).
AB1-SSA1-SA2, s. 1pn
20Section 1pn. 6.92 of the statutes is renumbered 6.92 (1) and amended to read:
(1) Each Except as provided in sub. (2), each inspector shall challenge for
22cause any person offering to vote whom the inspector knows or suspects is not a
23qualified elector. If a person is challenged as unqualified by an inspector, one of the
24inspectors shall administer the following oath or affirmation to the person: "You do
25solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will fully and truly answer all questions put to
1you regarding your place of residence and qualifications as an elector of this
2election"; and shall then ask questions which are appropriate as determined by the
3board, by rule, to test the person's qualifications.
(2) An inspector appointed under s. 7.30 (2) (am) may not challenge any
6person offering to vote.
(1) (a)
A Except as authorized under this paragraph, a reasonable daily
10compensation shall be paid to each inspector, voting machine custodian, automatic
11tabulating equipment technician, member of a board of canvassers, messenger
, and
12tabulator who is employed and performing duties under chs. 5 to 12. Daily
13compensation shall also be provided
to officials and trainees for attendance at
14training sessions and examinations required by the board under s. 7.31.
15Alternatively, such
election officials
and trainees may be paid by the hour at a
16proportionate rate for each hour actually worked.
Any election official or trainee may
17choose to volunteer his or her services by filing with the municipal clerk of the
18municipality in which he or she serves a written declination to accept compensation.
19The volunteer status of the election official or trainee remains effective until the
20official or trainee files a written revocation with the municipal clerk.
AB1-SSA1-SA2, s. 1pr
21Section 1pr. 7.03 (1) (b), (bm), (c) and (d) of the statutes are amended to read:
(1) (b) Except as provided in par. (bm),
payment any compensation owed 23shall be
made paid by the municipality in which the election is held, except that any
24compensation payable to a technician, messenger, tabulator
, or member of the board
25of canvassers who is employed to perform services for the county shall be paid by the
1county and
compensation payable to any messenger or tabulator who is employed to
2perform services for the state shall be paid by the board.
(bm) Whenever a special election is called by a county or by a school district,
4a technical college district, a sewerage district, a sanitary district
, or a public inland
5lake protection and rehabilitation district, the county or district shall pay the
6compensation of
all election officials
performing duties in those municipalities, as
7determined under sub. (2).
(c) If a central counting location serving more than one municipality is utilized
9under s. 7.51 (1), the
cost of compensation of election officials at the location shall be
10proportionately divided between the municipalities utilizing the location, except
11that if all municipalities within a county utilize the location, the compensation shall
12be paid by the county.
Special Except as otherwise provided in par. (a), special registration
14deputies appointed under s. 6.55 (6), special voting deputies appointed under s. 6.875
15(4) and officials and trainees who attend training sessions under s. 7.15 (1) (e) or 7.25
16(5) may
also be compensated
by the municipality where they serve at the option of
17the municipality.
(3) Election manual. (intro.) Prepare and publish separate from the
20election laws an election manual written so as to be easily understood by the general
21public explaining the duties of the election officials, together with notes and
22references to the statutes as the board considers advisable.
The manual shall be
23furnished by the board free to each county and municipal clerk or board of election
24commissioners and others in such manner as it deems most likely to promote the
25public welfare. The election manual shall:
1(4) Election laws. Publish the election laws.
The board shall furnish the
2election laws free to each county and municipal clerk and board of election
3commissioners in sufficient supply to provide one copy for reference at each office and
4at each polling place. The board shall sell
or distribute or arrange for the sale
5distribution of copies of the election laws to
county and municipal clerks and boards
6of election commissioners and members of the public.
(5) District maps. Distribute, upon request and free of charge, to any
9candidate for representative in Congress, state senator, or representative to the
10assembly a copy of the map or maps received under s. 16.96 (3) (b) showing district
(2) (a) Only election officials appointed under this section may conduct an
14election. Except as authorized in s. 7.15 (1) (k), each inspector shall be a qualified
in of the ward
or wards, or the election district, for which the polling place is
16established. Special registration deputies appointed under s. 6.55 (6) and election
serving more than one ward or when necessary
who are appointed to fill a
18vacancy under par. (b) need not be a resident of
the ward
or wards, or the election
19district, but shall be a resident of the municipality. Special registration deputies may
20be appointed to serve more than one polling place. All officials shall be able to read
21and write the English language, be capable, be of good understanding, and may not
22be a candidate for any office to be voted for at an election at which they serve. In 1st
23class cities, they may hold no public office other than notary public. Except as
24authorized under sub. (4) (c), all inspectors shall be affiliated with one of the 2
25recognized political parties which received the largest number of votes for president,
1or governor in nonpresidential general election years, in the ward or combination of
2wards served by the polling place at the last election. The party which received the
3largest number of votes is entitled to one more inspector than the party receiving the
4next largest number of votes at each polling place. The same election officials may
5serve the electors of more than one ward where wards are combined under s. 5.15 (6)
6(b). If a municipality is not divided into wards, the ward requirements in this
7paragraph apply to the municipality at large.
(2) (am) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, a pupil who is
1016 or 17 years of age, who is enrolled in grades 9 to 12 in a public or private school,
11and who has at least a 3.0 grade point average or the equivalent may serve as an
12inspector at the polling place serving the pupil's residence, with the approval of the
13pupil's parent or guardian and of the principal of the school in which the pupil is
14enrolled. A pupil may serve as an inspector at a polling place under this paragraph
15only if at least one election official at the polling place other than the chief inspector
16is a qualified elector of this state. No pupil may serve as chief inspector at a polling
17place under this paragraph. Before appointment by any municipality of a pupil as
18an inspector under this paragraph, the municipal clerk shall obtain written
19authorization from the pupil's parent or guardian and from the principal of the school
20where the pupil is enrolled for the pupil to serve for the entire term for which he or
21she is appointed. Upon appointment of a pupil to serve as an inspector, the municipal
22clerk shall notify the principal of the school where the pupil is enrolled of the date
23of expiration of the pupil's term of office.
(4) (b) 1. In cities where there is a board of election commissioners, the
2aldermanic district committeemen or committeewomen under s. 8.17 of each of the
32 dominant recognized political parties shall submit a certified list no later than
4November 30 of each even-numbered year containing the names of at least as many
5electors nominees as there are inspectors from that party for each of the voting wards
6in the aldermanic district. The chairperson may designate any individual whose
7name is submitted as a first choice nominee. The board of election commissioners
8shall appoint, no later than December 31 of even-numbered years, at least 5
9inspectors for each ward. The board of election commissioners shall appoint all first
10choice nominees for so long as positions are available, unless nonappointment is
11authorized under par. (e), and shall appoint other individuals in its discretion. The
12board of election commissioners may designate such alternates as it deems
(6) (b) Prior to the first election following the appointment of the
17inspectors, the
inspectors at each polling place
municipal clerk shall
elect appoint 18one of
their number the inspectors at each polling place to
act serve as chief inspector.
19No person may serve as chief inspector at any election who is not certified by the
20board under s. 7.31 at the time of the election. The chief inspector shall hold the
21position for the remainder of the term unless the inspector
is removed by the clerk
22or the inspector ceases to be certified under s. 7.31, except that whenever wards are
23combined or separated under s. 5.15 (6) (b), the
inspectors municipal clerk shall
24a new chief appoint another inspector who is certified under s. 7.31
to serve as chief
25inspector at each polling place designated under s. 5.15 (6) (b). If a vacancy occurs
1in the position of chief inspector
at any polling place, the municipal clerk shall
2appoint one of the other inspectors who is certified under s. 7.31 to fill the vacancy.
(2) Service as an election official under this chapter shall be mandatory
5upon all
qualified electors individuals appointed, during the full 2-year term, after
6which they shall be exempt from further service as an election official, under this
7chapter, until 3 terms of 2 years each have elapsed. Municipal clerks may grant
8exemptions from service at any time.
(4) No individual exercising the right under sub. (1) may view the
12confidential portion of a registration list maintained under s. 6.36 (4) or a poll list
13maintained under s. 6.79 (6). However, the inspectors shall disclose to such an
14individual, upon request, the existence of such a list, the number of electors whose
15names appear on the list, and the number of those electors who have voted at any
16point in the proceedings. No
observer such individual may view the
17certificate-affidavit form certificate of an absent elector who obtains a confidential
18listing under s. 6.47 (2).
(1) Canvass procedure. Immediately after the polls close the inspectors
21shall proceed to canvass publicly all votes received at the polling place. In any
22municipality where an electronic voting system is used, the municipal governing
23body or board of election commissioners may provide or authorize the municipal
24clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners to provide for the
25adjournment of the canvass to one or more central counting locations for specified
1polling places in the manner prescribed in subch. III of ch. 5. No central counting
2location may be used to count votes at a polling place where an electronic voting
3system is not employed. The canvass, whether conducted at the polling place or at
4the a central counting location, shall continue without adjournment until the
5canvass is completed and the return statements are made. The inspectors shall not
6permit access to the name of any elector who has obtained a confidential listing under
7s. 6.47 (2) during the canvass, except as authorized in s. 6.47 (8).
(2) County board of canvassers. The county clerk and 2 qualified electors
10of the county appointed by the clerk constitute the county board of canvassers. The
11members of the board of canvassers shall serve for 2-year terms commencing on
12January 1 of each odd-numbered year, except that any member who is appointed to
13fill a permanent vacancy shall serve for the unexpired term of the original appointee.
14One member of the board of canvassers shall belong to a political party other than
15the clerk's.
If The county clerk shall designate a deputy clerk who shall perform the
16clerk's duties as a member of the board of canvassers in the event that the county
17clerk's office is vacant,
if the clerk cannot perform his or her duties
, or
if the clerk is
18a candidate at an election being canvassed
, the county clerk shall designate a deputy
19clerk to perform the clerk's duties. If the county clerk and designated deputy clerk
20are both unable to perform their duties, the county executive or, if there is no county
21executive, the chairperson of the county board of supervisors shall designate another
22qualified elector of the county to perform the clerk's duties. If a member other than
23the clerk cannot perform his or her duties, the clerk shall appoint another member
24to serve. No person may serve on the county board of canvassers if the person is a
25candidate for an office to be canvassed by that board. If lists of candidates for the
1county board of canvassers are submitted to the county clerk by political party county
2committees, the lists shall consist of at least 3 names and the clerk shall choose the
3board members from the lists. Where there is a county board of election
4commissioners, it shall serve as the board of canvassers. If the county board of
5election commissioners serves as the board of canvassers, the executive director of
6the county board of election commissioners shall serve as a member of the board of
7canvassers to fill a temporary vacancy on that board.
(4) (a) The certification of a qualified elector stating his or her residence
10with street and number, if any, shall appear at the bottom of each nomination paper,
11stating he or she personally circulated the nomination paper and personally
12obtained each of the signatures; he or she knows they are electors of the ward,
13aldermanic district, municipality or county, as the nomination papers require; he or
14she knows they signed the paper with full knowledge of its content; he or she knows
15their respective residences given; he or she knows each signer signed on the date
16stated opposite his or her name; and, that he or she, the circulator, resides within the
17district which the candidate named therein will represent, if elected; that he or she
18intends to support the candidate; and that he or she is aware that falsifying the
19certification is punishable under s. 12.13 (3) (a), Wis. stats.
The circulator shall
20indicate the date that he or she makes the certification next to his or her signature. 21The certification may be made by the candidate or any qualified elector.
18.21 Declaration of candidacy. Each candidate, except a candidate for
2presidential elector under s. 8.20 (2) (d), shall file a declaration of candidacy, no later
3than the latest time provided for filing nomination papers under s. 8.10 (2) (a), 8.15
4(1), 8.20 (8) (a) or 8.50 (3) (a), or the time provided under s. 8.16 (2) or 8.35 (2) (c).
5A candidate shall file the declaration with the officer or agency with which
6nomination papers are filed for the office which the candidate seeks, or if nomination
7papers are not required, with the clerk or board of election commissioners of the
8jurisdiction in which the candidate seeks office. The declaration shall be sworn to
9before any officer authorized to administer oaths. The declaration shall contain the
10name of the candidate in the form specified under s. 8.10 (2) (b) for candidates for
11nonpartisan office or s. 8.15 (5) (a) or 8.20 (2) (a) for candidates for partisan office,
12and shall state that the signer is a candidate for a named office, that he or she meets
13or will at the time he or she assumes office meet applicable age, citizenship, residency
14or voting qualification requirements, if any, prescribed by the constitutions and laws
15of the United States and of this state, and that he or she will otherwise qualify for
16office if nominated and elected. The declaration shall include the candidate's name
17in the form in which it will appear on the ballot. Each candidate for state and local
18office shall include in the declaration a statement that he or she has not been
19convicted of any
infamous crime misdemeanor designated under state or federal law
20as a violation of the public trust or any felony for which he or she has not been
and a list of all felony convictions for which he or she has not been
22pardoned. In addition, each candidate for state or local office shall include in the
23declaration a statement that discloses his or her municipality of residence for voting
24purposes, and the street and number, if any, on which the candidate resides. The
25declaration is valid with or without the seal of the officer who administers the oath.
1A candidate for state or local office shall file an amended declaration under oath with
2the same officer or agency if any information contained in the declaration changes
3at any time after the original declaration is filed and before the candidate assumes
4office or is defeated for election or nomination.
(2) The certification of a qualified elector stating his or her residence with
7street and number, if any, shall appear at the bottom of each separate sheet of each
8petition specified in sub. (1), stating that he or she personally circulated the petition
9and personally obtained each of the signatures; that the circulator knows that they
10are electors of the jurisdiction or district in which the petition is circulated; that the
11circulator knows that they signed the paper with full knowledge of its content; that
12the circulator knows their respective residences given; that the circulator knows that
13each signer signed on the date stated opposite his or her name; that the circulator
14resides within the jurisdiction or district in which the petition is circulated; and that
15the circulator is aware that falsifying the certification is punishable under s. 12.13
16(3) (a).
The circulator shall indicate the date that he or she makes the certification
17next to his or her signature.
(2) (e) 3. The signature is dated after the date of the
notarization 20certification contained on the petition sheet.
(4) (d)
The Promptly upon receipt of a certificate under par. (a), the
2governing body, school board
, or board of election commissioners
upon receiving the
3certificate shall call
an a recall election
. The recall election shall be held on the
4Tuesday of the 6th week commencing after the date
on which the certificate
. If is
5filed, except that if Tuesday is a legal holiday
, the recall election shall be held on the
6first day after Tuesday which is not a legal holiday.
(3) (am) As soon as possible following the deadline for filing nomination
9papers for any municipal election when there is to be an election for a county or state
10office or a county or statewide referendum, but no later than
2 3 days after such
11deadline, the municipal clerk of each municipality in which voting machines or
12ballots containing the names of candidates for both local offices and national, state
13or county offices are used shall certify the list of candidates for municipal office to the
14county clerk if a primary is required, unless the municipality prepares its own ballots
15under s. 7.15 (2) (c).
(3) (bm) As soon as possible following the municipal canvass of the
18primary vote or the
qualification of the candidates under s. 8.05 (1) (j) when a 19municipal caucus
when is held, if there is to be an election for a county or state office
20or a county or statewide referendum, but no later than
2 3 days after such date, the
21municipal clerk of each municipality in which voting machines or ballots containing
22the names of candidates for both local offices and national, state or county offices are
23used shall certify the list of candidates for municipal office and municipal referenda
24appearing on the ballot to the county clerk, unless the municipality prepares its own
25ballots under s. 7.15 (2) (c).
(3) Prepare and publish for the use of persons required to file reports and
3statements under this chapter a manual setting forth simply and concisely
4recommended uniform methods of bookkeeping and reporting.
The board shall
5furnish a copy of the manual without charge, upon request, to all persons who are
6required to file reports or statements with the board, and shall distribute or arrange
7for the distribution of copies of the manual for use by other filing officers.
(14) Prepare, publish and periodically revise as necessary a manual
10simply and concisely describing the filing and registration requirements established
11in this chapter in detail, as well as other major provisions of this chapter and ch. 12.
12The board shall furnish a copy of the manual without charge, upon request, to all
13persons who are required to file reports or statements with the board, and shall
14distribute or arrange for the distribution of copies of the manual for use by other
15filing officers.".
(5) Ballots. The board shall prescribe a special ballot for use under this
19section whenever necessary. Official ballots prescribed for use in the presidential
20preference primary may also be used. The ballot shall be designed to comply with
21the requirements prescribed under ss.
5.60 (8) 5.58 (2r), 5.62
, and 5.64 (1) insofar as
22applicable. All ballots shall be limited to national offices only.
(1) Selection of names for ballot. (a) No later than 5 p.m. on the
first 23rd Tuesday in
January November, or the next day if Tuesday is a holiday,
of the
3year before each year in which electors for president and vice president are to be
4elected, the state chairperson of each recognized political party listed on the official
5ballot at the last gubernatorial election whose candidate for governor received at
6least 10% of the total votes cast for that office may certify to the board that the party
7will participate in the presidential preference primary. For each party filing such a
8certification, the voters of this state shall at the spring
election primary be given an
9opportunity to express their preference for the person to be the presidential
10candidate of that party.
(b) On the
last 2nd Tuesday in
January in December of the year before each year
12in which electors for president and vice president are to be elected, there shall be
13convened in the capitol a committee consisting of, for each party filing a certification
14under this subsection, the state chairperson of that state party organization or the
15chairperson's designee, one national committeeman and one national
16committeewoman designated by the state chairperson; the speaker and the minority
17leader of the assembly or their designees, and the president and the minority leader
18of the senate or their designees. All designations shall be made in writing to the
19board. This committee shall organize by selecting an additional member who shall
20be the chairperson and shall determine, and certify to the board
, no later than on the
21Friday following the
last Tuesday in January date on which the committee convenes
22under this paragraph, the names of all candidates of the political parties represented
23on the committee for the office of president of the United States. The committee shall
24place the names of all candidates whose candidacy is generally advocated or
25recognized in the national news media throughout the United States on the ballot,
1and may, in addition, place the names of other candidates on the ballot. The
2committee shall have sole discretion to determine that a candidacy is generally
3advocated or recognized in the national news media throughout the United States.
(c) No later than 5 p.m. on the
3rd first Tuesday in
February January of each
5presidential election year, any person seeking the nomination by the national
6convention of a political party filing a certification under this subsection for the office
7of president of the United States, or any committee organized in this state on behalf
8of and with the consent of such person, may submit to the board a petition to have
9the person's name appear on the presidential preference ballot. The petition may be
10circulated no sooner than the
last 2nd Tuesday in
January of December preceding 11such year and shall be signed by a number of qualified electors equal in each
12congressional district to not less than 1,000 signatures nor more than 1,500
13signatures. The form of the petition shall conform to the requirements of s. 8.40. All
14signers on each separate petition paper shall reside in the same congressional
(d) The board shall forthwith contact each person whose name has been placed
17in nomination under par. (b) and notify him or her that his or her name will appear
18on the Wisconsin presidential preference ballot unless he or she files, no later than
195 p.m. on the
3rd first Tuesday in
February January of such year, with the board, a
20disclaimer stating without qualification that he or she is not and does not intend to
21become a candidate for the office of president of the United States at the forthcoming
22presidential election. The disclaimer may be filed with the board by certified mail,
23by telegram
, or in person.
24(3) Reporting of results. No later than
May 15 the 2nd Tuesday following the
25presidential preference
vote primary, the board shall notify each state party
1organization chairperson under sub. (1) (b) of the results of the presidential
vote cast primary within the state and within each congressional district.
(1) (e) As soon as possible following the state canvass of the spring
5primary vote, but no later than the first Tuesday in March, the board shall send a
6type B notice certifying to each county clerk the list of candidates for the spring
7election. When no
state spring primary is held
or when the only primary held is the
8presidential preference primary, this notice shall be sent under par. (c). The board
9shall also in any case send a certified list of candidates under s. 11.50 to the state
10treasurer pursuant to s. 7.08 (2) (c). When there is a referendum, the board shall send
11type A and C notices certifying each question to the county clerks as soon as possible,
12but no later than the first Tuesday in March.
(2) (b) Upon receipt of the type B notice from the board preceding the
15spring election
, each county clerk shall add any county offices, prepare the ballots
, 16and send notice to each municipal clerk of the
coming spring primary. When there
17is no state spring primary within the county
and there is no presidential preference
18primary scheduled for the date of the spring primary, but there is to be a county
19spring primary, the county clerk shall prepare the ballots and send notice to each
20municipal clerk.
(2) (d) On the Monday preceding the spring primary, when held, the
23county clerk shall publish a type B notice.
In a year in which a presidential
24preference primary is held, the county clerk shall also publish notice of the
25presidential preference primary.
(2) (g) On the Monday preceding the spring election, the county clerk
3shall publish a type B notice containing the same information prescribed in par. (a).
4In those years in which a presidential preference primary is held, the county clerk
5shall also publish notice of the primary. In addition, the county clerk shall publish
6a type C notice on the Monday preceding the spring election for all state and county
7referenda to be voted upon by electors of the county.".
(1) (a) Whoever intentionally violates s. 11.05 (1), (2),
or (2g)
or (2r), 11.07
10(1) or (5), 11.10 (1), 11.12 (5), 11.23 (6)
, or 11.24
(1) may be fined not more than $10,000
11or imprisoned not more than 4 years and 6 months or both is guilty of a Class I
(6) (a) As an emergency measure necessitated by decreased state
16revenues and to prevent the necessity for a state tax on general property, the
17committee may reduce any appropriation made to any board, commission,
18department, or the University of Wisconsin System, or to any other state agency or
19activity, by such amount as it deems feasible, not exceeding 25% of the
20appropriations, except appropriations made by ss. 20.255 (2) (ac), (bc), (bh), (cg), and
21(cr), 20.395 (1), (2) (cq), (eq) to (ex) and (gq) to (gx), (3), (4) (aq) to (ax), and (6) (aq)
22and, (ar),
and (at), 20.435 (6) (a) and (7) (da), and 20.445 (3) (a) and (dz) or for forestry
23purposes under s. 20.370 (1), or any other moneys distributed to any county, city,
24village, town, or school district. Appropriations of receipts and of a sum sufficient
1shall for the purposes of this section be regarded as equivalent to the amounts
2expended under such appropriations in the prior fiscal year which ended June 30.
3All functions of said state agencies shall be continued in an efficient manner, but
4because of the uncertainties of the existing situation no public funds should be
5expended or obligations incurred unless there shall be adequate revenues to meet the
6expenditures therefor. For such reason the committee may make reductions of such
7appropriations as in its judgment will secure sound financial operations of the
8administration for said state agencies and at the same time interfere least with their
9services and activities.".
(14) With the concurrence of the joint committee on information policy
14and technology, direct the department of
electronic government administration to
15report to the committee concerning any specific information technology system
16project in accordance with s. 13.58 (5) (b) 4.".
(3m) No elective state official and no personal campaign committee of
22an elective state official may solicit a lobbyist or principal to arrange for another
23person to make a campaign contribution to that official or personal campaign
1committee or to another elective state official or the personal campaign committee
2of that official.".