2001 - 2002 LEGISLATURE
September 13, 2001 - Offered by Children and Families.
AB109-ASA1,1,2 1An Act to create 118.137 of the statutes; relating to: surveys and
2questionnaires of pupils and providing a penalty.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB109-ASA1, s. 1 3Section 1. 118.137 of the statutes is created to read:
AB109-ASA1,1,9 4118.137 Surveys and questionnaires of pupils. (1) Instructional
5materials available; consent required.
(a) Each school board shall make available
6for inspection by the parents and guardians of pupils enrolled in the school district
7all instructional material, including teacher's manuals, films, tapes, and other
8supplementary material, that will be used in connection with any written or recorded
9survey or questionnaire of pupils.
AB109-ASA1,2,310 (b) No official, employee, or agent of a school board may conduct any written
11or recorded survey or questionnaire of pupils that may reveal information about any
12of the following with respect to a pupil or the pupil's family without the consent of

1the pupil, if the pupil is an adult or an emancipated minor, or without the consent
2of the pupil's parent or guardian, if the pupil is an unemancipated minor, unless the
3primary purpose of the survey or questionnaire is academic:
AB109-ASA1,2,44 1. Political affiliations.
AB109-ASA1,2,65 2. Mental or psychological problems that may embarrass the pupil or the pupil's
AB109-ASA1,2,77 3. Sexual behavior or attitudes.
AB109-ASA1,2,88 4. Illegal, antisocial, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior.
AB109-ASA1,2,109 5. Critical appraisals of individuals with whom the pupil has close family
AB109-ASA1,2,1211 6. Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, including
12relationships with lawyers, physicians, or members of the clergy.
AB109-ASA1,2,1413 7. Income, unless the information is required by law to determine eligibility for
14participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance.
AB109-ASA1,2,1515 8. Religious beliefs or practices.
AB109-ASA1,2,2416 (c) An official, employee, or agent of a school board shall obtain consent under
17par. (b) for each survey or questionnaire conducted. The official, employee, or agent
18shall notify the pupil or the pupil's parent or guardian of the impending survey or
19questionnaire at least 10 days before conducting the survey or questionnaire. The
20notice shall include the purpose of the survey or questionnaire, information on how
21to review a copy of the survey or questionnaire, and a request for consent. Consent
22shall be considered to have been given under par. (b) if the pupil or the pupil's parent
23or guardian fails to respond to the request before the date of the survey or
1(d) No official, employee, or agent of a school board may require a pupil to
2participate in a survey or questionnaire that may reveal information about any of the
3subjects specified in par. (b) if the pupil requests to discuss the content of the survey
4or questionnaire with his or her parent or guardian before completing the survey or
5questionnaire. The prohibition under this paragraph applies only the first time that
6the pupil is requested to participate in the survey or questionnaire.
AB109-ASA1,3,8 7(2) Notice. Annually each school board shall notify the pupils enrolled in the
8school district and their parents or guardians of the provisions of sub. (1).
AB109-ASA1,3,11 9(3) Penalty. Any person who knowingly violates sub. (1) (b) shall forfeit not less
10than $25 nor more than $300 for each violation. Each survey or questionnaire of each
11pupil constitutes a separate violation.
AB109-ASA1,3,15 12(4) Enforcement. (a) Forfeitures under this section shall be enforced, upon
13the verified complaint of any person, by the district attorney of any county where a
14violation occurs. The court shall award any forfeiture recovered together with
15reasonable costs to the county.
AB109-ASA1,3,2016 (b) In addition and supplementary to the penalty provided in sub. (3), the
17district attorney may commence an action, separately or in conjunction with an
18action brought under sub. (3), to obtain such other legal or equitable relief, including
19mandamus, injunction, or declaratory judgment, as may be appropriate under the