AB850-AA1,1,94 20.465 (3) (e) Disaster recovery aid. A sum sufficient to pay the state share of
5grants to individuals and, to make payments to local governments as defined in 42
6USC 5122
(6) under federal disaster recovery programs as authorized in s. 166.03 (2)
7(b) 8., and to defray all expenses necessary to respond to a state of emergency related
8to public health declared under s. 166.03 (1) (b) 1. if the department of health and
9family services is not designated as the lead state agency.
AB850-AA1,1,10 102. Page 7, line 16: delete "at" and substitute "for".
AB850-AA1,1,11 113. Page 8, line 19: delete "compel" and substitute "require".
AB850-AA1,2,2 124. Page 8, line 23: after "emergency." insert "Reasonable and necessary
13expenses of a funeral establishment in complying with the requirements under this

1paragraph may be paid by the department from the appropriation under s. 20.435
2(1) (e).".
AB850-AA1,2,3 35. Page 10, line 7: after that line insert:
AB850-AA1,2,5 4"(d) An agent specified by the department of health and family services by
AB850-AA1,2,6 66. Page 11, line 16: after that line insert:
AB850-AA1,2,7 7" Section 20m. 166.03 (1) (b) 8. of the statutes is created to read:
AB850-AA1,2,118 166.03 (1) (b) 8. During a state of emergency related to public health, suspend
9the provisions of any administrative rule if the strict compliance with that rule would
10prevent, hinder, or delay necessary actions to respond to the emergency and increase
11the health threat to the population.".
AB850-AA1,2,13 127. Page 11, line 19: delete "department is" and substitute "the department of
13health and family services is not".
AB850-AA1,2,17 148. Page 13, line 9: after "authority." insert "The department may, from the
15appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (e), reimburse a local health department for
16reasonable and necessary expenses in acting as an agent of the department if
17designated under this subsection.".
AB850-AA1,2,18 189. Page 13, line 15: after that line insert:
AB850-AA1,2,20 19"(3) (a) As the public health authority, the department shall inform state
20residents of all of the following:
AB850-AA1,2,2221 1. When a state of emergency related to public health has been declared or is
AB850-AA1,2,2323 2. How to protect themselves from a public health emergency.
13. What actions the public health authority is taking to control a public health
AB850-AA1,3,73 (b) The public health authority shall provide the information specified in par.
4(a) by all available and reasonable means calculated to inform the general public,
5including reasonable efforts to make the information accessible to individuals with
6disabilities and to provide the information in the primary languages of individuals
7who do not understand English.
AB850-AA1,3,108 (c) As the public health authority, the department, to the extent possible, shall
9consult with local health departments, whether or not designated as agents of the
10department, and with individual health care providers.".
AB850-AA1,3,11 1110. Page 14, line 14: delete lines 14 to 16 and substitute:
AB850-AA1,3,15 12"252.05 (1) Any person licensed, permitted, registered or certified under ch.
13441 or 448 knowing or having
health care provider, as defined in s. 146.81 (1), who
14knows or has
reason to know believe that a person treated or visited by him or her
AB850-AA1,3,16 1611. Page 15, line 12: after that line insert:
AB850-AA1,3,17 17" Section 34m. 252.06 (10) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB850-AA1,3,2018 252.06 (10) (c) The expense of providing a reasonable means of communication
19for a person who is quarantined outside his or her home during a state of emergency
20related to public health shall be paid under either of the following, as appropriate:
AB850-AA1,3,2221 1. If the governor designates the department as the lead state agency under s.
22166.03 (1) (b) 1., from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (e).
AB850-AA1,3,2423 2. If the governor does not designate the department as the lead state agency
24under s. 166.03 (1) (b) 1., from the appropriation under s. 20.465 (3) (e).".
112. Page 16, line 1: delete "A" and substitute "(a) Except as provided in par.
2(b), a".
AB850-AA1,4,3 313. Page 16, line 3: after "(1)" insert "(a), (b), or (c)".
AB850-AA1,4,4 414. Page 16, line 3: after that line insert:
AB850-AA1,4,9 5"(b) Upon request by the department of health and family services, a
6pharmacist or pharmacy shall report to that department personally identifying
7information other than a social security number concerning an individual who is
8dispensed a prescription or who purchases a nonprescription drug product as
9specified in sub. (1) (a), (b), or (c).".
AB850-AA1,4,12 1015. Page 16, line 9: after "services" insert "and to the local health department,
11as defined in s. 250.01 (4), in whose jurisdiction the coroner or medical examiner is