Evaluation and report to legislature. By October 1, 2004, the
19legislative audit bureau shall evaluate, on a quantitative and qualitative basis, the
20success of restorative justice programming in Dane and Milwaukee counties and the
21county selected under section 978.044 (4) of the statutes, as created by this act, in
22serving victims, offenders, and communities affected by crime and shall report its
23findings to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature, as determined by
1the speaker of the assembly and the president of the senate, under section 13.172 (3)
2of the statutes.".
(4k) Legislative audit bureau position. The authorized FTE positions for the
5legislative audit bureau, funded from the appropriation under section 20.765 (3) (g)
6of the statutes, is increased by 1.0 PR position to monitor the study under section
7119.23 (9) of the statutes, as affected by this act.".
Study on providing services to low-income, noncustodial parents.
Submission of study. The joint legislative council is requested to study
11methods of providing employment and support services, including job training, job
12readiness skills training, transportation assistance, parenting skills training, legal
13assistance, basic skills training, health care, and other support services, to
14low-income, noncustodial parents. The council shall notify the department of
15workforce development no later than November 1, 2001, whether the council will
16conduct the study. If the council undertakes the study, the council is requested to
17report its findings, conclusions, and recommendations, together with any proposed
18legislation, to the governor, the department of administration, the joint committee
19on finance, and the appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the manner
20provided under section 13.172 (3) of the statutes. If the council notifies the
21department of workforce development that the council will not conduct the study, the
22department of workforce development shall conduct the study and shall submit its
23findings, conclusions, and recommendations, together with any proposed legislation,
24no later than March 1, 2002, to the governor, the department of administration, the
1joint committee on finance, and the appropriate standing committees of the
2legislature in the manner provided under section 13.172 (3) of the statutes.
Study requirements. In developing the recommendations, the joint
4legislative council or the department of workforce development shall study all of the
61. The costs of implementing the recommendations.
72. The feasibility of funding the proposed services using funds that are received
8under the federal temporary assistance for needy families block grant program and
9funds that may be used to meet the maintenance-of-effort requirement under
10USC 609.
113. Any employment and support services currently provided to low-income,
12noncustodial parents, including a description of the providers of those services and
13the number of low-income, noncustodial parents who were served in 1999 and 2000.
144. The estimated number of noncustodial parents who are currently delinquent
15in child support.
165. Any employment and support services or other programs offered by other
17states to low-income, noncustodial parents.
Solicitation of information. In conducting the study, the joint legislative
19council or the department of workforce development shall do all of the following:
206. Consult with the department of health and family services in determining
21any health care services that may be provided to low-income, noncustodial parents.
227. For the purpose of soliciting input on the study from interested parties,
23conduct at least one meeting in a 1st class city and at least one meeting outside of
24a 1st class city.".
(5p) Urban forestry grant for Winnebago County. From the appropriation
14under section 20.370 (5) (bw) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department
15of natural resources shall provide $37,500 in fiscal year 2001-02 to Winnebago
16County to provide funding to Winnebago County under section 23.097 of the statutes,
17as affected by this act.
18(5pk) Urban forestry grant for Outagamie County. From the appropriation
19under section 20.370 (5) (bw) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department
20of natural resources shall provide $37,500 in fiscal year 2001-02 to Outagamie
21County to provide funding to Outagamie County under section 23.097 of the statutes,
22as affected by this act.
1(5pL) Urban forestry grant for Burnett County. From the appropriation
2under section 20.370 (5) (bw) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department
3of natural resources shall provide $25,000 in fiscal year 2001-02 to Burnett County
4to provide funding to Burnett County under section 23.097 of the statutes, as affected
5by this act.
6(5pm) Urban forestry grant for Waupaca. From the appropriation under
7section 20.370 (5) (bw) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department of
8natural resources shall provide $15,000 in fiscal year 2001-02 and $15,000 in fiscal
9year 2002-03 to the city of Waupaca for a tree planting demonstration project.".
101954. Page 1346, line 17: delete "$50,000 in fiscal year 2001-02 and $50,000"
11and substitute "$15,000 in fiscal year 2001-02 and the department of fish, wildlife,
12parks, and forestry shall provide $15,000".
Piers and boat shelters.
23(a) Proposed rules. The department of natural resources shall submit in
24proposed form the rules required under sections 30.12 (3m), 30.121 (6m), 30.13 (7),
1and 30.131 (4) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the legislative council staff
2under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than the first day of the 13th month
3beginning after the effective date of this subsection.
4(b) Emergency rules. The department of natural resources may use the
5procedures under section 227.24 of the statutes to promulgate emergency rules
6under sections 30.12 (3m), 30.121 (6m), 30.13 (7), and 30.131 (4) of the statutes, as
7created by this act. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes, the
8emergency rules may remain in effect until the date on which permanent rules take
9effect. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a) and (3) of the statutes, the department
10is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection
11as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of public peace, health, safety,
12or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule
13promulgated under this subsection.".
(8nL) Transfers to the department of environmental management.
18(a) Assets and liabilities. On July 1, 2002, the following assets and liabilities
19of the department of natural resources shall become the assets and liabilities of the
20department of environmental management:
211. The assets and liabilities that are primarily related to the functions of the
22division of air and waste.
12. The assets and liabilities that are primarily related to the functions of the
2bureaus of watershed management, drinking water and groundwater, and
3cooperative environmental assistance.
43. The assets and liabilities that are primarily related to those functions of the
5bureau of fisheries management and habitat protection that relate to dams and to
6lake, river, and wetlands protection.
74. The assets and liabilities that are primarily related to those functions of the
8divisions of enforcement and science, administration and technology, and customer
9assistance and external relations, other than the bureau of cooperative
10environmental assistance, that are assigned to the department of environmental
11management by this act.
125. Any other assets and liabilities related to the administrative functions of the
13department of natural resources that the secretary of natural resources determines
14should be transferred.
15(b) Employee transfers. On July 1, 2002, all of the following classified positions
16in the department of natural resources and the incumbents in the positions are
17transferred to the department of environmental management:
181. The classified positions and the incumbents in the positions in the division
19of air and waste.
202. The classified positions and the incumbents in the positions in the bureaus
21of watershed management, drinking water and groundwater, and cooperative
22environmental assistance.
233. The classified positions and the incumbents in the positions in the bureau
24of fisheries management and habitat protection that are primarily related to dams
25and to lake, river, and wetlands protection.
14. The classified positions and the incumbents in the positions that are
2primarily related to those functions of the divisions of enforcement and science,
3administration and technology, and customer assistance and external relations,
4other than the bureau of cooperative environmental assistance, that are assigned to
5the department of environmental management by this act.
65. Any other classified positions and the incumbents in the positions related
7to the administrative functions of the department of natural resources that the
8secretary of natural resources determines should be transferred.
9(c) Employee status. Employees transferred under paragraph (b) shall have the
10same rights and status under subchapter V of chapter 111 and chapter 230 of the
11statutes in the department of environmental management that they enjoyed in the
12department of natural resources immediately before the transfer. Notwithstanding
13section 230.28 (4) of the statutes, no employee so transferred who has attained
14permanent status in class is required to serve a probationary period.
15(d) Tangible personal property. On July 1, 2002, all of the following tangible
16personal property, including records, of the department of natural resources shall be
17transferred to the department of environmental management:
181. The tangible personal property, including records, primarily related to the
19functions of the division of air and waste.
202. The tangible personal property, including records, primarily related to the
21functions of the bureaus of watershed management, drinking water and
22groundwater, and cooperative environmental assistance.
233. The tangible personal property, including records, primarily related to those
24functions of the bureau of fisheries management and habitat protection that relate
25to dams and to lake, river, and wetlands protection.
14. The tangible personal property, including records, primarily related to those
2functions of the divisions of enforcement and science, administration and technology,
3and customer assistance and external relations, other than the bureau of cooperative
4environmental assistance, that are assigned to the department of environmental
5management by this act.
65. Any other tangible personal property related to the administrative functions
7of the department of natural resources that the secretary of natural resources
8determines should be transferred.
9(e) Contracts transferred. The following contracts entered into by the
10department of natural resources in effect on July 1, 2002, remain in effect and are
11transferred to the department of environmental management on July 1, 2002:
121. Contracts that are primarily related to the functions of the division of air and
142. Contracts that are primarily related to the functions of the bureaus of
15watershed management, drinking water and groundwater, and cooperative
16environmental assistance.
173. Contracts that are primarily related to those functions of the bureau of
18fisheries management and habitat protection that relate to dams and to lake, river,
19and wetlands protection.
204. Contracts that are primarily related to those functions of the divisions of
21enforcement and science, administration and technology, and customer assistance
22and external relations, other than the bureau of cooperative environmental
23assistance, that are assigned to the department of environmental management by
24this act.
15. Any other contracts related to the administrative functions of the
2department of natural resources that the secretary of natural resources determines
3should be transferred.
4(f) Contracts carried out. The department of environmental management shall
5carry out the obligations in a contract under paragraph (e) except to the extent that
6the contract is modified or rescinded by the department of environmental
7management in a manner allowed under the contract.
8(g) Rules and orders.
91. The following rules promulgated and orders issued by the department of
10natural resources that are in effect on June 30, 2002, shall be considered rules and
11orders of the department of environmental management and shall remain in effect
12until their specified effective dates or until modified, repealed, or rescinded by the
13department of environmental management:
14a. The rules and orders that are primarily related to the functions of the
15division of air and waste.
16b. The rules and orders that are primarily related to the functions of the
17bureaus of watershed management, drinking water and groundwater, and
18cooperative environmental assistance.
19c. The rules and orders that are primarily related to those functions of the
20bureau of fisheries management and habitat protection that relate to dams and to
21lake, river, and wetlands protection.
22d. The rules and orders that are primarily related to those functions of the
23divisions of enforcement and science, administration and technology, and customer
24assistance and external relations, other than the bureau of cooperative
1environmental assistance, that are assigned to the department of environmental
2management by this act.
32. In the rules and orders under subdivision 1., references to the secretary or
4department of natural resources or to an officer or employee of the department of
5natural resources transferred under this act to the department of environmental
6management shall be treated as references to the secretary or department of
7environmental management or to an officer or employee of the department of
8environmental management.
9(h) Pending matters. The following matters pending with the department of
10natural resources on June 30, 2002, are transferred to the department of
11environmental management on July 1, 2002, and all materials submitted to or
12actions taken by the department of natural resources with respect to the following
13pending matters are considered as having been submitted to or taken by the
14department of environmental management:
151. Pending matters that are primarily related to the functions of the division
16of air and waste.
172. Pending matters that are primarily related to the functions of the bureaus
18of watershed management, drinking water and groundwater, and cooperative
19environmental assistance.
203. Pending matters that are primarily related to those functions of the bureau
21of fisheries management and habitat protection that relate to dams and to lake, river,
22and wetlands protection.
234. Pending matters that are primarily related to those functions of the divisions
24of enforcement and science, administration and technology, and customer assistance
25and external relations, other than the bureau of cooperative environmental
1assistance, that are assigned to the department of environmental management by
2this act.
35. Any other pending maters relating to the administration of the department
4that the secretary of natural resources determines should be transferred.
5(i) Dispute resolution. The secretary of environmental management or the
6secretary of fish, wildlife, parks, and forestry may, after July 1, 2002, and before July
71, 2003, request the joint committee on finance to modify the transfers provided
8under paragraphs (a), (b), (d), (e), and (h). The committee may make those transfers
9as requested or as modified by the committee.
10(8nm) Appropriation transfers.
11(a) Plan. The legislative fiscal bureau shall, no later than February 1, 2002,
12submit to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance a plan to take effect
13on July 1, 2002, for transferring within the department of fish, wildlife, parks, and
14forestry and to the department of environmental management funds appropriated
15under section 20.370 of the statutes for fiscal year 2002-03 and for allocating the
16reduction under
Section 9159 (1) (a) for the department of natural resources for
17fiscal year 2002-03 between the departments. The legislative fiscal bureau shall
18formulate the plan in accordance with the appropriation structure created by this act
19and with the following table, adjusted to reflect the amounts actually appropriated
20under the 2001-03 this act:
See PDF for table 
1(b) Implementation. The joint committee on finance may implement the plan
2under paragraph (a) as submitted by the legislative fiscal bureau or may modify the
3plan and implement it as modified.
4(8nn) Appointment of boards and secretaries.
5(a) Early appointment. Notwithstanding the effective dates of the treatments
6of sections 15.33 and 15.34 of the statutes by this act, the governor may nominate and
7with the advice and consent of the senate appoint members of the environmental
8management board and of the fish, wildlife, parks, and forestry board beginning on
9January 1, 2002. The board members appointed under this paragraph may advise
10the secretary of natural resources, the department of administration, and the joint
11committee on finance concerning the issues under subsections (1) and (2).
12Notwithstanding the effective date of the treatment of section 15.05 (1) (b), (c), and
13(e) of the statutes by this act, before July 1, 2002, the members of the environmental
14management board appointed under this paragraph may nominate and with the
15approval of the governor appoint the secretary of environmental management to
16take office on July 1, 2002, and the members of the fish, wildlife, parks, and forestry
17board appointed under this paragraph may nominate and with the approval of the
18governor appoint the secretary of fish, wildlife, parks, and forestry to take office on
19July 1, 2002.
20(b) Terms of initial members of environmental management board. 21Notwithstanding the lengths of terms specified in section 15.33 of the statutes, as
22created by this act, the terms of the initial members of the environmental
23management board shall be appointed for terms that expire as follows:
241. Two members for terms that expire on May 1, 2003.
252. Two members for terms that expire on May 1, 2005.
13. Two members for terms that expire on May 1, 2007.
2(c) Terms of initial members of fish, wildlife, parks, and forestry board. 3Notwithstanding the lengths of terms specified in section 15.34 of the statutes, as
4affected by this act, the terms of the initial members of the fish, wildlife, parks, and
5forestry board shall be appointed for terms that expire as follows: