SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the amendment as follows:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,1,2 21. Page 148, line 3: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,1,5 3"231q. Page 198, line 14: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2001-02 by
4$2,093,400 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2002-03 by $4,239,100 for
5the purposes for which the appropriation is made.".
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,1,7 62. Page 573, line 11: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
7with page 574, line 12.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,1,8 83. Page 576, line 9: delete lines 9 to 13.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,1,10 94. Page 663, line 13: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
10on page 664, line 7, and substitute:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,1,11 11"" Section 2258d. 79.01 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
179.01 (1) There is established an account in the general fund entitled the
2"Expenditure Restraint Program Account". Account." There shall be appropriated
3to that account $25,000,000 in 1991, in 1992, and in 1993,; $42,000,000 in 1994,;
4$48,000,000 in each year beginning in 1995 and ending in 1999 and; $57,000,000 in
5the year 2000 and in the year 2001; $57,570,000 in 2002; and $58,145,700 in 2003
6and in each year thereafter.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2, s. 2280m 7Section 2280m. 79.03 (3c) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,2,138 79.03 (3c) (f) Distribution amount. If the total amounts calculated under pars.
9(c) to (e) exceed the total amount to be distributed under this subsection, the amount
10paid to each eligible municipality shall be paid on a prorated basis. The total amount
11to be distributed under this subsection from s. 20.835 (1) (b) is $10,000,000 beginning
12in 1996 and ending in 1999 and; $11,000,000 in the year 2000 and in the year 2001;
13$11,110,000 in 2002; and $11,221,100 in 2003
and in each year thereafter.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2, s. 2281d 14Section 2281d. 79.03 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,3,315 79.03 (4) In 1991, the total amount to be distributed under ss. 79.03, 79.04, and
1679.06 from s. 20.835 (1) (d) is $869,000,000. In 1992, the total amount to be
17distributed under ss. 79.03, 79.04, and 79.06 from s. 20.835 (1) (d) is $885,961,300.
18In 1993, the total amount to be distributed under ss. 79.03, 79.04 , and 79.06 from s.
1920.835 (1) (d) is $903,680,500. In 1994, the total amounts to be distributed under this
20section and ss. 79.04 and 79.06 from s. 20.835 (1) (d) are $746,547,500 to
21municipalities and $168,981,800 to counties. In Beginning in 1995 and subsequent
ending in 2001, the total amounts to be distributed under ss. 79.03, 79.04 and
2379.06 from s. 20.835 (1) (d) are $761,478,000 to municipalities and $168,981,800 to
24counties. In 2002, the total amounts to be distributed under ss. 79.03, 79.04, and
2579.06 from s. 20.835 (1) (d) are $769,092,800 to municipalities and $170,671,600 to

1counties. In 2003 and subsequent years, the total amounts to be distributed under
2ss. 79.03, 79.04, and 79.06 from s. 20.835 (1) (d) are $776,783,700 to municipalities
3and $172,378,300 to counties.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2, s. 2281e 4Section 2281e. 79.03 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,3,95 79.03 (5) (a) In 2002 and 2003, each municipality shall receive a shared
6revenue payment under this section that is equal to the amount of the payment it
7received in the previous year, multiplied by 101%. In 2004 and in subsequent years,
8each municipality shall receive a shared revenue payment under this section that is
9equal to the amount of the payment it received in 2003.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,3,1510 (b) The department of revenue shall use the population amounts it used to
11determine the November 2000, shared revenue payments to municipalities to
12calculate corrections to such payments in 2001, as provided under s. 79.08. The
13department of revenue shall use the population amounts it used to estimate
14payments under s. 79.015 in September 2000, to calculate actual and corrected 2001
15shared revenue payments to municipalities.".".
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,3,16 165. Page 668, line 20: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,3,17 17"1289d. Page 854, line 3: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,3,18 18" Section 2285n. 79.058 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,3,1919 79.058 (3) (c) In the year 2000 and subsequent years in 2001, $20,763,800.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2, s. 2285p 20Section 2285p. 79.058 (3) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,3,2121 79.058 (3) (d) In 2002, $20,971,400.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2, s. 2285r 22Section 2285r. 79.058 (3) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,3,2323 79.058 (3) (e) In 2003 and subsequent years, $21,181,100.".".
16. Page 670, line 20: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
2with page 671, line 19.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,4,3 37. Page 815, line 11: delete lines 11 and 12.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,4,4 48. Page 1186, line 10: delete "programs." and substitute "programs.".".
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,4,6 59. Page 1186, line 11: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
6with page 1188, line 5, and substitute:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,4,7 7"1611b. Page 1058, line 2: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,4,9 8" Section 3225c. 287.23 (5b) (title) and (intro.) of the statutes are amended to
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,4,1410 287.23 (5b) (title) Grant award for 2000 and 2001. (intro.) The For 2000 and
112001, the
department shall award a grant under this subsection to each eligible
12responsible unit that submits a complete grant application under sub. (4) for
13expenses allowable under sub. (3) (b). The department shall determine the amount
14of the grants under this subsection as follows:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2, s. 3225f 15Section 3225f. 287.23 (5d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,4,1916 287.23 (5d) Grant amount for years after 2001. (a) Beginning with grants for
17the year 2002, the department shall award a grant under this subsection to each
18eligible responsible unit that submits a complete grant application under sub. (4) for
19expenses allowable under sub. (3) (b).
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,4,2220 (b) Except as provided in pars. (c), (d), and (e) and sub. (5p), the department
21shall award an eligible responsible unit a grant under this subsection equal to $11.80
22times the population of the responsible unit.
1(c) A grant under this subsection may not exceed the allowable expenses under
2sub. (3) (b) that the responsible unit incurred in the year 2 years before the year for
3which the grant is made.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,5,74 (d) For a county that is the responsible unit for at least 75% of the population
5of the county, the department shall award a grant under this subsection equal to
6$100,000 or the amount determined under par. (a), but not more than the allowable
7expenses under sub. (3) (b).
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,5,108 (e) For grants for the year 2002, the department shall award a grant to a
9responsible unit that received an award in 2001 that is equal to at least 80% of the
10amount received in 2001.".".
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,5,11 1110. Page 1223, line 24: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,5,12 12"1633n. Page 1073, line 12: delete lines 12 to 19 and substitute:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,5,14 13" Section 3344e. 301.26 (7) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 301.26 (7)
14(a) and amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,5,1815 301.26 (7) (a) For community youth and family aids under this section,
16amounts not to exceed $42,091,800 $44,138,500 for the last 6 months of 1999,
17$85,183,700 for 2000
2001, $89,349,900 for 2002, and $43,091,900 $45,211,400 for
18the first 6 months of 2001 2003.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,5,22 19(b) Of those the amounts specified in par. (a), the department shall allocate
20$1,000,000 $2,000,000 for the last 6 months of 1999, $3,000,000 for 2000 and
2001, $4,000,000 for 2002, and $2,000,000 for the first 6 months of 2001
222003 to counties based on each of the following factors weighted equally:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2, s. 3344f 23Section 3344f. 301.26 (7) (a) 1. to 3. of the statutes are renumbered 301.26 (7)
24(b) 1. to 3.
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2, s. 3344g
1Section 3344g. 301.26 (7) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,6,82 301.26 (7) (c) Of the amounts specified in par. (a), the department shall allocate
3$1,046,700 for the last 6 months of 2001, $3,166,300 for 2002, and $2,119,500 for the
4first 6 months of 2003 to counties based on each of the factors specified in par. (b) 1.
5to 3. weighted equally, except that no county may receive an allocation under this
6paragraph that is less than 93% nor more than 115% of the amount that the county
7would have received under this paragraph if the allocation had been distributed only
8on the basis of the factor specified in par. (b) 3.".".
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,6,9 911. Page 1449, line 4: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,6,10 10"1973d. Page 1353, line 3: after "payments" insert "for counties".
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,6,11 111973e. Page 1353, line 6: delete "municipalities and".
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,6,12 121973f. Page 1353, line 12: after "2002" insert "county".
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,6,13 131973g. Page 1353, line 13: after "revenue" insert "payments".
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,6,15 141973h. Page 1353, line 19: delete "shared revenue" and substitute "county
15shared revenue payments".".
SB55-ASA1-AA1-AA2,6,16 1612. Page 1483, line 19: delete lines 19 to 23.