SB55-ASA1-AA66,2,99 (a) Identify himself or herself by name.
SB55-ASA1-AA66,2,1010 (b) State that he or she is a prisoner.
SB55-ASA1-AA66,2,1211 (c) Inform the person called of the name of the correctional or detention facility
12in which he or she is a prisoner and the city and state in which the facility is located.
SB55-ASA1-AA66,2,14 13(3) Territorial application. (a) Intrastate. This section applies to any
14intrastate telephone solicitation.
SB55-ASA1-AA66,2,1615 (b) Interstate. This section applies to any interstate telephone solicitation
16received by a person in this state.
SB55-ASA1-AA66,2,18 17(4) Penalties. (a) A prisoner who violates this section may be required to forfeit
18not more than $500.
SB55-ASA1-AA66,2,2119 (b) If a person who employes a prisoner to engage in telephone solicitation is
20concerned in the commission of a violation of this section as provided under s. 134.99,
21the person may be required to forfeit not more than $10,000.
SB55-ASA1-AA66, s. 2826p 22Section 2826p. 134.95 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA66,3,423 134.95 (2) Supplemental forfeiture. If a fine or a forfeiture is imposed on a
24person for a violation under s. 100.171, 100.173, 100.174, 100.175, 100.177, 134.71,
25134.72, 134.73, or 134.87 or ch. 136 or a rule promulgated under these sections or that

1chapter, the person shall be subject to a supplemental forfeiture not to exceed
2$10,000 for that violation if the conduct by the defendant, for which the fine or
3forfeiture was imposed, was perpetrated against an elderly person or disabled person
4and if any of the factors under s. 100.264 (2) (a), (b), or (c) is present.".
SB55-ASA1-AA66,3,5 53. Page 989, line 6: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA66,3,6 6" Section 2981m. 196.208 (5p) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA66,3,77 196.208 (5p) Toll-free calls answered by prisoners. (a) In this subsection:
SB55-ASA1-AA66,3,88 1. "Charitable organization" has the meaning given in s. 440.41 (1).
SB55-ASA1-AA66,3,99 2. "Prisoner" has the meaning given in s. 134.73 (1) (b).
SB55-ASA1-AA66,3,1310 (b) If a prisoner is employed directly or indirectly by a charitable organization
11or toll-free service vendor to answer calls made to the charitable organization or
12toll-free service vendor, the prisoner shall do all of the following immediately upon
13answering a call:
SB55-ASA1-AA66,3,1414 1. Identify himself or herself by name.
SB55-ASA1-AA66,3,1515 2. State that he or she is a prisoner.
SB55-ASA1-AA66,3,1716 3. Inform the calling party of the name of the correctional or detention facility
17in which he or she is a prisoner and the city and state in which the facility is located.
SB55-ASA1-AA66,3,2018 (c) A charitable organization or toll-free service vendor that directly or
19indirectly employs a prisoner shall provide reasonable supervision of the prisoner to
20assure the prisoner's compliance with par. (b).
SB55-ASA1-AA66, s. 2981p 21Section 2981p. 196.208 (10) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA66,4,222 196.208 (10) (a) Subsections (2) to (5) apply to any pay-per-call service that
23a caller may access by a call originating in this state and sub. subs. (5p) and (5t)
24applies apply to any charitable organization, toll-free service vendor, or employee of

1a charitable organization or toll-free service vendor
that a caller may access by a call
2originating in this state.
SB55-ASA1-AA66, s. 2981r 3Section 2981r. 196.208 (11) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 196.208 (11) (d)
41. and amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA66,4,75 196.208 (11) (d) 1. Any Except as provided in subd. 2., any person who violates
6subs. (2) to (9) shall be required to forfeit not less than $25 nor more than $5,000 for
7each offense.
SB55-ASA1-AA66,4,10 83. Forfeitures under this paragraph subds. 1. and 2. shall be enforced by action
9on behalf of the state by the department of justice or, upon informing the department
10of justice, by the district attorney of the county where the violation occurs.
SB55-ASA1-AA66, s. 2981s 11Section 2981s. 196.208 (11) (d) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA66,4,1312 196.208 (11) (d) 2. a. A prisoner who violates sub. (5p) (b) may be required to
13forfeit not more than $500.
SB55-ASA1-AA66,4,1814 b. A person who employs a prisoner to answer calls made to a toll-free
15telephone number may be required to forfeit not more than $10,000 if the person
16violates sub. (5p) (c), aids and abets a prisoner's violation of sub. (5p) (b), is a party
17to a conspiracy with a prisoner to commit a violation of sub. (5p) (b), or advises, hires,
18or counsels or otherwise procures a prisoner to commit a violation of sub. (5p) (b).".
SB55-ASA1-AA66,4,19 194. Page 1068, line 2: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA66,4,20 20" Section 3325q. 301.029 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-ASA1-AA66,5,221 301.029 (2) (a) The department may not enter into any contract or other
22agreement if, in the performance of the contract or agreement, a prisoner would
23perform data entry or telemarketing services and have access to an individual's
24financial transaction card numbers, checking or savings account numbers ; or social

1security number or to any personal identifying information, as defined in s. 943.201
2(1) (b), of an individual who is not a prisoner
SB55-ASA1-AA66,5,3 35. Page 1397, line 6: after that line insert:
SB55-ASA1-AA66,5,6 4"(7k) Contracts for data entry or telemarketing services. The treatment of
5section 301.029 (2) (a) of the statutes first applies to contracts entered into or
6renewed by the department of corrections on the effective date of this subsection.".