(b) A business' eligibility for certification, including definitions for all of the
1. New or expanding business.
2. High-technology business.
(c) Certifying a business, including use of the factors under sub. (3) (b).
1(d) Standards for establishing the limit on the amount of tax credits that a
2business may claim.
(e) Standards for extending a business' certification, including what measures,
4in addition to job creation, the department will use to determine the growth of a
5specific business and how the department will establish baselines against which to
6measure growth.
(f) Reporting requirements for certified businesses.
(g) The exchange of information between the department of commerce and the
9department of revenue.
(h) Reasons for revoking a business' certification.
(i) Standards for changing the boundaries of a technology zone.
SB55-SSA1, s. 3713c
12Section 3713c. 562.057 (4m) (a) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 562.057 (4m)
13(a) and amended to read:
(4m) (a)
For a racetrack at which $25,000,000 or more was wagered
15during During the calendar year immediately preceding the year in which the
16applicant proposes to conduct wagering on simulcast races, at least
250 275 race
17performances were conducted at the racetrack
during that period.
(14) Promulgate rules relating to the sale of equal shares of single raffle
22tickets to one or more purchasers under a Class A raffle license under s. 563.92 (1m).
(1m) The department may issue a Class A license for the conduct of a
25raffle in which some or all of the tickets for that raffle are sold on days other than the
1same day as the raffle drawing
and in which equal shares of a single ticket may be
2sold to one or more purchasers. The department may issue a Class B license for the
3conduct of a raffle in which all of the tickets for that raffle are sold on the same day
4as the raffle drawing.
(2) No raffle ticket may exceed
$50 $100 in cost.
(9) If a person who holds a Class A license sells equal shares of a single
9ticket to one or more purchasers, the person shall, prior to the raffle drawing for
10which the shares were sold, purchase any shares of the ticket that have not been sold.
(1) Duties. The commissioner shall administer and enforce chs. 600 to
13655 and ss. 59.52 (11) (c), 66.0137 (4)
and (4m), 120.13 (2) (b) to (g), 149.13 and
14149.144 and shall act as promptly as possible under the circumstances on all matters
15placed before the commissioner.
(2) Annual report. The commissioner shall determine the form for
18have printed the report required in s. 601.46 (3)
, in number sufficient and shall have
19the report published in sufficient quantity to meet all requests for copies. The
20commissioner shall distribute copies upon request to any person who pays the
21reasonable price
thereof determined
for the report under sub. (1).
23614.80 Tax exemption. Every domestic and nondomestic fraternal, except
24those that offer a health maintenance organization as defined in s. 609.01 (2) or a
25limited service health organization as defined in s. 609.01 (3) is exempt from all state,
1county, district, municipal and school taxes or fees, except the fees required by s.
2601.31 (2), but is required to pay all taxes and special assessments on its real estate
3and office equipment, except as provided in ss. 70.11 (4) and 70.1105
(10) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), every disability insurance policy
6and every health care benefits plan provided on a self-insured basis by a county
7board under s. 59.52 (11), by a city or village under s. 66.0137 (4)
, by a political
8subdivision under s. 66.0137 (4m), by a town under s. 60.23 (25), or by a school district
9under s. 120.13 (2) shall provide coverage for blood lead tests for children under 6
10years of age, which shall be conducted in accordance with any recommended lead
11screening methods and intervals contained in any rules promulgated by the
12department of health and family services under s. 254.158.
(5) (a) 2. Give the tenant notice, personally or by ordinary mail
15addressed to the tenant's last-known address, of the landlord's intent to dispose of
personalty personal property by sale or other appropriate means if the property
17is not repossessed by the tenant. If the tenant fails to repossess the property within
1830 days after the date of personal service or the date of the mailing of the notice, the
19landlord may dispose of the property by private or public sale or any other
20appropriate means. The landlord may deduct from the proceeds of sale any costs of
21sale and any storage charges if the landlord has first stored the personalty under
22subd. 1. If the proceeds minus the costs of sale and minus any storage charges are
23not claimed within 60 days after the date of the sale of the personalty, the landlord
24is not accountable to the tenant for any of the proceeds of the sale or the value of the
25property. The landlord shall send the proceeds of the sale minus the costs of the sale
1and minus any storage charges to the department of administration for deposit in the
2appropriation under s. 20.505 (7)
(gm) (h).
(3) This section does not apply to a lease to which a local professional
5baseball park district created under subch. III of ch. 229
or the Fox River
6Navigational System Authority is a party.
(1) (a) Whenever a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of
9state law or for a violation of a municipal or county ordinance except for a violation
10of s. 101.123 (2) (a), (am) 1., (ar)
, or (bm) or (5) or state laws or municipal or county
11ordinances involving nonmoving traffic violations or safety belt use violations under
12s. 347.48 (2m), there shall be imposed in addition a penalty assessment in an amount
23% 24% of the fine or forfeiture imposed. If multiple offenses are involved, the
14penalty assessment shall be based upon the total fine or forfeiture for all offenses.
15When a fine or forfeiture is suspended in whole or in part, the penalty assessment
16shall be reduced in proportion to the suspension.
SB55-SSA1, s. 3774c
17Section 3774c. 757.05 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act
18.... (this act), is amended to read:
(1) (a) Whenever a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of
20state law or for a violation of a municipal or county ordinance except for a violation
21of s. 101.123 (2) (a), (am) 1., (ar),
or (bm)
, or (br) or (5) or state laws or municipal or
22county ordinances involving nonmoving traffic violations or safety belt use violations
23under s. 347.48 (2m), there shall be imposed in addition a penalty assessment in an
24amount of 13% of the fine or forfeiture imposed. If multiple offenses are involved,
25the penalty assessment shall be based upon the total fine or forfeiture for all offenses.
1When a fine or forfeiture is suspended in whole or in part, the penalty assessment
2shall be reduced in proportion to the suspension.
(1) (b) If a fine or forfeiture is imposed by a court of record, after a
5determination by the court of the amount due, the clerk of the court shall collect and
such the amount to the county treasurer as provided in s. 59.40 (2) (m). The
7county treasurer shall then make payment to the state treasurer as provided in s.
859.25 (3) (f) 2.
(1) (c) If a fine or forfeiture is imposed by a municipal court, after a
11determination by the court of the amount due, the court shall collect and transmit
12such the amount to the treasurer of the county, city, town
, or village, and that
13treasurer shall make payment to the state treasurer as provided in s. 66.0114 (1)
(b) 14(bm).
(1) (d) If any deposit of bail is made for a noncriminal offense to which
section subsection applies, the person making the deposit shall also deposit a
18sufficient amount to include the assessment prescribed in this
section subsection for
19forfeited bail. If bail is forfeited, the amount of the assessment shall be transmitted
20monthly to the state treasurer under this
subsection. If bail is returned, the
21assessment shall also be returned.
(2) (a)
Law enforcement training fund. Twenty-seven fifty-fifths 24Eleven twenty-fourths of all moneys collected from penalty assessments under sub.
25(1) shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.455 (2) (i) and utilized
1in accordance with ss. 20.455 (2) and 165.85 (5). The moneys credited to the
2appropriation account under s. 20.455 (2) (i), except for the moneys transferred to s.
320.455 (2) (jb), constitute the law enforcement training fund.
(5) Except as provided in SCR 71.04 (4), every reporter, upon the request
6of any party to an action or proceeding, shall make a typewritten transcript, and as
7many copies thereof as the party requests, of the testimony and proceedings reported
8by him or her in the action or proceeding, or any part thereof specified by the party,
9the transcript and each copy thereof to be duly certified by him or her to be a correct
10transcript thereof. For the transcripts the reporter is entitled to receive the fees
11prescribed in s. 814.69 (1) (b)
and (bm).
(8). Each court commissioner appointed under s. 48.065, 757.68, 757.72,
14767.13, or 938.065 shall participate in programs of continuing court commissioner
15education required by the supreme court. The supreme court shall charge court
16commissioners a fee for the costs of the continuing education programs required
17under this subsection. All moneys collected under this subsection shall be credited
18to the appropriation account under s. 20.680 (2) (ga).
(7) The director of state courts shall adopt, revise biennially and submit
21to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on information policy and technology, the
22governor and the
secretary of administration department of electronic government,
23no later than September 15 of each even-numbered year, a strategic plan for the
24utilization of information technology to carry out the functions of the courts and
25judicial branch agencies, as defined in s. 16.70 (5). The plan shall address the
1business needs of the courts and judicial branch agencies and shall identify all
2resources relating to information technology which the courts and judicial branch
3agencies desire to acquire, contingent upon funding availability, the priority for such
4acquisitions and the justification for such acquisitions. The plan shall also identify
5any changes in the functioning of the courts and judicial branch agencies under the
SB55-SSA1, s. 3782
3782. 765.12 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 765.12 (1) (a) and
8amended to read:
(1) (a) If ss. 765.02, 765.05, 765.08
, and 765.09 are complied with, and
10if there is no prohibition against or legal objection to the marriage, the county clerk
11shall issue a marriage license. With each marriage license the county clerk shall
12provide a pamphlet describing the causes and effects of fetal alcohol syndrome.
13the application for the marriage license the clerk shall, upon the sworn statement
14of either of the applicants, correct any erroneous, false or insufficient statement in
15the marriage license or in the application therefor which shall come to the clerk's
16attention prior to the marriage and shall show the corrected statement as soon as
17reasonably possible to the other applicant.
(1) (b) If, after completion of the marriage license application, one of the
20applicants notifies the clerk in writing that any of the information provided by that
21applicant for the license is erroneous, the clerk shall notify the other applicant of the
22correction as soon as reasonably possible. If the marriage license has not been
23issued, the clerk shall prepare a new license with the correct information entered.
24If the marriage license has been issued, the clerk shall immediately send a letter of
25correction to the state registrar to amend the erroneous information.
(1) (c) If, after completion of the marriage license application, the clerk
3discovers that correct information has been entered erroneously, the clerk shall, if
4the marriage license has not been issued, prepare a new license with the correct
5information correctly entered. If the marriage license has been issued, the clerk shall
6immediately send a letter of correction to the state registrar to amend the erroneous
9765.13 Form of marriage document. The marriage document shall
10the social security number of each party, as well as any other informational items
11that the department of health and family services determines are necessary and
12shall agree in the main with the standard form recommended by the federal agency
13responsible for national vital statistics. It consist of the marriage license and the
14marriage license worksheet. The marriage license shall contain a notification of the
15time limits of the authorization to marry, a notation that the issue of the marriage
16license shall not be deemed to remove or dispense with any legal disability,
17impediment or prohibition rendering marriage between the parties illegal, and the
18signature of the county clerk, who shall acquire the information for the marriage
19document and enter it in its proper place when the marriage license is issued.
20marriage license worksheet shall contain the social security number of each party,
21as well as any other information items that the department of health and family
22services determines are necessary and shall agree in the main with the standard
23form recommended by the federal agency responsible for national vital statistics.
24The county clerk shall transmit the marriage license worksheet to the state registrar
25within 5 days after the date of issuance of the marriage license.
(2) (b) The court in the action shall, as provided under s. 767.25 or
3767.26, determine and adjudge the amount, if any, the person should reasonably
4contribute to the support and maintenance of the spouse or child and how the sum
5should be paid. This amount
may must be expressed as a
percentage of the person's
6income or as a fixed sum, or as a combination of both in the alternative by requiring
7payment of the greater or lesser of either a percentage of the person's income or a 8fixed sum
unless the parties have stipulated to expressing the amount as a
9percentage of the payer's income and the requirements under s. 767.10 (2) (am) 1. to
103. are satisfied. The amount so ordered to be paid may be changed or modified by the
11court upon notice of motion or order to show cause by either party upon sufficient
(2) (am) A court may not approve a stipulation for expressing child
15support or family support as a percentage of the payer's income unless all of the
16following apply:
1. The state is not a real party in interest in the action under any of the
18circumstances specified in s. 767.075 (1).
2. The payer is not subject to any other order, in any other action, for the
20payment of child or family support or maintenance.
3. All payment obligations included in the order, other than the annual
22receiving and disbursing fee under s. 767.29 (1) (d), are expressed as a percentage
23of the payer's income.
(1) (c) Subject to s. 767.477, requiring either party or both parties to
2make payments for the support of minor children, which payment amounts
may 3must be expressed as a
percentage of parental income or as a fixed sum, or as a
4combination of both in the alternative by requiring payment of the greater or lesser
5of either a percentage of parental income or a fixed sum
unless the parties have
6stipulated to expressing the amount as a percentage of the payer's income and the
7requirements under s. 767.10 (2) (am) 1. to 3. are satisfied.
(1) (a) Order either or both parents to pay an amount reasonable or
10necessary to fulfill a duty to support a child. The support amount
may must be
11expressed as a
percentage of parental income or as a fixed sum, or as a combination
12of both in the alternative by requiring payment of the greater or lesser of either a
13percentage of parental income or a fixed sum
unless the parties have stipulated to
14expressing the amount as a percentage of the payer's income and the requirements
15under s. 767.10 (2) (am) 1. to 3. are satisfied.
(1) Each order for child support, family support
, or maintenance
18payments shall include an order that the payer and payee notify the county child
19support agency under s. 59.53 (5) of any change of address within 10 business days
20of such change. Each order for child support, family support
, or maintenance
21payments shall also include an order that the payer notify the county child support
22agency under s. 59.53 (5)
and the payee, within 10 business days, of any change of
23employer and of any substantial change in the amount of his or her income
, including
24receipt of bonus compensation, such that his or her ability to pay child support,
25family support
, or maintenance is affected. The order shall also include a statement
1that clarifies that notification of any substantial change in the amount of the payer's
2income will not result in a change of the order unless a revision of the order
3s. 767.32 or an annual adjustment of the child or family support amount under s.
4767.33 is sought.
(1) Each order for child support under this chapter, for maintenance
7payments under s. 767.23 or 767.26, for family support under this chapter, for costs
8ordered under s. 767.51 (3) or 767.62 (4), for support by a spouse under s. 767.02 (1)
or for maintenance payments under s. 767.02 (1) (g)
or for, each order for or
10obligation to pay the annual receiving and disbursing fee under s. 767.29 (1) (d), each
11order for a revision in a judgment or order with respect to child support,
, or family support payments under s. 767.32, each stipulation
13approved by the court or the family court commissioner for child support under this
, and each order for child or spousal support entered under s. 948.22 (7)
15constitutes an assignment of all commissions, earnings, salaries, wages, pension
16benefits, benefits under ch. 102 or 108, lottery prizes that are payable in instalments
, 17and other money due or to be due in the future to the department or its designee. The
18assignment shall be for an amount sufficient to ensure payment under the order
19obligation, or stipulation and to pay any arrearages due at a periodic rate not to
20exceed 50% of the amount of support due under the order
, obligation, or stipulation
21so long as the addition of the amount toward arrearages does not leave the party at
22an income below the poverty line established under
42 USC 9902 (2).
(1m) If a party's current obligation to pay maintenance, child support,
25spousal support,
or family support
or the annual receiving and disbursing fee
1terminates but the party has an arrearage in the payment of one or more of those
, the or in the payment of the annual receiving and disbursing fee, any 3assignment
under sub. (1) shall continue in effect, in an amount up to the amount
4of the assignment before the party's current obligation terminated, until the
5arrearage is paid in full.
(3m) Benefits under ch. 108 may be assigned and withheld only in the
8manner provided in s. 108.13 (4). Any order to withhold benefits under ch. 108
may 9shall be for a
percentage of benefits payable or for a fixed sum, or for a combination
10of both in the alternative by requiring the withholding of the greater or lesser of
11either a percentage of benefits payable or a fixed sum
unless the court-ordered
12obligation on which the withholding order is based is expressed in the court order as
13a percentage of the payer's income, in which case an order to withhold benefits under
14ch. 108 shall be for a percentage of benefits payable. When money is to be withheld
15from these benefits, no fee may be deducted from the amount withheld and no fine
16may be levied for failure to withhold the money.
(1) (d) For receiving and disbursing maintenance, child support
, or
19family support payments,
including arrears in any of those payments, and for
20maintaining the records required under par. (c), the department or its designee shall
21collect an annual fee of
$25 $35. The court or family court commissioner shall order
22each party ordered to make payments to pay the annual fee under this paragraph in
23each year for which payments are ordered
or in which an arrearage in any of those
24payments is owed. In directing the manner of payment of the annual fee, the court
25or family court commissioner shall order that the annual fee be withheld from income
1and sent to the department or its designee, as provided under s. 767.265. All fees
2collected under this paragraph shall be deposited in the appropriation account under
3s. 20.445 (3) (ja). At the time of ordering the payment of an annual fee under this
4paragraph, the court or family court commissioner shall notify each party ordered
5to make payments of the requirement to pay the annual fee and of the amount of the
6annual fee. If the annual fee under this paragraph is not paid when due, the
7department or its designee may not deduct the annual fee from
the any maintenance
8or, child or family support
, or arrearage payment, but may move the court for a
9remedial sanction under ch. 785.
SB55-SSA1, s. 3790
3790. 767.29 (1) (dm) 1m. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (dm) 1m. The department or its designee may collect any unpaid fees
12under s. 814.61 (12) (b), 1997 stats., that are shown on the department's automated
13payment and collection system on December 31, 1998, and shall deposit all fees
14collected under this subdivision in the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (3) (ja).
15The department or its designee may collect unpaid fees under this subdivision
16through income withholding under s. 767.265 (2m). If the department or its designee
17determines that income withholding is inapplicable, ineffective
, or insufficient for
18the collection of any unpaid fees under this subdivision, the department or its
19designee may move the court for a remedial sanction under ch. 785. The department
20or its designee may contract with or employ a collection agency or other person for
21the collection of any unpaid fees under this subdivision and, notwithstanding s.
2220.930, may contract with or employ an attorney to appear in any action in state or
23federal court to enforce the payment obligation. The department or its designee may
24not deduct the amount of unpaid fees from any maintenance
or, child or family
, or arrearage payment.
(1) (a) After a judgment or order providing for child support under this
3chapter or s. 48.355 (2) (b) 4., 48.357 (5m) (a), 48.363 (2), 938.183 (4), 938.355 (2) (b)
44., 938.357 (5m) (a), 938.363 (2)
, or 948.22 (7), maintenance payments under s.
, or family support payments under this chapter, or for the appointment of
6trustees under s. 767.31, the court may, from time to time, on the petition, motion
, 7or order to show cause of either of the parties, or upon the petition, motion
, or order
8to show cause of the department, a county department under s. 46.215, 46.22
, or
, or a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) if an assignment has been
10made under s. 46.261, 48.57 (3m) (b) 2. or (3n) (b) 2., 49.19 (4) (h)
, or 49.45 (19) or if
11either party or their minor children receive aid under s. 48.57 (3m) or (3n) or ch. 49,
12and upon notice to the family court commissioner, revise and alter such judgment or
13order respecting the amount of such maintenance or child support and the payment
14thereof, and also respecting the appropriation and payment of the principal and
15income of the property so held in trust, and may make any judgment or order
16respecting any of the matters that such court might have made in the original action,
17except that a judgment or order that waives maintenance payments for either party
18shall not thereafter be revised or altered in that respect nor shall the provisions of
19a judgment or order with respect to final division of property be subject to revision
20or modification.
A Except as provided in par. (d), a revision
, under this section
, of
21a judgment or order with respect to an amount of child or family support may be made
22only upon a finding of a substantial change in circumstances. In any action under
23this section to revise a judgment or order with respect to maintenance payments, a
24substantial change in the cost of living by either party or as measured by the federal
25bureau of labor statistics may be sufficient to justify a revision of judgment or order
1with respect to the amount of maintenance, except that a change in an obligor's cost
2of living is not in itself sufficient if payments are expressed as a percentage of income.
(1) (d) In an action under this section to revise a judgment or order with
5respect to child or family support, the court is not required to make a finding of a
6substantial change in circumstances to change to a fixed sum the manner in which
7the amount of child or family support is expressed in the judgment or order.
9767.33 Annual adjustments in support orders. (1) (a) An order for child
10or family support under this chapter may provide for an annual adjustment in the
11amount to be paid based on a change in the payer's income if the amount of child or
12family support is expressed in the order as a fixed sum and based on the percentage
13standard established by the department under s. 49.22 (9). No adjustment may be
14made under this section unless the order provides for the adjustment.