(2) (zcm)
Technology for educational achievement in Wisconsin board;
2public library educational technology infrastructure financial assistance. From the
3capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the technology for educational
4achievement in Wisconsin board to provide educational technology infrastructure
5financial assistance to public library boards under s. 44.72 (4). The state may
6contract public debt in an amount not to exceed
$10,000,000 $3,000,000 for this
(2) (zd)
Educational communications board; educational
10communications facilities. From the capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for
11the educational communications board to acquire, construct, develop, enlarge or
12improve educational communications facilities. The state may contract public debt
13in an amount not to exceed
$8,658,100 $16,658,100 for this purpose
before July 1,
142003, and an amount not to exceed $22,858,100 for this purpose on and after July 1,
152003. If the secretary of administration determines that the federal communications
16commission has approved the transfer of all broadcasting licenses held by the
17educational communications board to the broadcasting corporation as defined in s.
1839.81 (2), on and after the effective date of the last license transferred as determined
19by the secretary of administration under s. 39.87 (2) (a).
(2) (zj)
Military affairs; armories and military facilities. From the
22capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of military affairs to
23acquire, construct, develop, enlarge, or improve armories and other military
24facilities. The state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed
$20,417,300 25$22,421,900 for this purpose.
(2) (zn)
Veterans affairs; self-amortizing mortgage loans. From the
3capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of veterans affairs for
4loans to veterans under s. 45.79 (6) (a). The state may contract public debt in an
5amount not to exceed
$2,020,500,000 $2,120,840,000 for this purpose.
(2) (zp)
Veterans affairs; self-amortizing facilities. From the capital
8improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of veterans affairs to acquire,
9construct, develop, enlarge or improve facilities at state veterans homes. The state
10may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed
$15,941,000 $29,520,900 for this
(2) (zx)
State fair park board; board facilities. From the capital
14improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the state fair park board to acquire,
15construct, develop, enlarge
, or improve state fair park board facilities. The state may
16contract public debt in an amount not to exceed
$3,887,100 $4,587,100 for this
(2) (zz)
State fair park board; self-amortizing facilities. From the
20capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient to the state fair park board to acquire,
21construct, develop, enlarge
, or improve facilities at the state fair park in West Allis.
22The state may contract public debt not to exceed
$44,787,100 $45,787,100 for this
(3) (h)
Principal repayment, interest, and rebates. A sum sufficient to
2guarantee full payment of principal and interest costs for self-amortizing or
3partially self-amortizing facilities enumerated under ss. 20.190 (1) (j), 20.245
(2) (1) 4(j), 20.285 (1) (ih), (kd) and (km), 20.370 (7) (eq) and 20.485 (1) (go) if moneys
5available in those appropriations are insufficient to make full payment, and to make
6full payment of the amounts determined by the building commission under s. 13.488
7(1) (m) if the appropriation under s. 20.190 (1) (j), 20.245
(2) (1) (j), 20.285 (1) (ih), (kd)
8or (km) or 20.485 (1) (go) is insufficient to make full payment of those amounts. All
9amounts advanced under the authority of this paragraph shall be repaid to the
10general fund whenever the balance of the appropriation for which the advance was
11made is sufficient to meet any portion of the amount advanced. The department of
12administration may take whatever action is deemed necessary including the making
13of transfers from program revenue appropriations and corresponding appropriations
14from program receipts in segregated funds and including actions to enforce
15contractual obligations that will result in additional program revenue for the state,
16to ensure recovery of the amounts advanced.
(3) (k)
Interest rebates on obligation proceeds; program revenues. All
19moneys transferred from the appropriations under pars. (g) and (i) and ss. 20.190 (1)
20(j), 20.245
(2) (1) (j), 20.285 (1) (kd), 20.410 (1) (ko) and 20.505 (5) (g) and (kc) to make
21the payments determined by the building commission under s. 13.488 (1) (m) on the
22proceeds of obligations specified in those paragraphs.
SB55-SSA1, s. 981
981. 20.875 (1) (a) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(1) (a)
General fund transfer. A sum sufficient equal to the amount that
25is required to be transferred under s. 16.518 (3).
220.876 Tax relief fund. (1) Transfers to fund. There is appropriated to the
3tax relief fund:
General fund transfer. A sum sufficient equal to the amount that is required
5to be transferred under s. 16.518 (4).
6(2) Transfers from the fund. There is appropriated from the tax relief fund
7to the general fund:
Tax relief fund transfer. An amount equal to the amount certified to the
9secretary of administration under s. 71.07 (7m) (d).
(2) (b) Notwithstanding sub. (1), liabilities may be created and moneys
12expended from the appropriations under ss. 20.370 (8) (mt), 20.395 (4) (eq), (er) and
13(es) and 20.505 (1) (im), (ka), (kb),
and (kc)
and (kd) in an additional amount not
14exceeding the depreciated value of equipment for operations financed under ss.
1520.370 (8) (mt), 20.395 (4) (eq), (er) and (es) and 20.505 (1) (im), (ka), (kb),
and (kc)
16and (kd). The secretary of administration may require such statements of assets and
17liabilities as he or she deems necessary before approving expenditure estimates in
18excess of the unexpended moneys in the appropriation account.
(8) (a) The secretary of employment relations shall recommend to the
21joint committee on employment relations uniform travel schedule amounts for travel
22by state officers and employees whose compensation is established under s. 20.923
23or 230.12. Such amounts shall include maximum permitted amounts for meal and
24lodging costs, special allowance expenses under sub. (9) (d)
, and porterage tips,
25except as authorized under s. 16.53 (12) (c). In lieu of the maximum permitted
1amounts for expenses under sub. (9) (b), (c)
, and (d), the secretary may recommend
2to the committee a per diem amount and method of reimbursement for any or all
3expenses under sub. (9) (b), (c)
, and (d).
The secretary shall also recommend to the
4committee the amount of the allowance for legislative expenses under s. 13.123 (1)
5(a) 1.
(8) (b) The approval process for the uniform travel schedule amounts
8and allowances for legislative expenses under this subsection shall be the same as
9that provided under s. 230.12 (3) (b). The approved amounts for the uniform travel
and legislative expense allowances shall be incorporated into the
11compensation plan under s. 230.12 (1).
SB55-SSA1, s. 988
988. 20.923 (4) (e) 1e. of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (e) 1e. Educational communications board: executive director.
If the
14secretary of administration determines that the federal communications
15commission has approved the transfer of all broadcasting licenses held by the
16educational communications board to the broadcasting corporation as defined in s.
1739.81 (2), this subdivision does not apply on and after the effective date of the last
18license transferred as determined by the secretary of administration under s. 39.87
19(2) (a).
SB55-SSA1, s. 989
989. 20.923 (4) (h) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (h) 2. Electronic government, department of: secretary (chief
22information officer).
SB55-SSA1, s. 989m
23Section 989m. 20.923 (4g) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4g) University of Wisconsin System senior executive positions. 25(intro.) A compensation plan consisting of 9 university senior executive salary
1groups is established for certain administrative positions at the University of
2Wisconsin System. The salary ranges
and adjustments to the salary ranges for the
3university senior executive salary groups
1 and 2 shall be contained in the
4recommendations of the secretary of employment relations under s. 230.12 (3) (e).
5The salary ranges and adjustments to the salary ranges for university senior
6executive salary groups 3 to 9 shall be determined by the board of regents of the
7University of Wisconsin System based on an analysis of salaries paid for similar
8positions at comparable universities in other states. The board of regents
of the
9University of Wisconsin System shall set the salaries for these positions within the
10ranges to which the positions are assigned to reflect the hierarchical structure of the
11system, to recognize merit, to permit orderly salary progression and to recognize
12competitive factors. The salary of any incumbent in the positions identified in pars.
13(ae) to (f) may not exceed the maximum of the salary range for the group to which the
14position is assigned. The positions are assigned as follows:
(6) (b) Educational communications board: unclassified professional
If the secretary of administration determines that the federal communications
18commission has approved the transfer of all broadcasting licenses held by the
19educational communications board to the broadcasting corporation as defined in s.
2039.81 (2), this paragraph does not apply on and after the effective date of the last
21license transferred as determined by the secretary of administration under s. 39.87
22(2) (a).
(1) (i) Shall not acquire or lease or authorize the acquisition or leasing
2of any building, structure, or facility, or portion thereof, for initial occupancy by the
3department of corrections for the purpose of confining persons serving a sentence of
4imprisonment to the Wisconsin state prisons or for the purpose of confining juveniles
5alleged or found to be delinquent unless the construction of the building, structure,
6or facility or the conversion of the building, structure, or facility into a correctional
7facility either was completed before January 1, 2001, or began after the building,
8structure, or facility was enumerated in the authorized state building program.
(1) (j) Shall not enter into any lease or other contract that provides for
11the construction of any building, structure, or facility, or portion thereof, for initial
12occupancy by the state and that contains an option for the state to purchase the
13building, structure, or facility unless the construction and purchase of the building,
14structure, or facility is enumerated in the authorized state building program prior
15to entering into the lease or other contract.
(4) In addition to the authorized building program for the historical
18society, the society may expend any funds which are made available from the
19appropriations under s. 20.245 (1)
(ag), (g), (h)
and, (m),
(2) (a) to (bi), (g), (h) and (m),
20(3) (g), (h), (m) and (n), (4) (g), (h) and (m) and (5) (a), (g), (h) and (m) and (n).
(1) The organized militia of this state shall be known as the "Wisconsin
23national guard" and
the "Wisconsin naval militia" and shall consist of members
24appointed or enlisted therein in accordance with federal law or regulations
25governing or pertaining to the national guard
or to the naval militia.
(3) The Wisconsin naval militia shall consist of members or former
3members of U.S. naval, coast guard, or marine corps reserve, enlisted or appointed,
4who also join the Wisconsin naval militia. The members and units of the Wisconsin
5naval militia while in state service shall be under the command and control of the
6governor through the adjutant general. Their membership in the Wisconsin naval
7militia is authorized under the provisions of Title 10 U.S. Code Sections 7851, 7852,
8and 7854. The primary purpose of the naval militia will be to respond to the call of
9the governor to support the state of Wisconsin during times of natural disaster, state
10emergency, domestic disorder, or other public service support missions. The military
11structure of the units of the naval militia will be established by the adjutant general
12by military regulation, approved by the governor. The term "naval militia" when
13used in this chapter will refer to the members and units thus organized and not to
14the "national guard," unless the context otherwise requires that interpretation.
(1) Administer the national guard
and the naval militia.
(2) Provide facilities for the national guard
and the naval militia and
19any other support available from the appropriations under s. 20.465.
(2) (b) The governor may form an aviation unit
and a naval unit of the
22state defense force and formulate the rules and regulations therefor and prescribe
23the duties thereof consistent with the functions of the state defense force.
(2) (c) Officers and enlistees, while on active duty under orders of the
2governor, shall receive the base pay and allowances of
the their identical
pay grade
3in the United States army.
521.03 Distribution of arms. The governor may receive and distribute,
6according to law, the quota of arms and military equipment which the state may
7receive from the government of the United States under the provisions of any acts
8of congress providing for arming and equipping the national guard
, the naval militia, 9and the state defense force.
1121.07 Decorations and awards. The adjutant general may prescribe
12decorations and awards for the Wisconsin national guard
, the Wisconsin naval
13militia, and the state defense force, the form and issue thereof made under rules
14adopted by the adjutant general and approved by the governor.
1621.09 Training; special schools; pay and allowances. The governor may
17order the national guard
or the naval militia, or both, to assemble for training at any
18military establishment within or without the state specified and approved by the
19department of defense and fix the dates and places thereof, and the governor may
20order members of the national guard
and the naval militia, at their option, to attend
21such special schools for military training as may be authorized by the state or federal
22government. For such training and attendance at special schools, members of the
23national guard
and the naval militia shall receive such pay and allowances as the
24federal government or the governor may authorize.
(1) In case of war, insurrection, rebellion, riot, invasion or resistance to
2the execution of the laws of this state or of the United States; in the event of public
3disaster resulting from flood, conflagration or tornado; in order to assess damage or
4potential damage and to recommend responsive action as a result of natural or
5man-made events; or upon application of any marshal of the United States, the
6president of any village, the mayor of any city, the chairperson of any town board, or
7any sheriff in this state, the governor may order into active service all or any portion
8of the national guard
or the naval militia. If the governor is absent, or cannot be
9immediately communicated with, any such civil officer may, if the officer deems the
10occasion so urgent, make such application, which shall be in writing, to the
11commanding officers of any company, battalion or regiment,
or similar naval militia
12unit, who may upon approval of the adjutant general, if the danger is great and
13imminent, order out that officer's command to the aid of such civil officer. Such order
14shall be delivered to the commanding officer, who shall immediately communicate
15the order to each, and every subordinate officer, and every company commander
16similar naval militia commander receiving the same shall immediately
17communicate the substance thereof to each member of the company
or naval militia
18unit, or if any such member cannot be found, a notice in writing containing the
19substance of such order shall be left at the last and usual place of residence of such
20member with some person of suitable age and discretion, to whom its contents shall
21be explained.
(2) Any commissioned officer or enlisted member of the national guard
24or the naval militia who fails to carry out orders or fails to appear at the time or place
25ordered as provided in sub. (1) shall be punished under the Wisconsin code of military
1justice. Any person who advises or endeavors to persuade an officer or
soldier 2enlisted member to refuse or neglect to appear at such place or obey such order shall
3forfeit not less than $200 nor more than $1,000.
(1) If any member of the national guard
, the naval militia, or the state
6defense force is prosecuted by any civil or criminal action for any act performed by
7the member while in the performance of military duty and in pursuance of military
8duty, the action against the member shall be defended by counsel, which may include
9the attorney general, appointed for that purpose by the governor upon the
10recommendation of the adjutant general. The adjutant general shall make the
11recommendation if the act performed by the member was in the line of duty. The costs
12and expenses of any such defense shall be audited by the department of
13administration and paid out of the state treasury and charged to the appropriation
14under s. 20.455 (1) (b) and if the jury or court finds that the member of the national
, the naval militia, or the state defense force against whom the action is
16brought acted within the scope of his or her employment as a member, the judgment
17as to damages entered against the member shall also be paid by the state.
(2) Any civil action or proceeding brought against a member of the
20national guard
, the naval militia, or the state defense force under sub. (1) is subject
21to ss. 893.82 and 895.46.
(1) The Except as provided in sub. (4), the military staff of the governor
24shall consist of the adjutant general, with a minimum rank of brigadier general; a
25deputy adjutant general for army, who may be a general officer; an assistant adjutant
1general, army, for readiness and training, who may be a general officer; a deputy
2assistant adjutant general, army, for readiness and training; a deputy adjutant
3general for air, who may be a general officer; a chief surgeon for army, who may be
4a general officer; a chief surgeon for air, who may be a general officer; a staff judge
5advocate for army, who may be a general officer; a staff judge advocate for air, who
6may be a general officer; a state chaplain, who may be a general officer; and such
7other officers as the governor deems necessary. Vacancies in positions other than
8those of the adjutant general shall be filled through appointment by the adjutant
(4) The military staff of the governor shall be to include an assistant to
12the adjutant general for readiness and training for the naval militia who shall hold
13the rank of rear admiral lower half, or brigadier general, depending upon branch of
14service. He or she shall be appointed by the adjutant general with the consent of the
15governor for a 3-year period and the appointee may be reappointed to successive
16periods. The appointment of this assistant to the adjutant general shall not be
17conditioned upon current membership in one of the United States armed forces
18reserves. However, the appointee must comply with sub. (2) and must currently be
19either a member of a U.S. reserve component, or have been separated from military
20service under honorable conditions. The remainder of the military staff of the naval
21militia shall be established by military regulations promulgated by the adjutant
22general and approved by the governor.
(2) The department of military affairs on behalf of the state may rent to
25appropriate organizations or individuals state-owned lands, buildings and facilities
1used by, acquired for, or erected for the Wisconsin national guard
or other state
2recognized military force, when not required for use by the Wisconsin national guard
3or other state recognized military force. Such rental shall not be effective unless in
4writing and approved by the governor and the adjutant general or a designee in
(8) The adjutant general or a designee shall issue all necessary supplies
8to members and units of the national guard
, naval militia, or state defense force and
9may contract for the purchase and transportation of such supplies, subject to s. 16.71
1221.20 Civil service status. All full-time state-paid employees of the
13department of military affairs shall be under the classified service, except the
14adjutant general, the executive assistant to the adjutant general, the deputy
15adjutants general for army and air
, the assistant to the adjutant general for
16readiness and training for the naval militia, and the administrator of the division of
17emergency management.
1921.30 Chief surgeons; powers and duties. The chief surgeons for army and
20air shall, under direction of the adjutant general, have general supervision of the
21medical units of the Wisconsin national guard
, the Wisconsin naval militia, and state
22defense force when organized. The chief surgeons shall make recommendations
23concerning procurement of medical supplies for state active duty operations, for the
24procurement and training of medical personnel and for the publication of Wisconsin
25national guard
, Wisconsin naval militia, or state defense force directives on medical
1subjects. The chief surgeons shall submit an annual report of the affairs and
2expenses of their departments to the adjutant general.
421.32 Physical examinations. The chief surgeons for army
and, air
, and
5naval militia shall provide for such physical examinations and inoculations of
6officers, enlistees and applicants for enlistment,
in the Wisconsin national guard
7the Wisconsin naval militia, as may be prescribed by department of defense and
8national guard regulations
and, if applicable, Wisconsin naval militia regulations.
1021.35 Federal laws and regulations; no discrimination. The
11organization, armament, equipment and discipline of the Wisconsin national guard
12and the Wisconsin naval militia shall be that prescribed by federal laws or
13regulations; and the governor may by order perfect such organization, armament,
14equipment and discipline, at any time, so as to comply with such laws and
15regulations insofar as they are consistent with the Wisconsin code of military justice.
16Notwithstanding any rule or regulation prescribed by the federal government or any
17officer or department thereof, no person, otherwise qualified, may be denied
18membership in the Wisconsin national guard
or the Wisconsin naval militia because
19of sex, color, race, creed or sexual orientation and no member of the Wisconsin
20national guard
or the Wisconsin naval militia may be segregated within the
21Wisconsin national guard
or the Wisconsin naval militia on the basis of sex, color,
22race, creed or sexual orientation. Nothing in this section prohibits separate facilities
23for persons of different sexes with regard to dormitory accommodations, public
24toilets, showers, saunas and dressing rooms.