(1) The Except as provided in sub. (4), the military staff of the governor
24shall consist of the adjutant general, with a minimum rank of brigadier general; a
25deputy adjutant general for army, who may be a general officer; an assistant adjutant
1general, army, for readiness and training, who may be a general officer; a deputy
2assistant adjutant general, army, for readiness and training; a deputy adjutant
3general for air, who may be a general officer; a chief surgeon for army, who may be
4a general officer; a chief surgeon for air, who may be a general officer; a staff judge
5advocate for army, who may be a general officer; a staff judge advocate for air, who
6may be a general officer; a state chaplain, who may be a general officer; and such
7other officers as the governor deems necessary. Vacancies in positions other than
8those of the adjutant general shall be filled through appointment by the adjutant
(4) The military staff of the governor shall be to include an assistant to
12the adjutant general for readiness and training for the naval militia who shall hold
13the rank of rear admiral lower half, or brigadier general, depending upon branch of
14service. He or she shall be appointed by the adjutant general with the consent of the
15governor for a 3-year period and the appointee may be reappointed to successive
16periods. The appointment of this assistant to the adjutant general shall not be
17conditioned upon current membership in one of the United States armed forces
18reserves. However, the appointee must comply with sub. (2) and must currently be
19either a member of a U.S. reserve component, or have been separated from military
20service under honorable conditions. The remainder of the military staff of the naval
21militia shall be established by military regulations promulgated by the adjutant
22general and approved by the governor.
(2) The department of military affairs on behalf of the state may rent to
25appropriate organizations or individuals state-owned lands, buildings and facilities
1used by, acquired for, or erected for the Wisconsin national guard
or other state
2recognized military force, when not required for use by the Wisconsin national guard
3or other state recognized military force. Such rental shall not be effective unless in
4writing and approved by the governor and the adjutant general or a designee in
(8) The adjutant general or a designee shall issue all necessary supplies
8to members and units of the national guard
, naval militia, or state defense force and
9may contract for the purchase and transportation of such supplies, subject to s. 16.71
1221.20 Civil service status. All full-time state-paid employees of the
13department of military affairs shall be under the classified service, except the
14adjutant general, the executive assistant to the adjutant general, the deputy
15adjutants general for army and air
, the assistant to the adjutant general for
16readiness and training for the naval militia, and the administrator of the division of
17emergency management.
1921.30 Chief surgeons; powers and duties. The chief surgeons for army and
20air shall, under direction of the adjutant general, have general supervision of the
21medical units of the Wisconsin national guard
, the Wisconsin naval militia, and state
22defense force when organized. The chief surgeons shall make recommendations
23concerning procurement of medical supplies for state active duty operations, for the
24procurement and training of medical personnel and for the publication of Wisconsin
25national guard
, Wisconsin naval militia, or state defense force directives on medical
1subjects. The chief surgeons shall submit an annual report of the affairs and
2expenses of their departments to the adjutant general.
421.32 Physical examinations. The chief surgeons for army
and, air
, and
5naval militia shall provide for such physical examinations and inoculations of
6officers, enlistees and applicants for enlistment,
in the Wisconsin national guard
7the Wisconsin naval militia, as may be prescribed by department of defense and
8national guard regulations
and, if applicable, Wisconsin naval militia regulations.
1021.35 Federal laws and regulations; no discrimination. The
11organization, armament, equipment and discipline of the Wisconsin national guard
12and the Wisconsin naval militia shall be that prescribed by federal laws or
13regulations; and the governor may by order perfect such organization, armament,
14equipment and discipline, at any time, so as to comply with such laws and
15regulations insofar as they are consistent with the Wisconsin code of military justice.
16Notwithstanding any rule or regulation prescribed by the federal government or any
17officer or department thereof, no person, otherwise qualified, may be denied
18membership in the Wisconsin national guard
or the Wisconsin naval militia because
19of sex, color, race, creed or sexual orientation and no member of the Wisconsin
20national guard
or the Wisconsin naval militia may be segregated within the
21Wisconsin national guard
or the Wisconsin naval militia on the basis of sex, color,
22race, creed or sexual orientation. Nothing in this section prohibits separate facilities
23for persons of different sexes with regard to dormitory accommodations, public
24toilets, showers, saunas and dressing rooms.
(1) The rules of discipline and the regulations of the armed forces of the
2U.S. shall, so far as the same are applicable, constitute the rules of discipline and the
3regulations of the national guard
and the naval militia; the rules and uniform code
4of military justice established by congress and the department of defense for the
5armed forces shall be adopted so far as they are applicable and consistent with the
6Wisconsin code of military justice for the government of the national guard
and the
7naval militia, and the system of instruction and the drill regulations prescribed for
8the different arms and corps of the armed forces of the U.S. shall be followed in the
9military instruction and practice of the national guard
and the naval militia, and the
10use of any other system is forbidden.
(2) The governor may make and publish rules, regulations and orders for
13the government of the national guard
and the naval militia, not inconsistent with the
14law, and cause the same, together with any laws relating thereto, to be printed and
15distributed in book form or otherwise in such numbers as the governor deems
16necessary, and the governor may provide for all books, blank books, and blanks that
17may be necessary for the proper discharge of the duty of all officers. The governor
18may delegate the authority under this subsection to the adjutant general by
19executive order.
2121.38 Uniform of Wisconsin national guard. The uniform of the national
and the naval militia shall be that prescribed by regulations for the
23corresponding branch of the United States armed forces.
The uniform of the naval
24militia shall be consistent for all unit members regardless of the branch of service.
25This requirement shall be made by regulation by the adjutant general.
221.43 Commissions and rank. The governor shall issue commissions to all
3officers whose appointments are approved by the governor. Every commission shall
4be countersigned by the secretary of state and attested by the adjutant general and
5continue as provided by law. Each officer so commissioned shall take and file with
6the department of military affairs the oath of office prescribed by article IV, section
728, of the constitution. All commissioned officers shall take rank according to the
8date assigned them by their commissions, and when 2 of the same grade rank from
9the same date, their rank shall be determined by length of service in the national
and naval militia creditable for pay, and if of equal service then by lot.
1221.47 Examinations for promotion or appointments. The governor may
13order any subordinate officer or person nominated or recommended for promotion or
14appointment in the national guard
or naval militia to be examined by any competent
15officer or board of officers, designated in orders for that purpose, as to that person's
16qualifications for the office to which that person may be recommended or appointed,
17and may take such action on the report of such examining officer or board of officers
18as the governor deems to be for the best interests of the service. The governor may
19also require the physical examination provided for admission to the United States
or, air force
, navy, marine corps, or coast guard.
(1) Each officer and enlisted person of the Wisconsin national guard
23the naval militia on active duty in the state under orders of the governor on a state
24pay basis shall receive the base pay and allowances of an officer or enlisted person
1of equal rank in the corresponding branch of the U.S. armed forces except that the
2base pay so provided shall not be less than $50 per day.
(3) The governor may order, with their consent, to active duty in the
5department of military affairs, any departmental officers of the governor's staff,
6including the adjutant general
and, the deputy adjutants general, and
the assistant
7to the adjutant general for readiness and training for the naval militia, and while so
8assigned the officers shall receive the pay, but not the allowances, of an officer of
9equal grade in the armed forces of the United States.
(1) (b) 2. Any accredited institution of higher education
, as defined
12rule by the higher educational aids board in 20 USC 1002.
(3) (a) Any eligible guard member upon satisfactory completion of a
or part-time course in a qualifying school is eligible for a tuition grant
16equal to 100% of the actual tuition charged by the school
or, 100% of the maximum
17resident undergraduate tuition charged by the university of Wisconsin-Madison for
18a comparable number of credits,
or $1,000 per semester or $500 per summer session, 19whichever amount is less.
The department shall promulgate rules establishing a
20methodology for determining the amount of the grant paid under this paragraph for
21a national guard member who is engaged in a part-time course or who attends a
22school that operates on a calendar other than a semester calendar.
SB55-SSA1, s. 1024g
23Section 1024g. 21.49 (3m) of the statutes is renumbered 21.49 (3m) (a) and
24amended to read:
(3m) (a)
The Except as provided in par. (b), the department may require
2a guard member who has received a grant under this section to repay the amount of
3the grant to the department if the national guard member, within 12 months of
4receipt of the grant, fails to meet any of the national guard service eligibility criteria
5established by the department by rule.
(3m) (b) A guard member shall repay all tuition grants paid under this
8section to the guard member during the term of his or her enlistment contract if the
9guard member is separated for cause from the national guard for misconduct, as
10defined in the rules and regulations of the national guard, or for being absence
11without leave for more than 9 unit training sessions.
1321.59 Issue of subsistence. The adjutant general, during state active duty
14of the national guard
, the naval militia, or state defense force, shall issue subsistence
15to personnel.
electronic government
SB55-SSA1, s. 1027
1027. 22.01 (2m), (5), (6m) and (10) of the statutes are created to read:
(2m) "Board" means the information technology management board.
22(5) "Department" means the department of electronic government.
23(6m) "Information technology portfolio" means information technology
24systems, applications, infrastructure, and information resources and human
25resources devoted to developing and maintaining information technology systems.
1(10) "Telecommunications" means all services and facilities capable of
2transmitting, switching, or receiving information in any form by wire, radio, or other
3electronic means.
(1) (ac) "Broadcasting corporation" has the meaning given under s. 39.81
SB55-SSA1, s. 1029
1029. 22.05 (2) (f) to (i) of the statutes are created to read:
(2) (f) Acquire, operate, and maintain any information technology
9equipment or systems required by the department to carry out its functions, and
10provide information technology development and management services related to
11those information technology systems. The department may assess executive
12branch agencies, other than the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin
13System, for the costs of equipment or systems acquired, operated, maintained, or
14provided or services provided under this paragraph in accordance with a
15methodology determined by the chief information officer. The department may also
16charge any agency for such costs as a component of any services provided by the
17department to the agency.
(g) Assume direct responsibility for the planning and development of any
19information technology system in the executive branch of state government outside
20of the University of Wisconsin System that the chief information officer determines
21to be necessary to effectively develop or manage the system, with or without the
22consent of any affected executive branch agency. The department may charge any
23executive branch agency for the department's reasonable costs incurred in carrying
24out its functions under this paragraph on behalf of that agency.
1(h) Establish master contracts for the purchase of materials, supplies,
2equipment, or contractual services relating to information technology or
3telecommunications for use by agencies, authorities, local governmental units, or
4entities in the private sector and require any executive branch agency, other than the
5board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System, to make any purchases of
6materials, supplies, equipment, or contractual services included under the contract
7pursuant to the terms of the contract.
(i) Accept gifts, grants, and bequests, to be used for the purposes for which
9made, consistently with applicable laws.
1122.07 Duties of the department. (intro.) The department shall:
(2) Promulgate rules prescribing methodologies for establishing all fees
14and charges established or assessed by the department or the chief information
15officer under this chapter.
(7) Prescribe and revise as necessary performance measures to ensure
18financial controls and accountability, optimal personnel utilization, and customer
19satisfaction for all information technology functions in the executive branch outside
20of the University of Wisconsin System and annually, no later than March 31, report
21to the joint committee on information policy and technology and the board
22concerning the performance measures utilized by the department and the actual
23performance of the department and the executive branch agencies measured against
24the performance measures then in effect.
(8) Offer the opportunity to local governmental units to voluntarily
2obtain computer or supercomputer services from the department when those
3services are provided under s. 22.05 (2) (b) or (c), and to voluntarily participate in any
4master contract established by the department under s. 22.05 (2) (h) or in the use of
5any informational system or device provided by the department under 22.09 (3).
722.09 Powers of the chief information officer. The chief information
8officer may:
9(1) Establish and collect assessments and charges for all authorized services
10provided by the department, subject to applicable agreements under sub. (2).
11(2) Subject to s. 22.05 (2) (b), enter into and enforce an agreement with any
12agency, any authority, any unit of the federal government, any local governmental
13unit, or any entity in the private sector to provide services authorized to be provided
14by the department to that agency, authority, unit, or entity at a cost specified in the
16(3) Develop or operate and maintain any system or device facilitating Internet
17or telephone access to information about programs of agencies, authorities, local
18governmental units, or entities in the private sector, or otherwise permitting the
19transaction of business by agencies, authorities, local governmental units, or entities
20in the private sector by means of electronic communication. The chief information
21officer may assess executive branch agencies, other than the board of regents of the
22University of Wisconsin System, for the costs of systems or devices that are
23developed, operated, or maintained under this subsection in accordance with a
24methodology determined by the officer. The chief information officer may also charge
25any agency, authority, local governmental unit, or entity in the private sector for such
1costs as a component of any services provided by the department to that agency,
2authority, local governmental unit, or entity.
3(5) Review and approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove any
4proposed contract for the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, or contractual
5services relating to information technology or telecommunications by an executive
6branch agency, other than the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin
922.13 Strategic plans for executive branch agencies. (1) As a part of each
10proposed strategic plan submitted under s. 22.03 (2) (L), the department shall
11require each executive branch agency to address the business needs of the agency
12and to identify all proposed information technology development projects that serve
13those business needs, the priority for undertaking such projects, and the justification
14for each project, including the anticipated benefits of the project. Each proposed plan
15shall identify any changes in the functioning of the agency under the plan. In each
16even-numbered year, the plan shall include identification of any information
17technology development project that the agency plans to include in its biennial
18budget request under s. 16.42 (1).
19(2) Each proposed strategic plan shall separately identify the initiatives that
20the executive branch agency plans to undertake from resources available to the
21agency at the time that the plan is submitted and initiatives that the agency proposes
22to undertake that would require additional resources.
23(3) Following receipt of a proposed strategic plan from an executive branch
24agency, the chief information officer shall, before June 1, notify the agency of any
25concerns that the officer may have regarding the plan and provide the agency with
1his or her recommendations regarding the proposed plan. The chief information
2officer may also submit any concerns or recommendations regarding any proposed
3plan to the board for its consideration. The board shall then consider the proposed
4plan and provide the chief information officer with its recommendations regarding
5the plan. The executive branch agency may submit modifications to its proposed
6plan in response to any recommendations.
7(4) Before June 15, the chief information officer shall consider any
8recommendations provided by the board under sub. (3) and shall then approve or
9disapprove the proposed plan in whole or in part.
10(5) No executive branch agency, other than the board of regents of the
11University of Wisconsin System, may implement a new or revised information
12technology development project authorized under a strategic plan until the
13implementation is approved by the chief information officer in accordance with
14procedures prescribed by the officer.
15(6) The department shall consult with the joint committee on information
16policy and technology in providing guidance for planning by executive branch
1922.15 Information technology portfolio management. With the
20assistance of executive branch agencies and the advice of the board, the department
21shall manage the information technology portfolio of state government in accordance
22with a management structure that includes all of the following:
23(1) Criteria for selection of information technology assets to be managed.
24(2) Methods for monitoring and controlling information technology
25development projects and assets.
1(3) Methods to evaluate the progress of information technology development
2projects and the effectiveness of information technology systems, including
3performance measurements for the information technology portfolio.
522.17 Information technology management board. (1) The board shall
6provide the chief information officer with its recommendations concerning any
7elements of the strategic plan of an executive branch agency that are referred to the
8board under s. 22.13 (3).
9(2) The board may advise the chief information officer with respect to
10management of the information technology portfolio of state government under s.
12(3) The board may, upon petition of an executive branch agency, review any
13decision of the chief information officer under this chapter affecting that agency.
14Upon review, the board may affirm, modify, or set aside the decision. If the board
15modifies or sets aside the decision of the chief information officer, the decision of the
16board stands as the decision of the chief information officer and the decision is not
17subject to further review or appeal.
18(4) The board may monitor progress in attaining goals for information
19technology and telecommunications development set by the chief information officer
20or executive branch agencies, other than the board of regents of the University of
21Wisconsin System, and may make recommendations to the officer or agencies
22concerning appropriate means of attaining those goals.
(3) (a) Beginning with fiscal year 2000-01 and ending with fiscal year
252009-10, the department may obligate moneys under the subprogram for land
1acquisition to acquire land for the purposes specified in s. 23.09 (2) (d) and grants for
2these purposes under s. 23.096
, except as provided under ss. 23.197 (3m) (b), (7),
3(7m), and (8) and 23.198 (1) (a).
(3) (bm) During the period beginning with fiscal year 2001-02 and
6ending with fiscal year 2009-10, in obligating money under the subprogram for land
7acquisition, the department shall set aside not less than a total of $12,000,000 that
8may be obligated only to provide matching funds for grants awarded to the
9department for the purchase of land or easements under
16 USC 2103c.