b. For the purpose of making allocations under subd. 8. a., the amounts for aids
$4,975,900 in calendar year 1999 and $5,349,100 in calendar
year 2000 and years
162000 and 2001, $5,563,100 in calendar year 2002, and $5,674,400 in calendar year
172003 and in each calendar year thereafter. These amounts, to the extent practicable,
18shall be used to determine the uniform percentage in the particular calendar year.
SB55-SSA1, s. 2331
2331. 85.24 (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
2085.24 (title)
Transportation employment and mobility program.
(1) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to promote the conservation
23of energy, reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality
and, enhance the efficient
24use of existing transportation systems
, and enhance the success of welfare-to-work
25programs by providing efficient and effective transportation services that link
1low-income workers with jobs, training centers, and child care facilities, by planning
2and promoting demand management and ride-sharing programs
, and
by providing
3technical and financial assistance to public and private organizations for
job access
4and employment transportation assistance programs and for the development and
5implementation of demand management and ride-sharing programs.
(2) (ag) "Job access and employment transportation assistance" means
8policies and programs that are directed at resolving the transportation needs of
9low-income workers and recipients of public assistance with respect to
10transportation to-and-from jobs, including welfare-to-work programs, and
11activities related to their employment.
(2) (br) "Transportation employment and mobility" means policies and
14programs that encompass demand management, ride sharing, and job access and
15employment transportation assistance.
(3) (a) The department
of transportation shall be the lead state agency
18in demand management and ride-sharing activities and shall
collaborate with the
19department of workforce development in job access and employment transportation
20assistance programs. The department of transportation shall have all powers
21necessary to develop and implement a state
demand management and ride-sharing
22assistance program which shall include transportation employment and mobility
23program that includes the coordination of demand management
and, ride-sharing
24and job access and employment transportation assistance activities in this state
,; the
25promotion and marketing of demand management
and, ride-sharing
, and job access
1and employment transportation assistance activities
,; the dissemination of technical
,; the provision of technical and financial assistance to public and private
3organizations for the planning, development
, and implementation of demand
and, ride-sharing
, and job access and employment transportation
5assistance programs
,; and the development and distribution of computer and
6manual ride-matching systems.
(3) (c) The department may administer a program for the distribution of
9any federal funds for ride sharing
and, demand management
, and job access and
10employment transportation assistance that are made available to the state.
SB55-SSA1, s. 2337
2337. 85.24 (3) (d) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (d) (intro.) The department may award grants from the appropriation
13under s. 20.395 (1) (bs) to public and private organizations for the development and
14implementation of demand management
and, ride-sharing
, and job access and
15employment transportation assistance programs. As a condition of obtaining a grant
16under this paragraph, a public or private organization may be required to provide
17matching funds at any percentage.
The For demand management and ride-sharing
18purposes, the department shall give priority in the awarding of grants to those
19programs that provide the greatest reduction in automobile trips, especially during
20peak hours of traffic congestion. The department shall have all powers necessary
21and convenient to implement this paragraph, including the following powers:
2385.285 Extrication training grants. From the appropriation under s. 20.395
24(5) (ds), the department shall award a grant of $375,000 in fiscal year 2002-03 and
25in each fiscal year thereafter to a nonprofit corporation that has experience providing
1training that meets the standards of the National Fire Protection Association and
2that prepares trained individuals to teach extrication techniques for all types of
3vehicles to rescue personnel. A grant made under this section may be used to provide
4training, acquire extrication equipment, or develop extrication training curricula.
5The department may not award a grant under this section unless the recipient of the
6grant enters into a written agreement with the department that specifies the
7conditions for use of the grant proceeds, including the use of any training curriculum
8developed with grant proceeds.
1085.51 (title)
State traffic patrol services
; special events fee.
SB55-SSA1, s. 2339
2339. 85.51 of the statutes is renumbered 85.51 (1) (a) and amended
12to read:
(1) (a)
The Except as provided in par. (b), the department may charge
the 14an event sponsor, as defined by rule, a fee, in an amount calculated under a uniform
15method established by rule, for security and traffic enforcement services provided by
16the state traffic patrol at any public event for which an admission fee is charged for
if the event is organized by a private organization. The department may
18not impose a fee for such services except as provided in this
section paragraph.
19(3) Use of fees. All moneys received under this
subsection section shall be
20deposited in the general fund and credited to the appropriation account under s.
2120.395 (5) (dg).
(1) (title)
Special events fee.
(1) (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to farm progress days subject to s.
(2) Security and traffic enforcement services fee. The department
5may charge any person a fee, in an amount calculated under a uniform method
6established by rule, for security and traffic enforcement services provided by the
7state traffic patrol during that person's installation, inspection, removal, relocation,
8or repair of a utility facility, as defined in s. 30.40 (19), located on a highway, as
9defined in s. 340.01 (22), if that person requests such services in writing.
1185.511 Farm progress days. (1) The department is prohibited from charging
12any sponsor of farm progress days for any costs incurred by the department
13associated with farm progress days.
14(2) The department shall promulgate rules specifying eligibility as a sponsor
15under sub. (1) and determining the conditions that shall be satisfied to qualify as
16farm progress days under sub. (1).
1885.517 Database redesign; division of motor vehicles. By January 2,
192002, and biennially by January 2 thereafter, the department shall submit to the
20joint committee on finance, and to the appropriate standing committees of the
21legislature under s. 13.172 (3), a report on the progress of the division of motor
22vehicles database redesign. The report shall include all of the following:
23(1) The identification of all portions of the database redesign that have been
24completed and all portions planned for completion within 12 months following the
1(2) The identification of any change in data processing, administrative, or other
2process efficiencies realized from those portions of the database redesign that have
3been completed, or anticipated from those portions of the database redesign that are
4planned for completion within 12 months following the report.
5(3) A timetable for completion of the database redesign, including the
6identification of all portions of the database redesign that remain to be completed
7and their projected dates of completion.
8(4) Any recommended statutory changes or funding levels to facilitate the
9database redesign or any data processing, administrative, or other process
10efficiencies associated with the database redesign.
1285.56 Joint committee on finance review of transportation safety
13contracts. The department may not enter into any contract relating to alcohol or
14traffic enforcement activities to be funded in whole or in part with federal
15transportation safety funds unless the department first notifies the joint committee
16on finance in writing of the proposed contract. If the cochairpersons of the committee
17do not notify the department within 14 working days after the date of the
18department's notification that the committee has scheduled a meeting to review the
19proposed contract, the department may enter into the proposed contract. If, within
2014 working days after the date of the department's notification, the chairpersons of
21the committee notify the department that the committee has scheduled a meeting to
22review the proposed contract, the department may enter into the proposed contract
23only upon approval of the committee.
186.193 Agricultural tourism signs. The department shall develop and
2implement a plan, consistent with federal and state laws, to promote and maximize
3the erection of agricultural tourism signs on highways in this state to identify and
4provide directional information to any agricultural tourism facility located in this
5state. In developing and implementing the plan under this section, the department
6shall consult with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
SB55-SSA1, s. 2341
2341. 86.30 (2) (a) 3. (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 86.30 (2)
8(a) 3. and amended to read:
(2) (a) 3. For each mile of road or street under the jurisdiction of a
10municipality as determined under s. 86.302, the mileage aid payment shall be
11amount equal to the following: $1,704 in calendar year 2001, $1,755 in calendar year
122002, and $1,790 in calendar year 2003 and thereafter.
(9) (b) For the purpose of calculating and distributing aids under sub. (2),
17the amounts for aids to counties are
$78,744,300 in calendar years 1998 and 1999,
18and $84,059,500 in calendar
year years 2000
and 2001, $86,581,300 in calendar year
192002, and $88,312,900 in calendar year 2003 and thereafter. These amounts, to the
20extent practicable, shall be used to determine the statewide county average
21cost-sharing percentage in the particular calendar year.
(9) (c) For the purpose of calculating and distributing aids under sub. (2),
24the amounts for aids to municipalities are
$247,739,100 in calendar years 1998 and
251999, and $264,461,500 in calendar
year years 2000
and 2001, $272,395,300 in
1calendar year 2002, and $277,843,200 in calendar year 2003 and thereafter. These
2amounts, to the extent practicable, shall be used to determine the statewide
3municipal average cost-sharing percentage in the particular calendar year.
(2) (f) With respect to town road improvements, the department shall
6give priority to town road improvements under subs. (3) and (3m) that fund
7improvements of town roads that have been damaged as a result of heavy motor truck
(3g) County trunk highway improvements. From the appropriation
11under s. 20.395 (2) (fr), the department shall allocate
$5,000,000 $5,250,000 in each
12fiscal year
, beginning in fiscal year 2001-02, to fund county trunk highway
13improvements with eligible costs totaling more than $250,000. The funding of
14improvements under this subsection is in addition to the allocation of funds for
15entitlements under sub. (3).
(3m) Town road improvements. From the appropriation under s. 20.395
18(2) (fr), the department shall allocate
$2,000,000 in fiscal year 1999-2000 and
19$500,000 in each following fiscal year $750,000 in each fiscal year, beginning in fiscal
20year 2001-02, to fund town road improvements with eligible costs totaling $100,000
21or more. The funding of improvements under this subsection is in addition to the
22allocation of funds for entitlements under sub. (3).
(3r) Municipal street improvements. From the appropriation under s.
2520.395 (2) (fr), the department shall allocate
$1,250,000 in fiscal year 1999-2000,
1and $750,000 in each fiscal year thereafter $1,000,000 in each fiscal year, beginning
2in fiscal year 2001-02, to fund municipal street improvement projects having total
3estimated costs of $250,000 or more. The funding of improvements under this
4subsection is in addition to the allocation of funds for entitlements under sub. (3).
(2m) The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall
7create and maintain a secure Internet site on which drainage districts may post
8engineering projects in order to obtain bids electronically for engineering services.
9The department shall promulgate rules that specify fees designed to cover the costs
10of creating and maintaining the Internet site.
(3) Basic allocations to counties. (intro.) To help counties fund their
13land and water conservation activities, the department shall award an annual grant
14from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (7) (c)
or (qd) or
under s. 20.866 (2) (we) to any
15county land conservation committee that has a land and water resource
16management plan approved by the department under s. 92.10 (4) (d), and that, by
17county board action, has resolved to provide any matching funds required under sub.
18(5g). The county may use the grant for land and water resource management
19planning and for any of the following purposes, consistent with the approved land
20and water resource management plan:
SB55-SSA1, s. 2380g
21Section 2380g. 92.14 (5g) of the statutes is renumbered 92.14 (5g) (a) and
22amended to read:
(5g) (a)
If Except as provided in par. (b), if a grant under sub. (3) provides
24funding for salary and fringe benefits for more than one county staff person, a county
25shall provide matching funds
, as determined by the department, equal to
at least
130% of the cost of salary and fringe benefits for the 2nd staff person and
at least 50%
2of the cost of salary and fringe benefits for any additional staff persons for whom the
3grant provides funding.
(5g) (b) For a grant awarded for a year before 2010, the department shall
6require a county to provide matching funds for priority watershed project staff equal
7to not less than 10% nor more than 30% of the staff funding that was provided to the
8county for 1997 for a priority watershed that was designated before July 1, 1998.
9This paragraph does not apply to matching funds for priority watershed project staff
10after the termination date that was in effect on October 6, 1998, for the priority
11watershed project.
(12) Federal Agricultural policy reform. From the appropriation
14under s. 20.115 (3) (a), provide at least $50,000 in each fiscal year to organizations
15to seek the reform of federal agricultural policy for the benefit of agricultural
16producers in this state. This subsection does not apply after June 30, 2005.
(2) The department may award grants from the appropriation accounts
20under s. 20.115 (4) (c) and
(i) (8) (g) to individuals or organizations to fund
21demonstration projects designed to encourage the use of sustainable agriculture.
22The department shall promulgate rules to govern the sustainable agriculture grant
23program under this section.
194.715 Pest management for schools. (1) Definitions. In this section:
(a) "Active ingredient" has the meaning given in s. 94.67 (1).
(b) "Federal act" has the meaning given in s. 94.67 (13).
(c) "Inert ingredient" has the meaning given in s. 94.67 (16).
(cm) "Integrated pest management" means a comprehensive strategy of pest
6control with the main objective of achieving desired levels of pest control in an
7environmentally responsible manner to reduce or eliminate reliance on pesticides by
8using a combination of nonchemical pest controls, which may include monitoring,
9increased sanitation, physical barriers, and the use of natural pest enemies, to
10address conditions that support pests and judiciously using lowest risk pesticides
11when necessary after all other methods have failed.
(d) "Pest" has the meaning given in s. 94.67 (24).
(e) "Pesticide" has the meaning given in s. 94.67 (25), except that "pesticide"
14does not include a germicide, sanitizer, or disinfectant.
15(2) Requirements for school boards. A school board shall do all of the
(a) Propose a pest management plan that complies with sub. (4).
(am) Before proposing a plan under par. (a), obtain training under s. 36.25 (43)
19for at least one member of the school board or school district employee who will be
20involved in developing the pest management plan.
(b) After public notice and a hearing on the proposed plan under par. (a) and
22no later than the first day of the 7th month beginning after the effective date of this
23paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], adopt a pest management plan that complies
24with sub. (4) and submit a copy of the plan to the department.
1(c) No later than the first day of the 13th month beginning after the effective
2date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], implement the pest management
3plan adopted under par. (b).
(d) Provide public notice and a hearing before modifying the pest management
5plan adopted under par. (b) and notify the department of any modifications to the
(dm) Authorize pesticide application in a school or on school grounds to be
8conducted only by persons who are certified in the applicable pesticide use categories
9under s. 94.705.
(e) When the use of a pesticide is determined to be necessary in a school or on
11school grounds, use pesticide in accordance with integrated pest management
(f) Except as provided in sub. (6), at least 72 hours in advance of each pesticide
14application in a school or on school grounds, provide written notification, in a font
15size no smaller than that routinely used for other notices to parents, of the name of
16the pesticide to be applied, the planned time and location of the application, the
17potential health effects of exposure to the pesticide, as indicated on its label, and the
18name and telephone number of a person at the school who can be called for more
19information or to report health effects from exposure, to all of the following:
1. Each employee of the school district, or of a contractor with the school
21district, who may be present in the area of application within 72 hours after the