2. The terms of at least one of the members described under par. (b) 1. expires.
(f) The board of directors described under par. (b) shall accept all of the assets,
5debts, liabilities, tangible personal property, pending matters, and obligations of the
6Bradley Center Sports and Entertainment Corporation that is dissolved under s.
7232.10, and shall accept an assignment of all contracts with other persons, with
8respect to the Bradley Center, that are in force at the time of the dissolution.
(4) (a) Acquire, construct, equip, maintain, improve, operate and
11manage the exposition center and exposition center facilities, or engage other
12persons to do these things
, except that a district that has within its control the
13Bradley Center, as that term is used in s. 232.05 (2) (a), 1999 stats., may not change
14the name of that facility.".
(1) (a) "Minority business"
has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (e) 18means a business that is certified by the department of commerce under s. 560.036
(1) (b) "Minority business"
has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (e) 22means a business that is certified by the department of commerce under s. 560.036
(1) (a) "Minority business"
has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (e) 2means a business that is certified by the department of commerce under s. 560.036
(2r) (b) The secretary may establish, by rule, a catastrophic leave
18program that permits
classified employees to donate certain types and amounts of
19leave credits to other
classified employees who have been
granted an unpaid leave
20of absence on account of absent from pay status because of a catastrophic need for
absence there is no paid leave benefits or replacement income available. The
22secretary shall determine the types and amounts of leave credits that may be
(2r) (c) No
classified employee may grieve under an agency's grievance
3procedure any appointing authority's decision relating to a catastrophic leave
4program under this subsection or appeal any such decision to the commission under
5s. 230.44 or 230.45 (1) (c).".
(4m) "Educational facility" means a
facility used for education by a 11regionally accredited, private
, postsecondary educational institution
that is 12described in section
501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as defined in s. 71.22
and that is exempt from federal taxation under section
501 (a) of the Internal
14Revenue Code.".
(2) (d) Seek to enter into contracts for the purchase of goods and services
18with minority businesses
that are certified by the department of commerce under s.
19560.036 (2).".
22233.06 Conflict of interests prohibited. (1) No member of the board of
23directors may hold an ownership interest in, be employed by, or be affiliated with a
24person providing goods or services to the authority. The authority may not contract
1with a person for the provision of goods and services if a former board member held
2an ownership interest in, was employed by, or was affiliated with the person within
3one year of the board member's expiration of his or her term or resignation from the
4board of directors.
5(2) A person who violates this section is subject to a forfeiture of not more than
6$10,000 for each violation. Each day of violation constitutes a separate offense.".
(2) The authority shall annually report to the department of
10administration the total amount purchased from and contracted or subcontracted
11under contracts made by the authority to minority businesses, the total amount of
12bonds issued by the authority with the underwriting services of minority investment
, and the total amount of moneys expended by the authority for the services of
14minority financial advisers
and minority investment firms during the preceding
15state fiscal year.
(3) (a) The authority shall ensure that at least 6% of the total bonds
18issued in each fiscal year by the authority are underwritten by minority investment
(b) The authority shall ensure that at least 6% of the total moneys expended
21in each fiscal year by the authority for the services of financial advisers are expended
22for the services of minority financial advisors.
1(c) The authority shall ensure that at least 6% of the total moneys expended
2in each fiscal year by the authority for the services of investment firms are expended
3for the services of minority investment firms.".
6232.10 Dissolution of the corporation, transfer of assets and liabilities. 7The corporation shall be dissolved on the first day of the second month beginning
8after the effective date of this section .... [revisor inserts date], or the date on which
9the members of the district board as described under s. 229.42 (10) (b) are appointed
10and qualified, whichever is later. Upon its dissolution, all of its assets, debts,
11liabilities, tangible personal property, including records, pending matters, and
12obligations, including any judgment, order, or decree which may be entered against
13it in any pending legal action, shall transfer to the local exposition district described
14in s. 229.42 (10) (a).".
(4n) (a) 3m. d. The facility is
owned or controlled by a minority business
18that is certified by the department of commerce under s. 560.036 (2) or that is more
19than 50% owned or controlled by women
or minorities.
(1) (g) In granting loans under this section the authority shall give
22preference to businesses
which that are minority businesses certified by the
23department of commerce under s. 560.036 (2) or that are more than 50% owned or
24controlled by women
or minorities, to businesses that, together with all of their
1affiliates, subsidiaries
, and parent companies, have current gross annual sales of
2$5,000,000 or less or that employ 25 or fewer persons
, and to new businesses that
3have less than 50% of their ownership held or controlled by another business and
4have their principal business operations in this state.".
(5) "Primary employment" means work which pays at least the
8minimum wage as established under
ch. 104 s. 104.035 (2) or under federal law,
9whichever is greater, offers adequate fringe benefits, including health insurance,
10and is not seasonal or part time.
(8) "Target group" means a population group for which the
13unemployment level is at least 25% higher than the statewide unemployment level,
14or a population group for which the average wage received is less than 1.2 times the
15minimum wage as established under
ch. 104 s. 104.035 (2) or under federal law,
16whichever is greater. No population group is required to be located within a
17contiguous geographic area to be considered a target group.".
(4) (a) 2. A city-county health department established under s. 251.02
23(1) (1m).
(1r) "County board of health" means a board of health for a
single county
4health department
or for a multiple county health department.
(1g) "City-county board of health" means a board of health for a
7city-county health department.
(3) "County health officer" means the position of a local health officer
11in a
single county health department
or in a multiple county health department.
(7m) "Represented employee" means an employee in a collective
14bargaining unit for which a representative is recognized or certified under subch. IV
15of ch. 111.
(1) In counties with a population of less than 500,000,
unless a county
18board establishes a city-county health department under sub. (1m) jointly with the
19governing body of a city or establishes a multiple county health department under
20sub. (3) in conjunction with another county, the county board shall establish a
single 21county health department
that meets, which shall meet the requirements of this
22chapter. The county health department shall serve all areas of the county that are
23not served by a city health department that was established prior to
24January 1, 1994, by a town or village health department established under sub.
, or by a multiple municipal local health department established under sub. (3r).
governing body of a city may establish a city health department
may be
2established after January 1, 1994
, but a city-county health department may be
3established after that date.
(1m) Subject to sub. (1r), in counties with a population of less than
6500,000, the county board and the governing body of a city that has a city health
7department may jointly establish a city-county health department, which shall meet
8the requirements of this chapter. A city-county health department shall serve all
9areas of the county that are not served by a city health department that was
10established prior to January 1, 1994, by a town or village health department
11established under sub. (3m), or by a multiple municipal local health department
12established under sub. (3r). A city-county health department established under this
13subsection after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], is
14subject to the control of the city and county acting jointly under an agreement
15entered into under s. 66.0301 that specifies, in conformity with this chapter, all of the
(a) The powers and duties of the city-county health department.
(b) The powers and duties of the city-county board of health for the city-county
19health department.
(c) The relative powers and duties of the city and county with respect to
21governance of the city-county health department and the city-county board of
(1r) If a city that assigns represented employees to its city health
25department and if a county that assigns represented employes to its county health
1department jointly establish a city-county health department under an agreement
2specified under sub. (1m), all of the following shall apply, but only if the represented
3employees at the city health department and at the county health department who
4perform similar functions are included in collective bargaining units that are
5represented by the same representative:
(a) The city-county health department shall offer employment to all city and
7county employees who are represented employees and who perform functions for the
8city and county that are transferred to the city-county health department in the
9agreement under sub. (1m).
(b) Notwithstanding s. 111.70 (4) (d), if, in any collective bargaining unit that
11is initially created at the city-county health department, all of the former city and
12county employees were represented by the same representative when they were
13employed by the city or county, that representative shall become the initial
14representative of the employees in the collective bargaining unit without the
15necessity of filing a petition or conducting an election.
(c) Unless otherwise prohibited by law, with respect to city-county health
17department employees who were formerly represented employees at the city or
18county, the city-county health department shall adhere to the terms of the collective
19bargaining agreements that covered these employees while they were employed by
20the city or county until such time that the city-county health department and the
21representative of the employees have entered into a collective bargaining agreement.
(3) A county board may
, in conjunction with the county board of another
24county, establish a multiple county health department
in conjunction with the
25county board of another county, which shall meet the requirements of this chapter.
1A multiple county health department shall serve all areas of the respective counties
2that are not served by a city health department that was established prior to January
31, 1994, by a town or village health department established under sub. (3m), or by
4a multiple municipal local health department established under sub. (3r).
(1) A city or county board of health shall govern each local health
7department other than a local health department Except as authorized in s. 251.02
8(3m) and (3r)
and a, a city board of health shall govern a city health department, a
9county board of health shall govern a county health department or multiple county
10health department, and a city-county board of health shall govern a city-county
11health department. A city
or board of health, a county board of health
, a city-county
12board of health, or a board of health for a local health department as authorized in
13s. 251.02 (3m) and (3r) shall assure the enforcement of state public health statutes
14and public health rules of the department as prescribed for a Level I local health
15department. A local board of health may contract or subcontract
with a public or
16private entity to provide public health services. The contractor's staff shall meet the
17appropriate qualifications for positions in a Level I local health department.
19251.08 Jurisdiction of local health department. The jurisdiction of the
20local health department shall extend to the entire area represented by the governing
21body of the county, city, village or town that established the local health department,
22except that the jurisdiction of a
single or multiple county health department
or of a
23city-county health department does not extend to cities, villages and towns that
24have local health departments. Cities, towns and villages having local health
25departments may by vote of their local boards of health determine to come under the
1jurisdiction of the county health department. No part of any expense incurred under
2this section by a county health department may be levied against any property
3within any city, village or town that has a local health department and that has not
4determined to come under the jurisdiction of the county health department.