(4) Practice circumstances without a dentist present and without a
17prescription; additional education and experience. (a) A dental hygienist may
18perform any of the following practices without a dentist present in the facility in
19which the practices are performed and without a written or oral prescription if the
20requirements of pars. (am), (b), and (c) are met and if the dental hygienist first
21reviews the patient's medical history and performs an oral risk assessment:
1. Conduct an oral screening and have a plan of what dental hygiene
23procedures will be performed on the patient. Oral screening that is performed solely
24for the purpose of data collection does not require an oral risk assessment and does
25not require certification under par. (c).
12. Apply dental sealants. Sealants may be applied under this subdivision
2without a diagnosis or treatment plan by a dentist.
3. Provide fluoride therapies.
4. Provide patient education services.
5. Expose radiographs if a dentist will be available to read and diagnose the
6. Perform oral prophylaxis, if a dentist, nurse practitioner, physician or
8physician assistant has reviewed a current medical history for the patient and has
9indicated in writing that the patient may receive the service. The dental hygienist
10may use topical anesthesia under this subdivision only if the anesthesia has been
11prescribed by a dentist, nurse practitioner, physician, or physician assistant. Local
12anesthesia may not be administered by a dental hygienist under this subdivision.
7. Remove supragingival or subgingival calcareous deposits, subgingival
14cement, or extrinsic stains from a natural or restored surface of a human tooth or a
15fixed replacement for a human tooth, perform debridement or deep scaling or root
16planing of teeth, if a dentist, nurse practitioner, physician, or physician assistant has
17reviewed a current medical history of the patient and has indicated in writing that
18the patient may receive the service for the patient. The dental hygienist may use
19topical anesthesia under this subdivision only if prescribed by a dentist, nurse
20practitioner, physician, or physician assistant. Local anesthesia may not be
21administered by a dental hygienist under this subdivision.
(am) A dental hygienist shall maintain a written record of and oral risk
23assessment performed under par. (a) and make appropriate referrals based on the
(b) The practices under par. (a) may be performed only as follows:
11. For a school board or a governing body of a private school.
2. For a facility, as defined in s. 50.01 (1m), a hospital, as defined in s. 50.33 (2),
3or a facility established to provide care for terminally ill patients.
3. For a local health department, as defined in s. 250.01 (4).
4. For a charitable institution open to the general public or to members of a
6religious sect or order.
5. For a nonprofit home health care agency.
6. For a nonprofit dental care program serving primarily indigent,
9economically disadvantaged, or migrant worker populations.
(c) A dental hygienist may perform the practices under par. (a) only if certified
11by the examining board in dental hygiene practice circumstances without a dentist
12present and without a prescription. The examining board shall issue a certificate in
13dental hygiene practice circumstances without a dentist present and without a
14presciption to an individual who documents to the board that he or she has 2 years
15of experience as a dental hygienist and meets any of the following:
1. Has submitted to the examining board proof of course completion issued by
17an accredited dental school or an accredited dental hygiene school in dental hygiene
18circumstances without a dentist present and without a prescription. This course
19may be offered in conjunction with a national or state dental or dental hygiene
2. Has been certified in community dental health, public health, or public
22health education from an accredited dental school or an accredited dental hygiene
3. Has worked for at least 1,000 hours in a public health or community health
14. Has received a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
(5) (title)
Prohibited practices.
(6) (title)
Delegation by a dentist to a dental hygienist.
(d) Any dentistry practice not included in dental hygiene, except as provided
7in sub. (5), if all of the following conditions are met:
1. The delegated practices are ones that, in the opinion of the dentist and the
9dental hygienist, the dental hygienist is competent to perform based on his or her
10education, training, or experience.
2. The dental hygienist's performance of the practice is inspected by a dentist.
(e) A remediable procedure, except that a dentist need not be present on the
13premises in which the procedure is performed if it is performed pursuant to a
14prescription that meets the requirements of sub. (2m) (b).
(7) Dentist responsible for delegation. A dentist who delegates to a
17dental hygienist the performance of any practice or remediable procedure under sub.
18(6) is responsible for that dental hygienist's performance of that delegated practice
19or procedure.
21447.065 (title)
Delegation of remediable procedures and dental
22dentistry practices to unlicensed individuals.
(1) A dentist who is licensed to practice dentistry under this chapter
25may delegate to an individual who is not licensed under this chapter only the
1performance of remediable procedures,
and only or other dentistry practices subject
2to sub. (2), if all of the following conditions are met:
(a) The unlicensed individual performs the remediable procedure
or dentistry
4practices in accordance with a treatment plan approved by the dentist.
(b) The dentist is on the premises when the unlicensed individual performs the
6remediable procedures
or dentistry practices.
(c) The unlicensed individual's performance of the remediable procedures
8dentistry practices is
subject to inspection
inspected by the dentist.
(2) A dentist may make a delegation under sub. (1) of dentistry
11practices that are not remediable procedures if all of the following requirements are
(a) The practice does not involve a practice under s. 447.01 (3) (a), (b), (e), (f),
14or (g), diagnosis of a dental disease or ailment, determination of any treatment or any
15regimen of treatment, prescription or ordering of medication, performance of any
16procedure that involves the intentional cutting of soft or hard tissue of the mouth by
17any means, or administration of local anesthesia or subgingival sustained release
18chemotherapeutic agents.
(b) The individual has graduated from an accredited dental assisting program
20or has worked at least 1,000 hours during the preceding 12 months in a clinical
21dentistry setting.
(c) The dentist making the delegation documents in his or her records that the
23individual has been trained or educated to do the delegated practice by a dental
24school; dental hygiene program; dental assisting program; a program offered or
1approved by a national or state dental, dental hygiene, or dental assisting
2association; or a program approved by the examining board.
(d) The delegated practices are ones that, in the opinion of the dentist and the
4individual to whom the practices are delegated, the individual is competent to
5perform based on his or her education, training, or experience.
(3) A dentist who delegates to
another an unlicensed individual the
8performance of any practice or remediable procedure is responsible for that
9individual's performance of that delegated practice or procedure.".
(6m) Annually, in consultation with the council on recycling, the board
13shall establish a list of materials recovered from solid waste for which the board may
14award financial assistance.".
(2) In
each fiscal year
1999-2000, the department
may shall provide
18to $100,000 from the appropriations under s. 20.143 (1) (c) and (ie) in assistance to
19 a the nonprofit organization
specified in sub. (1) that provides assistance to
20organizations and individuals in urban areas. Notwithstanding sub. (1), the
21department shall use the moneys authorized under this subsection in accordance
22with the memorandum of understanding under sub. (1)
and shall ensure that the
23nonprofit organization provides assistance to organizations and individuals in an
24area that includes the city of Beloit.".
(2) (a) For the purposes of ss. 16.75 (3m),
16.854, 16.855 (10m), 16.87
4(2), 18.16, 18.64, 18.77,
25.17 (59), 25.185,
34.05 (4), 38.18, 43.17 (9) (a), 59.52 (29)
5(c), 59.57 (1) (b), 60.47 (7), 61.55 (3), 62.15 (1) (c), 66.0901 (6), 84.075, 84.076, 119.495
120.12 (27), 200.49, 200.57,
229.46, 229.70, 229.8273, 229.845, 231.27
7232.05 (2) (d), 234.01 (4n) (a) 3m. d., 234.35,
234.65 (1) (g), 252.12 (2) (c) 2., 560.038,
8560.039, and 560.80 to 560.85, the department shall establish and periodically
9update a list of certified minority businesses, minority financial advisers
, and
10minority investment firms. Any business, financial adviser
, or investment firm may
11apply to the department for certification. For purposes of this paragraph, unless the
12context otherwise requires, a "business" includes a financial adviser or investment
(3) (a) The department shall promulgate rules establishing procedures
16to implement sub. (2).
Those rules shall include a rule prescribing a uniform
17application form for certification under sub. (2).
(3) (c) The department may promulgate rules establishing conditions
20with which a business, financial adviser
, or investment firm must comply to qualify
21for certification, in addition to the qualifications specified under sub. (1) (e), (ep)
, and
22(fm), respectively.
Those rules may not require that a business, financial adviser, or
23investment firm submit any income or franchise tax return to the department as a
24condition for qualification for certification.
(1) (ar) "Minority business"
has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (e) 3means a business that is certified by the department under s. 560.036 (2).
(1) (b) "Minority business"
has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (e) 6means a business that is certified by the department under s. 560.036 (2).".
(2) (a) For the purposes of ss.
16.63 (2m), 16.75 (3m), 16.855 (10m),
1016.87 (2), 18.16, 18.64, 18.77, 25.185, 119.495 (2), 200.57, 231.27 and 234.35, the
11department shall establish and periodically update a list of certified minority
12businesses, minority financial advisers and minority investment firms. Any
13business, financial adviser or investment firm may apply to the department for
14certification. For purposes of this paragraph, unless the context otherwise requires,
15a "business" includes a financial adviser or investment firm.".
(2) (a) For the purposes of ss. 16.75 (3m), 16.855 (10m), 16.87 (2), 18.16,
1918.64, 18.77, 25.185,
84.014 (7r), 119.495 (2), 200.57, 231.27
, and 234.35, the
20department shall establish and periodically update a list of certified minority
21businesses, minority financial advisers
, and minority investment firms. Any
22business, financial adviser
, or investment firm may apply to the department for
23certification. For purposes of this paragraph, unless the context otherwise requires,
24a "business" includes a financial adviser or investment firm.
(2) (d) 1. b. The department determines that, with respect to a specified
3type of supply, material, equipment
, or service, there are not enough certified
4minority business suppliers in this state to enable this state to achieve compliance
5with ss. 16.75 (3m), 16.855 (10m), 16.87 (2)
and, 25.185
, and 84.014 (7r).".
(1) Grants. (intro.) Subject to sub. (3), the department may make a
10grant to a person from the
appropriation appropriations under s. 20.143 (1) (c)
11(kd) for the capitalization of a revolving loan fund if all of the following apply:
(1) Loans. (intro.) Subject to sub. (4), the department may make a loan
14to a person from the appropriations under s. 20.143 (1) (c)
and, (ie)
, and (kd) for a
15project described in sub. (2) if all of the following apply:".
(2) (a) From the appropriations under s. 20.143 (1) (c)
and, (ie)
, and (kd),
19the department may make grants to existing business groups for a feasibility study
20to investigate the reorganization or new incorporation of an existing business as an
21employee-owned business and for professional services to implement the study.".
(2) Subject to subs. (3) and (6), the department may make a grant from
appropriation appropriations under s. 20.143 (1) (c)
and (kd) to a person to fund
3an early planning project.".
(1) (ae) "Dentist" means an individual licensed under s. 447.04 (1).".
8560.28 Heritage trust program. (1) Beginning in the 2003-04 fiscal year,
9the department may, subject to sub. (5), award grants to local governmental units,
10as defined in s. 22.01 (7), for the preservation of historic buildings and properties
11owned by the local units of government. The grants shall be financed from the
12appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (zbz).