(8) "Minority business" means a
minority business, as defined in s.
2560.036 (1) (e), business certified by the department under s. 560.036 (2) that has its
3principal place of business in this state.".
(4) Unclaimed prizes. Any A licensee under s. 562.05 (1) (b) may retain
9any winnings on a race
which that are not claimed within 90 days after the end of
10the period authorized for racing in that year under s. 562.05 (9)
shall be paid to the
11department. The department shall credit moneys received under this subsection to
12the appropriation accounts under ss. 20.455 (2) (g) and 20.505 (8) (g).".
15609.73 Coverage of contraceptive articles and services. Managed care
16plans are subject to s. 632.895 (15).".
(2m) Notwithstanding subs. (1) and (2), a claim for payment for
20chiropractic services is overdue if not paid within 30 days after the insurer receives
21clinical documentation from the chiropractor that the services were provided unless,
22within those 30 days, the insurer provides to the insured and to the chiropractor the
23written statement under s. 632.875 (2).
(2) (intro.) If, on the basis of an independent evaluation, an insurer
2restricts or terminates a patient's coverage for the treatment of a condition or
3complaint by a chiropractor acting within the scope of his or her license and the
4restriction or termination of coverage results in the patient becoming liable for
5payment for his or her treatment, the insurer shall
, within the time required under
6s. 628.46 (2m), provide to the patient and to the treating chiropractor a written
7statement that contains all of the following:".
(1) Unless otherwise provided by law, an insurer shall promptly pay
11every insurance claim. A claim shall be overdue if not paid within 30 days after the
12insurer is furnished written notice of the fact of a covered loss and of the amount of
13the loss. If such written notice is not furnished to the insurer as to the entire claim,
14any partial amount supported by written notice is overdue if not paid within 30 days
15after such written notice is furnished to the insurer. Any part or all of the remainder
16of the claim that is subsequently supported by written notice is overdue if not paid
17within 30 days after written notice is furnished to the insurer.
Any Except as
18provided in sub. (2c), any payment shall not be deemed overdue when the insurer has
19reasonable proof to establish that the insurer is not responsible for the payment,
20notwithstanding that written notice has been furnished to the insurer. For the
21purpose of calculating the extent to which any claim is overdue, payment shall be
22treated as being made on the date a draft or other valid instrument which is
23equivalent to payment was placed in the U.S. mail in a properly addressed, postpaid
1envelope, or, if not so posted, on the date of delivery. All overdue payments shall bear
2simple interest at the rate of 12% per year.
(2c) An insurer issuing a health care plan, as defined in s. 628.36 (2)
5(a) 1., shall pay a claim that is covered under the health care plan within the time
6required under subs. (1) and (2), even if the claim may be payable under ch. 102 but
7has not yet been finally determined to be payable under ch. 102.".
(1) (c) "Motor vehicle" means any motor-driven vehicle required to be
11registered under ch. 341 or exempt from registration under s. 341.05 (2), including
12a demonstrator or executive vehicle not titled or titled by a manufacturer or a motor
13vehicle dealer. "Motor vehicle" does not
include a moped,
as defined in s. 340.01
14(29m), motorcycle, as defined in s. 340.01 (32), semitrailer
, or trailer designed for use
15in combination with a truck or truck tractor.
(2) Notice of intended use; motor vehicles older than 5 model years. 18(intro.) An insurer or the insurer's representative may not require directly or
19indirectly the use of a nonoriginal manufacturer replacement part in the repair of an
20insured's motor vehicle
that is more than 5 model years of age when the damage for
21which the repair is to be made occurs, unless the insurer or the insurer's
22representative provides to the insured the notice described in this subsection in the
23manner required in sub. (3)
or (4). The notice shall be in writing and shall include
24all of the following information:
(2m) Notice and authorization for use; motor vehicles 5 model years
3old or newer. An insurer or the insurer's representative may not require directly
4or indirectly the use of a nonoriginal manufacturer replacement part in the repair
5of an insured's motor vehicle that is 5 model years of age or newer when the damage
6for which the repair is to be made occurs, unless the insurer or the insurer's
7representative provides to the insured the notice and authorization form described
8in this subsection in the manner required in sub. (3) and receives written
9authorization from the insured before any nonoriginal manufacturer replacement
10part is installed on the insured's motor vehicle. The notice must be given, and
11authorization must be obtained, on a form that is entitled "Replacement Parts Notice
12and Authorization Form" and that includes only the following information:
(a) A clear identification of each nonoriginal manufacturer replacement part
14that will be used in the repair of the insured's motor vehicle if the insured provides
15authorization for the part's use.
(b) A statement that the insured may choose to have replacement parts that
17are made by or for the manufacturer of the insured's motor vehicle used in the repair
18of the insured's motor vehicle.
(c) A statement that the insurer's obligation to cover repairs to the insured's
20motor vehicle will not be affected by the insured's choice under par. (b).
(d) A statement that nonoriginal manufacture replacement parts are not
22covered by the warranty of the manufacturer of the insured's motor vehicle.
(e) Two signature lines for the insured's signature, with one line designated as
24authorizing the use, in the repair, of nonoriginal manufacturer replacement parts
25and the other line designated as requiring the use, in the repair, of only replacement
1parts made by or for the manufacturer of the insured's motor vehicle. In addition,
2the form shall allow the insured to authorize the use of a nonoriginal manufacturer
3replacement part or to require the use of a replacement part made by or for the
4manufacturer of the insured's motor vehicle with respect to each replacement part
5to be used in the repair.
(3) (title)
Delivery of notice
or notice and authorization form.
SB55-SSA1-SA2, s. 3755m
8Section 3755m. 632.38 (3) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 632.38 (3) (a) 1.
9and amended to read:
(3) (a) 1. The notice
described in required under sub. (2) shall appear
11on or be attached to the estimate of the cost of repairing the insured's motor vehicle
12if the estimate is based on the use of one or more nonoriginal manufacturer
13replacement parts and is prepared by the insurer or the insurer's representative.
143. The insurer or the insurer's representative shall deliver the estimate and
or notice and authorization form to the insured before the motor vehicle is
(3) (a) 2. The notice and authorization form required under sub. (2m)
19shall be attached to the estimate of the cost of repairing the insured's motor vehicle
20if the estimate is based on the use of one or more nonoriginal manufacturer
21replacement parts and is prepared by the insurer or the insurer's representative.
(3) (b) If the insurer or the insurer's representative directs the insured
24to obtain one or more estimates of the cost of repairing the insured's motor vehicle
25and the estimate approved by the insurer or the insurer's representative clearly
1identifies one or more nonoriginal manufacturer replacement parts to be used in the
2repair, the insurer or the insurer's representative shall assure delivery of the notice
3described in required under sub. (2)
, or deliver the estimate approved by the insurer
4or the insurer's representative with the notice and authorization form required
5under sub. (2m) attached, to the insured before the motor vehicle is repaired.
(3) (c) The insurer or the insurer's representative may not require the
8person repairing the motor vehicle to
give provide to the insured the notice
9in required under sub. (2)
or the notice and authorization form required under sub.
(6) (a) 2p. The Milwaukee County child welfare district under s.
(1) (c) "Health benefit plan" has the meaning given in s. 632.745 (11),
20except that "health benefit plan" includes the
types of coverage specified in s. 632.745
21(11) (b)
1., 2., 3., 5., and 10.".
(1) Establishing restrictions on premium rates that a small employer
4insurer may charge a small employer such that the premium rates charged to small
5employers with similar case characteristics for the same or similar benefit design
do not vary from the midpoint rate for those small employers by more
7than 35% of that midpoint rate are the same.".
(15) Contraceptive articles and services. (a) In this subsection:
1. "Contraceptive article" means any of the following:
a. A drug, medicine, mixture, preparation, instrument, article, or device of any
13nature that is approved by the federal food and drug administration for use to
14prevent a pregnancy, that is prescribed by a licensed health care provider for use to
15prevent a pregnancy, and that may not be obtained without a prescription from a
16licensed health care provider. "Contraceptive article" does not include any drug,
17medicine, mixture, preparation, instrument, article, or device of any nature
18prescribed for use in terminating the pregnancy of a woman who is known by the
19prescribing licensed health care provider to be pregnant.
b. A hormonal compound that is taken orally and that is approved by the federal
21food and drug administration for use to prevent a pregnancy.
2. "Religious employer" means an entity that satisfies all of the following
a. The inculcation of religious values is the purpose of the entity.
1b. The entity employs primarily persons who share the religious tenets of the
c. The entity serves primarily persons who share the religious tenets of the
d. The entity is exempt from filing a federal annual information return under
6033 (a) (2) (A) (i) and (iii) and (C) (i) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(b) Every disability insurance policy, and every self-insured health plan of a
8county, city, village, or school district, that provides coverage of outpatient health
9care services, preventive treatments and services, or prescription drugs and devices
10shall provide coverage for all of the following:
1. Contraceptive articles.
2. Medical services, including counseling and physical examinations, for the
13prescription or use of a contraceptive article or of a procedure to prevent a pregnancy.
3. Medical procedures performed to prevent a pregnancy.
(c) Coverage under this subsection may be subject to exclusions or limitations,
16including copayments and deductibles, that apply generally to the benefits that are
17provided under the policy or self-insured health plan.
(d) This subsection does not apply to any of the following:
1. A disability insurance policy that covers only certain specified diseases.
2. A health care plan offered by a limited service health organization, as defined
21in s. 609.01 (3), or by a preferred provider plan, as defined in s. 609.01 (4), that is not
22a managed care plan, as defined in s. 609.01 (3c).
3. A medicare replacement policy, a medicare supplement policy, or a long-term
24care insurance policy.
14. A disability insurance policy that is issued to a religious employer, if the
2religious employer requests that the insurer issuing the policy not provide the
3coverage specified in par. (b) 1. to 3. on the basis that the articles and services covered
4are contrary to the religious employer's religious tenets. A religious employer that
5makes a request under this subdivision shall provide written notice to a prospective
6insured under the policy, prior to that person's coverage under the policy, that
7specifies the articles and services under par. (b) 1. to 3. that will not be covered on
8the basis of the employer's request.".
12753.015 Election of circuit judges.
(1) Except as provided in sub. (2), circuit
13judges shall be elected by the qualified electors of the circuit on a countywide basis.
14Except as provided in sub. (2), a circuit judge shall reside in the circuit in which he
15or she is elected.
16(2) The circuit judges for branches 1 to 24 in the 1st judicial administrative
17district shall be elected from a judicial subdistrict, composed of whole supervisory
18districts, designated as judicial subdistrict "A". The circuit judges for branches 25
19to 47 in the 1st judicial administrative district shall be elected from a judicial
20subdistrict, composed of whole supervisory districts, designated as judicial
21subdistrict "B". A circuit judge in the 1st judicial administrative district shall reside
22in the judicial subdistrict from which he or she is elected. Within 30 days after
23Milwaukee County adopts a final plan adjusting its supervisory districts under s.
2459.10 (2) (a), the Milwaukee County board of supervisors shall, to the extent possible,
1adjust the designation of the supervisory districts that the judicial subdistricts are
2composed of so that substantially the same territory exists in judicial subdistricts "A"
3and "B" as existed before the supervisory districts were adjusted. The adjusted
4subdistricts shall apply to the election of a circuit judge at the spring election
5following the adjustment.".
(9) Rules. The department of
agriculture, trade and consumer
9protection justice may promulgate rules necessary to carry out the purposes of this