3. A court determines that the claimant would not be able to enforce a judgment
against the manufacturer or its insurer.
The bill requires the dismissal of the distributor or seller as defendants in an
action if the manufacturer submits itself to the jurisdiction of the court in which the
suit is pending.
Under the bill, if a defendant proves that the injured person, at the time of his
or her injury from a manufactured product, had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08
or more or was under the influence of any controlled substance or controlled
substance analog to the extent that he or she could not operate a motor vehicle safely,
that proof creates a rebuttable presumption that the intoxication or drug use was the
cause of the person's injuries. The bill also creates a rebuttable presumption that the
manufactured product is not defective if the product complied with relevant
standards, conditions, or specifications under federal or state law. In addition, the
bill reduces the manufacturer's, seller's, or distributor's liability by the percentage
of casual responsibility for the claimant's damages caused by misuse, alteration, or
modification of the product by the claimant.
The bill requires the court to dismiss a claimant's action if the damage was
caused by an inherent characteristic of the manufactured product that would be
recognized by an ordinary person that uses or consumes the product. The bill relieves
a distributor or seller of liability if the distributor or seller receives the product in a
sealed container and has no opportunity to test or inspect the product.
Under the bill, evidence of remedial measures taken after the sale of the
manufactured product are not admissible in an action for damages caused by the
product based on a claim of strict liability for the purpose of showing a manufacturing
defect, a design defect, or the need for a warning or instruction, but may be admitted
to show that a reasonable alternative design existed at the time of the sale of the
product. The bill limits a defendant's liability for damage caused by a manufactured
product to those products manufactured within 15 years before the claim accrues
unless the manufacturer specifies that the product will last longer.
Under the bill, in product liability cases, to determine the causal responsibility
for the injury, the fact finder must determine what percentage of that causal
responsibility is the result of the contributory negligence of the injured party, the
defective condition of the product, and the contributory negligence of any third
person. The bill provides that, if the injured party's percentage of total causal

responsibility for the injury is greater than the percentage resulting from the
defective condition of the product, the injured party may not recover from the
manufacturer or any other person responsible for placing the product in the stream
of commerce. If the injured party does have the right to recover, the injured party's
damages are diminished by the injured party's percentage of causal responsibility for
the injury. Under the bill, after determining the percentage of causal responsibility
for the injury that is the result of the defective condition of the product, the fact finder
is required to determine the percentage of causal responsibility of each product
defendant for the defective condition of the product. The judge, under the bill,
multiplies this percentage by the percentage of causal responsibility for the injury
that is the result of the defective condition of the product to determine an individual
product defendant's percentage of responsibility for the damages to the injured party.
Under the bill, a product defendant whose responsibility for the damages to the
injured party is 51% or more is jointly and severally liable for all of those damages.
The liability of a product defendant whose responsibility for the damages to the
injured party is less than 51% is limited to that product defendant's percentage of
responsibility for the damages. The bill also allows the injured party to recovery from
the product defendants even when the injured party's causal responsibility for the
injury is greater than an individual product defendant's responsibility for the
damages to the injured party.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB317-ASA1, s. 1 1Section 1. 895.045 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB317-ASA1,3,82 895.045 (3) Product Liability. (a) In an action by any person to recover
3damages for injuries caused by a defective product based on a claim of strict liability,
4the fact finder shall first determine if the injured party has the right to recover
5damages. To do so, the fact finder shall determine what percentage of the total causal
6responsibility for the injury resulted from the contributory negligence of the injured
7person, what percentage resulted from the defective condition of the product, and
8what percentage resulted from the contributory negligence of any other person.
AB317-ASA1,4,29 (b) If the injured party's percentage of total causal responsibility for the injury
10is greater than the percentage resulting from the defective condition of the product,
11the injured party may not recover from the manufacturer, distributor, seller, or any

1other person responsible for placing the product in the stream of commerce based on
2the defect in the product.
AB317-ASA1,4,63 (c) If the injured party's percentage of total causal responsibility for the injury
4is equal to or less than the percentage resulting from the defective condition of the
5product, the injured party may recover but the damages recovered by the injured
6party shall be diminished by the percentage attributed to that injured party.
AB317-ASA1,4,217 (d) If multiple defendants are alleged to be responsible for the defective
8condition of the product, and the injured party is not barred from recovery under par.
9(b), the fact finder shall determine the percentage of causal responsibility of each
10product defendant for the defective condition of the product. The judge shall then
11multiply that percentage of causal responsibility of each product defendant for the
12defective condition of the product by the percentage of causal responsibility for the
13injury to the person attributed to the defective product. The result of that
14multiplication is the individual product defendant's percentage of responsibility for
15the damages to the injured party. A product defendant whose responsibility for the
16damages to the injured party is 51% or more of the total responsibility for the
17damages to the injured party is jointly and severally liable for all of the damages to
18the injured party. The responsibility of a product defendant whose responsibility for
19the damages to the injured party is less than 51% of the total responsibility for the
20damages to the injured party is limited to that product defendant's percentage of
21responsibility for the damages to the injured party.
AB317-ASA1,5,222 (e) If the injured party is not barred from recovery from the product defendants
23under par. (b), the fact that the injured party's causal responsibility for the injury is
24greater than an individual product defendant's responsibility for the damages to the

1injured party does not bar the injured party from recovering from that individual
2product defendant.
AB317-ASA1,5,43 (f) This subsection does not apply to actions based on negligence or a breach of
AB317-ASA1, s. 2 5Section 2. 895.047 of the statutes is created to read:
AB317-ASA1,5,9 6895.047 Product liability. (1) Liability of manufacturer. In an action for
7damages caused by a manufactured product based on a claim of strict liability, a
8manufacturer is liable to a claimant only if the claimant establishes all of the
9following by a preponderance of the evidence:
AB317-ASA1,5,2110 (a) That the product is defective because it contains a manufacturing defect,
11is defective in design, or is defective because of inadequate instructions or warnings.
12A product contains a manufacturing defect only if the product departs from its
13intended design even though all possible care was exercised in the manufacture of
14the product. A product is defective in design only if the foreseeable risks of harm
15posed by the product could have been reduced or avoided by the adoption of a
16reasonable alternative design by the manufacturer and the omission of the
17alternative design renders the product not reasonably safe. A product is defective
18because of inadequate instructions or warnings only if the foreseeable risks of harm
19posed by the product could have been reduced or avoided by the provision of
20reasonable instructions or warnings by the manufacturer and the omission of the
21instructions or warnings renders the product not reasonably safe.
AB317-ASA1,5,2322 (b) That the defective condition rendered the product unreasonably dangerous
23to persons or property.
AB317-ASA1,5,2524 (c) That the defective condition existed at the time that the product left the
25control of the manufacturer.
1(d) That the product reached the user or consumer without substantial change
2in the condition in which it was sold.
AB317-ASA1,6,33 (e) That the defective condition was a cause of the claimant's damages.
AB317-ASA1,6,6 4(2) Liability of seller or distributor. (a) A seller or distributor of a product
5is not liable based on a claim of strict liability to a claimant unless the manufacturer
6would be liable under sub. (1) and any of the following applies:
AB317-ASA1,6,107 1. The claimant proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the seller or
8distributor has contractually assumed one of the manufacturer's duties to
9manufacture, design, or provide warnings or instructions with respect to the
AB317-ASA1,6,1211 2. The claimant proves by a preponderance of the evidence that neither the
12manufacturer nor its insurer is subject to service of process within this state.
AB317-ASA1,6,1413 3. A court determines that the claimant would be unable to enforce a judgment
14against the manufacturer or its insurer.
AB317-ASA1,6,1715 (b) The court shall dismiss a product seller or distributor as a defendant based
16on par. (a) 2. if the manufacturer or its insurer submits itself to the jurisdiction of the
17court in which the suit is pending.
AB317-ASA1,6,23 18(3) Defenses. (a) If the defendant proves by clear and convincing evidence that
19at the time of the injury the claimant was under the influence of any controlled
20substance or controlled substance analog to the extent prohibited under s. 346.63 (1)
21(a), or had an alcohol concentration, as defined in s. 340.01 (1v), of 0.08 or more, there
22shall be a rebuttable presumption that the claimant's intoxication or drug use was
23the cause of his or her injuries.
AB317-ASA1,7,224 (b) Evidence that the product, at the time of sale, complied in material respects
25with relevant standards, conditions, or specifications adopted or approved by a

1federal or state law or agency shall create a rebuttable presumption that the product
2is not defective.
AB317-ASA1,7,63 (c) The damages for which a manufacturer, seller, or distributor would
4otherwise be liable shall be reduced by the percentage of casual responsibility for the
5claimant's harm attributable to misuse, alteration, or modification of a product by
6the claimant.
AB317-ASA1,7,107 (d) The court shall dismiss the claimant's action under this section if the
8damage was caused by an inherent characteristic of the product that would be
9recognized by an ordinary person with ordinary knowledge common to the
10community that uses or consumes the product.
AB317-ASA1,7,1311 (e) A seller or distributor of a product is not liable for damage to a claimant if
12the seller or distributor receives the product in a sealed container and has no
13reasonable opportunity to test or inspect the product.
AB317-ASA1,7,20 14(4) Subsequent remedial measures. In an action for damages caused by a
15manufactured product based on a claim of strict liability, evidence of remedial
16measures taken subsequent to the sale of the product is not admissible for the
17purpose of showing a manufacturing defect in the product, a defect in the design of
18the product, or a need for a warning or instruction. This subsection does not prohibit
19the admission of such evidence to show a reasonable alternative design that existed
20at the time that the product was sold.
AB317-ASA1,7,25 21(5) Time limit. (a) In any action under this section, a defendant is not liable
22for damage to a claimant if the product alleged to have caused the damage was
23manufactured 15 years or more before the claim accrues, unless the manufacturer
24makes a specific representation that the product will last for a period of time beyond
2515 years.
1(b) This subsection shall not bar a claim if the claimant establishes by a
2preponderance of the evidence all of the following:
AB317-ASA1,8,43 1. That the defective product caused a latent disease that did not manifest itself
4until a date on or after 3 years before the expiration of the 15 year period.
AB317-ASA1,8,65 2. That the claimant commenced the action within 3 years of the date of
6manifestation of the latent disease.
AB317-ASA1,8,8 7(6) This section does not apply to actions based on a claim of negligence or
8breach of warranty.
AB317-ASA1, s. 3 9Section 3. Initial applicability.
AB317-ASA1,8,1110 (1) This act first applies to causes of action occurring on the effective date of this