AB403-ASA1,13,11 7(4) An agency contract that does not conform to this section is voidable by the
8student athlete. If a student athlete voids an agency contract, the student athlete
9is not required to pay any consideration under the contract or to return any
10consideration received from the athlete agent to induce the student athlete to enter
11into the contract.
AB403-ASA1,13,13 12(5) The athlete agent shall give a record of the signed or otherwise
13authenticated agency contract to the student athlete at the time of execution.
AB403-ASA1,13,19 14440.9945 Notice to educational institution. (1) Within 72 hours after
15entering into an agency contract or before the next scheduled athletic event in which
16the student athlete may participate, whichever occurs first, the athlete agent shall
17give notice in a record of the existence of the contract to the athletic director of the
18educational institution at which the student athlete is enrolled or the athlete agent
19has reasonable grounds to believe the student athlete intends to enroll.
AB403-ASA1,13,24 20(2) Within 72 hours after entering into an agency contract or before the next
21athletic event in which the student athlete may participate, whichever occurs first,
22the student athlete shall inform the athletic director of the educational institution
23at which the student athlete is enrolled that he or she has entered into an agency
1440.995 Student athlete's right to cancel. (1) A student athlete may cancel
2an agency contract by giving notice of the cancellation to the athlete agent in a record
3within 14 days after the contract is signed.
AB403-ASA1,14,4 4(2) A student athlete may not waive the right to cancel an agency contract.
AB403-ASA1,14,8 5(3) If a student athlete cancels an agency contract, the student athlete is not
6required to pay any consideration under the contract or to return any consideration
7received from the athlete agent to induce the student athlete to enter into the
AB403-ASA1,14,10 9440.9955 Required records. (1) An athlete agent shall retain all of the
10following records for a period of 5 years:
AB403-ASA1,14,1111 (a) The name and address of each individual represented by the athlete agent.
AB403-ASA1,14,1212 (b) Any agency contract entered into by the athlete agent.
AB403-ASA1,14,1413 (c) Any direct costs incurred by the athlete agent in the recruitment or
14solicitation of a student athlete to enter into an agency contract.
AB403-ASA1,14,17 15(2) Records required by sub. (1) to be retained are open to inspection by the
16department during normal business hours. Upon demand, an athlete agent shall
17provide a copy of such a record to the department.
AB403-ASA1,14,19 18440.996 Prohibited conduct. (1) An athlete agent, with the intent to induce
19a student athlete to enter into an agency contract, may not do any of the following:
AB403-ASA1,14,2120 (a) Give any materially false or misleading information or make a materially
21false promise or representation.
AB403-ASA1,14,2322 (b) Furnish anything of value to a student athlete before the student athlete
23enters into the agency contract.
AB403-ASA1,14,2524 (c) Furnish anything of value to any individual other than the student athlete
25or another registered athlete agent.
1(2) An athlete agent may not intentionally do any of the following:
AB403-ASA1,15,32 (a) Initiate contact with a student athlete unless registered under this
AB403-ASA1,15,54 (b) Refuse or fail to retain or permit inspection of the records required to be
5retained by s. 440.9955.
AB403-ASA1,15,66 (c) Fail to register when required by s. 440.991.
AB403-ASA1,15,87 (d) Provide materially false or misleading information in an application for
8registration or renewal of registration.
AB403-ASA1,15,99 (f) Predate or postdate an agency contract.
AB403-ASA1,15,1310 (g) Fail to notify a student athlete before the student athlete signs or otherwise
11authenticates an agency contract for a particular sport that the signing or
12authentication may make the student athlete ineligible to participate as a student
13athlete in that sport.
AB403-ASA1,15,15 14440.9965 Criminal penalties. An athlete agent who violates s. 440.996 may
15be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than 9 months or both.
AB403-ASA1,15,19 16440.997 Civil remedies. (1) An educational institution may bring an action
17against an athlete agent for damages caused by a violation of this subchapter. In an
18action under this subsection, the court may award to the prevailing party costs and,
19notwithstanding s. 814.04, reasonable attorney fees.
AB403-ASA1,16,2 20(2) Damages of an educational institution under sub. (1) include losses and
21expenses incurred because, as a result of the conduct of an athlete agent, the
22educational institution was injured by a violation of this subchapter or was
23penalized, disqualified, or suspended from participation in athletics by a national
24association for the promotion and regulation of athletics, by an athletic conference,

1or by reasonable self-imposed disciplinary action taken to mitigate sanctions likely
2to be imposed by such an organization.
AB403-ASA1,16,5 3(3) A right of action under this section does not accrue until the educational
4institution discovers or by the exercise of reasonable diligence would have discovered
5the violation by the athlete agent.
AB403-ASA1,16,7 6(5) This subchapter does not restrict rights, remedies, or defenses of any person
7under law or equity.
AB403-ASA1,16,10 8440.9975 Administrative forfeiture. The department may directly assess
9a forfeiture against an athlete agent of not more than $25,000 for a violation of this
AB403-ASA1,16,14 11440.998 Uniformity of application and construction. In applying and
12construing this subchapter, consideration must be given to the need to promote
13uniformity of the law with respect to its subject matter among the states that enact
14the Uniform Athlete Agents Act.
AB403-ASA1,16,21 15440.9985 Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.
16The provisions of this subchapter governing the legal effect, validity, or
17enforceability of electronic records or signatures, and of contracts formed or
18performed with the use of such records or signatures conform to the requirements
19of section 102 of the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce
20Act, 15 USC 7002, and supersede, modify, and limit the federal Electronic Signatures
21in Global and National Commerce Act, 15 USC 7001 to 7031.
AB403-ASA1,16,23 22440.999 Rules. The department shall promulgate rules that define
23unprofessional conduct for purposes of s. 440.992 (2) (c).
AB403-ASA1, s. 4 24Section 4. Nonstatutory provisions.
1(1) If an athlete agent, as defined in section 440.99 (2) of the statutes, as created
2by this act, or student athlete, as defined in section 440.99 (11) of the statutes, as
3created by this act, is subject to a contract that is in effect on the effective date of this
4subsection and that contains provisions that are inconsistent with subchapter XII of
5chapter 440 of the statutes, as created by this act, then, notwithstanding subchapter
6XII of chapter 440 of the statutes, as created by this act, the athlete agent or student
7athlete may perform his or her obligations, and exercise his or her rights, under that
8contract until the contract expires, is extended, is modified, or is renewed, whichever
9occurs first.
AB403-ASA1,17,1810 (2) The department of regulation and licensing may, using the procedure under
11section 227.24 of the statutes, promulgate the rules under section 440.9935 of the
12statutes, as created by this act, for the period before permanent rules become
13effective, but not to exceed the period authorized under section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2)
14of the statutes. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b), and (3) of the statutes,
15the department is not required to provide evidence that promulgating rules under
16this subsection as emergency rules is necessary for the preservation of the public
17peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide findings of emergency
18for rules promulgated under this subsection.
AB403-ASA1,17,2519 (3) The department of regulation and licensing shall include, as part of its
202005-07 biennial budget request that it submits to the department of administration
21under section 16.42 of the statutes, any recommended changes to the initial and
22renewal fees for registration as an athlete agent that are necessary to reflect the
23approximate administrative and enforcement costs of the department that are
24attributable to the regulation of athlete agents and any proposed statutory changes
25that are required to establish such changes to the fees by statute rather than by rule.
AB403-ASA1, s. 5
1Section 5. Appropriation changes.
AB403-ASA1,18,82 (1) Position authorization. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the
3statutes for the appropriation to the department of regulation and licensing under
4section 20.165 (1) (g) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2003, the dollar amount
5is increased by $31,900 for fiscal year 2003-04 and the dollar amount is increased
6by $31,900 for fiscal year 2004-05 to increase the authorized FTE positions for the
7department by 0.5 PR position to perform services related to the regulation of athlete
AB403-ASA1, s. 6 9Section 6. Initial applicability.
AB403-ASA1,18,1110 (1) The treatment of section 440.9945 of the statutes first applies to contracts
11entered into on the effective date of this subsection.
AB403-ASA1,18,1312 (2) The treatment of section 440.997 (2) of the statutes first applies to losses
13or expenses incurred on the effective date of this subsection.
AB403-ASA1, s. 7 14Section 7. Effective date.
AB403-ASA1,18,1615 (1) This act takes effect on the first day of the 7th month beginning after