2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, if both the numerator
4and the denominator of the sales factor under sub. (7) related to a taxpayer's
5remaining net income are zero, none of the taxpayer's remaining net income is
6apportioned to this state.
(b) 1. For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2008, if the numerator of
8the sales factor under sub. (7) related to a taxpayer's remaining net income is a
9negative number and the denominator of the sales factor under sub. (7) related to a
10taxpayer's remaining net income is a positive number, a negative number, or zero,
11the sales factor under sub. (7) is zero.
2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, if the numerator of the
13sales factor under sub. (7) related to a taxpayer's remaining net income is a negative
14number and the denominator of the sales factor under sub. (7) related to a taxpayer's
15remaining net income is a positive number, a negative number, or zero, none of the
16taxpayer's remaining net income is apportioned to this state.
(c) 1. For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2008, if the numerator of
18the sales factor under sub. (7) related to a taxpayer's remaining net income is a
19positive number and the denominator of the sales factor under sub. (7) related to a
20taxpayer's remaining net income is zero or a negative number, the sales factor under
21sub. (7) is one.
2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, if the numerator of the
23sales factor under sub. (7) related to a taxpayer's remaining net income is a positive
24number and the denominator of the sales factor under sub. (7) related to a taxpayer's
1remaining net income is zero or a negative number, all of the taxpayer's remaining
2net income is apportioned to this state.
SB197-SSA1, s. 8
8. 71.04 (5) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) Property factor. (intro.) For purposes of sub. (4)
and for taxable
5years beginning before January 1, 2008:
SB197-SSA1, s. 9
9. 71.04 (6) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) Payroll factor. (intro.) For purposes of sub. (4)
and for taxable years
8beginning before January 1, 2008:
(7) (d) Sales, other than sales of tangible personal property, are in this
11state if the income-producing activity is performed in this state. If the
12income-producing activity is performed both in and outside this state the sales shall
13be divided between those states having jurisdiction to tax such business in
14proportion to the direct costs of performance incurred in each such state in rendering
15this service. Services performed in states which do not have jurisdiction to tax the
16business shall be deemed to have been performed in the state to which compensation
17is allocated by
sub. s. 71.04 (6)
, 2001 stats.
SB197-SSA1, s. 11
11. 71.04 (8) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 71.04 (8) (b) 1. and
19amended to read:
(8) (b) 1.
"Public For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2006,
21"public utility", as used in this section, means
any business entity described under
22subd. 2. and any business entity which owns or operates any plant, equipment,
23property, franchise, or license for the transmission of communications or the
24production, transmission, sale, delivery, or furnishing of electricity, water or steam,
1the rates of charges for goods or services of which have been established or approved
2by a federal, state or local government or governmental agency.
32. In this section, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, "public 4utility"
also means any business entity providing service to the public and engaged
5in the transportation of goods and persons for hire, as defined in s. 194.01 (4),
6regardless of whether or not the entity's rates or charges for services have been
7established or approved by a federal, state or local government or governmental
(8) (c) The net business income of railroads, sleeping car companies, car
11line companies,
pipeline companies, financial organizations
, air carriers, and public
12utilities requiring apportionment shall be apportioned pursuant to rules of the
13department of revenue, but the income taxed is limited to the income derived from
14business transacted and property located within the state.
(10) Department may waive factor. Where, in the case of any nonresident
17individual or nonresident estate or trust engaged in business
within in and
18the outside of this state
of Wisconsin and required to apportion its income as provided
19in this section, it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the department of revenue that
20the use of any one of the 3 factors provided under sub. (4) gives an unreasonable or
21inequitable final average ratio because of the fact that such nonresident individual
22or nonresident estate or trust does not employ, to any appreciable extent in its trade
23or business in producing the income taxed, the factors made use of in obtaining such
24ratio, this factor may, with the approval of the department of revenue, be omitted in
1obtaining the final average ratio which is to be applied to the remaining net income.
2This subsection does not apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007.
SB197-SSA1, s. 14
14. 71.25 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 71.25 (6) (intro.) and
4amended to read:
(6) Allocation and separate accounting and apportionment formula. 6(intro.) Corporations engaged in business within and without the state shall be taxed
7only on such income as is derived from business transacted and property located
8within the state. The amount of such income attributable to Wisconsin may be
9determined by an allocation and separate accounting thereof, when the business of
10such corporation within the state is not an integral part of a unitary business, but
11the department of revenue may permit an allocation and separate accounting in any
12case in which it is satisfied that the use of such method will properly reflect the
13income taxable by this state. In all cases in which allocation and separate accounting
14is not permissible, the determination shall be made in the following manner: for all
15businesses except
air carriers, financial organizations,
pipeline companies, public
16utilities, railroads, sleeping car companies, car line companies and corporations or
17associations that are subject to a tax on unrelated business income under s. 71.26 (1)
18(a) there shall first be deducted from the total net income of the taxpayer the part
19thereof (less related expenses, if any) that follows the situs of the property or the
20residence of the recipient. The remaining net income shall be apportioned to
21Wisconsin this state by use of
an apportionment fraction composed of a sales factor
22under sub. (9) representing 50% of the fraction, a property factor under sub. (7)
23representing 25% of the fraction and a payroll factor under sub. (8) representing 25%
24of the fraction. the following:
(6) (a) For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2006, an
2apportionment fraction composed of a sales factor under sub. (9) representing 50%
3of the fraction, a property factor under sub. (7) representing 25% of the fraction, and
4a payroll factor under sub. (8) representing 25% of the fraction.
(6) (b) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, and before
7January 1, 2007, an apportionment fraction composed of a sales factor under sub. (9)
8representing 60% of the fraction, a property factor under sub. (7) representing 20%
9of the fraction, and a payroll factor under sub. (8) representing 20% of the fraction.
(6) (c) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006, and before
12January 1, 2008, an apportionment fraction composed of a sales factor under sub. (9)
13representing 80% of the fraction, a property factor under sub. (7) representing 10%
14of the fraction, and a payroll factor under sub. (8) representing 10% of the fraction.
(6) (d) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, an
17apportionment fraction composed of the sales factor under sub. (9).
(6) (e) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, and before
20January 1, 2008, the apportionment fraction for the remaining net income of a
21financial organization shall include a sales factor that represents more than 50% of
22the apportionment fraction, as determined by rule by the department. For taxable
23years beginning after December 31, 2007, the apportionment fraction for the
24remaining net income of a financial organization is composed of a sales factor, as
25determined by rule by the department.
(6m) Apportionment formula computation. (a) 1. For taxable years
3beginning before January 1, 2008, if both the numerator and the denominator of the
4sales factor under sub. (9) related to a taxpayer's remaining net income are zero, the
5sales factor under sub. (9) is eliminated from the apportionment formula to
6determine the taxpayer's remaining net income under sub. (6).
2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, if both the numerator
8and the denominator of the sales factor under sub. (9) related to a taxpayer's
9remaining net income are zero, none of the taxpayer's remaining net income is
10apportioned to this state.
(b) 1. For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2008, if the numerator of
12the sales factor under sub. (9) related to a taxpayer's remaining net income is a
13negative number and the denominator of the sales factor under sub. (9) related to a
14taxpayer's remaining net income is a positive number, a negative number, or zero,
15the sales factor under sub. (9) is zero.
2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, if the numerator of the
17sales factor under sub. (9) related to a taxpayer's remaining net income is a negative
18number and the denominator of the sales factor under sub. (9) related to a taxpayer's
19remaining net income is a positive number, a negative number, or zero, none of the
20taxpayer's remaining net income is apportioned to this state.
(c) 1. For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2008, if the numerator of
22the sales factor under sub. (9) related to a taxpayer's remaining net income is a
23positive number and the denominator of the sales factor under sub. (9) related to a
24taxpayer's remaining net income is zero or a negative number, the sales factor under
25sub. (9) is one.
12. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, if the numerator of the
2sales factor under sub. (9) related to a taxpayer's remaining net income is a positive
3number and the denominator of the sales factor under sub. (9) related to a taxpayer's
4remaining net income is zero or a negative number, all of the taxpayer's remaining
5net income is apportioned to this state.
SB197-SSA1, s. 21
21. 71.25 (7) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(7) Property factor. (intro.) For purposes of sub.
(5) (6) and for taxable
8years beginning before January 1, 2008:
SB197-SSA1, s. 22
22. 71.25 (8) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) Payroll factor. (intro.) For purposes of sub.
(5) (6) and for taxable
11years beginning before January 1, 2008:
(9) (d) Sales, other than sales of tangible personal property, are in this
14state if the income-producing activity is performed in this state. If the
15income-producing activity is performed both in and outside this state the sales shall
16be divided between those states having jurisdiction to tax such business in
17proportion to the direct costs of performance incurred in each such state in rendering
18this service. Services performed in states which do not have jurisdiction to tax the
19business shall be deemed to have been performed in the state to which compensation
20is allocated by
sub. s. 71.25 (8)
, 2001 stats.
SB197-SSA1, s. 24
24. 71.25 (10) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 71.25 (10) (b) 1. and
22amended to read:
(10) (b) 1. In this section,
for taxable years beginning before January 1,
242006, "public utility" means
any business entity described under subd. 2. and any
25business entity which owns or operates any plant, equipment, property, franchise,
1or license for the transmission of communications or the production, transmission,
2sale, delivery, or furnishing of electricity, water or steam the rates of charges for
3goods or services of which have been established or approved by a federal, state or
4local government or governmental agency.
52. In this section, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, "public 6utility"
also means any business entity providing service to the public and engaged
7in the transportation of goods and persons for hire, as defined in s. 194.01 (4),
8regardless of whether or not the entity's rates or charges for services have been
9established or approved by a federal, state or local government or governmental
(10) (c) The net business income of railroads, sleeping car companies, car
13line companies,
pipeline companies, financial organizations
, air carriers, and public
14utilities requiring apportionment shall be apportioned pursuant to rules of the
15department of revenue, but the income taxed is limited to the income derived from
16business transacted and property located within the state.
(11) Department may waive factor. Where, in the case of any corporation
19engaged in business
within in and
without the outside of this state
of Wisconsin and
20required to apportion its income as provided in sub. (6), it shall be shown to the
21satisfaction of the department of revenue that the use of any one of the 3 factors
22provided in sub. (6) gives an unreasonable or inequitable final average ratio because
23of the fact that such corporation does not employ, to any appreciable extent in its
24trade or business in producing the income taxed, the factors made use of in obtaining
25such ratio, this factor may, with the approval of the department of revenue, be
1omitted in obtaining the final average ratio which is to be applied to the remaining
2net income.
This subsection does not apply to taxable years beginning after
3December 31, 2007.
SB197-SSA1, s. 27
27. 71.45 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Apportionment. (intro.)
With respect Except as provided in sub. (3d), 6to
determine Wisconsin income for purposes of the franchise tax, domestic insurers
7not engaged in the sale of life insurance but which
that, in the taxable year, have
8collected received premiums
, other than life insurance premiums, written
9subjects of for insurance
on property or risks resident, located or to be performed
10outside this state
, there shall
be subtracted from multiply the net income figure
11derived by application of sub. (2)
(a) to arrive at Wisconsin income constituting the
12measure of the franchise tax an amount calculated by multiplying such adjusted
13federal taxable income by the arithmetic average of the following 2 percentages:
(3) (a)
The Subject to sub. (3d), the percentage
of total determined by
16dividing the sum of direct premiums written
on all property and risks for insurance 17other than life insurance,
with respect to all property and risks resident, located, or
18to be performed in this state, and assumed premiums written for reinsurance, other
19than life insurance, with respect to all property and risks resident, located, or to be
20performed in this state, by the sum of direct premiums written for insurance on all
21property and risks, other than life insurance, wherever located
during the taxable
22year, as reflects, and assumed premiums written
on insurance for reinsurance on all
23property and risks, other than life insurance,
where the subject of insurance was
24resident, located or to be performed outside this state wherever located. In this
25paragraph, "direct premiums" means direct premiums as reported for the taxable
1year on an annual statement that is filed by the insurer with the commissioner of
2insurance under s. 601.42 (1g) (a). In this paragraph, "assumed premiums" means
3assumed reinsurance premiums from domestic insurance companies as reported for
4the taxable year on an annual statement that is filed with the commissioner of
5insurance under s. 601.42 (1g) (a).
SB197-SSA1, s. 29
29. 71.45 (3) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 71.45 (3) (b) 1. and
7amended to read:
(3) (b) 1.
The Subject to sub. (3d), the percentage
of determined by
9dividing the payroll, exclusive of life insurance payroll, paid in this state in the
10taxable year by total payroll, exclusive of life insurance payroll, paid everywhere in
11the taxable year
as reflects such compensation paid outside this state.
132. Under subd. 1., payroll is paid
outside in this state if the individual's service
14is performed entirely
outside in this state; or the individual's service is performed
within and without in and outside of this state, but the service performed
within 16outside of this state is incidental to the individual's service
without in this state; or
17some service is performed
without in this state and the base of operations, or if there
18is no base of operations, the place from which the service is directed or controlled is
19without in this state, or the base of operations or the place from which the service is
20directed or controlled is not in any state in which some part of the service is
21performed, but the individual's residence is
in this state.
(3d) Phase in; domestic insurers. (a) For taxable years beginning after
24December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2007, a domestic insurer that is subject
25to apportionment under sub. (3) and this subsection shall multiply the net income
1figure derived by the application of sub. (2) by an apportionment fraction composed
2of the percentage under sub. (3) (a) representing 60% of the fraction and the
3percentage under sub. (3) (b) 1. representing 40% of the fraction.
(b) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006, and before January
51, 2008, a domestic insurer that is subject to apportionment under sub. (3) and this
6subsection shall multiply the net income figure derived by the application of sub. (2)
7by an apportionment fraction composed of the percentage under sub. (3) (a)
8representing 80% of the fraction and the percentage under sub. (3) (b) 1. representing
920% of the fraction.
(c) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, a domestic insurer
11that is subject to apportionment under sub. (3) and this subsection shall multiply the
12net income figure derived by the application of sub. (2) by the percentage under sub.
13(3) (a).
(3e) Apportionment formula computation. (a) 1. For taxable years
16beginning before January 1, 2008, if both the numerator and the denominator used
17to determine the percentage under sub. (3) (a) related to a taxpayer's net income are
18zero, the percentage under sub. (3) (a) is eliminated from the apportionment formula
19to determine the taxpayer's income under sub. (3).
2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, if both the numerator
21and the denominator used to determine the percentage under sub. (3) (a) related to
22a taxpayer's net income are zero, none of the taxpayer's net income is apportioned
23to this state.
(b) 1. For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2008, if the numerator
25used to determine the percentage under sub. (3) (a) related to a taxpayer's net income
1is a negative number and the denominator used to determine the percentage under
2sub. (3) (a) related to a taxpayer's net income is a positive number, a negative number,
3or zero, the percentage under sub. (3) (a) is zero.
2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, if the numerator used
5to determine the percentage under sub. (3) (a) related to a taxpayer's net income is
6a negative number and the denominator used to determine the percentage under
7sub. (3) (a) related to a taxpayer's net income is a positive number, a negative number,
8or zero, none of the taxpayer's net income is apportioned to this state.
(c) 1. For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2008, if the numerator used
10to determine the percentage under sub. (3) (a) related to a taxpayer's net income is
11a positive number and the denominator used to determine the percentage under sub.
12(3) (a) related to a taxpayer's net income is zero or a negative number, the percentage
13under sub. (3) (a) is one.
2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, if the numerator used
15to determine the percentage under sub. (3) (a) related to a taxpayer's net income is
16a positive number and the denominator used to determine the percentage under sub.
17(3) (a) related to a taxpayer's net income is zero or a negative number, all of the
18taxpayer's net income is apportioned to this state.
(3m) Arithmetic average. The Except as provided in sub. (3d), the 21arithmetic average of the 2 percentages referred to in sub. (3) shall be applied to the
22net income figure arrived at by the successive application of sub. (2) (a) and (b) with
23respect to Wisconsin insurers to which sub. (2) (a) and (b) applies and which have
24collected received premiums
, other than life insurance premiums, written
for 25insurance
, other than life insurance, where the subject of such insurance was on
1property or risks resident, located or to be performed outside this state, to arrive at
2Wisconsin income constituting the measure of the franchise tax.
Income apportionment for financial organizations; rules. The
5department of revenue shall submit in proposed form rules related to the
6apportionment of the income of financial organizations under sections 71.04 (4) (e)
7and 71.25 (6) (e) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the legislative council staff
8under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than the first day of the 4th month
9beginning after the effective date of this subsection.
Single sales factor apportionment. The treatment of section 71.45 (3)
12(intro.), (a), and (b) and (3m) of the statutes first applies to taxable years beginning
13after December 31, 2005.