SB44-SSA1, s. 2338 17Section 2338. 215.04 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB44-SSA1,863,19 18215.04 Review board. (1) Duties. The review board shall do all of the
SB44-SSA1,863,2020 (a) Advise the division on matters related to this chapter.
SB44-SSA1,863,2121 (b) Review the acts, orders, and determinations of the division.
SB44-SSA1,863,2322 (c) Act on any matters pertaining to this chapter that are submitted to it by the
SB44-SSA1,863,2424 (d) Perform other review functions relating to this chapter.
1(e) Conduct hearings and take testimony, and subpoena and swear witnesses
2at such hearings. The review board shall have the subpoena powers under s. 885.01
SB44-SSA1,864,5 4(2) Appearances. An interested party may appear at a proceeding of the review
5board and may participate in the examination of witnesses and present evidence.
SB44-SSA1,864,11 6(3) Witness fees. A person who causes a witness to be subpoenaed shall
7advance the fees and mileage expense of the witness. Witness fees shall be the same
8as fees under s. 814.67 (1) (b) and (c). The fees of witnesses who are called by the
9review board in the interests of the state shall be paid by the state upon presentation
10of proper vouchers approved by the chairperson of the review board and charged to
11the appropriation under s. 20.144 (1) (g).
SB44-SSA1,864,24 12(4) Review of acts, orders, or determinations. Any interested person or a
13savings association aggrieved by any act, order, or determination of the division,
14which relates to savings and loan associations, may, within 20 days after receipt or
15service of a copy of the act, order, or determination, file a written notice requesting
16the review board's review of the division's act, order, or determination. The review
17of the division's decision shall be solely to determine if the division acted within the
18scope of the division's authority and did not act in an arbitrary or capricious manner
19and to determine if the act, order, or determination of the division is supported by
20substantial evidence in view of the entire record as submitted. The review of
21applications for new charters, branch offices, or relocation of offices shall be based
22exclusively on the record and new evidence may not be taken by the review board.
23Requests for review under this subsection shall be considered and disposed of as
24speedily as possible.
1(5) Review. A determination of the review board is subject to review under ch.
2227. If an act, order, or determination of the division is reversed or modified by the
3review board, the division shall be considered to be a person aggrieved and directly
4affected by the decision under s. 227.53 (1).
SB44-SSA1,865,7 5(6) Board member not to act. A member of the review board may not act on
6any matter involving a savings and loan association or savings and loan holding
7company of which the member is an officer, director, employee, or agent.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2339 8Section 2339. 215.141 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,865,13 9215.141 Financially related services tie-ins. In any transaction conducted
10by an association, a savings and loan holding company, or a subsidiary of either with
11a customer who is also a customer of any other subsidiary of any of them, the
12customer shall be given a notice in 12-point boldface type in substantially the
13following form:
SB44-SSA1,865,2015 This company, ..... (insert name and address of association, savings and loan
16holding company, or subsidiary), is related to ..... (insert name and address of
17association, savings and loan holding company, or subsidiary) of which you are also
18a customer. You may not be compelled to buy any product or service from either of
19the above companies or any other related company in order to participate in this
SB44-SSA1,865,2521 If you feel that you have been compelled to buy any product or service from
22either of the above companies or any other related company in order to participate
23in this transaction, you should contact the management of either of the above
24companies at either of the above addresses or the division of savings institutions
25banking at .... (insert address).
SB44-SSA1, s. 2341
1Section 2341. 215.33 (3) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,866,62 215.33 (3) (b) 2. The accounts of the association are insured by the deposit
3insurance corporation or any other insurer acceptable to the division, or that
4adequate and sufficient securities have been deposited with the state treasurer
5secretary of administration to assure that the association will meet its obligations
6to the residents of this state.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2342 7Section 2342. 215.40 (18) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,866,118 215.40 (18) Appeal by applicants after being denied certificate of authority.
9If the division refuses to grant a certificate of authority to organize an association,
10and the applicants feel aggrieved thereby, they may appeal to the review board to
11review the division's determination under s. 215.04 (1) (d) (b) and (4).
SB44-SSA1, s. 2343 12Section 2343. 220.02 (2) (e) and (f) of the statutes are created to read:
SB44-SSA1,866,1313 220.02 (2) (e) Savings banks under ch. 214.
SB44-SSA1,866,1414 (f) Savings and loan associations under ch. 215.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2344 15Section 2344. 220.02 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,866,2316 220.02 (3) It is the intent of sub. (2) to give the division jurisdiction to enforce
17and carry out all laws relating to banks or banking in this state, including those
18relating to state banks, savings banks, savings and loan associations, and trust
19company banks, and also all laws relating to small loan companies or other loan
20companies or agencies, finance companies, motor vehicle dealers, adjustment service
21companies, community currency exchanges, and collection agencies and those
22relating to sellers of checks under ch. 217, whether doing business as corporations,
23individuals, or otherwise, but to exclude laws relating to credit unions.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2346 24Section 2346. 221.0303 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1221.0303 (2) Operation and acquisition of customer bank communications
A bank may, directly or indirectly, acquire, place , and operate, or
3participate in the acquisition, placement, and operation of, at locations other than
4its main or branch offices, customer bank communications terminals, in accordance
5with rules established by the division. The rules of the division shall provide that
6any such customer bank communications terminal shall be available for use, on a
7nondiscriminatory basis, by any state or national bank and by all customers
8designated by a bank using the terminal. This subsection does not authorize a bank
9which has its principal place of business outside this state to conduct banking
10business in this state. The customer bank communications terminals also shall be
11available for use, on a nondiscriminatory basis, by any credit union, savings and loan
12association, or savings bank, if the credit union, savings and loan association, or
13savings bank requests to share its use, subject to rules jointly established by the
14division of banking, and the office of credit unions and the division of savings
. The division by order may authorize the installation and operation of
16a customer bank communications terminal in a mobile facility, after notice and
17hearing upon the proposed service stops of the mobile facility.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2347 18Section 2347. 221.0320 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,867,2019 221.0320 (3) (a) In this subsection, "local governmental unit" has the meaning
20given in s. 22.01 16.97 (7).
SB44-SSA1, s. 2348 21Section 2348. 221.0321 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,868,522 221.0321 (5) Certain secured loans. A bank may make loans secured by
23assignment or transfer of stock certificates or other evidence of the borrower's
24ownership interest in a corporation formed for the cooperative ownership of real
25estate. Sections 846.10 and 846.101, as they apply to a foreclosure of a mortgage

1involving a one-family residence, apply to a proceeding to enforce the lender's rights
2in security given for a loan under this subsection. The division shall promulgate joint
3rules with the office of credit unions and the division of savings institutions that
4establish procedures for enforcing a lender's rights in security given for a loan under
5this subsection.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2349 6Section 2349. 223.02 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,868,97 223.02 (1) Indemnity fund deposit. (intro.) Deposit at least $100,000 with the
8state treasurer secretary of administration or the state treasurer's secretary's agent
9in accordance with the following provisions:
SB44-SSA1, s. 2350 10Section 2350. 223.02 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,868,1711 223.02 (1) (b) The state treasurer secretary of administration or the state
secretary's agent shall pay over to the bank trust company the interest,
13dividends, or other income on deposit or may authorize the bank trust company to
14collect the interest, dividends, or other income. The state treasurer secretary of
shall issue a certificate stating that a deposit has been made with the
16state treasurer secretary of administration or the state treasurer's secretary's agent
17in the manner provided in this section.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2351 18Section 2351. 223.02 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,868,2519 223.02 (1) (c) The state treasurer secretary of administration or the state
secretary's agent shall hold the deposit as security for the faithful
21execution of any trust which may be lawfully imposed upon and accepted by the trust
22company bank. The cash or securities shall remain in the possession of the state
secretary of administration or the state treasurer's secretary's agent until
24otherwise ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, unless released pursuant to
25par. (d).
SB44-SSA1, s. 2352
1Section 2352. 223.02 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,869,62 223.02 (1) (d) The securities and cash deposited by a trust company bank may
3be released by the state treasurer secretary of administration or the state treasurer's
4secretary's agent and returned to the bank, if the division certifies to the state
secretary of administration that the bank no longer exercises trust powers
6and that the division is satisfied that there are no outstanding trust liabilities.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2353 7Section 2353. 223.02 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,869,138 223.02 (1) (e) The state treasurer secretary of administration may designate
9a banking corporation, having an authorized capital of $1,000,000 or more, to act as
10an agent to hold the cash or securities in safekeeping. The agent shall furnish to the
11state treasurer secretary of administration a safekeeping receipt for all cash and
12securities received by it. The agent shall pay the cash and securities to the state
secretary of administration on demand without conditions.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2354 14Section 2354. 223.105 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,869,2115 223.105 (3) (a) To assure compliance with such rules as may be established
16under s. 220.04 (7), the division of banking, and the office of credit unions and the
17division of savings institutions
shall, at least once every 18 months, examine the
18fiduciary operations of each organization which is under its respective jurisdiction
19and is subject to examination under sub. (2). If a particular organization subject to
20examination under sub. (2) is not otherwise under the jurisdiction of one of the
21foregoing agencies, such examination shall be conducted by the division of banking.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2355 22Section 2355. 223.105 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,870,723 223.105 (4) Notice of fiduciary operation. Except for those organizations
24licensed under ch. 221 or this chapter, any organization engaged in fiduciary
25operations as defined in this section shall, as required by rule, notify the division of

1banking, or the office of credit unions or the division of savings institutions of that
2fact, directing the notice to the agency then exercising regulatory authority over the
3organization or, if there is none, to the division of banking. Any organization which
4intends to engage in fiduciary operations shall, prior to engaging in such operations,
5notify the appropriate agency of this intention. The notifications required under this
6subsection shall be on forms and contain information required by the rules
7promulgated by the division of banking.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2356 8Section 2356. 223.105 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,870,159 223.105 (5) Enforcement remedy. The division of banking or the division of
10savings institutions
or office of credit unions shall, upon the failure of such
11organization to submit notifications or reports required under this section or
12otherwise to comply with the provisions of this section, or rules established by the
13division of banking under s. 220.04 (7), upon due notice, order such defaulting
14organization to cease and desist from engaging in fiduciary activities and may apply
15to the appropriate court for enforcement of such order.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2357 16Section 2357. 223.105 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,870,2417 223.105 (6) Sunset. Except for an organization regulated by the office of credit
18unions or the division of savings institutions, a savings bank or savings and loan
19association regulated by the division of banking,
or an organization authorized by
20the division of banking to operate as a bank or trust company under ch. 221 or this
21chapter, an organization may not begin activity as a fiduciary operation under this
22section after May 12, 1992. An organization engaged in fiduciary operations under
23this section on May 12, 1992, may continue to engage in fiduciary operations after
24that date.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2358 25Section 2358. 223.20 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1223.20 (3) Surrender of trust powers. If a converted trust company bank has
2been fully discharged of all trusts committed to it, it may, by amendment to its
3articles of incorporation, duly adopted by its stockholders and approved by the
4division, surrender its powers to act in a fiduciary capacity. A trust company bank
5that surrenders its trust powers under this subsection shall eliminate from its
6corporate name the word "trust;" "trust" and may thereupon withdraw from the state
secretary of administration all securities and cash that it has deposited
8with the state treasurer secretary of administration pursuant to s. 223.02.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2359 9Section 2359. 224.71 (3) (b) 1m. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,871,1110 224.71 (3) (b) 1m. A community-based organization, as defined in s. 16.30
11560.9801 (1), or a housing authority, as defined in s. 16.30 560.9801 (2).
SB44-SSA1, s. 2360 12Section 2360. 224.71 (4) (b) 1m. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,871,1413 224.71 (4) (b) 1m. A community-based organization, as defined in s. 16.30
14560.9801 (1), or a housing authority, as defined in s. 16.30 560.9801 (2).
SB44-SSA1, s. 2361 15Section 2361. 224.77 (1m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,871,2016 224.77 (1m) (c) All forfeitures shall be paid to the division of banking within
1710 days after receipt of notice of assessment or, if the forfeiture is contested under
18par. (b), within 10 days after receipt of the final decision after exhaustion of
19administrative review. The division of banking shall remit all forfeitures paid to the
20state treasurer secretary of administration for deposit in the school fund.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2364 21Section 2364. 227.01 (13) (zk) of the statutes is repealed.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2367 22Section 2367. 227.03 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,871,2523 227.03 (7) Except as provided in s. 230.44 (4) (bm), this chapter does not apply
24to proceedings before the personnel employment relations commission in matters
25that are arbitrated in accordance with s. 230.44 (4) (bm).
SB44-SSA1, s. 2368
1Section 2368. 227.10 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,872,52 227.10 (3) (e) Nothing in this subsection prohibits the administrator of the
3division of merit recruitment and selection in the department of employment
office of state human resources management from promulgating rules
5relating to expanded certification under s. 230.25 (1n).
SB44-SSA1, s. 2369 6Section 2369. 227.115 (1) (a) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,872,87 227.115 (1) (a) "Department" means the department of administration
SB44-SSA1,872,109 (b) "State housing strategy plan" means the plan developed under s. 16.31
SB44-SSA1, s. 2370 11Section 2370. 227.115 (3) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,872,1212 227.115 (3) (a) 5. Housing costs, as defined in s. 16.30 560.9801 (3) (a) and (b).
SB44-SSA1, s. 2373 13Section 2373. 227.44 (2s) of the statutes is repealed.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2376 14Section 2376 . 227.47 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,872,2415 227.47 (2) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a proposed or final
16decision of the personnel employment relations commission, hearing examiner or
17arbitrator concerning an appeal of the decision of the secretary of employment
18relations made under s. 230.09 (2) (a) or (d) shall not be accompanied by findings of
19fact or conclusions of law. If within 30 days after the commission issues a decision
20in such an appeal either party files a petition for judicial review of the decision under
21s. 227.53 and files a written notice with the commission that the party has filed such
22a petition, the commission shall issue written findings of fact and conclusions of law
23within 90 days after receipt of the notice. The court shall stay the proceedings
24pending receipt of the findings and conclusions.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2377
1Section 2377. 227.47 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin Act ....
2(this act), is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,873,133 227.47 (2) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a proposed or final
4decision of the employment relations commission, hearing examiner or arbitrator
5concerning an appeal of the decision of the secretary of employment relations
6director of the office of state human resources management made under s. 230.09 (2)
7(a) or (d) shall not be accompanied by findings of fact or conclusions of law. If within
830 days after the commission issues a decision in such an appeal either party files
9a petition for judicial review of the decision under s. 227.53 and files a written notice
10with the commission that the party has filed such a petition, the commission shall
11issue written findings of fact and conclusions of law within 90 days after receipt of
12the notice. The court shall stay the proceedings pending receipt of the findings and
SB44-SSA1, s. 2378 14Section 2378. 227.52 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,873,1815 227.52 (3) Those decisions of the division of banking that are subject to review,
16prior to any judicial review, by the banking review board, and decisions of the division
17of banking relating to savings banks or savings and loan associations, but no other
18institutions subject to the jurisdiction of the division of banking
SB44-SSA1, s. 2379 19Section 2379. 227.52 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2380 20Section 2380. 227.53 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,874,421 227.53 (1) (a) 1. Proceedings for review shall be instituted by serving a petition
22therefor personally or by certified mail upon the agency or one of its officials, and
23filing the petition in the office of the clerk of the circuit court for the county where
24the judicial review proceedings are to be held. If the agency whose decision is sought
25to be reviewed is the tax appeals commission, the banking review board, the credit

1union review board, or the savings and loan institutions review board or the savings
2bank review board
, the petition shall be served upon both the agency whose decision
3is sought to be reviewed and the corresponding named respondent, as specified under
4par. (b) 1. to 5. 4.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2382 5Section 2382. 227.53 (1) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,874,96 227.53 (1) (b) 4. The savings and loan institutions review board, the division
7of savings institutions banking, except if the petitioner is the division of savings
banking, the prevailing parties before the savings and loan institutions
9review board shall be the named respondents.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2383 10Section 2383. 227.53 (1) (b) 5. of the statutes is repealed.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2384 11Section 2384. 227.53 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,874,1912 227.53 (1) (d) Except in the case of the tax appeals commission, the banking
13review board, the credit union review board, and the savings and loan institutions
14review board and the savings bank review board, the agency and all parties to the
15proceeding before it, shall have the right to participate in the proceedings for review.
16The court may permit other interested persons to intervene. Any person petitioning
17the court to intervene shall serve a copy of the petition on each party who appeared
18before the agency and any additional parties to the judicial review at least 5 days
19prior to the date set for hearing on the petition.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2384e 20Section 2384e. 230.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,875,1121 230.01 (2) It is the policy of the state and the responsibility of the secretary
22director and the administrator to maintain a system of personnel management
23which fills positions in the classified service through methods which apply the merit
24principle, with adequate civil service safeguards. It is the policy of this state to
25provide for equal employment opportunity by ensuring that all personnel actions

1including hire, tenure or term, and condition or privilege of employment be based on
2the ability to perform the duties and responsibilities assigned to the particular
3position without regard to age, race, creed or religion, color, disability, sex, national
4origin, ancestry, sexual orientation or political affiliation. It is the policy of this state
5to take affirmative action which is not in conflict with other provisions of this chapter.
6It is the policy of the state to ensure its employees opportunities for satisfying careers
7and fair treatment based on the value of each employee's services. It is the policy of
8this state to encourage disclosure of information under subch. III and to ensure that
9any employee employed by a governmental unit is protected from retaliatory action
10for disclosing information under subch. III. It is the policy of this state to correct pay
11inequities based on gender or race in the state civil service system.
SB44-SSA1, s. 2384m 12Section 2384m. 230.02 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-SSA1,875,15 13230.02 Liberal construction of statutes. Statutes applicable to the
14department office shall be construed liberally in aid of the purposes declared in s.