AB993-ASA2,1,4 1An Act to repeal 146.37; to amend 146.55 (7), 187.33 (3) (a) 5., 187.43 (3) (a)
25., 655.27 (1m) (b) and 655.27 (5) (a) 1. and 2.; and to repeal and recreate
3146.38 of the statutes; relating to: confidentiality of health care review records
4and immunity.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB993-ASA2, s. 1 5Section 1. 146.37 of the statutes is repealed.
AB993-ASA2, s. 2 6Section 2. 146.38 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB993-ASA2,1,8 7146.38 Health care quality improvement activity. (1) Definitions. In this
AB993-ASA2,1,109 (a) "Adverse action" means any action or recommendation to reduce, restrict,
10suspend, deny, revoke, or fail to renew any of the following:
AB993-ASA2,1,1211 1. A health care entity's clinical privileges or clinical practice authority at a
12hospital or other health care entity.
12. A health care entity's membership on a medical staff that is organized under
2by-laws or in another health care entity.
AB993-ASA2,2,43 3. A health care entity's participation in a defined network plan, as defined in
4s. 609.01 (1b).
AB993-ASA2,2,65 4. The credentialing, accreditation, licensure, registration, approval, or
6certification of a health care entity.
AB993-ASA2,2,77 (b) "Health care entity" means any of the following:
AB993-ASA2,2,158 1. A health care provider, as defined in s. 146.81 (1); an ambulatory surgery
9center as defined in s. 153.01 (1); a home health agency, as defined in s. 50.49 (1) (a);
10a home health aide, as defined in s. 146.40 (1) (bm); a hospice aide, as defined in s.
11146.40 (1) (bp); a nurse's assistant, as defined in s. 146.40 (1) (d); an ambulance
12service provider, as defined in s. 146.50 (1) (c); an emergency medical technician, as
13defined in s. 146.50 (1) (e); a first responder, as defined in s. 146.50 (1) (hm); or any
14other person who is licensed, certified, approved, or registered to provide health care
15services, including mental health services.
AB993-ASA2,2,1816 2. An individual who is enrolled in an education or training program that the
17individual must complete in order to obtain credentials required of an individual
18under subd. 1.
AB993-ASA2,2,2019 3. A person who is certified as a provider of medical assistance under s. 49.45
20(2) (a) 11.
AB993-ASA2,2,2221 4. A parent organization, subsidiary, or affiliate of a person described under
22subd. 1. or 3.
AB993-ASA2,3,223 (d) "Quality improvement activity" means an evaluation, review, study,
24assessment, investigation, recommendation, monitoring, corrective action, adverse

1action, or any other action, which may include one-time, continuous, or periodic data
2collection, relating to any of the following subjects:
AB993-ASA2,3,43 1. The quality of care provided by a health care entity or the quality of services
4provided by a health care entity that have an impact on care.
AB993-ASA2,3,55 2. Morbidity or mortality related to a health care entity.
AB993-ASA2,3,76 3. The qualification, competence, conduct, or performance of a health care
AB993-ASA2,3,88 4. The cost or use of health care services and resources of a health care entity.
AB993-ASA2,3,109 5. Compliance with applicable legal, ethical, or behavioral standards for a
10health care entity.
AB993-ASA2,3,1311 6. Compliance with credentialing, accreditation, or regulatory standards for a
12health care entity and performance of credentialing, accreditation, or regulatory
AB993-ASA2,3,1514 7. The accreditation, licensure, registration, certification, approval, or
15credentialing of a health care entity.
AB993-ASA2,3,1916 (e) "Records" includes minutes, files, notes, reports, statements, memoranda,
17databases, findings, work products, and images, regardless of the type of
18communications medium or form, including oral communications, and whether in
19statistical form or otherwise.
AB993-ASA2,3,2220 (f) "State agency" means a department, board, examining board, affiliated
21credentialing board, commission, independent agency, council, or office in the
22executive branch of state government.
AB993-ASA2,4,2 23(2) Immunity for acts or omissions. (a) No person acting in good faith who
24participates in a quality improvement activity to which sub. (3) applies is liable for

1civil damages as a result of any act or omission by the person in the course of the
2quality improvement activity.
AB993-ASA2,4,63 (b) The good faith of any person participating in a quality improvement activity
4to which sub. (3) applies shall be presumed in any civil action. Any person who
5asserts that a person has not acted in good faith has the burden of proving that
6assertion by clear and convincing evidence.
AB993-ASA2,4,11 7(3) Confidentiality and privilege. (a) Except as provided in sub. (4), all of the
8following are confidential and privileged; are not subject to discovery, subpoena, or
9any other means of legal compulsion requiring release or permitting inspection,
10including compulsion by a state agency; and are not admissible as evidence in any
11civil, criminal, or other judicial or administrative proceeding:
AB993-ASA2,4,1612 1. Records and information contained in records that are created, collected,
13reported, aggregated, or organized by any person as part of a quality improvement
14activity that is conducted by any person, organization, department, governing body,
15or committee, including a committee with representatives from multiple persons,
16organizations, departments, or governing bodies, that is any of the following:
AB993-ASA2,4,2017 a. A person that conducts a quality improvement activity as required or
18authorized by state or federal law, as a condition of accreditation, or under a bylaw,
19resolution, or policy; or another person who acts on that person's behalf. This subd.
201. a. does not apply to a state agency.
AB993-ASA2,4,2221 b. A person who is charged, authorized, or directed by a person described in
22subd. 1. a. to conduct the quality improvement activity.
AB993-ASA2,4,2523 2. A request for records or information made as part of a quality improvement
24activity described under subd. 1. by a person conducting the quality improvement
13. Notice to a health care entity that the entity is or will be the subject of a
2quality improvement activity described under subd. 1.
AB993-ASA2,5,43 (b) Except as provided in sub. (4) (c) and (g), the confidentiality and privilege
4afforded under par. (a) is not waived by unauthorized or authorized disclosure.
AB993-ASA2,5,65 (c) Records described under par. (a) 1. are not subject to inspection or copying
6under s. 19.35 (1).
AB993-ASA2,5,10 7(4) Exceptions to confidentiality and privilege. (a) Subsection (3) does not
8apply to records or information created apart from a quality improvement activity
9that are maintained by or for a health care entity for the particular purpose of
10diagnosing, treating, or documenting care provided to an individual patient.
AB993-ASA2,5,1511 (am) Subsection (3) does not apply to the release to a state agency of records
12or information created apart from a quality improvement activity that are
13maintained by or for a health care entity for a purpose other than as specified under
14par. (a), upon a showing by clear and convincing evidence that the records or
15information are otherwise unavailable.
AB993-ASA2,5,2116 (ar) Any person who testifies during or participates in a quality improvement
17activity to which sub. (3) applies may testify in any civil, criminal, or other judicial
18or administrative proceeding as to information within his or her knowledge, but may
19not testify as to information obtained solely through his or her participation in the
20quality improvement activity and may not testify as to any conclusion of the quality
21improvement activity.
AB993-ASA2,5,2422 (b) Subsection (3) does not prohibit disclosing that a reduction, restriction,
23suspension, denial, revocation, or failure to renew any item under sub. (1) (a) 1. to
244. has occurred.
1(c) A person required by state or federal law to report may disclose a record or
2information from a record that is confidential and privileged under sub. (3), in order
3to make the required report. Subsection (3) does not apply to a record that is
4disclosed under this paragraph or to information in the record.
AB993-ASA2,6,155 (d) If a person takes an adverse action against a health care entity or notifies
6a health care entity of a proposed adverse action against the health care entity as
7part of a quality improvement activity to which sub. (3) applies, the person shall,
8upon request by the health care entity, disclose to the health care entity any records
9in the person's possession relating to the adverse action or proposed adverse action.
10Records relating to the adverse action are admissible in any criminal, civil, or other
11judicial or administrative proceeding in which the health care entity contests the
12adverse action. A person who has authority to take an adverse action against a
13health care entity as part of a quality improvement activity to which sub. (3) applies
14may at any time disclose to the health care entity records relating to a proposed
15adverse action against the health care entity.
AB993-ASA2,6,1816 (e) A person under sub. (3) (a) 1. a. conducting a quality improvement activity
17may disclose the records and information that are confidential and privileged under
18sub. (3).
AB993-ASA2,6,2319 (f) A person under sub. (3) (a) 1. b. conducting a quality improvement activity
20may disclose the records and information that are confidential and privileged under
21sub. (3) if there is written authorization to make the disclosure from whoever
22charged, authorized, or directed the person to conduct the quality improvement
AB993-ASA2,6,2524 (g) The confidentiality and privilege afforded to records under sub. (3) does not
25apply to records that are disclosed to the general public under par. (e) or (f).
1(h) A person planning an activity that would be a quality improvement activity
2may in advance of the activity designate in writing that sub. (3) does not apply to the
3records and information created, collected, reported, aggregated, or organized by any
4person as part of the designated activity.
AB993-ASA2,7,7 5(5) Any person who discloses information or releases a record in violation of
6sub. (3), other than through a good faith mistake, is civilly liable to any person
7harmed by the disclosure or release.
AB993-ASA2,7,10 8(6) Construction. This section shall be liberally construed in favor of
9identifying records and information as confidential, privileged, and inadmissible as
AB993-ASA2, s. 3 11Section 3. 146.55 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB993-ASA2,7,1812 146.55 (7) Insurance. A physician who participates in an emergency medical
13services program under this section or as required under s. 146.50 shall purchase
14health care liability insurance in compliance with subch. III of ch. 655, except for
15those acts or omissions of a physician who, as a medical director, reviews as defined
16in s. 146.50 (1) (j), conducts a quality improvement activity relating to
17performance of emergency medical technicians or ambulance service providers, as
18specified under s. 146.37 (1g) 146.38 (2).
AB993-ASA2, s. 4 19Section 4. 187.33 (3) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB993-ASA2,7,2220 187.33 (3) (a) 5. Proceedings based upon a cause of action for which the
21volunteer is immune from liability under s. 146.31 (2) and (3), 146.37 146.38 (2),
22895.44, 895.48, 895.482, 895.51, or 895.52.
AB993-ASA2, s. 5 23Section 5. 187.43 (3) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
1187.43 (3) (a) 5. Proceedings based upon a cause of action for which the
2volunteer is immune from liability under s. 146.31 (2) and (3), 146.37 146.38 (2),
3895.44, 895.48, 895.482, 895.51, or 895.52.
AB993-ASA2, s. 6 4Section 6. 655.27 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB993-ASA2,8,125 655.27 (1m) (b) A health care provider who engages in the activities described
6in s. 146.37 (1g) and (3)
a quality improvement activity under 146.38 shall be liable
7for not more than the limits expressed under s. 655.23 (4) or the maximum liability
8limit for which the health care provider is insured, whichever limit is greater, if he
9or she is found to be liable under s. 146.37 146.38, and the fund shall pay the excess
10amount, unless the health care provider is found not to have acted in good faith
11during those activities and the failure to act in good faith is found by the trier of fact,
12by clear and convincing evidence, to be both malicious and intentional.
AB993-ASA2, s. 7 13Section 7. 655.27 (5) (a) 1. and 2. of the statutes are amended to read:
AB993-ASA2,8,2214 655.27 (5) (a) 1. Any person may file a claim for damages arising out of the
15rendering of medical care or services or participation in peer review activities a
16quality improvement activity
under s. 146.37 146.38 within this state against a
17health care provider or an employee of a health care provider. A person filing a claim
18may recover from the fund only if the health care provider or the employee of the
19health care provider has coverage under the fund, the fund is named as a party in
20the action, and the action against the fund is commenced within the same time
21limitation within which the action against the health care provider or employee of
22the health care provider must be commenced.
AB993-ASA2,9,1323 2. Any person may file an action for damages arising out of the rendering of
24medical care or services or participation in peer review activities a quality review
under s. 146.37 146.38 outside this state against a health care provider or

1an employee of a health care provider. A person filing an action may recover from
2the fund only if the health care provider or the employee of the health care provider
3has coverage under the fund, the fund is named as a party in the action, and the
4action against the fund is commenced within the same time limitation within which
5the action against the health care provider or employee of the health care provider
6must be commenced. If the rules of procedure of the jurisdiction in which the action
7is brought do not permit naming the fund as a party, the person filing the action may
8recover from the fund only if the health care provider or the employee of the health
9care provider has coverage under the fund and the fund is notified of the action
10within 60 days of service of process on the health care provider or the employee of the
11health care provider. The board of governors may extend this time limit if it finds
12that enforcement of the time limit would be prejudicial to the purposes of the fund
13and would benefit neither insureds nor claimants.