2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
February 15, 2005 - Offered by Representatives Kessler, Grigsby, A. Williams,
Toles, Schneider, Colon
and Boyle.
AJR3-ASA1,1,51 To amend so as in effect to repeal section 4 (3) (c) of article VI; to renumber and
section 4 (1) of article VI and section 12 of article VII; to amend section
34 (4) of article VI; and to create section 4 (1) (b) and (c) of article VI and section
412 (2) of article VII of the constitution; relating to: four-year terms of office for
5certain county officers (first consideration).
Explanation of Proposal
This proposed constitutional amendment, proposed to the 2005 legislature on
first consideration, requires counties to elect county clerks and treasurers every four
years, and changes the terms of office from two years to four years for coroners,
elected surveyors, registers of deeds, treasurers, county clerks, and clerks of circuit
court. For clerks of circuit court and coroners, the first elections to four-year terms
will be held concurrently with the first gubernatorial election following ratification,
which is when the constitution provides that sheriffs are to be first elected to
four-year terms. For elected surveyors, registers of deeds, treasurers, and county
clerks, the first elections to four-year terms will be held concurrently with the first
presidential election following ratification.
The proposal does not change the times for holding regular elections for any
county offices, and does not affect the terms of office of elected county chief executive
officers (they already serve four-year terms), district attorneys, or the terms of office
of county supervisors or sheriffs.

A proposed constitutional amendment requires adoption by two successive
legislatures, and ratification by the people, before it can become effective.
AJR3-ASA1,2,1 1Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That:
AJR3-ASA1, s. 1 2Section 1. Section 4 (1) of article VI of the constitution is renumbered section
34 (1) (a) of article VI and amended to read:
AJR3-ASA1,2,74 [Article VI] Section 4 (1) (a) Except as provided in pars. (b) and (c) and sub. (2),
5coroners, registers of deeds, district attorneys, and all other elected county officers,
6except judicial officers, sheriffs, and chief executive officers, shall be chosen by the
7electors of the respective counties once in every 2 years.
AJR3-ASA1, s. 2 8Section 2. Section 4 (1) (b) and (c) of article VI of the constitution are created
9to read:
AJR3-ASA1,2,1710 [Article VI] Section 4 (1) (b) Beginning with the first general election at which
11the governor is elected which occurs after the ratification of this paragraph, sheriffs
12shall be chosen by the electors of the respective counties, or by the electors of all of
13the respective counties comprising each combination of counties combined by the
14legislature for that purpose, for the term of 4 years and coroners in counties in which
15there is a coroner shall be chosen by the electors of the respective counties, or by the
16electors of all of the respective counties comprising each combination of counties
17combined by the legislature for that purpose, for the term of 4 years.
AJR3-ASA1,3,318 (c) Beginning with the first general election at which the president is elected
19which occurs after the ratification of this paragraph, registers of deeds, county
20clerks, and treasurers shall be chosen by the electors of the respective counties, or
21by the electors of all of the respective counties comprising each combination of
22counties combined by the legislature for that purpose, for the term of 4 years and
23surveyors in counties in which the office of surveyor is filled by election shall be

1chosen by the electors of the respective counties, or by the electors of all of the
2respective counties comprising each combination of counties combined by the
3legislature for that purpose, for the term of 4 years.
AJR3-ASA1, s. 3 4Section 3. Section 4 (3) (c) of article VI of the constitution is amended so as in
5effect to repeal said paragraph:
AJR3-ASA1,3,86 [Article VI] Section 4 (3) (c) Beginning with the first general election at which
7the governor is elected which occurs after the ratification of this paragraph, sheriffs
8shall be chosen by the electors of the respective counties once in every 4 years.
AJR3-ASA1, s. 4 9Section 4. Section 4 (4) of article VI of the constitution is amended to read:
AJR3-ASA1,3,1210 [Article VI] Section 4 (4) The governor may remove any elected county officer
11mentioned in this section except a county clerk, treasurer, or surveyor, giving to the
12officer a copy of the charges and an opportunity of being heard.
AJR3-ASA1, s. 5 13Section 5. Section 12 of article VII of the constitution is renumbered section
1412 (1) of article VII and amended to read:
AJR3-ASA1,3,1815 [Article VII] Section 12 (1) There shall be a clerk of the circuit court chosen in
16each county organized for judicial purposes by the qualified electors thereof, who,
17except as provided in sub. (2),
shall hold his office for two years, subject to removal
18as shall be provided by law; in.
AJR3-ASA1,3,20 19(3) In case of a vacancy, the judge of the circuit court shall have power to may
20appoint a clerk until the vacancy shall be is filled by an election; the.
AJR3-ASA1,3,22 21(4) The clerk thus elected or appointed of circuit court shall give such security
22as the legislature may require requires by law.
AJR3-ASA1,3,24 23(5) The supreme court shall appoint its own clerk, and may appoint a clerk of
24the circuit court may be appointed a to be the clerk of the supreme court.
AJR3-ASA1, s. 6 25Section 6. Section 12 (2) of article VII of the constitution is created to read:
1[Article VII] Section 12 (2) Beginning with the first general election at which
2the governor is elected which occurs after the ratification of this subsection, a clerk
3of circuit court shall be chosen by the electors of each county, for the term of 4 years,
4subject to removal as provided by law.
AJR3-ASA1, s. 7 5Section 7. Numbering of new provisions. (1) The new paragraph (b) of
6subsection (1) of section 4 of article VI of the constitution created in this joint
7resolution shall be designated by the next higher open paragraph letter in that
8subsection in that section in that article if, before the ratification by the people of the
9amendment proposed in this joint resolution, any other ratified amendment has
10created a paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 4 of article VI of the constitution
11of this state. If one or more joint resolutions create a paragraph (b) of subsection (1)
12of section 4 of article VI simultaneously with the ratification by the people of the
13amendment proposed in this joint resolution, the paragraphs created shall be
14numbered and placed in a sequence so that the paragraphs created by the joint
15resolution having the lowest enrolled joint resolution number have the letters
16designated in that joint resolution and the paragraphs created by the other joint
17resolutions have letters that are in the same ascending order as are the numbers of
18the enrolled joint resolutions creating the paragraphs.
AJR3-ASA1,5,619 (2) The new paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 4 of article VI of the
20constitution created in this joint resolution shall be designated by the next higher
21open paragraph letter in that subsection in that section in that article if, before the
22ratification by the people of the amendment proposed in this joint resolution, any
23other ratified amendment has created a paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 4
24of article VI of the constitution of this state. If one or more joint resolutions create
25a paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 4 of article VI simultaneously with the

1ratification by the people of the amendment proposed in this joint resolution, the
2paragraphs created shall be lettered and placed in a sequence so that the paragraphs
3created by the joint resolution having the lowest enrolled joint resolution number
4have the letters designated in that joint resolution and the paragraphs created by
5the other joint resolutions have letters that are in the same ascending order as are
6the numbers of the enrolled joint resolutions creating the paragraphs.
AJR3-ASA1,5,197 (3) The new subsection (2) of section 12 of article VII of the constitution created
8in this joint resolution shall be designated by the next higher open whole subsection
9number in that section in that article if, before the ratification by the people of the
10amendment proposed in this joint resolution, any other ratified amendment has
11created a subsection (2) of section 12 of article VII of the constitution of this state.
12If one or more joint resolutions create a subsection (2) of section 12 of article VII
13simultaneously with the ratification by the people of the amendment proposed in this
14joint resolution, the subsections created shall be numbered and placed in a sequence
15so that the subsections created by the joint resolution having the lowest enrolled joint
16resolution number have the numbers designated in that joint resolution and the
17subsections created by the other joint resolutions have numbers that are in the same
18ascending order as are the numbers of the enrolled joint resolutions creating the
AJR3-ASA1,5,22 20Be it further resolved, That this proposed amendment be referred to the
21legislature to be chosen at the next general election and that it be published for 3
22months previous to the time of holding such election.