(2m) (bm) In lieu of marking within the public right-of-way the
4locations of sewer or water service laterals, a local government unit may provide an
5excavator with information on the location of such laterals as shown on maps,
6drawings, diagrams, or other records that are readily available. A local government
7unit or other person that, in good faith, provides or creates such information, or an
8excavator that relies on such information, is immune from civil liability resulting
9from damage to underground facilities attributable to erroneous information. If a
10local government unit has no such readily available information regarding such
11laterals and the local government unit provides the excavator with a notice certifying
12that the local government unit has no such readily available information, the local
13government unit is considered to have satisfied the requirements of par. (b).".
12. Page 3, line 21: delete the material beginning with "Each local" and ending
2with "to" on line 24 and substitute "Any person who, after December 31, 2006, installs
3a nonconductive water or sewer lateral shall".