1(b) At the general election, a ballot that is cast under s. 6.22 by an elector who
2is a military elector, that is received by mail from the U.S. postal service, and that
3is postmarked no later than election day shall be counted as provided in this section
4if it is received by a municipal clerk no later than 5 p.m. on the 10th day after the
SB612-AA3,3,11 6(4) For purposes of sub. (3), if a certificate envelope is not postmarked or has
7a postmark that is not legible to the board of canvassers, and the envelope was
8received by mail from the U.S. postal service in the manner and within the period
9prescribed in sub. (3), it is presumed that the envelope was placed in the mail on or
10before election day, unless established by a preponderance of the evidence to the
SB612-AA3,3,19 12(5) No later than the closing hour of the polls on the day of the September
13primary and the day of the general election, the municipal clerk of each municipality
14shall post at his or her office and on the Internet at a site announced by the clerk
15before the polls open, and shall make available to any person upon request, a
16statement of the number of absentee ballots that the clerk has mailed or transmitted
17to military electors under this section and that have not been returned to the polling
18places where the electors reside by the closing hour on election day. The posting shall
19not include the names or addresses of any military electors.
SB612-AA3,4,2 20(6) (a) Whenever the municipal clerk of any municipality receives an absentee
21ballot cast by an elector who is a military elector under this section and the ballot is
22not received in sufficient time for delivery to the polling place serving the residence
23of the elector on election day but is received within the time specified in sub. (3), the
24clerk shall promptly provide written notice to the board of canvassers of each
25municipality, special purpose district, and county that is responsible for canvassing

1the election of the number of such ballots that have been cast received by the clerk
2in each ward or election district.
SB612-AA3,4,123 (b) Whenever a board of canvassers receives notification from a municipal clerk
4under par. (a), the board of canvassers shall reconvene no later than 9 a.m. on the
5day after the last day permitted for acceptance of absentee ballots under sub. (3) and
6shall proceed to open and record the names of the military electors whose ballots
7have been received. If the ballot cast by a military elector is otherwise valid, the
8board of canvassers shall count the ballot and adjust the statements, certifications,
9and determinations accordingly. If the municipal clerk transmits returns of the
10election to the county clerk, the municipal clerk shall transmit to the county clerk
11a copy of the amended returns together with all additional ballots and envelopes
12reviewed by the board of canvassers and with amended tally sheets.".
SB612-AA3,4,14 137. Page 28, line 14: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
14with page 29, line 17.
SB612-AA3,4,17 158. Page 39, line 12: after "votes," insert "an indication of whether the elector
16is a military elector, as defined in sub. (2) (c), who has so certified under s. 6.865
SB612-AA3,4,22 189. Page 52, line 21: after "election." insert "If the elector is making written
19application for an absentee ballot at the September primary or general election and
20the application indicates that the elector is a military elector, as defined in s. 6.36 (2)
21(c), the application shall be received by the municipal clerk no later than 5 p.m. on
22election day.
SB612-AA3,4,24 2310. Page 55, line 7: delete the material beginning with "6.865" and ending
24with "or" on line 8 and substitute:
1"6.865 (3) If Except as provided in sub. (3m), if the elector making a timely
2request for an absentee ballot is a military elector or".
SB612-AA3,5,3 311. Page 55, line 18: delete lines 18 to 21 and substitute:
SB612-AA3,5,4 4" Section 78a. 6.865 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB612-AA3,5,155 6.865 (3m) (a) Except as provided in par. (c), if any elector who certifies that
6he or she will be a military elector on election day requests an absentee ballot, the
7municipal clerk shall send or transmit to the elector an absentee ballot for all
8elections that occur in the municipality or portion thereof where the elector resides
9beginning on the date that the clerk receives the request and ending on the day after
10the 3rd successive general election that follows receipt of the request, unless the
11elector otherwise requests. In addition, the municipal clerk shall continue to send
12or transmit to the elector an absentee ballot for all elections ending on the day after
13the 3rd successive general election that follows any election at which the elector
14returns an absentee ballot under this section or renews his or her request under par.
SB612-AA3,5,2116 (b) A military elector may indicate an alternate address on his or her absentee
17ballot application. If the elector's ballot is returned as undeliverable prior to the
18deadline for receipt and return of absentee ballots under sub. (3) and the elector
19remains eligible to receive absentee ballots under this subsection, the municipal
20clerk shall immediately send or transmit an absentee ballot to the elector at the
21alternate address.
SB612-AA3,6,1922 (c) If there occur 3 successive general elections at which a military elector fails
23to return an absentee ballot sent or transmitted to the elector under this subsection
24and the elector has not cast an absentee ballot at any intervening election, if the clerk

1is reliably informed that the elector is no longer a military elector or no longer resides
2in the municipality, or if the elector so requests, the clerk shall discontinue sending
3or transmitting absentee ballots to the elector under this subsection. If a military
4elector is subject to a registration requirement and the name of the military elector
5no longer appears on the registration list, the municipal clerk shall discontinue
6sending or transmitting absentee ballots to the elector under this subsection. If a
7military elector who has requested an absentee ballot changes his or her residence
8from the municipality where a request is filed to another municipality in this state,
9the municipal clerk of the municipality who received the request shall notify the
10clerk of the municipality to which the elector's residence is changed of the date of the
11request or latest renewal and the date of the most recent absentee ballot returned
12by the elector, and the municipal clerk who is so notified shall treat the request as
13having been made to him or her. Prior to any discontinuance of the service provided
14to a military elector under this subsection solely for failure to return absentee ballots,
15the municipal clerk shall mail the elector a 1st class letter or postcard notifying the
16elector that absentee ballots will no longer be sent to the elector unless the elector
17renews his or her request within 30 days of the date of the notification. The clerk
18shall notify a military elector of any action under this paragraph that is not taken
19at the elector's request within 5 days of taking that action, if possible.".
SB612-AA3,6,20 2012. Page 60, line 7: delete "6.22 (5m)" and substitute "6.221 (3)".
SB612-AA3,6,21 2113. Page 60, line 13: delete "6.22 (5m), any" and substitute "6.221 (3), the".
SB612-AA3,6,22 2214. Page 89, line 9: delete "by 2 4" and substitute " by 2 no later than 4".
SB612-AA3,6,24 2315. Page 89, line 11: after "election" insert ", and no later than 4 p.m. on the
24day after receiving any corrected returns under s. 6.221 (6) (b)
116. Page 103, line 10: after that line insert:
SB612-AA3,7,2 2" Section 145g. 7.60 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB612-AA3,7,203 7.60 (5) (a) Immediately following the canvass, the county clerk shall deliver
4or send to the elections board, by 1st class mail, a certified copy of each statement of
5the county board of canvassers for president and vice president, state officials,
6senators and representatives in congress, state legislators, justice, court of appeals
7judge, circuit judge, district attorney, and metropolitan sewerage commissioners, if
8the commissioners are elected under s. 200.09 (11) (am). The statement shall record
9the returns for each office or referendum by ward, unless combined returns are
10authorized under s. 5.15 (6) (b) in which case the statement shall record the returns
11for each group of combined wards. Following primaries the county clerk shall enclose
12on forms prescribed by the elections board the names, party or principle designation,
13if any, and number of votes received by each candidate recorded in the same manner.
14The county clerk shall deliver or transmit the certified statement to the elections
15board no later than 7 days after each primary and except the September primary, no
16later than 10 days after the September primary and any other election except the
17general election, and no later than 14 days after the general election
. The board of
18canvassers shall deliver or transmit a certified copy of each statement for any
19technical college district referendum to the secretary of the technical college district
SB612-AA3, s. 145r 21Section 145r. 7.70 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB612-AA3,8,422 7.70 (3) (a) The chairperson of the board or a designee of the chairperson
23appointed by the chairperson to canvass a specific election shall publicly canvass the
24returns and make his or her certifications and determinations on or before the 2nd

1Tuesday following a spring primary, the 15th day of May following a spring election,
2the 4th Tuesday in September 3rd Wednesday following a September primary, the
3first day of December following a general election, the 2nd Thursday following a
4special primary, or within 18 days after any special election.".
SB612-AA3,8,5 517. Page 105, line 11: after that line insert:
SB612-AA3,8,6 6" Section 150m. 9.01 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB612-AA3,9,127 9.01 (1) (a) Any candidate voted for at any election or any elector who voted
8upon any referendum question at any election may request a recount. The petitioner
9shall file a verified petition or petitions with the proper clerk or body under par. (ar)
10not earlier than the time of completion of the canvass and not later than 5 p.m. on
11the 3rd business day following the last meeting day of the municipal or county board
12of canvassers determining the election for that office or on that referendum question
13prior to issuance of any amended return under s. 6.221 (6) (b) or, if more than one
14board of canvassers makes the determination not later than 5 p.m. on the 3rd
15business day following the last meeting day of the last board of canvassers which
16makes a determination prior to issuance of any amended return under s. 6.221 (6)
. If the chairperson of the board or chairperson's designee makes the
18determination for the office or the referendum question, the petitioner shall file the
19petition not earlier than the last meeting day of the last county board of canvassers
20to make a statement in the election or referendum and not later than 5 p.m. on the
213rd business day following the day on which the elections board receives the last
22statement from a county board of canvassers for the election or referendum. Each
23verified petition shall state that at the election the petitioner was a candidate for the
24office in question or that he or she voted on the referendum question in issue; that

1the petitioner is informed and believes that a mistake or fraud has been committed
2in a specified ward or municipality in the counting and return of the votes cast for
3the office or upon the question; or shall specify any other defect, irregularity or
4illegality in the conduct of the election. The petition shall specify each ward, or each
5municipality where no wards exist, in which a recount is desired. If a recount is
6requested for all wards within a jurisdiction, each ward need not be specified. The
7petition may be amended to include information discovered as a result of the
8investigation of the board of canvassers or the chairperson of the board or
9chairperson's designee after the filing of the petition, if the petitioner moves to
10amend the petition as soon as possible after the petitioner discovered or reasonably
11should have discovered the information which is the subject of the amendment and
12the petitioner was unable to include information in the original petition.".
SB612-AA3,9,13 1318. Page 105, line 18: delete "6.22 (5m) (f)" and substitute "6.221 (6) (b)".
SB612-AA3,9,14 1419. Page 105, line 23: delete "6.22 (5m) (f)" and substitute "6.221 (6) (b)".
SB612-AA3,9,15 1520. Page 106, line 4: delete "6.22 (5m) (f)" and substitute "6.221 (6) (b)".
SB612-AA3,9,16 1621. Page 106, line 8: delete lines 8 to 22 and substitute:
SB612-AA3,9,17 17" Section 152m. 9.01 (1) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
SB612-AA3,9,2118 9.01 (1) (am) A person who files a petition under par. (a) may withdraw the
19petition. If the petitioner withdraws a petition before any board of canvassers that
20canvassed the original election begins its recount, the clerk or body shall refund any
21fee paid under par. (ag).
SB612-AA3, s. 153a 22Section 153a. 9.01 (1) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB612-AA3,9,2423 9.01 (1) (b) (intro.) The proper board of canvassers shall reconvene no earlier
24than 9 a.m. on the day following delivery of notice to all candidates under sub. (2) and

1no later than 9 a.m. on the day following the last day for filing of a petition and, or
2if the original canvass is subject to correction under s. 6.221 (6) (b), immediately after
3issuance of the amended statement and determination in the original canvass,
4whichever is later. The board of canvassers shall then
proceed to recount the ballots
5in the wards or municipalities specified and to review the allegations of fact
6contained in the petition or petitions. The recount shall proceed for each ward or
7municipality as follows:".